Wolves DAO: Web3 Gaming‘s Real Cabal

Recorded: Jan. 23, 2024 Duration: 1:00:10



You're a step to the money that's a lately take advantage of my time to get a payday
I've been to myself. I've been not the way if I'm not with the kids me and take say
Bring the back and get a bag. It's a routine. I don't know if cross the border like some poo tea
Change to be on no see
And look we made
Still don't wanna listen to us who got friends
It what I'm saying. I could take a cookie cutter system and bust it down a baby. Okay, okay
What's up?
I've been on the paper cheese for months
I've been on the marathon for months running up all the night. Can't just get enough. I know
I've been on the paper cheese for months
I've been on the marathon for months
All the night kids get enough by not shit west, but I'm getting really rich not spirit, but I really make it
Soundcheck the works got a messin with his soundcheck the world. This is really just some business
When I stand on it, I've been on myself with some bands on it. No days old
Who me take a break in and playing on it?
Take a loss and I'm not stressing it. The money works for me when I invested in what you step in now
What I'm stepping in I cannot be just enough American. Okay, okay
What's up?
I've been on the paper cheese for months
I've been on the marathon for months running up all the night
Can't just get enough by, you know
I've been on the paper cheese for months
I've been on the marathon for months
All the night kids get enough by, you know
We got a very special show planned for today and we already got quite the stacked panel from the get-go
Title of the show makes it pretty pretty clear what we want to talk about today
We do have wolf style and some of its members core contributors and builders with us today
I think there is no way in today's space to talk about web3 gaming to talk about the web3 meta
Without also talking about wolf style and so i'm pretty pretty happy that we put together a special panel
We did try
To bring um a bit more variety to the spaces karm and I have been discussing how we want to structure them going forward
With on the one hand still continue to focus on
Explorations of individual games, but also on the other hand to really take the time and have some more in-depth conversations
Like the one that we had with them from azuki and also like the one that we're going to have today with
seam and all the other contributors from
A wolf style to explore a bit of his history a bit of its ambitions, but also like the responsibility that comes with it
Um when you have such an influence in this space
Myself i'm also a member of wolf style rather rather guard of reasons. So i'm also personally very curious to learn more
Um about the dallas history with that being said sam. Welcome to the stage
How are you doing? How's your week been so far?
Good morning. Thank you guys so much for having us. We feel really honored
I was just spreading the link around with some of the the other cabals that are not the real gaming cabal
But uh, maybe still cool
Um, I i'm doing well, it's super early in the morning here
So my brain isn't completely firing at all cylinders a quick reminder. Uh, paten our founder
Unfortunately of all the times has been hacked his twitter was compromised
So he isn't able to be here today because we don't want to talk to the guy who is actually behind the account right now
Uh, he seems like a real asshole. So we're gonna go ahead and leave paten out of this one
Unfortunately, which makes me really sad, but i'm happy to talk about this always
Excited to talk about the wolves because it's one of my biggest passions
We've been building it for over two years and any time
We get to shed some more light on the amazing stuff that the guys over there are doing
It always just makes me really really happy. So thanks again for having us guys
Absolutely our pleasure. Yeah, and very good that you're pointing that out if i've seen it on the discord also before
Um, very good safety announcement. There is no token. There is no nft claim or whatever else might be
Promised in any posts of the compromised account. So absolutely, please stay safe
Um, I did like how you said, you know
The other not real cabals who also might be cool because that sets me up for
A bit of an edgy questions for some of our other panelists. Um a co-op welcome to the stage
Can there really be more than one cabal?
Oh, is this for me
Yeah, that was for you specifically. Uh, yeah, there definitely can be more than one call there there is and um
You know, I think we're all in a couple of them. Honestly
Uh, to me, they're just great groups of people who are working in the space and care a lot about the space
And they all have a different flavor
And I think wolves is my like home cabal
Uh, but i'm definitely a part of others
I love to hear that. Um carl, welcome to the stage as well. What do you think about the concept of a home cabal?
And and multiple cabals existing at the same time
Thanks for having me. Um, well, I think that's that's definitely uh
different cabals for each blockchain for each project and it keeps on switching and um,
Like cop just said we're all part of some cabal in some way and
most of them are possibly just trying to pump their bags, but um
There's definitely exceptions that that are trying to bring the space forward
And that's what we're here for right?
Absolutely. And that's also going to be a a big part of today's conversation a what role wolf star will play or is playing
in connecting the gamers ecosystem to gaming project
But also the responsibility that comes like just with a certain level
Um of influence that not only daos cabals, however, you want to call them have but also individual creators
Um, it's both welcome to the stage. How are you doing my friends?
Good morning. Thanks for having me. Um, definitely excited to be part of uh, twitter space. Uh, definitely
Don't get to do enough to these. Uh, so glad to be here
I'm glad to have you with us. Um lambs same question to you. Can there be more than one cabal? How are you doing today?
GM gm everyone. How's it going? Um, of course, there can be tons of cabals
We all have our our little subgroups. There's even layers to the cabals, right?
So you have, you know the one cabal and you have like the subgroup inside the cabal
Um, but at the end of the day it always comes down to each each group kind of has its own
Ethics and different groups they work in within the space and uh, yeah, it's uh, some have more questionable ethics than others
Absolutely. Yeah, it's like an onion. You have to peel it to get to the inner layers and the inner workings of a cabal
Um blake, welcome to the stage as well. How are you doing today?
