Xtalks: Web3.0 Founders Roundtable

Recorded: Feb. 20, 2024 Duration: 1:05:54



Hey everyone welcome to another episode of Xtalks. We are just waiting for our
speakers and audiences to join and after that we'll kick this one off
before we go ahead just a quick sound check from you kryptonaut good morning
can you hear me yes sir loud and clear perfect
this is Dan from Flux can you hear me okay yep we can
hey spark hey Sam how are you all good how are you good good good awesome
awesome yeah I thought I'd do a sound check first because Twitter likes to
rug everyone
all right I guess we'll kick this one off and we'll add our guests our speakers
as we go so welcome everyone to one other episode of Xtalks this one is
going to be powered by layer 1x which is a layer 1 blockchain that is built to
transform your web 3 experience with its unmatched security and cost efficiency
and cross communication it makes true interoperability a reality we not only
collect connector EVM chains would be also connect non-evm blockchains so if
you are someone who is interested in interoperability or who would like to
experience real interoperability then you can check layer 1x out of course
kryptonaut and spark will add more to that because they are the power angels
the other experts Cody handing off to you hey thanks thanks everybody for
joining episode 26 of Xtalks and we're definitely looking forward to this one
my name is Cody I'm the chief experience officer at layer 1x blockchain and I
will be your host for today's episode for those of you that are returning
listeners for the X talk AMA series welcome back to those that are new
listeners the X talks AMA series as mentioned was sponsored by layer 1x
blockchain and we're excited to explore a panel style discussion regarding the
latest and web 3 chains and the evolution of truly decentralized
bridge list interoperable experiences which we call X talks so let's pause
here for just a minute and before we introduce our guests I do want to say
if you do have any questions please be sure to drop those in the comments for
our panelists and Sam will make sure that those those questions of yours get
presented so I think we've got everybody on that needs to be here as panelists is
that correct Sam I'm just kind of looking through do you mind doing a
double check for us yes going through now yeah I think we can kick this one
off we'll add more as you go ahead okay perfect before I forget just make sure
that you tune in this Friday the 27th at 10 p.m. Australian time 9 a.m. Eastern
for our next AMA episode and I believe we will be talking on web 3 marketing
the good the bad and the ugly so that should be another good one so definitely
mark your calendars on that one and let's get this thing going so today we
have the privilege of hearing from some of pretty good experts in their field
they're not only a spectator in the web 3 revolution but it's also its
architect behind it so today's episode should be pretty good thanks to everyone
joining our panel discussion today we are excited to have you guys on our
episode of X talks our format is pretty simple panelists you don't need to raise
your hands to speak just feel free to jump in at any point in the discussion
likewise just please be mindful to the others that are joining or that are
wanting to join the conversation I should say let's let's start off by
having everybody introduce themselves and I'll give you 30 seconds to do your
your elevator pitch I guess I will just jump right in then I am Daniel Keller I
am the co-founder of flux I am I've been in this space for longer than I care to
admit many cycles so flux is the world's largest and first truly decentralized
compute network we have 13,000 nodes enterprise based nodes all over the
world pretty much every country you can think of we currently if you want to
deploy front ends back ends game servers we just recently released WordPress we
have an AI component where you can actually run out GPUs on our network
with our new product flux edge and flux core we were web 3 before web 3 was
cool we were actually built six years ago with the vision to create a new
infrastructure for web 3 at that point in time web 3 wasn't coined but we knew
that there needed to be a new version of the internet and that's why flux was
built so been around for quite a while and look forward to participating in
the space today happy to miss so we're burning down we just launched in
October we're a fully on chain squid game where you mint NFTs and then
compete in a elimination game where you're burning and surviving through
rounds to win a large cash prize we have two live contracts right now you can
find it burn it down at XYZ one where you can win 3 million and one where you
can win 180 K I think maybe even 190 K this morning it's all denominated in
eat and we have a very novel in-game trading mechanic where during the game
you can sell your game pieces you can mint as many as you want you can play
with one wallet or all of your friends yeah and we're really excited we're
gonna be at eat Denver in maybe about a week I guess as a featured game at the
invitation of the co-founders of eat Denver we're excited about that
hey guys I'm Lena I'm the founder of zeitgeist labs we're boutique
consultancy based out of New York that focuses on marketing services and whatnot
I actually know Calum the founder of co-hosts very well we've been on a
variety of spaces and worked together on a few projects here and there and I'm
also building the Solana NYC community on a stealth project at the moment so
we will be hosting an eat Denver event March 1st next Friday so if any of you
will be around shoot me a message and we'll happy to shoot you the RSP hey my
name is Dylan Doudney I'm from root protocol and we are building a
decentralized identity solution using decentralized identifiers and
verifiable credential attestations and yeah also be it eat Denver I believe if
I'm not too busy and I hope to see some of you guys there okay let me jump in
I'm jujuki I'm the current BD and a democracy for IV alien I believe I've
been on the X space talk before like maybe behind the PFP but anyways I've
been in the NFC space for over three years I was on E then migrated into
bodyguard because like basically who's gonna pay that gas so so like I'm just
here I've been building with founders like almost forever so I'm just here to
like have fun have conversations and connect thank you very much
sorry no worries should I go yeah it's done I'm co-founder of bionic down we're
a new investment down and we're launching in q2 2024 we focused on
building a core community of experience web 3 investors and our focus is on the
space where web 3 meets other emerging technologies such as XR DCI AI and next
