#YieldmosChat - Cosmos 101: A guide for beginners 💜⚛️

Recorded: Feb. 21, 2024 Duration: 1:15:31



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Period. Hey, guys.
Glad to see everyone up here. Hey, Geo. Hey, Kaku. Hey, Hoss. Hey, Timmy.
Shout out to Moss, too. Glad to see you in the audience.
Got a shout out to Moss.
That's a real Yulemoss OG right there. Thank you for joining, guys. I'm really excited for today's
episode, and we're going to jump in in a second. So I'd like to start with the introductions.
Once again, welcome everyone to YulemeaksChat, the go-to place for all things Cosmos and all
things Yulemoss. My name is B.B. Yu. I'm your host, and today we have a really exciting episode
lined up. And before we dive in, I'd like to remind you all that this is a chat, so grab a hot or cold
drink and get cozy. A quick shout out to everyone listening live right now and to everyone listening
to the recording. We appreciate your support. Thank you for listening. You're now listening
to YulemeaksChat. I'm going to do that a million times today. Let's jump in. Our main objectives
today is really just to provide a beginner-friendly guide to understanding Cosmos. We're going to be
discussing some AirDrop Alpha and resources for newbies to Cosmos. Please note that none of the
opinions shared here today should be considered financial advice. It's literally just a chat
amongst friends. Joining us today, we have our founders. Actually, both our founders are here.
We have Gio and Kaku here, and we also have two fantastic guests who are key players and OGs in
the Cosmos community. We have Cosmos Hoss, and we have Tendermint Timmy. Welcome, guys. How are you
doing? Doing well. I was vibing out, by the way, when I came in here at first. I was like, man,
let's keep that rolling for another five minutes. I was vibing. I love it. I'm honored to be here
today and to talk shop and have a good time. It's been awesome. 2024 has been off to a wonderful
start. I'm looking forward to if any of the people listening or will listen afterwards,
if you're going to be in Denver this upcoming week, hit me up.
Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, you should definitely do that. I wish I was in Denver this week as well.
I'm pretty jealous. Gio, Kaku, are you guys going to Adam Denver or East Denver?
No, I'm not.
I regretfully will not. I actually used to live in Denver, so it's quite difficult to not go,
but things are just so busy. There's so many important yield notes things that I need to be
building for the people that I'm making this huge sacrifice to stay home. So, yeah, unfortunately.
We all appreciate your sacrifice. Yeah, we do. We do. Thank you.
Awesome. Awesome. We have Tenderman Timmy here as well. Hey, Timmy. How are you doing?
Doing well. Always glad to be in one of these spaces. I'm my favorite.
Same. We love having you here. Definitely. You're on host. Definitely my top people in
Cosmos to chat with and just connect with. And I feel like bringing the spaces back and rebranding
and sort of changing up how we do things. I figured you guys would be the best to kick off
your most chat with. You guys are brilliant OGs in the space. You had so much impact in Cosmos.
And who better to give the newbies a guide to navigating Cosmos than both of you?
Yeah, it's awesome. Thank you for that. Yeah, it's been so much fun to just see
all the things that we've been kind of preaching from our rooftops, so to speak, for the last three
years. And then now everyone's starting to catch on outside the ecosystem. So it's just
really cool to see. Not that we needed to pat ourselves on the back, but it's just nice to see.
We were like, why is no one else seeing this? Except for us crazy people in here.
So yeah, it's just like the words, everything that we've been saying, I know Timmy has been
saying the same thing, like modularity and interoperability and just all these cute
fancy words that everyone's thrown around throughout all of crypto now. It's pretty cool to see.
Yeah, the only thing I'd add is Hoss, you in particular were one of the very first people I
met when I made this Twitter. So it's really cool to just like see how far everything's come,
but have a couple core people like you and the other Cosmos spaces guys and a few other accounts
who feel like we've been through it all together since the beginning. Yeah, dude, it's crazy. I
was on the space the other, I don't know, it was like a week ago or two weeks ago. I don't even
know who was doing the space, but I just like hopped on, I was listening. And then someone
said my name after I was in there for about 20 minutes. And then they said, hey, come up. And
I came up and it was, he's like helping out with Atlas Dow or whatnot. And
wait, yeah, not Jacob. No, no, yeah, I think it is Jacob. Okay, yeah. So Jacob, like Ed,
and a couple of other people, my very first time even understanding or knowing what Twitter space
was, they were on it. So it's always like anytime that, you know, stop by or see them, it's always
like my always my thought was that Friday night, the very first time I ever was on my Twitter space,
because like before that, I legit didn't even know what Twitter space was. Because even before
crypto, I didn't even have a Twitter. So it's just same, you know, I appointed it like the plague.