Excellent. Excellent. I'm excited to be with my wolfy boys here in the early morning
Absolutely love it. Uh rex
What about you are you a member of multiple cabals? How are you doing today?
Well, I judge my cabals by how much goats blood that they require to drink before entering and the wolves was like pretty adamant about like a full pint
So I knew that they were pretty legit as far as cabals go
Um, so which is why i'm pretty much like stick around with the wolves as much as possible
Uh, you just made my task as a host a bit more difficult because i'm looking for the perfect segue to go from gold
introducing and welcoming karma to the stage i'm i'm not uh, I come to challenge I come to
Make your life as difficult as possible. So I'm glad to do that early this morning. Love it
This is the only way we can keep on learning karma. Welcome to the stage. Should the goat's blood be a prerequisite to enter any reputable cabal?
Absolutely, uh plus everybody looks really good in black and black robes are so in right now. Um, you know, i'm lovely for it
I'm so overjoyed guys to have you all on stage here
Um, you know wolves dao has been like such a feature in web3 journey
In web3 gaming journey, and i'm not saying that just as you know, a player myself as a member of the ecosystems myself
I'm also saying that from the perspective of someone entering this space
You know like now quite a while ago with ztx and looking for
You know basically player-led communities to look up to to see you know
The opinions of and it has been insanely helpful on that journey
To have the wolf style as you know, one of the way markers and way points and as we were building so
Truly excited for the convo today. Um, and also have to say i'm in a different time zone today
You know i'm i'm in the us as well
I have no idea how you all host all those spaces this early in the morning
I'm operating on like 5 percent brain capacity and free coffees
Excited nonetheless guys, let's let's get into it
Wonderful, um, let's get into it. Maybe one quick admin point since we do have a full stage
Uh whenever someone wants to contribute or jump on any of those takes just please raise your hand
I'm not going to throw it to everyone all the time because otherwise it becomes
A bit difficult and too much to manage and too chaotic for my taste at least
Um with that out of the way, let's start. Let's start at the start actually
Sam what was the initial idea behind wolf style walk us a bit through, you know
the history and origins
of the cabal
Sure. So, uh, I actually joined I believe like six months, uh, maybe even closer to a year after it was created
But I have heard a lot of war stories, uh late night in discord where essentially it started as uh, paten our founders
YouTube channel community
So if anybody doesn't know at this point, uh from all the jokes that we say he owns, uh, the channel web3gaming
on youtube
And he had like 5,000 subscribers talking about
basically doing really analytical deep dives because he used to do the same thing for stocks and whenever he found web3gaming
He wanted to do that same level of analysis for gaming coins
And so he built a niche community around doing really in-depth research about these gaming coins and then decided well
We need a place to congregate because youtube comments is not really the spot
He decided to make it a discord channel and then after it hit like a hundred members
He sort of realized that this thing should probably persist beyond just him and his youtube channel
And so he renamed it to cyberwolves, which is what it was whenever I found it
Uh brought in some more admin, etc, etc
And then slowly but surely, uh, it snowballed into this thing that nobody could have imagined but we all
Realized the the real I think shift from being this like random youtuber's channel to being the wolves dao
Was whenever we collectively as admin realized that this thing
Is the best whenever it has a cap on the amount of membership and i've actually heard from people
That uh, some people think it's too low and we should be inviting way more people
And then a lot of the members themselves actually think that the cap of of 300
Is too high and they actually want it to be less because they think that some of the quality gets distorted even with this many people
So that was really the decision about a year and a half ago. We decided to be way more exclusive and since then
Probably kicked out like a thousand people we've gone through several thousand applications
And so that 300 people is the ultimate refinement of web3 gaming's best
That's a that's a very perfect setup for my next question that
300 number
basically the result of trying to find a balance between keeping
All the valuable creators keeping the group keeping the dao valuable, but also keeping it small at the same time
Is it something you are for the moment happy with are you exploring thoughts to either limit it more to grow it more in the future?
Are you thinking about subdao's? How do you basically feel about?
The current size and and tying back to the plans for the future?
Yeah, it's something we talk about, uh, probably monthly
Um, we have explored expanding the cap to to
400 and actually recently decided not to
Again, because we got a bunch of messages from people saying we should we should extend it and then we talked to some people internally
And they were like no, it should be smaller and we thought well then that probably means we're in in the sweet spot
Uh, we have explored some different things as far as like public discords go
Where it would be sort of like a proving ground so to speak where you would
Prove that you are wolves dao quality by contributing to that public discord
But what we realized is we don't want to create another discord where basically we just poach all the good people from it
And then it just becomes successful because none of the good people remain in that thing. That seems like a fundamentally broken idea
So we're always exploring these ideas
But I think until we reach mass adoption and there's like an influx of 300,000 people of which
5,000 of them are quality
There's probably not going to be a reason for us to make any changes and even if we reach that point maybe yeah
It becomes a subdao or something similar. We haven't really explored that but uh, that's sort of where our minds are right now
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and I think once you go past this size it also becomes really tricky
to measure like the ongoing contributions by the members because it's just
getting at a point where it becomes impossible to track and you will have to use proxies like
how many messages have been sent which also isn't a very accurate way of always
Necessarily tracking how how valuable the valuable the individual contributions are
Um, but also talking maybe talking a bit more about contributions and about you know
You said in the beginning you didn't expect wolf style to get to the point where it is now in the ecosystem
And I think the dao plays a very very vital role in web3 gaming. That's pretty obvious
If if you had to describe it, you know yourself in your vision
What is the ideal role that you want wolf style to play in web3 in the web3 gaming ecosystem?