gen infrastructure so great to be here hey so quickly I'm Peter one of the
co-founder of moon gate so we are building an empty ticketing and
membership platform so far with hundreds of events globally so yeah
pleasure to be here
all right I think there's a few stragglers that we haven't heard from
yeah spark do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself yeah yeah look I'll
jump in my name's machu I'm the chief operating officer at layer 1x so I
thought I'd jump into the chat as well but you know it's great to hear from
some of the the co-speakers in a vast array of background some some sort of
experience as well
perfect if you didn't get a chance now's your last chance to jump in if you want
to go ahead if not we'll get this thing rolling so for those that are just
tuning in my name is Cody I'm the chief experience officer at layer 1x and I'll
be your host for this episode we are talking with web 3 founders and kind of
being a roundtable discussion about all things web 3 so with that said let's
dive in and we'll kick off with the first question for the panelists so the
first question I have is kind of a more of a personal one I guess you could say
what is your interest that led you to become involved in shaping the future of
a decentralized web I'll be happy to jump in there yeah so I think I think
the big thing is I think we we knew very early on that there was going to be some
paramount moment or some some deplatforming that was going to motivate
people to understand exactly if we're building out these DeFi projects or if
we're building out whatever the buzzword is DeFi fintech web 3 whatever it is it
comes down to decentralized infrastructure if you're building a DeFi
product and it's running on AWS or it's running on Microsoft Azure or Google
that isn't web 2 it's web 2.5 at best or web 3 that's web 2.5 at best so our goal
was to set out to make sure that the people were actually able to provide the
compute resources that to the people that needed the compute resources and
that's how flux was born so we know this with Bitcoin is it is decentralized
although some would argue the hash rate could be a Ted decentralized flux is a
fork of Bitcoin or GPU mineable coins so that means we put a huge focus on
decentralization and make sure the GPUs are the easiest way to do that we are
ASIC resistant and we have our basically our layer 2 that provides with all the
infrastructure on top that everything is enterprise grade and benchmarked and
really honestly the reason we did this is exactly what we're seeing today and
that is a lot of these folks are building amazing projects and you just
heard from a couple of those major amazing projects on here however the big
issue is if we continue to launch these on centralized infrastructure the end
game is the same enterprise infrastructure will continue to rule the
roost they can decent they can deplatform you they can censor you so
on and so forth flux is immutable it's it's completely decentralized you cannot
censor the platform because it's not in one particular area it's global which I
think is huge so as we continue to build out the next iteration of whatever web
3 is right get away from the web 2.5 flux will be the one running the
infrastructure underneath of it and I think that's unbelievably important I
just want to say that I actually I agree with the importance of
decentralization and I also agree with the comment and about sort of web 2.5 I
apologize in a little slow it's very early for me I'm trying to wake up as
quickly as I can but I'll just say this so like when we when we set out to build
burn it out which was the culmination of about six months of active contract
development probably about a year of planning before that and around three
months of gas optimization to make sure that it ran on aetherium I mean this is
kind of the boring part to most people but the exciting part to me the idea was
that we very specifically set out a set we put out a set of requirements for
ourselves and we wanted to make sure that the game that we were building
ultimately was completely self-contained and what I mean by that is
to flux point especially in games right now when you talk to game developers and
you'll say well you know what are you building they'll say well I'm building a
web 3 game and then they'll say well I'm building web 2.5 game or you know they'll
say it's on chain but then it's really not on chain or many aspects are off
chain you know in most cases you're looking at a game engine where you are
integrating parts of a blockchain into it as opposed to really making any kind
of truly web 3 game and the problem that we see with that is kind of twofold but
one one is that I feel like it's really important that the industry makes native
web 3 products right like we need to be making products and building things that
cannot exist in web 2 if we don't do that then all we're gonna be creating our
web 2 products with extra steps and I personally don't think that that's
really going to lead you know to this sort of holy grail of mass adoption that
everyone keeps talking about I think you do need some products that are native I
think you need products that require blockchain technology that cannot be
built outside of blockchain technology and have blockchain technology kind of
sitting at their their core I think that you know for us that means building a
game that can't be rigged that it can't be manipulated that it can't be cheated
and for me personally this kind of goes back to really the white paper right if
you read the white paper which many people say they have but I don't think
most people actually have in the in the first page right like look at the number
of times that the word trust is mentioned you know this is like a core
tenant going back to kind of the earliest days of crypto and the idea was
in particular that you could have a transaction with someone who you don't
trust right who is actively trying to cheat you who's telling you they're
trying to cheat you but because of the the nature of blockchain security you
know they are sort of forced into a fair transaction with you right and a
transparent transaction with you and I think that that ethos you know kind of
carrying it forward especially those words that we heard early in crypto
right words like permissionless words like decentralized words like trustless
right those words are really important and we have to have products that embody
those so like I said when we started building we were thinking about that and
we set out this goal to say can we build a game that's truly decentralized not
partially not mostly but like 100 percent decentralized can we build a