Yeah, yeah, me too. I'm like, oh, Twitter's so stupid, you know. And then now it's literally
my life. Like if you'd have told me any of this stuff would have been happening like three years
ago today. No, bro. Have you guys ever have any of you guys ever thought actually, I wonder if
Elon and team looks at metrics, or just in general, I'm curious what percentage of Twitter is crypto
to it. Because like it must be a large segment. Oh, yeah, I don't know anyone that's probably in
Twitter, or not in Twitter, but anyone that's in crypto, for the most part, that's probably not
in on Twitter, on Twitter. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I guess maybe someone that's potentially like a
boomer, that's just like, oh, I'm gonna buy Bitcoin on Coinbase or buy an answer or something. Maybe
they don't have Twitter, but anyone that's like in, in crypto, trying to do something in crypto,
learn about crypto, and yeah, they're all on Twitter. That was literally the only reason I
got Twitter at the very first because I was like, Oh, you know what, this is I understand it's like
instantaneous information and all the devs and founders, they have Twitter, they're probably
posting. So like, let me create a Twitter account. And I think that was back in July or June or July
of 2021. And then I really didn't start posting things until about November. It was around
Thanksgiving time of 2021. And then now here I am. It's crazy. Like Timmy said, it's just so cool
to see everyone that's been just doing things and in Cosmos to see like what they're doing now. And
then obviously the ones that stuck through all the bad times too, after the Lin and USD thing. So
here we are. We made it guys. Something worth celebrating. I think the future is so bright for
Cosmos. And I feel like such a bright or smart investor with so much foresight by getting into
Cosmos early. But yeah, this is such a great conversation. And, you know, speaking about
Cosmos right now, Cosmos is hot. Everyone's trying to get in the ecosystem, trying to get
some air drops, trying to make some money, find the newest ways to make some yield, you know,
and there's so much information and there's so much to navigate across Cosmos. And it would be
great to sort of dissect some of the issues, I guess concerns, questions that a lot of you
have. Right. And we would love to start with us. So your journey to Cosmos, what drew you to
Cosmos? Why not Polygon? Why not Solana or even ETH? And how did you become so involved with the
community? I'm building such an impressive brand in Cosmos. So my first, especially back then,
I think everyone's first go to or entry into crypto was probably like Bitcoin or Ethereum,
or maybe like Cardano or XRP or whatever was being talked about all the time, like on YouTube. I
think most people potentially their first entry into the space is watching like YouTube. And that's
what YouTube is very beneficial about because some of those videos can stand to test the time. I'm
not a big YouTuber. Currently, I like never watch YouTube. But that at the time, that was kind of
how I was getting into this space was just watching videos. And so, you know, I did the Bitcoin,
Ethereum route. But as I was like trying to dive into it and use it, I was like, this is so clunky.
And I can't go from one, you know, one chain to the other. And there's got to be something else out
there better. And there was an individual GDLT, which I was like a subscriber on YouTube. And I
really liked his content because it was very educational. His content wasn't shilly. It was
essentially him having 100 tabs up and just going talking about all of crypto and doing research and
all this. I was following him for quite a while. And then it was it was about June ish of 2021.
And randomly, I just messaged in the chat on YouTube, I was like, Hey, like outside the top
200, what what's catching your eye? And instantly, his first thing he said was osmosis. And at the
time, like osmosis literally just launched, it might have been like two or three days after it
launched. And he was like telling me about osmosis. And I was like, what is that? He was
explaining about Uniswap, which I use, but like even better, it's its own chain. It's in cosmos.
And I legit didn't know anything about cosmos at that at that point in time. But I did pretty much
right after his show, I went and checked out osmosis. And at the time, the APRs were just insane.
So like, I, because of my backgrounds in accounting and finance, I was like, This doesn't
seem right. It seems kind of sketchy. Like, how can I be getting, you know, thousands of percent of
APRs and stuff. So, you know, I took a little bit of money and I was like, All right, whatever,
I'm going to do that. And then that same night, and then the next fall and day and everything,
I just started doing all my research on who the founders are, where they went to school,
what they're doing. And then I just went down that rabbit hole just nonstop. And the way my
mentality is, I, I think I always enjoy learning things. So I just spent thousands of hours over
the following month or two, just like just every day, all day over, over the rest of that year of
2021. And I was so I was kind of just like a fanboy of osmosis, because it was like nice looking
aesthetically, user friendly, it was just cool, had good vibes, like I'm all the good vibes,
like we're in here right now. And so it just kind of became a fanboy. And at the time, there was,
you know, like, the only places you can kind of go to chat about it was on Twitter or telegram. And
at the time, I like just got a telegram, too. I was like, All right, I need to get a telegram.