I would love to hear from some of the other admin on this one as well
For me, it's just about being a space that can educate people
And to help people find the like-minded that are also
Honest, they're genuine. They're trying to uplift the space
It's it's just finding like-minded individuals can be so hard in the mess of crypto
But I see a bunch of hands up. So i'm gonna i'm gonna digress
Absolutely, let's let's go through the hands
Rex we we go to you first your first on my screen
nice, yeah, I uh
I think what um, I mean originally what drew me into the wolves
I was actually sitting down with fayton at dinner one night and he was telling me about this and I said
I can bring absolutely no value to the wolves, but I will make people lols, uh in the comments
So I i've been doing that pretty successfully. I feel like so far but um, I think what what has happened through the time
Being in the wolves, right is there's almost like this immediate
Seal of approval that comes through from games partners networking opportunities people in the space, right
We're in web3, which is uh, very well known as kind of the wild west
and sometimes having a
Having someone who's sitting across the internet from you behind some sort of pfp picture
Um, but you know that they have like the backing of someone like the wolves is a very very powerful first step and uh
Like growing a really fast very trusting relationship, which is like huge in this space
and so like that's one of the big things that I think the wolves has done really really well is
really helped curate a great network of individuals that
If you see like the wolf pfp or if you see like part of wolves now
You can immediately know that this person has like the right intentions the right like
effect for what they're trying to do and like
Generally trying to help build up the space versus potentially being like super attractive or whatnot, which tends to happen
Yeah, and getting to that point where it becomes where the membership really becomes like a seal of quality that everyone is like very very proud
To put into the bios on x is a very very powerful position
But also I can imagine takes a little work to maintain that to make sure you just have good actors
You filtered the bad actors out because you don't want that reputation to be ruined
Uh lambs, what are your thoughts on that?
Yeah, I think sam really hit it with like education is a big part of wolves ethos
We really want to push the space forward. Um, but I would say as well as that it's it's really about trying to you know
uh the meritocracy in the dao kind of really pushes the members to be actively contributing as well because we
Don't have an nft that you can just buy like we do have the soulbound token, which is just a pfp to represent
But you can't just buy your way in where it's the same with a lot of communities like wolves started
You know, it was more like an alpha group as sam was describing at the start and typically, you know
You just buy your way into an alpha group
Whereas because you have to go through an application with wolves and now even you need a referral and then apply to come in
It really maintains that quality inside the community where everyone's trying to help each other out and push the space forward as a whole and
No one is really trying to be extractive. It really is about helping each other and pushing the space forward
The amount of people i've seen like get jobs and opportunities and um from projects finding funding from other vcs from within the community
It's it's really like inspiring to see when we have a space that is often driven by self gain
Um, so yeah, it's uh, the community as a whole is is very strong
Yeah, that's a very very important distinction that I
Never have really consciously thought about the fact that you just can't buy in as it is the case with
with many other
Groups and communities and buying in to some extent is a good proxy
But as you said meritocracy just takes that to a different level
Blake I saw you with a hand up, but I also saw sam raising
His hand quickly on this take so i'm going to go to you sam first and then hear from you blake
I'll keep it quick because I love blake
The thing I wanted to point out too is lem's had a great point on the soulbound token and I mentioned earlier
A refinement of a refinement. So our first refinement is the application
Our second refinement is the purges that we do regularly and then the third refinement is the fact that we have these soulbound tokens
That people think if you are a member you just get it's not true
You actually have to earn what we have called three meat
Which you get from like major contributions to the discord. It's giving somebody a job. It's coming to a live event. It's
Really really helping somebody with great feedback on their content something that took a large chunk of your, you know afternoon to put together and
Those people that have earned the soulbound token
There's only 130 of them last I checked out of the the 300 members that we have so
To me, I think that that's really like the the core people that drive the wolves down are represented by that soulbound token
And i'm just really really proud of it. Sorry blake
Yeah, you guys absolutely destroyed me I was all ready to go through my hand up and then limbs and sam went and now i'm just absolutely wrecked
But yeah, I mean I was just gonna say I was gonna basically say what limbs is saying like when you
Are in this space and everybody is grinding for another dollar another dollar another whitelist another this another that it kind of like
Puts you on guard for the things that you're looking out for and when you like pull away this like financial incentive
And you just have the group of people that are there like learning the space and wanting to you know
Progress and not just the the next whitelist
You immediately just like open up to all these different ideas and have these different conversations like the conversations that exist and that
Are unlike any other discord that i've been in for web3?
I mean literally if you I mean all of you guys will know if you go into any
Sort of gaming project even like the alpha groups if you go in there a ton of it
It's just like spam about buy this early buy this it's not like that at all when you pull out the like financial incentives
You know on the back end and then sam touched on the on the meat as well. So like not only you know, are you
Brought in with all the people with the like-minded individuals individuals you are still like grinding for
You know status with just your knowledge and your participation and the things that you can bring to the wolves like throughout
You know your time there
So everybody is just on the exact same page when you come the door everybody was the top tier somewhere else
Everybody already made a name for themselves at the space somewhere else
Are everybody is already recognized for all the stuff they want to put in and bam all that stuff is all filtered now
So you walk in the door and everybody is ready and willing to help and everybody is ready and willing to push the space
Forward all together
Yeah, and that's that's such a beautiful beautiful value proposition, right?