game that's truly permissionless truly trustless can it be autonomous can it be
anonymous and can it be perpetual and we're happy to say that that it is
possible like we are you know proof that at least on the gaming side you can you
can build such a game I will say just for context for those listening it does
mean that you have to open your mind about how products work how models work
you know like in our case you have to realize that not all games you know equal
video games right like we're a game show we work differently we look differently
than something like GTA but what we were able to do is make a game where the
game engine is the blockchain there there are no two there's no separation
between those two things and when you put blockchain kind of at the horror at
the at the core of your product it means that among other things you're going to
inherit all of the decentralization directly you're going to inherit the
security model directly right and I think I think that's a big part of the
future right I think it's really really important and critical that that these
kinds of products exist I don't think all the products have to be web 3 right
like I'm not saying that I think that there is room in the world for web 2 but
you just we have to recognize that when you build a web 2.5 product you're going
to you know through necessity water down or compromise in many respects the best
parts of the blockchain you're going to introduce centralization you're going to
introduce things so you know for us it was it was very difficult but we
ultimately ended up with a single smart contract we have no oracles in fact we
have no proxies there's no delegate calls there's really nothing it's a game
where you can play the game directly from contract which is pretty unique you
know and I think again thinking about products like that where you have you
know full transparency and and full kind of autonomy around it it's just
super important for the space going forward that makes total sense thanks
for sharing that does anybody else want to weigh in on that question I first I
first came across web 3 like as a term I think it would have been and it might
have been in 2014 or 2015 but it was from Gavin Wood who literally coined the
term and I I was really interested in this idea because it flowed out of I
think it flowed out pretty naturally from my interest and kind of like the
financial use case of a public internet that is you know I guess I guess his
tantamount to a blockchain right with with Bitcoin and then later with
Ethereum which is that you know we can kind of disintermediate all these
relationships that were more or less kind of like mediated or centralized and
there was rent seeking behavior throughout that was true certainly it's
true certainly within the financial use cases or the financial kind of picture
but it's also true I think when it comes to how we how the internet works
right and so I started to think more deeply about how would the like this
basic question of like what does the internet look like if indeed we have
sovereignty to our data and to you know to our identity and what do business
relationships like look like are they are they better are they worse what does
the consumer experience look like is it better is it worse ultimately I came
down to a sense of deep conviction that it would be way better but you know as
some of the other speakers have discussed already there are some
challenges that we have and have had since the coining of that term and
getting to a plan and shit I mean that's all the way like he he coined the
term 2014 so it's ten years later and there have been challenges in getting to
I think a technical level for the infrastructure just what we can use to
build you know what three experiences it's taken some time right from concept
to be able to do some deploying and I think we're finally there mainly because
well obviously because of all the prior stuff but mainly because the scaling
solutions are in place and I think that that's just a really big factor but yeah
so that's that's my piece on it yeah thanks for thanks for sharing your
thoughts on that bionic you have your hand up hey thank you and yeah it's
great to hear everything everyone's saying and you know couldn't agree more
it's good yeah we're obvious for obvious reasons you know for believers in
decentralization and the ethos of web 3 that's a cultural and technology based
but I think we we commit things with a level of pragmatism in the in the near
term at least yet that there is this value in decentralized systems and
centralized systems you know cooperating and you know being able to
be interoperable and there's I think from a you know from a sort of purely
you know revenue commercial perspective it's gonna be you know it's really hard
to sort of go out there and say everything has to be decentralized it's
the only way to do things because the the net impact that I think in the near
term is going to be that we fail to scale web 3 platforms and systems
because yeah in as I say in the short term you know all of the economics a lot
of the economics are behind centralized platforms I guess if you take over as an
example it'd be incredibly difficult for a web 3 completely centralized
ride-sharing service to out-compete a system like that in the short term so I
think yeah this folks you want interoperability and having a level of
pragmatism about it until we we manage to if we don't do that I guess my
concern is that we we put blockers in the way of achieving true scale with
web 3 because you know at the end of the day users kind of vote with their feet
they're gonna on board themselves into services offer them the maximum level of
value if we don't have that that balance and pragmatism and open-mindedness and
you know for the next couple of years or guess I say you know we kind of hold
ourselves back and there's a space no I love that I love that you know from a
from a layer 1x perspective you know our core mechanic that we have which is our
flagship technology is our interoperability which is bridgeless
it's native and not only can you move assets but you can also move data and
logic and for us it's you know it I like what you were saying about the the
whole interoperability part of it as well as the collaboration and the
open-mindedness I think that that's a big part of growing any project is being
willing to once you do have a solution to a problem that you are trying to
solve to basically be open-minded to collaborate with other projects to help
expand into other things and that's one one thing that layer 1x is definitely
trying to focus on is this we're not here to compete with other chains we're