And I was in the osmosis chat. And I was just having a good time. And it became such a
thing with me that I just was learning so much that I wanted to give back. So now I'm in the chat,
just as some random person, just, you know, I'd see comments and questions of things that I just
had maybe two weeks ago or three weeks ago. And then I started answering them. And I was just like,
you know, helping out, helping out, helping out. And then it was like October time. And they,
I think it was October of 21. They're like, Hey, like, I see you're, you know, you're always in
the chat and all this, would you be interested in helping out in the support lab? We're going to
start it up on chain. And they put it up on, on, you know, Commonwealth or whatever it was at the
time. And it passed. And they asked me to be a part of it. And I was like, Absolutely. Like,
it was just kind of like my first time entering the space and being offered something. And I was
with osmosis for about a year. And it was just so cool that you can just come from you could be
anywhere, right? And it was just like the pure sign of, of like freedom and opportunity and things
like that. And don't get me wrong, I put in so much time and effort. Like I felt like I knew a
lot, obviously. But compared to what I do now, it's insane how much there there's been so much
growth and development from just the technological side, but also the communicational side, the
communitarian side, the cosmos kind of offers all of that. So that's kind of what, you know,
I got into and just was like, all right, this it's the same home, it kind of embodies my personality
as well. Like the things that I believe in outside of crypto was like, okay, well, if,
if I could technically be a crypto or affiliate with a crypto, what would it be? And it was kind
of like cosmos. So that's why it's just, that's why I'm here. And I stick stick here.
That's such a beautiful story. And I love how you walked us through like every part of your journey.
And I think that's something every newbie listening right now should take away is the fact that you
put into work, you were there, you were an active community member, and you got rewarded for that.
And I see this a lot, especially in cosmos, active diligent community members that seek to find a way
to add some value back into their communities, they usually get the most value back. And it's
beautiful to see like, how's your a true representation of that. And I hope like anyone
listening should take that as some advice and something to look up to. And I guess segueing off
of that, I'm sure that you made a couple of mistakes, or maybe you held when you should have
sold, or maybe you invested your time in the wrong communities or the wrong founders, believing
the wrong people. And I would love if you could share like some key piece of advice that you'd
give to someone entering cosmos for the first time. Yeah, I mean, one, you always, I guess this is just
like in general, I would, I would never do anything when you're really tired, or you're not in the
right set, the right mindset, so to speak. I've lost money, I had my wallet drain, this isn't in
Cosmos, it was in Solana, I was, I thought there was like a free mint, and it was on my phantom
wallet. And I was like, Oh, yeah, I was like half out of his related night. And I click it, and it
just basically drain on my soul. And man, like, the Solana price now, it's probably that could have
been a lot of money, basically, it was still at the time. So like, that was one of the things I
learned, also learned to not always dismiss people that have, I don't want to say different points of
view. But if they're kind of being, I don't want to say negative, but bringing up things that could
potentially go wrong. And you don't want to have the for that everything is always going to go
right, because technology, I've been investing technology for like 20 years, there's always
things that are going to come up that you just don't see, or, you know, the situation or whatever.
So you always got to basically think about things that can go wrong. And then, from like a like an
engineering perspective, that's what engineers do, they want to solve problems. So think about what
problems could arise or could happen, not that they all are going to, or they're going to,
but it's like, okay, if this happens, what's my plan? And also, I would probably, I think
journaling is like really good, because I do believe like I've been starting the markets
since like 2008 2009, when I graduated university, and like us debt cycle, I'm not trying to be a
cavalier kind of controls like the markets in a sense. And we're kind of in that spot where
we're probably in the bull market, we should be based off of data and historical standpoints.
But you need to like think, okay, well, if I have this asset, that asset, this asset, or whatever
you have invested, and it hits certain price points, are you going to sell or are you going
to sell some of it, like actually have a game plan, because if you're just winging it,
based off of pure emotion, it's probably not a good thing. Because as you know, you all humans,
for the most part, are basically emotional. So when you make decisions, while you're emotional,
you generally don't make the right decisions, whether that's in crypto or just life in general.
So that would be kind of my advice would be to journal things and have have a game plan,
right? Because then if you actually have a game plan, you can't you won't really be mad
at yourself at the end of the day, even if you kind of make the wrong decision,
because you thought you had a thought process, as opposed to, well, I'm just going to sit here,
and I think everything's going to go up forever. And then you just never sell or you like you just
got to have a game plan. That would be my thing. That's really brilliant advice. And I think
everyone newbies and OGs together will find that as really valuable advice me personally, I think
that a lot of a lot of the time, I like I'm building a portfolio, but I actually do not have
a game plan. It's like, maybe sometime in the future, when it's like a lot of money, not probably
so. So, but that's not a real game plan, right? You want to be thinking two years into the future,
five years, 10 years, 20 years like that, and have a plan for each step of the way. And I think
that's really valuable advice. And my other thing I would say too to that is, I would not invest
money that you actually need at this moment, or you need it like next week to pay your bills or
two weeks from now because it's just you're going to be stressed out like like the way
now everyone's financial wherewithal is absolutely different. So I get that. And another
thing, don't judge, don't judge the success or lack of success or whatever, based off of other
people like Oh, well, you know, you see in this space, it tends to be a little bit of the younger
side, a lot of people are flexing and showing their stuff off. And like, to me, that's not my
style would never do that. But I also jump in a lot of people face this lie. So don't get jealous
about people posting an image that you can inspect element. That's a big part I've noticed.
Yeah, yeah, you can't people can be masquerading around or whatever. But no, like on all seriousness,
you know, you see people and like, you know, like me, I like like, I like bad kids was talking about
bad kids before bad kids were like super cool. When now it's like the hot, it's like the thing
and you can't be mad at yourself. You're like, Oh, well, I could have bought a bad kid when it
was like 50 bucks or whatever. Should have couldn't work. Right? So like, don't be mad.