Um, it's bold. I want to go to you and after that
I also want to check in with karma because I know she has a couple of thoughts on that as well
Yeah, I think what will still kind of represents and kind of puts out there is really amazing
Um, so like things that are like more public
It's like the newsletter
And with things like gamified and whatnot and really putting out a high standard of quality content
That also provides a lot of education for even people who aren't able to join the group
Uh, I think that's really amazing. Um as somebody that actually has been
With wolf style for just a little bit over a year now
When I joined I i've only been putting out web3 content for about four months
Um, and as a creator, uh patreon has always supported me and I think when I got
Into wolf style and kind of got that
A little bit of a seal of approval as a content creator and kind of got approval for like, oh, maybe I do know what i'm
Talking about in the space a little bit. Um, I think that was really really good to see um
Happy to be a part of a super group of like-minded people
I'd love to hear that and thank you for sharing your story. Um karma would love to go to you and hear your thoughts on that as well
Yeah, and I think it's bold you just provided the perfect segue actually
Um, you know a much better one than the goat's blood and like robes did but um, I think it's an amazing, you know, um
Collaboration collaborative approach to also empower different players within the ecosystem
To be able to speak up and just get more
I would even say, you know, like self-assurance in
The how valid their opinion is now, let me unpack that I feel like in this in this web free space
We very very often hear this mantra that everything is about the community
But it's actually a very double-edged sword
Where as a project you would love to listen to your community you would love to do something collaboratively
But there is often a large
Swatch of this community that may not understand the intricacies of building a project or certain hurdles and constraints set
before you
Um, and I almost feel like wolves dao at least from from where i'm standing has grown into this like big sieve of opinion
While the general community might have, you know, like a thousand different approaches and opinions
filtered through
A very selective group of experienced individuals with insight into the industry and how how things are being built
You then have this amazing middle ground between yeah, like the the open community approach open collaborative approach
And a group of those individuals which can you know, basically contribute their opinions, but in a very measured and constructive way
Now I don't know. I don't know if i'm like making sense of of what i'm saying right now
But there is this kind of a funnel which is very concentrated and 300 people are much much more easy to to you
Know communicate and maybe discuss and brainstorm with them, you know thousands of people within the community
Um, and I think it's insanely valuable. Like I said to big studios big brands coming into web free space
Which right now is very specific, but we all hope will grow and dilute. It's it's where it quirks a little bit as it does
Um, and this actually leads me to I wanted to pivot toward back towards that question of what role wolves play in the ecosystem
Um now sam you've already provided us with a great outline of that
But you know if we could maybe go a bit more in depth into how a typical, you know week month of the wolf style looks like
What types of I don't know calls what types of maybe even advisory?
Um, you guys see yourself providing two projects in the space. I know as a cabal
You can't maybe disclose everything but to everybody listening, you know
Maybe thinking that they want to start contributing or start hoping to contribute
Or a brand listening in and wondering if they can just you know, I don't know jump into your dms and get some feedback
What's what are the different ways in which you are right now contributing and how best to contact you guys?
Some first and then we are gonna go to lens
Yeah, that's a great question
Like you pointed out I probably can't give you the the full answer
however, what I can say is the wolves have been advising
On some of the the space's biggest mints
In the background for a while helping people make good decisions
What we say our specialty is in advisory is helping people make
less terrible decisions meaning
It's it's really really easy to make a mint happen and be very successful in web3 as long as you
Don't fall into any of the major pitfalls and the wolves now is amazing at making sure that you do not fall into any of those
Common mistakes that people make that make your project absolutely fall into the gutter. Um, I think that's that's something that we do great
Also, i've been very open that we're moving more into advisory and consulting in uh, 2024. So if people want more
Hands-on, you know go to market strategy community management, etc, etc. They'll also be helping with that
Uh, what i'm really excited for is this year we're branching into live events and we're kicking off with gdc
It's going to be wild. Uh all five days. I haven't actually put out anything official about it
I will in the next a few days most likely but wolves den at gdc is going to be the the most
Exclusive best web3 gaming anything at gdc point blank period
Love love love to hear that. Um limbs. We said we go to you next to hear your thoughts on that as well
Yes, and sam killed it on that answer. Definitely. You'll see more advisory and uh, yeah
The live events really stoked for that sam's really been cooking up a storm in the back
And also another thing that we started recently is a builder's call. This is run by paten in the discords
This will be every week or two where people the projects can reach out to him and actually get some time to
Actually kind of talk about their project inside the wolves. It's an it's a non-recorded call
Unless the project wants it and that way they can kind of speak a little bit more freely as well
Sometimes as much as it's really nice to have recorded a and a's and calls
It can be a little easy there to kind of speak freely and you know
Maybe drop a little alpha when you don't have to watch your words as much
You can kind of just speak it openly and um and receive questions from the community
So that's something that we started doing as well
But as the market's been picking up now we run those every week
So if you're a project and you want to be able to get some alpha to the eyes of the wolves
Or you want to like know about upcoming activations whether it's a plate airdrop campaign something like that
You can feel free to reach out to the wolves and that'll actually get shared with the whole community at our weekly alpha calls
And unfortunately, I do have to drop for another meeting. So I want to say just you know
Thanks for hosting us. I'm disappointed I can't stay for the whole thing
It was great to hang out with the rest of the wolves on here and you guys from ztx. Thanks
Thanks for being with us and I absolutely love that we're doing this space one hour earlier today
Because that gives me the chance to join the alpha call, which i'm otherwise always missing
Um sam, I like I like the point that you just made before when it comes to advising as someone who you know
There's a lot of advisory
Um myself that very very humble of approach of not saying this is going to be the way how you will
Dominate the nft market yada yada yada and all of that bullshit
Um, pardon my french on that but the really good way to word it is how to just make less terrible decisions
It's such a volatile meta
There's so many things that are changing and I very much like that approach and I kind of want to connect, you know that
That mindset to my next question when it comes to you know
The the responsibility side of things obviously, you know, we joked a lot about the real cabal, etc
But I think it's pretty clear to everyone in in the stage on the stage and in the audience listening in that
Wolf style got to a point where it has a lot of influence both like collectively speaking
But also on an individual level when at least um, very very prominent members of the wolf style
Are voicing their opinions on something that all of that has the potential to move the market
How do you you know, how do you think about that? How do you approach that? How do you think about?