here to unite all of crypto together providing a seamless experience for all
of the users within web 3 so yes thank you for sharing juju you have your hand
up as well thank you very much I guess I'm just used to spaces where I need
to like raise my hand well it is what it is so basically do I found my way
into like blockchain and everything is I guess the story when okay I was
basically into like crypto Bitcoin ethereum before Covid I was I was like
maybe a bad trader bad hardware or whatever I just basically just take out
the small games and just get out of there then after Covid cuz basically I
was into engineering and everything and the like workplace kind of closed down
I was like okay fine what do I do I was just like all over the internet reading
whatever read see whatever I can see that I started seeing things about NFTs
about blockchain I started reading through them I was like okay this is
something let me just check this out I got in from a few communities I started
understanding like maybe the idea behind community then slowly evolved into like
understanding crypto a little bit better and realized the utilities behind each
token and knew what could be built on like each blockchain the differences
between them then with the way the current situation over there and if
these are right now as well you know like evolved into a point where you can
basically like build anything we've seen like defy protocols we've seen like
gaming projects we've seen like totally gamble fives whatever just builds beyond
on the blockchain behind like NFC project so that was like basically an
entry point for me to like see an experience for Stan working with this
project like currently as well I worked with a gaming project and I could see
like a lot of work has been done behind the scenes building our game building
out like the community especially like a sign for gamers and things I get so it's
just a great when we see all those things that could be done with a
blockchain and what the future holds and it's a lovely journey to be like a part
of thank you very much juju out
all right yeah thanks for everybody that's commented on that we're basically
at the 30-minute mark so let's just pause for a second for those that are
just joining us my name is Cody I'm the chief experience officer at layer 1x
and today's host we're joined by quite a few industry experts and architects
behind the web 3 revolution it has been a great conversation and discussion so
far so thank you for joining us if you haven't already go ahead and please do
us a favor and share the link to this so that we can get this great discussion
out to a bigger audience we'd appreciate that likewise if you guys have
any questions that are listeners listening in and have a question for our
panelists please drop those in the comments and we'll have Sam pick those
up and present those a little bit later let's move on to the next discussion or
the next topic so going along interoperability has kind of popped up a
couple of times so let's talk about that for just a second so the question I want
to ask is for you in your web 3 sector how do you think interoperability will
unlock entirely new use cases or even potential benefits in the year in 2024
or upcoming years well I would say that I mean it interchange operability is the
holy grail blockchain right so having these siloed based projects that really
are doing unique things and then of course there are projects that are doing
the same thing it's a lot of wasted resources I think so allowing chains to
work together for instance flux has ten other chains so we have flux eth flux
Solana flux KDA flux ergo flux Tron so on and so forth and we bridge on to all
of those ecosystems and why is that important well that's super important is
if we're gonna grow this into one symbiotic kind of you know new paradigm
we're going to need to be able to communicate between chains so I think
any project that's out there working individually in a silo is doing it wrong
I often say the gentleman earlier mentioned about competition I agree a
wholeheartedly I you know people ask me what's your competition I say we don't
have competition we have opportunities because opportunities for us to get web
3 to where it needs to go we all need to be working together flux can not do it
individually and nor would we want to do that but we we are we are a piece in
the cog that will become web 3 so I suggest anybody that's out there working
with other projects is to sit down and start to really learn about those
projects find someone ones that fit in well with you and and carry the same
ethos and work on developing together I think it's time for the tribalistic my
bag is the best bag to start going away and for people to really step up and
start getting involved in this stuff I actually think that entertain
operability is a lot I'm not gonna lie I think that it's a dead-end like the the
reality is I think that it makes sense for moving from like layer 2 to layer 1
when you have like a high value asset that you need to secure but like to be
honest I think from an architectural point of view there's not like a ton of
use cases around it that make any rules so like for example for example like if
you were building a game like World of Warcraft right the reality is that the
business model of that game is kind of not just the business model but the
technology model of some kind of game like that as an example right so you
know if you're building that game you're going to select a chain which for you is
basically a database that's going to be performant enough and give you kind of
the use cases that you want for your users right but like you don't really
give a fuck about people going to other chains you don't give a fuck about
those assets going to any properties that are outside of the properties that
you control right that are within your ecosystem in fact you're really
disincentive frankly to allow the transfer of assets outside of those
things now I mean you could benefit from migrating liquidity I guess but then
that kind of goes back to which chain you're you're selecting in the first
place so and I mean it may be it may be the case but you know I feel like
there's a lot of talk about it but I haven't really seen anyone make
compelling arguments for why we should do it other than it kind of being a
little bit of a solution in search of a problem I think I will respectfully
disagree with that and I think entertain operability ultimately is what takes us
to the next level you're thinking of it strictly from a financial standpoint and
an end-user standpoint which is the way web 3 should be developed we need to
understand that for people to utilize it mass adoption it needs to be