Like how I wish I bought more bad kids to like, oh, I got because people were like, hey,
should buy more. And I'm like, yeah, whatever, you know, I have enough of them. And but like,
you can't you can't base your success or lack of off of other people's success or lack of so just
like, like I said, and I think the best way of going about that is having goals. You're like,
hey, it's 2024. I'm actually I'm this year. I'm this age, like this is my goals. Like what do you
want at the end of the day with crypto? And I think you said it earlier. And if I honestly,
if I can do it, I think anyone can do it when it comes to being a part of crypto. And I think
that's the best way for you to be have sustainability is to bring value to the space.
And I think every single human has value in one way or another, you don't need to write code and
no code, you can bring your own value, whether you're an artist or your communicator, or you
like to write your writer, or maybe you speak multiple languages, like that's a good that's
a good thing to have in a space. So mainly everything's in English. So if you can speak
other languages, like there's ways that you can kind of input yourself into the space and the
growth, in my opinion, out of any field in the in the world right now, this is the fastest growing
space. So you know, there's not enough help if you ask my opinion. So like you can be involved,
but you also need to be accountable. Like I tell people all the time, hey, hit me up. I'm here to
help you. I've got people so many opportunities, but then they're just they're, they're whatever
they're not, they're not reliable, like you need to be trustworthy, reliable, accountable, respectful.
And if you have those qualities, and you want to learn, then you can you can really do something
in this space. But if you don't want to do that, then it is what it is like you can't,
in my opinion, you shouldn't have asked anything in life. So if you're going to do it,
do it 100%. I completely agree with everything that you just said. Completely agree with that.
This is the future of France, guys. So next time host gives you an opportunity to take that shit
serious. Awesome. So hey, hey, hey, hey, Daniel, thank you so much for coming on stage. Please
give us to the end of the space. And then we can get into questions if that's fine.
No, not a question, actually. I wanted to just make a little contribution because
for people who do not really know a lot about the Cosmos ecosystem, and for those who came
into Bitcoin, sorry, who came into crypto, basically from Bitcoin, because of course,
some of us came in from Bitcoin about six, seven years ago, when we had issues with transferring
money. I don't know this website called LocalBitcoins. I don't know if anyone here
used LocalBitcoins. And that's how we used to transfer money around the world. And then we got
into crypto and all that. So people need to understand that the Cosmos ecosystem is very
wonderful in the sense that it's the only network in the world that allows developers to build
blockchains without having to code from scratch. Like, can you think about that? You can use your
own blockchain without having to code. And they don't charge you. Exactly. So if you understand
the possibilities on Cosmos, just first of all, understand the possibilities, like,
what's possible with Cosmos? What can I do with Cosmos? I'm not talking about just buying
buy low, sell high stuff. What can I do with Cosmos SDK? If you understand either as a new
video, as an audio, whatever you are, understand what you can do with Cosmos, then you can begin
to look at the possibilities. It's just endless. Remember, the game changer for Cosmos actually
was the IBC. Guys, do you agree with that? The IBC. Definitely. So I want us to not just educate
people, but let them know that there are so many possibilities. Whatever problems you think you want
to solve in real life, and you want to use blockchain to solve it, if you can think,
if you can just think about it, Cosmos has a solution for you. That's all I want to say for
now. Thank you, guys. Preach. Thank you so much for coming up, Daniel. And yeah, that's a brilliant
observation. The Cosmos SDK enables a lot of stuff that other ecosystems have been trying to build
for the last couple of years and have failed trying to build for the last couple of years.
So Cosmos is definitely superior in that regard.
We have someone else up here. Hey, Junky. Hey, how's it going? Amazing. Thank you for coming up.
Yeah, I was curious. I had to jump off because I am working while kind of listening in. But I was
curious if anybody's seen something. They said that they were going to fork the Cosmos.
What was it? I think it was crypto CTO was posting about it. And I don't know anything about it was
going to see if anybody knew something. Apparently, we're going to be at 24 scenes very soon.
It's just more jay nonsense. We'll see if it actually even happens.
I got excited. I think it's just like a new version of no land. You know, it's like,
it's just his new I don't I have no idea other than that crypto CTO tweet. But when it comes
to stuff from him, wait for the date. And let's see if anything actually happened.
No, dude, I tried. It took me eight hours to get through the requirement for the
what was it? Just there was like something where you had to go on there and start doing
posting. And I was like, it took me forever. I didn't understand any of it.
I can't believe you actually did that. Yeah, I dedicated airdrop hunter right there.