Basically a the the public facing communication
from wolf style in an official capacity
Um, just walk me through a bit of of your thoughts on the communication side of things and the the influence and responsibility that comes with it
This this is an interesting one for the wolves now
I would actually I would also love to hear from the other panelists on on maybe how they perceive it from the
The maybe not the outside looking in but from the being a member of the wolf style that doesn't have to make decisions about it
Let's do you mind if I send it over to rex and then i'll answer how we how we do it internally
Because I don't want to taint his his point of view
Yeah, absolutely. Let's go to rex first
All right, let's see if I did my homework. Um, I think like, uh, I think the responsibility, right is a very big thing
but I think one thing that always
the it's it's said pretty consistently in the wolves, right is like
The reason that they're doing all of this consulting the reason that the like the caliber of individual that's here is like quality
very much begets quality, so
I think when there's like a responsibility to
What you say how you comment on specific mints or games or whatever in the market
I think uh, it always comes back to the the the idea that they're they're not like
Like myself too, like we're not out here like trying to always find like what's the next thing?
That's going to 100x. It's always what's the thing that's going to propel web3 gaming as an industry forward in a very meaningful way
But like breaks down barriers to the point where it's like game, you know
Everyone's it's like gaming will be gaming that kind of stuff
And I think that that's like if you in what i've seen from all of the wolves, that's always the guiding star never a
Okay, how are we going to move the market potentially like get a gain from ourselves?
Um, it's always like okay. This is a project that we
Individually can get behind everyone and the wolves can get behind
so how do we support that because we see that as a better future for what like gaming will be in the
In the the far term so
That's like what i've seen like time and time again
And it's really easy like once you use that as your kind of guiding star and once like that's what i've seen sam and paten
And everyone doing on a day-to-day is
Using that as a guiding star and it makes all the other decisions about who you back or how you talk about projects or
Or how you comment on things in the space
Begin so much easier when you're just focused on like actually doing good things with quality projects
Hopefully that makes them happy and i've done my homework correctly
Love love the answer. I do have a couple of thoughts on that as well, but definitely want to hear from sam first
Yeah, rex rex knocked it out of the park and the piece that I want to add here is
There's a fundamental misunderstanding in web 3 in my opinion where
Financially incentivizing people has become such a short-term cheat code
Where you can create a twitter account and a discord community that's bigger than the wolves dao
In like four minutes if you just incentivize people with a thousand dollars in usdc or the next hype mint or whatever
It's not hard to do
The problem with that is exactly what he said quality begets quality and it turns out you can only find out
What the quality is whenever you remove financial incentivization entirely and this is actually true
Not only for the wolves dao as a whole it's actually true for the the admin as well
We've you know had many admin throughout the the few years that the wolves dao has been around
And we've always refined that admin team to be the people that had the most altruistic qualities
This is for better or for worse some people that are die-hard capitalists make fun of us for being quote unquote bad business people
Which is you know may be true
But at the same time what I can say is we all agree
That the amount of money that we've made as as people that are engaging in this platform and have these connections because we've gotten
Jobs gotten other opportunities gotten to fly to events gotten to whatever it is
Has in our opinion been not only significantly more sustainable
But also probably more money than if we just shipped an nft cash grab
And I think that that's the thing that the people just don't get is they go. Oh, well, we got to make money
Well, no, you you want to make money right now immediately in this moment
So you're willing to sacrifice your entire brand to do it
If you just wait and you keep building really great stuff
I think you actually can make money along the way in a sustainable way and not ruin your entire reputation
That's that's a very very
Very beautiful way to look at it, especially the sustainability aspect again
I do have a couple thoughts on that as well, but I want to give it to you first karma
Yeah, and this is just a quick riff off of what you just said some it sounds to me like in terms of priorities and more
Wolf's dowl is building more of an ip at this moment rather than just a purely advisory business
And with certain monetary sacrifices on the business side that must be very consciously made
To build that ip to build that brand quality
and I quite frankly think that's you know, like the meta for for like a quality based approach and
Long term i'm absolutely certain that this is going to catapult you guys beyond the status you even already acquired
So yeah ip rather than advisory
Absolutely, yeah, and I think sammy pointed out perfectly
Web3 is a space where every move is financially incentivized period if people want to spend their time on something
Want to go out of the way to say switch the wallet from metamask to rebi rebi today introduced
Their their loyalty points for using their wallet
Users are expecting a financial reward and it makes a lot of sense with protocols with layer 2 solutions with some games tokens
A great great user acquisition tool. We all know that we've been talking about that for a very very long time
But when you're not that kind of project then as you said there's different ways
To get to quality and different ways to think about sustainability first and ultimately what holds true
For an individual creator also holds true for a collective. I have many creators reaching out to me
Well, you know starting out at the beginning of the journey and the first question is how do I monetize?