essentially seamless and they don't give a shit they will pick their asset they
will continue to do you know you used a for instance of World of Warcraft if
World of Warcraft runs on flux and that's a decentralized platform you know
it continues to scale and build appropriately so I think what you need
to do is look past just the silo of the financial world or the financial
I'm not talking about I'm not talking respect I'm not talking about the
financial world what I'm saying is that like if you install World of
Warcraft and let's say in a hypothetical World of Warcraft goes fully you know or
not fully but they adopt a bunch of blockchain technology and they're going
to go to market with I don't know you know polygon or mutable X or I disagree
I disagree wholeheartedly I think it has it has to be it has they have to build
the infrastructure to scale appropriately to scale appropriately you
are basically baking in and saying this is the only technology that wherever
going to have these other chains are going to develop technology that's not
even existent yet I mean let's take a step back and look at what FinTech was
two years ago it's nothing like it is today and as a matter of fact the
technology that's developed on that has done so exponentially so for us to
isolate an area and say okay you know it's a red herring or it's something
we're not going to chase I think that is naive at best and and legacy at best
sorry I just that's the way I feel about it I don't I don't know what your
background is but I can say that like my background is that like I've actually
built and deployed these products right I don't know what you mean when you say
you're not going to target a specific part of your go-to-market like that's
critical to understanding how you're going to market like you have to say
this is our you know these are our needs right this this is what we need to to
support our use case to identify technologies to support that use case
you go to market then you iterate I mean and by the way 25 plus years in
in technology and I helped build the world's largest decentralized compute
network so I just think you know and I'm not in this is I'm just this is good
conversation good banter that's all it is but I think it's very short-sighted to
say the technology stands as it stands today I mean customers don't know what
you want to you show them essentially Steve job scenario if we stopped at
iPhone one we'd never have what we have now as we developed out the technology
you're looking at at it from a user base which is good yes you are no I mean
you're specifically okay well let yeah we'll agree to disagree on this one and
and let somebody else play yeah yeah let's see yeah let's just kind of let's
kind of move on I love the discussion I'm inviting you guys back for another
AMA where we totally dive into kind of what you guys are talking about but but
let's just kind of pause there and move on Nina I I believe that you had your
hand raised yeah I didn't want to interrupt the banter I mean y'all had a
moment I mean from this perspective of the end user and just consumers on the
marketing side of things I would say that no one cares at the end of the day
about what blockchain they are using to proceed with anything they care about
how easy it is on board is it a single sign-on operation is the wall connect
that has no more than three clicks and so forth and from the perspective of
just creating a seamless experience you know we're a ways away from that if we
haven't hit that benchmark by 2025 I think we have to realistically than
industry say what the hell are we doing I mean we've been around for what a
decade now now AI is taken over the world and people are looking at
crypto still with side eyes and even though it's still a bull market or it's
a bull market has begun we still have a long ways to go so from the perspective
of interoperability again I'm not technical so I can't speak on this
there's a ways to go hey Sparky you had you okay you had your hand up as well
I'll get to you Juju in just a second yeah yeah look I think you know you've
got to make some some assumptions when it comes to interoperability one of the
assumptions are do you believe that the future of blockchain is multiple
blockchains existing whether they be public private you know proof of
authority or proof of state proof of work and I believe that that is the case
that the future of blockchains will be multiple blockchains existing and with
some depending on the entity like let's say it's government they would want to
have their own blockchain and then there'd be public blockchains and then
each government having their own blockchain and then I suppose the
question if that's the belief then the question is will those blockchains need
to talk to each other and I think the simple answer is yes I think what Flux
was saying about the wasted resources currently that's that are siloed on these
chains the double spend you know that's happening with with people building
forking all these sort of things and I think there'll be multiple reasons why
other blockchains will want to talk to each other just like any country wants
to do international trade is because it's this it's an exchange of resources
so I would if I have a blockchain and I want some of the resources then they
could be as simple as users and liquidity or it could be other
resources then I'm going to need to connect to that chain to access those
resources so I believe in a multi-chain or there'll be multiple chains existing
and I do believe that they will need to talk to each other
yeah I agree with that a hundred percent Kjuju you're up okay so I was gonna say
like I'm gonna give a quick example maybe from a gaming standpoint and
relate it into like simplifying the process and the community side as well
so firstly like when you're looking at a gaming sector I feel like with three
gaming side of things don't have like as much players or users as I went to
right now so the burst best way like you can simply on board people is through
interoperability because that way you are giving people access to not just one
blockchain or multiple blockchains at the same time and also when you try to
like build out games maybe you're trying to like pick out a community from maybe
the each side or whatever side you feel like you're building your community
from where you see like okay yeah this are the people that sees my goals that
understands what I'm trying to build but you need like maybe the cheaper
gas fees of polygon or like maybe something from Solana or some from
immutable X or something so you find a way to like build on those blockchains
and make them work together because it's gonna like further push your goals and