It was like three o'clock in the morning by the time I was done. And I was just like,
at that point, I was so far gone. I was like, I need to do this. Or I'm just going to end up
running my head into a wall. That's the worst feeling when you're like doing a task. And you're
so you're like, all right, I already devoted so much time. I am doing this no matter what. I don't
care how many hours it takes because you just feel like you just felt that life if you don't
finish that time. And it's like, I hope this thing's worth it or whatever. It's just like
compounding nom, man. Eight years. Maybe it'll maybe it'll go live, you know, this decade or
whatever. Don't you conflate those two projects? Don't you put nom and anything that you're related
in the same time. Sorry, I am so sorry. Please don't hit me again. Just stay in line that time
and I won't have to. That's so funny. Awesome. Yes. So we're on standby to see how I turn or atom one
pans out. They rebranded. They rebranded to something else. It's not even atom one anymore.
I did see what junkies. I don't remember the name of it. Rebanded to Gov Gen question.
We'll see. Yeah, Jay. Jay's a he's a crazy guy, man. I think he just I don't know. He just has a
thought. Right. And then he like he has a scatterbrain. He just starts like, oh, I got this really
great idea. Starts working on that. And then he's like, oh, you know what? I got another great idea
and started working on that. Yeah. It's the first thing. No, I think Jay is actually insane
slightly in the medical definition, like his brain works so differently. I've talked to him
like once on a space and I asked him the same question three times in a row and all of his
answers were just his brain was elsewhere. They had nothing to do with the question. I was like,
okay, so you're on a different level. Yeah. Some of the people in the space are so eclectic that
their mind is going so fast. They can't they can't slow it down. And I was in never last year.
I went I always go to the builder week and I don't really care about all the glitz and glamour,
all the I should. But I go to like meet all the devs and see what they're up to and what they're
building. And you know, I was just chatting with a bunch of random devs. Like most of them are
just solidity developers or whatever. And they're you know, they're coming up and chat with me and
we're having a conversation. And I could just tell man, they're some of them their minds were just
they couldn't shut it down. They're just so far ahead of what my conversation was. And I was I
kind of feel bad. It's a damn man, like you can't slow your brain down. And I get it because I have
taught I have troubles at times sleeping because I can't shut my brain off. But they can't shut it
off. But they're also there. They can't slow it down. Like they're so far ahead of what they're
doing because he gets tossed under so many like conspiracy theories and stuff like it. I don't
know. That's just he's a wild dude, man. Yeah, it's crazy. He invented he basically helped invent
cosmos. There's a shout out to him. True. Yeah, true. He's a he's really smart. I just some of the
stuff that he says. No, I he's smart to his own detriment. Maybe bringing us back to the topic of
the space and comment about hunting the airdrops junkie. One thing is not good at is making end user
simple products that let people on and understand like how you said you spent like six hours trying
to claim the you know, do the problem was I did the whole thing and then it still didn't work.
And so I had to redo every step because I couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Yeah, they're certain. So like another example might be the boot, the cyber AI team. They might
be witnesses, but I actually don't think that's all that's needed in this space. You also need
to be able to communicate your high level thoughts to average users, which is not necessarily easy,
if that's how your brain works, you know, I kind of I kind of disagree with you, though those guys
are they're super, I think what they're personally doing is just making it super complicated to start
because the user, the end user thing that they're trying to do, I thought was like a browser.
So my thought process was they're making it like super complicated and weird right now,
but then it's going to all be for the benefit of the easier end user. But I'm an idiot. So what do
I know? I'm going to remain hopeful on that note. Actually, I like that thought.
I still remember it's probably not appropriate to say on here, but I still remember their first
prop on on osmosis. Oh, my God. I was like, What is this? This is real. This is real bush league,
right? I voted no, because I was like, This is so unprofessional.
Yeah, no saying I think everyone did just because of that. And because Jacob made that video.
Anyways, yeah, I digress. Yeah, it's crazy. I remember when they did the first was it the first
cosmoverse and they did they did their presentation. I was like, What, what?
Last note, and I won't get back. I saw just the other day they won an award at the last cosmoverse
for most What the fuck even is this project? I thought that was hilarious.
It's probably so much better than like bit tensor. And it's just like you said,
people just don't know. So if you can't get people to kind of go check it out or understand it or
hype it or talk about it, like it doesn't matter, right? Like no one's going to find out about it.
So you got to have a middle ground there in a sense, because we see it in this space like
Jacob. Yeah, I will say Jacob Godickian has been somehow involved from the beginning there. So it's
probably going to implode. It's probably already poisoned and tainted, like in all reality, like
everything he touches. So don't invest too heavily in boot. I'm not kidding, but not financial advice.
Oh, my God. I was buying that like a year and a half ago. And it was like you throw in like 15
cents and you get two billion. I've got a bunch of fun, right? Like just the crazy number game
they're doing. Like my state awards are like three million a day. That's crazy.