How do I make money? How do I get a passive income stream from my content?
And yes, that is a valuable question to ask, but maybe that really shouldn't be the first priority
Um on on how to think about the value extraction first
Just build the network build the reputation exactly what we've been speaking about people are super proud to put
The wolf star membership into the bios not because they have a financial incentive but because they know
That this is a sign of
quality, this is a sign
Of a very high achievement and that just opens a lots of loads and loads of doors in in web3 gaming
And loads of opportunities and the focus shouldn't be
Um a financial motivation financial incentives first that in my opinion comes at the data stage at least that's how I viewed as a creator
On a personal level I can very well imagine
It it also holds true the same principle for a greater collective. Sam. I saw your hand shooting up on that
Curious to hear your thoughts on that
Yeah, there was just something popped into my head
I used to read a lot of philosophy books whenever I was sick for a few years and uh, I remember reading
If you treat people like means to an end
They will do the same to you and I think that the epitome of the wolves dao is
Trying our best not to treat people like means to an end which all too often or projects, right?
You're not like overworld is a good example of this. We've known jeremy since march of 2023
We've been talking with him for almost a year now and post mint. We didn't just fall off the face of the earth
He still comes on all my shows because I just like jeremy and I think he's a smart dude and I want to
Continue the relationship. It's not about the fact that like oh overworld minted
I you know get out of here and it's the same with our members to all the content creators
That are in the wolves dao
Almost all of them joined whenever they were
I don't know a fifth of the size in the midst of a bear market where none of us could provide anything to each other except for
camaraderie and education and
Now the relationships that we have because we we forged it in that moment where we couldn't be means to an end because there was no
End to get to uh has has just absolutely elevated everything
Yeah, absolutely. Um, blake. I saw you with your hands up
That once to hear your thoughts on that as well
Yeah, I mean sam just brings up a good point. I want that's a
Perfect time to do another plug for paten. I mean
The person that you have running things and getting things started
The importance that they have in that initial setup is just it just can't
It can't I can't even describe it and it's it's unbelievable
Importance that the first little bit can have that then trickles down to the next people to the next people to the next people
Anybody that's interacted with paten instantly knows the difference between him and many of the people in the web3 space
I mean, that's one of the reasons he was catapulted to such like great success
When you deal with paten, you know that you're dealing with like a real person right away
And that then creates that relationship just webbed out into the rest of the the ecosystem the rest of the space like you
Immediately know that he treats you as a friend. He treats you as an equal. He never looks down on anyone
I mean that is just like
So so so important and I want to be sure that like he gets all the props in the world because like wolves dao
Just could not be what it is without his like a very very strong influence
He lets things you know
He spreads out the responsibility as he has time as he has less and less time
But he makes sure that he touches base with everybody that makes any sort of decision and everything has his perfect touch on it
As well, so I just want to make sure that he's getting all the kudos in the world because this you know
Would not be possible without him
a thousand percent
Love love to hear that a shout out and um that extra context as well
another thing that i'm really curious about is
As you've been doing, you know advisory work working with some of the the most anticipated some of the most successful means
in in web3 gaming if you have a team of say
seasoned web2 gaming veterans who are joining the web3 space are interested to
their first web3
Web3 native game let's put like that. What are some of the general pointers of advice that you would give to them sam?
Oh man, uh where to begin, you know first off hire the wolves dao
Really? I i'm part of the marketing and content armo of consulting
But our strength is the fact that we are so deep on the bench, right?
There's so many minds that we can tap into and uh to to blake's point, you know paten
Chief among them is is one of the best consultants that we have spark see our our head of research is just the most
intelligent intelligent d gen i've ever met in my life
I think as far as
Simple things that everybody can abide by is again
Be patient don't rush things just because you know
The meta is heating up a little bit because that's a that's a quick way to make terrible decisions partner with the best communities
Listen to the people around you
Uh that that you have paid for their expertise. That's a big one
I mean, uh petaverse is the my favorite example of spark see was telling them guys
Like it's really not a good idea what you've put together here and they they said, you know, we we don't care
They minted anyway
They minted nine percent of their collection and now they're a joke with some of the worst art that i've ever seen in my entire life
And so, uh, if you're if you're gonna put people in a position to give you advice
They were probably worth listening to and I think if you do that, you know, there's really not a one-size-fits-all solution
It's just about making sure that you choose the right people to listen to you approach with the correct budget
You have a quality product, etc
Yeah, absolutely
Definitely a point if you pay for consultants and advisors, it might be a good idea to listen to them
Um, I also liked we obviously had many many founders, um on our ctx gaming spaces before
In particular one answer that stood out for me was john from play ember
Who obviously has a ton of experience in web 2 and his main point was to just not assume anything you get into a new space
Into a new community that works completely different from other things that you've seen in the past
And while there might be things that have worked for your company or your past experiences
You are getting into a new playing field
And it's just not a good idea to assume what has worked for you in the past will work in this new environment as well
I know karma that you have some thoughts and a follow-up question on that. So i'll go straight to you
Yeah, absolutely. And you've said this beautifully. I think the timing
Um ingredient is also an incredibly underrated one
Where you may even have an incredible strategy, which you know could be working brilliantly
If you employ it at the wrong time with the wrong wording
It can completely derail any type of effectiveness it could have had
And we see this again and again where maybe some teams which are slightly slower than others or just you know
They are a bit more of a behemoth. They need longer, you know processing times for certain strategies