it's all about like making it simple because I've seen like people on the
east side when you're trying to bring them over to like maybe polygon as easy
as it might sound since it's a layer to you see some of them be like how do I
do this like it's a real difficult process now why should I do this and at
the end of everything you just end up like going walking away so when that
like certain projects exist on let's say like it exists on polygon it makes it
easier for them to like easily join into the community or like join the project
without like feeding like that to like go out of their way or whatever means
they have to like switch over into another blockchain so it's really about
like making the whole process like simple and like seamless to people the
main problem right now is how simple are this process right now and I feel
like interoperability is a step forward towards the direction of like making
everything simpler into onboarding like web 2 people into web 3 so at the end of
the everyday at the end of everything we could finally just call web 3 game and
web 2 game just games and now having to like differentiate every single time
thank you very much bionic you're up
hey yeah I mean I think I think the talk you know talk about uh interoperability
and so on is you know it's clearly of an immense value and there's great strides
being made we've got I think we've also got to recognize that we you know we are
still early here we're building out yeah some of the kind of key strata um uh
that are going to be required uh in that one of the last spaces I was on
um it was someone here whose name I've forgotten apologies
but you know to talk about all the strata that was left over from
the dot com boot um it was a really insightful comment
um and you know it was that that enabled the next wave of products to be built
in web 2 and web 2.5 I guess to an extent but I think we've you know it's
we're to focus on interoperability sort of looking from the inside out
obviously you know it feels really really important but we've also got to
look from the outside in and you know the fact the fact is that consumers
yeah we all want this to be mass market yeah we're all huge beliefs in web 3 we
want it to yeah to dominate and be the you know
the dominant paradigm I guess I'm saying but you know consumers do vote with
their feet and they are going to our core job is to
create value without you know sort of worrying about
or fighting about you know what should be interoperable and what shouldn't be
our focus should be on creating value for those end users and it's only by
creating that value that we're going to create
you know we're going to create a situation where you know we really
truly begin to onboard a sort of mass market level the numbers
um that you know we all really want that um I think one of the one of the
things we've been thinking about a lot recently without having to stay the
conversation away is is I think one of the things
because they're not having I mean swapping any token with any token
and using any token as gas I mean getting to that level I think is or
having no gas it just becomes part of your
your value that you're trying to see across chain I think that's
that is just a very simple use case uh but hugely powerful the user experience
is one of many that interoperability could deliver
yeah yeah 100 I think one of the things we've been thinking about a lot is
is where AI is going to fit into this and I think one of the things people
don't talk about enough that's very likely to happen at the next 12 18 months
is that the controller of the user interface starts to kind of melt away
and one of the real powers of web 3 is the modularity and
composability and if you've got an AI agent that can
create a user interface or a custom application on the fly
not having interoperability in that kind of scenario is a huge
blocker to value creation for those end users
I totally agree with you uh coming from a UI
UX design backgrounds um is it me or are we all having a
issue of silence it's you Spark
you know for for me it comes down to user experience being able to have
a positive um seamless I think it was Luna that was talking about uh
or uh Lena uh that was talking about um
uh you know having two or three clicks max to get people
in and uh allow them to to have that user experience where it's
clean and simple um I think that that's where interoperability
shines because it gives us the opportunity to not be so siloed
um allows us to be able to create those awesome experience user experiences for
people across the board no matter if it's
interacting with a contract that's on uh B&B
or BSC and having it interact with something on
Ethereum or Solana or something like that and uh being
able to transfer not only assets but logic and data
is going to be paramount to the future I I think flex was the one that was talking
um about that and and I wholeheartedly agree with it so
um Kevin I I believe you were trying to pipe in there at one moment
yeah hi everyone thank you so much for me being able to join
uh that was a cancellation so I was invited
my name is Kevin you know of course I uh work with
Definements.com we are real world asset tokenization ecosystem
and tokenizing real world assets and I want to
agree with the Bionic on the AI uh angle and say that I don't I do
believe that a lot of AI tools will be uh created
in the future so you don't even have to think about
integration it will just be on the fly online
as you as you browse the net you will be connected
automatically by AI to to the different chains and
I think it would not be an issue in the view in the near future
uh you can jump from chain to chain online
automatically by AI I think so I totally agree on that angle
I don't know that is there anybody on this that believes that
you know the building out of the infrastructure creates
a better a better experience I mean for instance my wife when she goes to the
ATM machine she puts her card and she puts your
number in she pulls her cash out she drives away the user experience
is seamless and that's what we want for web 3 overall we want that
that almost holistic seamless experience however
the infrastructure behind that is massive
and I think that that that's that's our job
is to be building that infrastructure out to enable the folks to build those
seamless pieces another for instance is as we were
working with flux one of the things that popped up was two-factor authentication
simple enough right two-factor authentication is a necessity for any
technology piece but who controls that two-factor
authentication well it's controlled by google or
whoever you are using for you know uh for that so we had to build a