Um, Kaku, do you want to jump in? Yeah, so not to like force us back to the topic,
but like we are so so this is like Cosmos 101. And we're talking like the term airdrop has come
up multiple times. And speaking from like personal experience, the first time people tried to explain
what an airdrop is to me, I did not get a good explanation. And it didn't make sense for like a
good while. Like, what, like, why am I receiving this? Like, like, what is going on here? So, um,
does maybe do we want to pause for a second? And does somebody want to attempt to give a definition
for airdrop? Yeah, I can give it. So the way I visualize an airdrop in Cosmos is I think
Cosmos might have invented airdrops because they've been around for so long now. But it's a form of
marketing, obviously. And then not only that, it's like, we were, we were speaking earlier,
I forget who that was, Panda. But he was saying about like, how Cosmos SDK and you can like build
with blockchain. Well, we're the only ones offering basically free software. And this software is
amazing. So in essence, you know, we're not, we're not like polka dot words, like you need to buy a
dot to build on our, it's like hair, here's our SDK, have at it. And you know what, you can alter
it if you'd like, and you can change some things, you can have your own validator, you can do this
and that there's so much flexibility, the word modular, right? It's very modular. So kind of like,
and it's like the unwritten rules like, okay, well, since you're getting to utilize this amazing
software and to be your best version of what you want to do, maybe in return, you show good faith
and you do an airdrop and all the people that are kind of your users and your community and your
basically your user base, you show them some love. And again, it's like a form of marketing. So like
when I think of airdrops, I just think of it, what's what's what would you rather have a new chain
come out, do a bunch of commercials and all this nonsense and pay a bunch of people and web to like
that literally don't know anything about crypto? Or would you rather give your potential user base
and say, here, there you go, there's some free money, basically. So like, that's kind of the way
I always look at airdrops. And not only that, they're obviously very effective. Like everyone's
doing it now. It's like the thing all all in crypto, like it's just the way it is, right?
And Cosmos has been doing it forever. And that's one of the problems, in a sense,
where people that just stare at charts and they're like, Oh, Adam price and all like,
if you've been staking Adam for like the last three years, there's zero chance I don't care
what your entry is, that you're not technically up money from your airdrops. It's just impossible.
Like it's just mathematically impossible. So yeah, people like always want to clown. It's a stable
coin. Well, yeah, it's a stable coin that has a PR still. And you like, I don't know, I think
they qualify for every airdrop. So what are we at now about 100 different blockchains and in Cosmos,
in essence, maybe some of them in test, test that but they pretty much all have done airdrops.
Not that it's always going to happen in perpetuity, but I could see that happening indefinitely.
Do you want me to go over like the best ways to get airdrops? Because I feel like that's kind
of important if you've got newer people in here. Oh, yeah, definitely. But that should come further
down. But yeah, on the airdrop topic, I agree with us where it's usually for marketing. And then it's
also important or it also helps with bootstrapping. Because if you're giving people your tokens,
I will say, okay, hey, you have these tokens now use them here, do this with that. And it sort of
it gives them capital to play with a DAP or your protocol. And at the same time, you're giving them
a chance to explore it. If they enjoy and they love what you built, you've got a free new customer,
I mean, not free for you, but you've got a new customer that will actually add some values to
your protocol. And I feel this is probably the most effective way for DeFi protocols to do so
marketing. But yeah, go ahead, Timmy. Yeah, I'll just I'll just kind of take a crack at it too,
because I actually have a kind of different answer than Haas. I don't disagree with anything he said,
but I do look at them differently. So first, like the what, what is an airdrop just in a simple
sense, when new blockchains come into existence, there's historically been three ways that they
start, and tokens start being in circulation. One is, it kind of just starts organically at
close to zero, like Bitcoin, it's one of the only projects that's actually pulled that off.
Two is an ICO fundraiser launchpad type thing like Ethereum and Cosmos did, where you're raising
money in an IPO ish fashion. And then third is an airdrop, where you just give away an amount of
your tokens for free right off the bat. So just the most high level, like what an airdrop is,
is that new chain comes into existence, or new project doesn't have to be a chain, but new
project with a token. And some of those tokens are available at Genesis from day one, and they go to
various groups in the ecosystem. And then as for like, why airdrop in their purpose, I actually
don't, I think if you go into an airdrop with the mindset that you're doing it for marketing,
your project will probably fail actually. So I like very much disagree with Haas there,
or at least being like the first thing I say about an airdrop. Marketing is definitely something that
comes with it. It's sort of a byproduct that you should play into and try and enhance as much as
possible. But really, there's I think three core reasons teams do an airdrop. One is legal reasons,
ICOs, one of the other methods for launching a chain I called out, they've had a lot of changes
over the past years in basically, projects don't want to do it because it's legally risky. It's
close to like issuing a security like an IPO, and it's really gone out of fashion. So just as a way
to get your tokens out, there needs to be some method and the Bitcoin method of starting with
zero and like organically growing doesn't work for a number of reasons, really. So the core purpose
of an airdrop is literally that your project needs to go live somehow and tokens need to be out being
used. So how do you do that? Reason two, I think is picking your genesis user base. So like when
you airdrop to Adam, partly it might be a thanks because you're building on the Cosmos SDK. And so
it kind of feels fitting. But it should also be because you recognize that the type of people who
are staking Adam or meeting whatever requirements you're doing snapshots parameters are the type of
people you want to use your protocol and support it, maybe not mercenary capital, people who are
technically minded, whatever. So you actually have some control over your project's genesis user base.