They may even start off their marketing strategy their ideas at the same time as a smaller team
If the smaller team executes it
More quickly just goes to market a bit more quickly
They may very well harness the attention and any type of effectiveness that strategy may have had
And people that you know, try to emulate that or even start it at the same time, but are a bit further down the line
Uh, just do not see the same effects
We see this, you know, like with this circular metas where the first two three projects that you know execute on it
They do brilliantly
Um, and then it's like tapers off, but sometimes it's just simply too late for a team to pivot
at that point
um, so yeah, just wanted to throw timing in there but
And sorry to ping pong off of you some all the time. I would love to see you know a sea of hands and then
pivot to others
But I wanted to extend the previous question where
You've spoken to so many different teams so many different founders specifically founder funnel is just something incredible
But i'm simply wondering
What are the common characteristics of projects that do well that you notice what are the some I don't know maybe just
Approach to life in the founder where you see that you see that particular characteristic and you're like, okay
Yeah, like my confidence has just increased they're gonna make it
I'm wondering if it's resilience flexibility and maybe you could you could just all share a few thoughts about that
Yeah, i'm sure a bunch of the panelists have thoughts on here because definitely coop rex bolt and blake have all talked to a ton of
Different orgs. I I would say the one that sticks out to me as you're asking the question is
Vision, uh, I think that the people that I believe the most in and have seen the most success from
Uh have a vision that is again sort of untainted even by money like it's it's greater than the next mint
Uh ai arena sticks out as this if you talk to way he is so inspiring about his vision on how ai arena is going to
Children understand how to program ai and like revolutionize the world
Jeremy horn with overworld next tier. Oh
You have to have a bigger vision than one mint if you're going to be managing all these projects and be taking things to the next level
Paul betner with wildcard
He's always talking about the altruistic idea of giving back to the people that help grow his ecosystem and using blockchain to be
Able to track who's doing what and so that they can reward those people adequately
Uh, there was another one in my head a second ago. Oh today the game michael o'connor and what they're doing
I believe that that mint and their token and whatever whatever ends up coming out of that ecosystem is going to cook out of control
And it's because his vision is so great and every time you play the game, you can see the vision unfolding
It's it's just different than somebody being like
Yeah, we're gonna we're making them over guys
I digress
Yeah, I couldn't agree more with that um quick quick admin point we will keep it
Within the hour today as I know there is a follow-up meeting
But rex want to go to you first and then I have another follow-up question
Yeah, I think the only I think sam hit it on the head the vision is really important
Like we I know coop does this as well
But talk to founders and game developers and stuff all the time
But I think there's one additional note is like having a good vision of like, I don't know making a game
That's pokemon with guns, but then being able to uh
Spin the narrative about why that vision is coming true in the next six to eighteen months
I think is one thing that all of the people that sam listed are incredibly good
At sharing the vision in a way that that to them it will come true and they make
Me believe that it is also coming true, which I think is a very very
Often like not thought through thing is like oh does this thing that's coming that they're building is they're gonna have product market fit
Are they gonna get a thousand gamers? Are they gonna like revolutionize well through gaming?
It's like oh no to them. Like that's already happening. And I think that's like a very big thing
I think one other founder that um
doesn't get talked about too much but
uh, uh brooks brown from nor also does a very good job of this vision of like
economic principles and uh implications and how people respond to incentives
And he's like in his mind it's already alive. And so like it makes everyone else believe it. Um, very very effectively
Yeah, that's a very very good point, um talking about vision sam
The follow-up question for you. Do you have plans beyond gaming for wolf star?
I'll say at the moment
Not really. I think we have a really really
Foothold in this niche and we hold that very dearly especially whenever again we have
Only 300 members and and that's extremely intentional. I think the idea of
Um adding in let's say let's just say we get super into digital fashion tomorrow or something
I just imagine the discord especially being super chaotic as half the people care about one thing and half the people care about another thing and then
Eventually just uh both the sides start caring less
So we'll always be super super careful about that if we do decide to branch out but gaming is definitely
Our our core thesis and and I don't see that changing
Yeah, that's a very fair answer. Um, and how do you think about
Basically the the cyclical nature of metals in this space like when I got into nfts
That was four years ago. It was actually gaming that got me in back then was playing hearthstone
I was pissed with the amount of money that I spent that I don't have exit liquidity discovered got unchained
Um got into that as my first game
But obviously back then nobody was speaking about web3 gaming at all
Nobody was speaking about nfts that has changed over the last four years now. Everyone is speaking about that
And there will come a point when you know, there's a new meta emerging
I mean, yes gamers will stay gamers gaming will always be relevant
But does that you know cyclical nature of the web3 market of interest and attention and metals
affect your long-term plans or
Do you just not try to let this to get to you?
Yeah, this is another one. I would love to hear from some of the other panelists on after I talk
But I think that especially with the wolves down the entire
Point of the wolves now is to not really care about what's going on in the market. We're gonna do our thing
We're gonna support each other. We're gonna build cool stuff regardless of what's going on
With that being said one of the things that I do remember in the bear market, especially when things were just barely starting to heat up
I was uh talking a lot with the guys in the admin meeting of being like
We need to decide what the vision is for the next six or twelve months
Because whenever you end up in the bull market things get so hectic that it's
Overwhelming and you don't have time to work on that thing that you wanted to work on or that you wish you had in place
And so i'm always trying to make sure that we have this vision for not just where we are
But where we want to go and of course to blake's point paten
Is is instrumental in making sure that that's also the case?