decentralized two-factor authentication these are the pieces that we have to lay
down to enable web 3 to really grow into
that seamless solution so there's interchain operability pieces the
behind the scenes the unglorious shit the hard work that
we're doing I think that's where we need to be
focused and the the the lady that mentioned it's
been 10 years and here we are uh I think amazingly enough uh because
we've been siloed working on the financial world which by the way
finance is a problem that's not looking for an answer
let's look greater than that we're looking at game five we're looking at
you know electronic medical records supply chain management pieces like that
all industries that are desiring to have those things built out
so I think it's it comes down to really what web 3 is is we need to concentrate
on building something unique and something different
and something that's scalable and actually works and I think there's a
lot of projects out there that they're they're very siloed in on their
particular solution and they're missing the forest
through the trees so I think that I just wanted to throw that out I think
it's unbelievably important to build out interchain operability
I think he I think he hit the nail on the head with that one
um I you know I've been in for two decades been in the SAS model
software development background and being being in crypto just blew my mind
how siloed a lot of these projects were and how focused they were
you know subconsciously bringing over web 2
kind of mentality over into a web 3 space
um it works for only so long before it just doesn't work anymore
and they need to have that open mind that we were talking about earlier in
the conversation it's only then when you have that open
mind of where to take it and and make it more of the web 3
experience where it's more about the user
experience and bringing the projects and the DeFi projects and and protocols
to the user rather than the user going to these various things
um making that seamless kind of uh
new internet experience that people are wanting where they control their data
where they have the ability to take their world of warcraft
minted items to another kind of rpg game um and and integrate those in that
is definitely going to be the future the the the thing i kind of think about is
is that movie uh ready player one right where you can
take pretty much any of your assets your skins and take them and
and use them in any world that you want um
that's where i feel like we need to be headed
so um amen amen i couldn't agree more with that thanks yeah so uh let's pause
real quick sam do we have any questions from the
community on this one if not nope uh i don't see
any okay last yeah yeah so last chance for
listeners if you want to throw out a question out there for our panelists be
sure to throw it in the comments um and we'll we'll get that one up
i'll ask one one other question before our last one
um in the space where in this space where
anonymity is is valued what are your thoughts on the importance of
doxxing yourself and your teams for building trust and transparency within
your community
oh my that's a loaded question but um i think it is essential that if you are
co-founders in a project i i'm a huge cypher punk so i love
privacy um you know it's a whole reason why i came to blockchain
and i ended up when we created flux realizing that i was going to have to
doxx myself if i wanted to essentially there is only one satoshi nakamoto he
did us a great gift he did us two great gifts he created bitcoin and the second
gift was he went away and that was a pretty amazing gift but
that doesn't work if you're working into the standard tech stacks of what we're
doing today and i think for us to be good stewards
of our projects and continue to gain the trust in not only our communities but
our enterprises that we're reaching out to
i think it's absolutely essential to to doxx yourselves
as we continue to mature as a space and and let me tell you something
from six years ago till today it's a different
different world from 15 years ago till today it's a different world
so i think we got to continue to keep maturing i think there is a place
uh you know we make sure especially with interacting with a product that's
completely pseudo-anonymous uh structure and so on and so
forth so uh being able to assist people with
their privacy and security is essential but they have to trust the person that's
on the other side of that i believe that uh like i said there is only one
bitcoin but i think if you really want to be
serious about building your product out i think you do need to be doxxed at least
that's my opinion
um i guess i can just share my own experiences
just i i feel like doxxing yourself is fine i mean many many teams do that many
teams do not they prefer to go anonymous uh sharing my own experience uh having
been behind different projects or been part of go-to-markets
of different projects um you know like my my own experience
as a founder in the space like it there's a difference between being a doxxed
founder that has a public like token that's
traded um the open market and you know having and doing like an
equity raise or something like that there's a huge difference and the
difference is is like literally crazy people on the
internet who you know send you death threats because
they talk you know or they they bought your token on the open market and sold
their farm to do it and you know they blame you for their
losses right so everyone kind of externalizes their
losses and internalizes their gains um and i think that's something that web
three founders and crypto founders in particular
especially ones who have public tokens that are traded openly um have a much
uh much more difficult time i think and then it's also it's like salt in a wound
because you have like you know anonymous teams
that are pumping like pepe hyper shit coin x um and you'll have the same
people who are calling you a scammer even
though you're an open like doxxed founder um
are investing in these anon teams with like
meme coins um and that's i think really personally
challenging aspect of of being like specific to
founders in this space right because if you're just like i've been in
traditional startup situations too that are not crypto
oriented totally different like nobody knows
who you are you have investors that you know have five to ten year time frames
the investors in our time in crypto are like
fucking out and sorry excuse my french they're like
they're like startup investors on steroids they're looking at like six
months to two year turnaround on their exits
um and then you're also attached to like you know your public token it's it's uh