And then third is airdrops are just a massive, massive part of tokenomics. So whatever you
decide in an intro infinitely complex tokenomics system of max supply, how much inflation there
is per year staking parameters, all this stuff. A huge component of that is how it starts because
your initial airdrop will dictate like how many tokens are out there, what that might make your
initial market cap, how that might play into everything else. So I think an airdrop definitely
has to do with marketing, but it's more so like a very core piece of getting a project with a token
launched and out into the wild. That'd be my high level take on it.
Yeah, it's definitely I agree with that. It's definitely high level. But at the end of the
day, it's a form of marketing. Like you were saying about they narrow it down, because I've
helped teams definitely not not marketing. Yeah, I don't disagree. I just you know what I mean? Because
you're saying about the way to look at it. Yeah, you're saying about the Adam thing and all that.
Yeah, I get that. But I've also helped teams out. And they're like, well, and I know what they're
trying to build. So it's like, okay, well, let's go for that. Because those are the people that
believe in privacy or security or whatever. So like, at the end of the day, it's like,
what, you know, it's just it's like, it's like a commercial. It's like, hey, guys,
because everyone's busy, right? So it's like, yeah, like, like my point about your, my point
about picking your genesis user base, you can kind of think of that as like marketing in a way,
you know, you're bringing your marketing to certain groups of users by dropping to them.
Out of curiosity, do you? So because I've been here since 2019. And I've been staking
since then. I, the last bull market, one of the things that I saw was there was a lot of chains
that they would launch, they drop the they do their airdrop. And then all of a sudden, everything
kind of tanked into the ground. I'm curious if now airdrops are going to be a lot stronger. As an
example, like dy was a dy x that came out, because it actually increased in value after the fact.
And I think I'm curious if it's because you've got the people that have just been holding through a
bear market that they're just like, whatever, it just has to do with the market conditions.
Like it's all about timing. Like if dimension, you're that's what you're meant. DYM,
if dimension or Tia and all these, if they launched during the bear market did an airdrop,
there would be definitely way more cell pressure, right? And dimensions, like a follow up to Tia,
and you had all the people were like, well, I wish I would have stayed or didn't sell my,
my Tia. So I'm not going to sell my dimension now, you know, and like, I mean, my strategy,
full disclosure, not financial advice is when I get airdrops, especially if they're L ones,
I don't sell one of them. I just stake them all. And Matt, was it ever a good time when you first
got your, if you had your Osmo airdropped and you sold it, did you, did you win in that negotiation?
You absolutely lost because Osmo has how many airdrops for Osmo. So, you know, like when you
get these airdrops, you don't know, like my Tia, right, was an airdrop. If you staked it all,
who knows, you know, all these airdrops are for Tia now. Same thing, probably with dimension. And
yeah, and you could do what you want to do. I mean, you could sell it. I mean, like, again,
everyone has different financial wearables and situations and all that. But, but yeah, like,
it's, I think it all has to do with timing, right? Like if you launch in a bear market,
regardless if you have the best product ever, like this is, in reality, this is kind of crypto.
So bear market, the tech absolutely matters. Like it's like the bread and butter is the tech,
not that it doesn't matter in general. But realistically, in the bull market,
tech really doesn't necessarily matter to most people's eyes, especially outside of cosmos,
it's all about price hype and people getting excited about the hype. And that's the sad
reality. That's just, yeah, that's, that's startup 101. That's just like,
I'm coming to the realization that like solid technology is mainly for surviving bear markets.
Exactly. It alone doesn't do much in bull markets. Exactly. Very true. It's all about price. Now,
if you have shit technology, there's only so much marketing you can do to hide that. So, you know,
but it's not a totally irrelevant, but yeah. I wanted to add something. I think we need to
agree that blockchain is becoming mainstream. Okay. People are getting more informed,
more educated about what blockchain is all about. There was a little stutter at the beginning,
because blockchain came into existence because of money. So that was where a lot of people got
it wrong. So when you're talking about blockchain technology, people were only focused about,
okay, it's all about buying when it's low and saying when it's high, so about making profit.
Nowadays, more people are talking about the use case. What does this token do? What does this
technology do? What did you build? How does it solve a real world problem? Now we are getting at
that stage where people don't just hold tokens. They don't just get involved in a project because
they just want to buy it when it's cheap. And so when it's high, they understand that this project
solves this problem. So it's not a long-term based thing. It's just like someone who buys a land.
Okay. So it's not a long-term basis. So that's why, as you said, yes, I agree that the market
conditions can also play a role and all that. But the fact that people have become more informed
to know what a blockchain project is, what this token does, the fact that it's going to survive
over a long period of time because of what it is used for, the solution that it brings to the
market. And then that determines if they're just going to receive and dump or receive and hold. And
then of course the possibilities of, as you said, more incentives, more airdrops, more communities,
more use cases. And the team is still building so much more utilities around that token. So
people are just going to keep holding on to them because they are valuable in the long-term and not
just a short-term thing. That's a great observation. Thank you for adding that to the
conversation. And yeah, I completely agree with the point that you're trying to make.
