Yieldmos Weekly Space

Recorded: Nov. 8, 2022 Duration: 0:16:06





Hey there, how's it going?
Hey, good. What's up? Nothing much just just checking away. I just I just I'm just observing to
of our devs having a meeting about unit testing was very boring. That's fine. I want to give a couple of minutes so people start joining.
Sounds good. Did you come prepared with jokes this week? I have one joke, but I don't know if I should say it, but I'll save it for when we're live. Okay, sounds good.
Do you have a general topic you wanted to talk today, Luce? Well, basically, the usual news about the LPs. We're going to focus more on the stable coins. And I wanted to talk about the Cosmos 2.0 thing that's
coming to an end on Monday. It feels like forever, but it's finally ending. And FDX thing, I don't know if you read about it, but it's basically that collapse of FDX liquidity, but apparently it's not
as final as I thought. Good morning. Crypto T welcome. Arc yesterday sent me down a path reading about IST which is relatively interesting so that I mean that fits into your yeah yeah exactly we're good.
about ISD and there's also a pool that started recently. But I don't know, I think we should get started since it's a pretty short time frame we're using, even if it's only the four of us right now. So basically just through a reminder, LP compounding is
back in line and you can activate it again and you shall start seeing your LPs compound again. The way LPD compounding works is you take the rewards and if they're part of the pair of the pool, for instance the Adam Osmo pool
Pays Osmo so it can be compounded back, but if it paid I don't know USDC it couldn't be compounded yet Kaku the devs of yield mobs are working on and Unimproving this and we'll have more news soon
Hopefully you will be able to swap and customize what you want to do with your rewards and you will be able to help with that. Other news we mentioned last week the Jackal Chain Wass Offline. Just want to quick mention that it's back online.
Apparently old age have been fixed and they paid a no-sino for the fix. So a little bit of a drama solved there. So today the topic we're going to focus on is the stable coins that
keep popping up from everywhere. The new pool that started from Agoreg, it's the IST Osmo Pool, Pool 837 that's giving out BLD rewards or Agoreg rewards. That's a nice
APR and since it's fair with the stable, theoretically should be safer from impermanent loss. And as a reminder, none of this is financial bias and do your own research. But of the top pools, we have the same that we had last week.
Revis, Jackal, Tori, the three of those that have huge APRs by staking have driven a lot of liquidity to as most as hand. They have pretty crazy APRs right now about 1,000 for Revis and Jackal.
As always, the research about the looking pretty juicy and as I mentioned the new one is ISTOsmo which is from a gory again it's a stable coin. It's a soft, they call it a soft pegged stable coin because it's not paired strictly with the USDC or
or the other, it's backed by Adam Ethereum or USDC and it depends on the governance from a Gorex. So it's not a heart peg USDL or stablecoin, so keep that in mind. But from what I've seen, it's
head skip kept its volume in the short term is going live. So that's interesting. Another pool that's appeared out of nowhere, it's the Lambo Osmo pool with 146 APR, which I had to do a bit of research because I didn't know what Lambo was.
but it's basically an NFT storage chain mainly from Ethereum. So, the liquidity is very low. I would be careful with that type of pool, but it has a nice API right now. The other

FAQ on Yieldmos Weekly Space | Twitter Space Recording

What was the topic of discussion in the podcast?
The stable coins and pools in the cryptocurrency market.
What news was given regarding LP compounding?
LP compounding is back in line and can be activated again.
What is the benefit of LP compounding?
It allows users to compound their rewards and earn more tokens.
Which three pools have high APRs for staking?
Revis, Jackal, and Tori.
What is IST?
IST is a soft pegged stable coin backed by Adam, Ethereum, or USDC and dependent on governance from Agorix.
What is the APR for the IST-Osmo pool?
The APR for the IST-Osmo pool was not mentioned in the podcast.
What is Lambo?
Lambo is an NFT storage chain mainly from Ethereum.
What was the APR for the Lambo-Osmo pool?
The APR for the Lambo-Osmo pool was mentioned as 146%.
What caution is given regarding the Lambo-Osmo pool?
The liquidity is very low and users should be careful with that type of pool.
Is the information presented in the podcast financial advice?
No, the information presented in the podcast is not financial advice and users should do their own research.