yeah i had to cease i had to seek therapy
to be honest to be completely honest uh having
weathered the storm already once of having been a web 3 founder with a
public token so yeah that that would be my two cents
uh thanks for sharing that so go ahead and jumping in here as someone
who's worked with 30 plus brands now on the marketing
side of things i would say that you know there's pros and cons
obviously to being doxed and not doxed i mean
living in the united states there's a lot of repercussions and regulation
that's cracking down and so forth but i'm fully doxed simply
because i feel that i have nothing to hide um
but you know some people may feel that they don't want to dox for their safety
security privacy protection which i absolutely
value and also understand as well but in my experience in working with brands
who haven't doxed i have felt that particularly
and this may come off as problematic like there's been issues in the
in the future and let's just say yeah founders just have
haven't been as haven't stuck to their word and i think that there's
guarantee and promise to fully representing yourself and putting your
best foot forward in releasing your your public identity simply because
you know it follows you wherever you go but at the same time there's downsides
to that too like for example because i'm doxed i've had
countless fake instagrams pretend that they're me i've had
countless people try to rug my email through phishing
attacks and even more identity theft stuff so it's not fun
um but yeah there's pros and cons and i would just say if you're considering
launching a product definitely consider the open side of it
because again unfortunately the public sentiment of the space is that it's
scammy and we have to build trust on the front end
uh i just want to quickly chime in here um i think it also depends you know
whether you're doxed or not also depends i guess on your project
target audience like for instance um i guess for us
obviously you know working a lot with the traditional
like brands or companies also on like bringing their i guess memberships
or ticketing on chain you know it's basically impossible for
me to not kind of dox myself given you know all these are
obviously kind of built on trust you know with all these kind of traditional
relationships but i think at the same time
um you know for similar to all of the other types of projects maybe
more on a real world assets or whatnot or even
more projects that are trying to i guess drive the mass
adoption or kind of on the user layer to really build trust with a lot of users
i think probably um you know this kind of dox are probably
is kind of required per se um in order to kind of build the
the trust in the long run but i think so yeah i mean i would say
even for more i guess projects that are more
leaning towards to the massed options um at least on the user
level based on my own experience pretty much is
is quite impossible to kind of drive the trust level
if it is not dox and you know in any time for a time
no 100 i i've worked with quite a few different
major brands and working exclusively with the executive teams
um regarding you know social media kind of
uh things like that and and it is in my opinion the same as if you were
doxing yourself through your your main account
uh through social like your twitter account instagram account you know
things like that there is a level of trust that definitely
comes with that when you have a real real face connected to it versus uh
kind of a cartoon or or a symbol around it so
um i think that is it sam do we did we end up getting any questions from the
listeners nope it seems like our speakers were
quite clear with their statements so we don't have any questions
perfect sounds good well if you guys have any questions feel free to reach
out uh to them directly afterwards but um i
do have one last question and uh we'll kind of end on that note
once once we ask that but uh here's the last
question for aspiring founders uh that are eager
to enter into the web3 space what is your best advice
on getting started for example what type of resources solutions
strategies tips would you recommend for navigating the challenges and
opportunities that lie ahead for them
the best the best input i could give is this um
sit down look at look at your project figure out what problem you're actually
solving and then look at what other projects are
actually doing it in the space or doing something similar
um i think too often we're so quickly to run in because we had a good idea
and there is you know we want we want to build this idea out but if it's already
being recreated maybe you can do something
a little bit different so i think tons of research you know if we're going to
invest in a in a cryptocurrency or a stock for
that matter you're going to do some research on it
so uh before you write that white paper before you build that team
sit down and actually figure out the problem you're going to fix and how
you're going to work with other projects as well to
make that happen uh you cannot go it alone in this space
you know i repeat you will not be successful going at it
uh by yourself so make sure you're inclusive make sure your community is
very educated and build this thing from the ground up
good foundation is everything
and flux actually noted on that one what i was going to say again
in addition to what flux said is sit down like check if you're like totally
going to be fully available for the project because at the end of
everything it's time consuming there's a lot of work it's
stressful that's why you can't do it alone but at the same time the presence
of the founder is always needed so you can just assume that oh you
have a team they represent you whatever you have to
like take out time show up and show out and you know get a
mentor have someone to show you the ropes
people you could easily like follow their map out plan
you know things like that but just know one thing it's not easy
just be prepared to like work your ass off
not discouraging anyone or anything but just be prepared
thank you
all right does anybody else want to jump in
all right if not we'll uh i guess that wraps up our deep dive discussion for
today we hope you enjoyed it as much as i
did before we end this episode let's give a big thank you to all
of our panelists for their participation also if you found today's episode
insightful uh please give us a like and follow
the x talks handle uh for all of our upcoming amas we'd
appreciate the love and support um until next time uh keep pushing the
boundaries of innovation and unite all of crypto have a good day and
thanks for for joining big thanks everyone see you in the next
episode all right bye