YFD & Rethinkable

Recorded: Oct. 10, 2022 Duration: 0:11:09



Hey guys, what's going on?
Hey, how's it going?
Good, good, how are you?
Doing well. Let's give it a few moments and then we have a few from our side that are going to be joining, but excited to have this conversation. Thanks for joining us. I think it's going to be great. Yeah, absolutely. I'm just getting a message out now.
Yeah, we'll have a few from our side that'll be joining.
Sounds good. I'm looking forward to it.
We got clean here, we've got thin, marco, grant, already got a good, good group.
Hey, what's good y'all? Can you hear me good?
Yeah, it sounds great.
Perfect. Great to be here.
We still waiting for a few people to think.
couple of
and then we'll get started. That sounds good.
Yeah, just thought, you know, since we have a bit of time, I'll regale you guys for a bit of music while we wait. I don't think it's conventional, but, you know, it's a Twitter space, anything can happen, right? Yeah, let's do it.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Alright. Nicely done, sir.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I'll be guys to join that. The sweet blues riffs of summoned ray into the space. So that's one of the ones we're right now.
Alright true in true spaces form let's just get started and people can start joining unless I rethinkable if you want to wait a little bit. Now I think we're good we can get started and they'll funnel in if they
I'd like to. Okay. Who do we have from Rethinkable on? The mysterious man. No, so my name is John, the marketing lead and I do all the spaces for Rethinkable.
Oh, nice. All right.
Yeah, so thanks for joining us on this space. I thought we would have just a pretty open conversation. We've been doing some stuff regarding the sort of future of work, is really where I see it going. I mean, it starts with Web 3, some of the evolution
Even of where the gig economy is headed, we've been doing some bounty boards ourselves, setting up partnering with contributors. So there's a lot of freelancer contributors. That's really what our community is all about, bringing together community builders to just do more than what
any sort of centralized entity can do. So the power of like a true decentralized workforce with some sort of long-term goal objective, long-term incentives to see this thing succeed. That's really what we're working towards with the Y Foundry
community and I know that we thinkable you are in the space doing a lot so I would love for you to kick us off if you would just to talk a little bit about rethinkable I don't know if everyone is as familiar with what your project does and you know just talk about you know what you're all about
Yeah, absolutely. So I really appreciate it. So again, my name is John. I'm otherwise known as Jay Pota on Discord. I'm the Dow President for pesky, also the marketing lead for rethinkable and I do their spaces. So rethinkable, it's actually really interesting because we've seen a lot of different platforms kind of popping up and people
trying to connect applicants and projects. And that's really what we're about is our goal is to be the LinkedIn of Web 3 and we're trying to connect applicants with those projects. And so we have a free Discord bot currently that any of our early adopters, they do have it for free, will always be free lifetime for them.
And with that discord bot, we actually have roughly probably about 250 partners at this time. So that's 250 discord that it's installed in. We have over 4,000 applications that have been submitted. We also have probably about 110 to 120. I have to look at the latest stats of people actually hired through the bot, including my
myself with that we're actually building out a web application with more features and functionality and a social platform so people can connect a little further showcase their skills and their talents and really the idea behind Rethinkables we wanted to try to come up with a solution to some of the problems we saw in this space and we really
narrowed it down to three. The first one was not having a central hub for people to actually connect for employment in the Web3 space. There are some websites out there, but it's usually a high entry to list a position or not really a lot of demand that's on there just due to exposure. So we wanted to be a central hub to kind of connect those applicants
and those projects to be able to enter them into the Web 3 space if they choose to start working in that space. The second one was verification. We know that being anonymous in this space is usually the thing that everyone goes to. With that, even though that's great, and that's a part of the space in the culture, it's very hard to verify your work.
If you said you've worked for X, Y, and Z project or you were a debt for this project, it's very hard to solidify or validate that information. So what we're doing with our web application is we're going to be implementing features that you can tie your Twitter, your Discord, your GitHub to in order to kind of verify that work along with references and
another thing that we want to put in there as well. The third thing in what people find most interesting or are excited about is the on-chain payment processing that we're going to be having. So we all know in the space that people who like to work in the space or provide a service, we kind of want to get paid for it. That's really the end goal at the end of the day when you're putting in this time and effort.