But you know coop bolt rex blake, I would love to hear from you guys too about
Do you believe or sorry? What was the original question as I go on another tangent?
Original question was if that cyclical nature of attention and metas influences the long-term planning for wolf star
If anyone else has
I need some hype. All right. It's a little red today. So if anyone has
Hope you'm out there. That'd be fantastic
Sorry, just need a little lively humor. Hey fdx is done selling their gptc. They did sell a billy in bitcoin
So they are out of it now
Maybe that is
That is the hope you needed
Thank you, sir
But on a very serious note i've been i've been hosting
Maybe north to north to 300 ish spaces by now and sam
You've done something that very very rarely happens and that is
Absolutely in line with you know, the dna of wolf star that you just described and I know this is gonna sound like me simping
But whenever I asked a question you often
Basically wanted to hear from other members as well
You asked them to answer before you and I can tell you had many founders many teams many projects on
Whether it was not only one person but multiple from the team and that happened. So so rarely
And you all did a great job, you know describing how
Peyton is as a person how he values interactions conversations
And it's beautiful to see that extend and um, all of y'all upholding the same standard
Sam goford
Thank you so much, man, that really means a lot to me and congrats on 300 spaces jesus
I'm like 70 in and exhausted already. So let's let's see if I can catch up to you. But
Um, uh, let me just say a brief anecdote again about paten
Whenever I first joined the wolves dao
It was the most
Overwhelming thing that I had experienced online in a in a very long time
And that was after I had made a metamask wallet and tried to figure out what the hell that was
uh, so that's that's saying a lot for the moment and
I remember joining the discord seeing all this alpha and being like how the hell am I not going to get you know
Kicked out of here because there's no way I can participate in any of these conversations and this is a really common theme
But what happens is inevitably in that sea of overwhelmingness because you see all these people with knowledge
You'll see, you know a comment from paten or from blake or just paten will be sitting in the wolves dao vc
Alone voice chat alone
And if you pop in and you just have a conversation with him
It turns out that him and everybody else in the discord are the most friendly willing to share
Excited to educate people that you've ever met in your entire life
And if you could just stick around through that overwhelming period and get to the point where you're actually
Engaging with people in a genuine way
Everybody I know that has been a part of it in a significant way
Has has enjoyed it and has found a home there and I think that that all again starts with people like paten
Just putting themselves out there to be the person that's alone in voice chat
And then before you know it 15 people are in there and it's a party
But it only starts because paten's willing to be the guy that's awkward and doing it alone
And literally especially back in the day. He was in voice like
Six hours every day making sure that the uh, everybody was was
Welcomed and and felt seen and that is something that has built a culture that I I couldn't replicate in a thousand years. So
Um, the reason that we put shine on everybody else is because they deserve it man
Uh blake to blake is an admin that does more dirty work than anybody. I know it's amazing
The dude must not sleep because he has a full-time job and then he does like
11 amazing things including recapping the entire discord every single week
It's like every bullet point of what you might have missed if you haven't had time to come in and hang out on a regular
Basis, it's absolutely incredible
And so, um, they make it easy on you to to want to spread the love because they they fucking deserve it, man
Wait blake has a full-time job. How does this work out?
In all seriousness, I want to be super super respectful. Um, sorry blake. I didn't hear you. Did you want to come in on this?
No, I was just I was just laughing I was like, yeah, it's it's tough sometimes but in the end the wolves all make it worth it, right?
Absolutely, man, um want to be super respectful of y'all's time and really make sure we stick to the hour limit
So karma, I want to give you a chance
Um to get into this conversation and then also close us out for the day
Yeah, um, I just wanted to add in and get in on the symptom
Um, and i'm often reminded of like what lucanets always says about, you know, web remarketing and web free in general
Especially that we've seen, you know, like the extreme rise of pudgy
But the web free is not just an inclusion of blockchain in your tech
It may seem someone like, you know as a veneer
But web free is a way of building and connecting in different ways and in a more egalitarian way more democratic
And all I wanted to say is that to me especially after this episode today, you know
Everything from the inception of of wolfs dao throughout what you've all described as experiences of actual members
All the way to the long-term vision and what you want to contribute to the ecosystem
It does seem to me like a poster child of you know, web free connection and and how we can build this new collective this
This new tribe online for people with different, you know interests and and uh will to contribute to something greater than themselves
Um, so this has been just such a heartwarming incredible episode today
I wanted to thank every single person that you know took the time out of their day to join us today and of course
Throw it throw it back to everybody to you know, say a few final words and carry back to the alpha alpha cold in the cabal
I just wanted to give a shout out to to you guys in legendary especially and say
likewise, i've been on a lot of twitter spaces and the amount of
Questions that you had prepared and how in depth you guys went really, um stood out to me
So I just want to say a huge thank you for making
Setting an alarm to wake up for this twitter space super enjoyable and worthwhile. Thank you guys
Absolutely. Thank you for joining us blake
Yeah, I appreciate you having us
I just want to reiterate everything that we're saying, you know
When you get into web 3 making money is easy
But the connections that you make are the most important things so start meeting people
Don't worry about the next project find people along the way and all those projects will fall into your lap eventually
Wonderful closing words. Unless rex you have any final thoughts for us?
No, I just as I like to say I love all of you each individually and equally unlike my children
So y'all have a great day
Keep fighting the good fight out there
Wonderful then I wish you all a wonderful rest of your
Tuesday and thank you very much for everyone joining us today both on stage and in the audience