And we've spoken a lot about airdrops and all the opportunities that are there
from Staking Adam, Osmo, and other tokens and coins. But I feel like there's so much
more to exploring Cosmos, right? And there's so much more that newbies would be interested in.
So I'm wondering, for Timmy, what resources do you find most helpful in explaining the
fundamentals of Cosmos to beginners? There's definitely some overlap, but I think
it kind of depends. In my mind, there's two categories of beginners, people who are new to
Cosmos but have Web3 experience and people who are totally new to all of Web3.
Because if you're totally new to all of Web3, you can kind of start at a high level.
So like us at Interchain Info, we've been continually putting together a number of resources
from just ultimate all-in-one FAQ guides to general purpose onboarding to chain-specific
material. There's a lot of great stuff already out there by other creators, Tank, Joe, Dawn,
all sorts of stuff. So it somewhat depends on the individual. If you're coming from somewhere else
in Web3, the biggest hurdle that I've noticed and where I usually try and focus people's attention
on comprehension is the concept of these different chains and also really making sure they understand
what a wallet actually is. Because if you just use Ethereum or just use Solana, you can actually
use everything on those chains while being under completely wrong assumption about how a wallet
works. So many people think that their funds are in MetaMask, like that application. They don't
understand that it's just a way to access any number of addresses on chain. But as long as you're
in that one ecosystem, just Solana or just Ethereum, it kind of doesn't matter because
effectively they are in your MetaMask. But as soon as they come to Cosmos, understanding that a wallet
is just a way to access chains and that coins live on a chain, I've noticed that's really fundamental
to getting people to understand IBC and moving between different chains and where Kepler's role
is in thing and LEAP and even XdeFi and some of these other wallets that are adding support for
Cosmos and DVM chains and Solana and everything. Whereas if someone's net new to crypto, I still
have them focus on this stuff, but I'll usually send them to more general onboarding guides that
will just help them get oriented, understand maybe some of the specific basics of Cosmos like,
okay, Osmosis is this main really liquid place where you can swap tokens around almost any token
you'll find out about in the Cosmos you could find here, explain to them a little bit about staking,
also focus on the wallets and such. But yeah, I'll probably hold it there because I could
ramble for a bit on this, but it does depend on the individual and what they need.
Yeah, awesome. Yeah, that's a great tip. Do you want to add something? No, yeah, I was just going
to say like me personally, when I try to educate people, I try to like learn about their background
and what they do for a living or what their hobbies are, then I just try to use metaphors
and analogies how to explain crypto and blockchain and Cosmos. Yeah, because it's like
it keeps them interested too, actually. Did you just say useologies, like analogies? An analogy.
So if someone's, you know, an artist, maybe draw some parallels between. Yeah,
yeah, it's the best way of getting about it because like people will understand that. I know
one of the first times I was out, out and about at a crypto event was permissionless back in
May of 20, I think it was May of 22. And I was helping out with osmosis. And mainly all the
booths were EVM or Solana or other ecosystems. And they would come over and they'd be like,
Oh, what's osmosis? And right away, instead of me saying what osmosis is, I started explaining
what cosmos is. And I'm telling them, like, I'm shown I'm like, Hey, think of it as like a galaxy
of planets and all the planets, we all speak the same language. And then I would say like,
look at that booth, pretend that person speak in Russian, and that one speaking,
like, you know, Italian or whatever, they wouldn't be able to communicate, there needs to be a
translator. So I was explaining that, like, how bridges are, it's like, you need to have some
central entity, that's like a translator, taking your, your data from one place to the other,
and they were starting to get it, then I would I pull up like map of zones, and show them that
like, all like, this is a planet of galaxies, and we're all connected, and you're free to go
and explore. But we're all speaking the same language. And I'm like, imagine if all humans
have been speaking the same language since day one, like, crypto may have happened like 100
years ago, because there would be all this friction. And, and I was explaining like that,
everyone was starting to get it because like, I'm not gonna do it. Oh, what's osmosis? If they
asked that at that point in time, I knew they knew nothing about cosmos, because you at the time,
like, if you were any, if you did anything cosmos, you had to use osmosis, like there was no way
around it. So instead of me just rambling about what osmosis is, and my whole go to pitch was like,
I don't care what you use in cosmos, just use anything. And tell me your experience isn't
better than what you're currently using. And if if it's not, like, I've didn't, I've never met
anyone in general in this space of my journey that was like, Oh, yeah, I use I use cosmos, and I
had a shitty time of going back to the theorem or whatever, you know, like, it just doesn't happen.
And that's just not being a maxi. It's just realistic. Because I was that person. Like,
all right, that's better. So that's why you know, I stuck around. This is the same for me. I remember
my first experience buying NFTs off of stargaze. And I said I was never ever going to buy an NFT of
open sea my life again. Like the experience is so much different. And with cosmos, there's a lot
less risk of buying a rug or getting scammed or doing any of that funny stuff. So yeah, I tried
cosmos and I never looked back. Go ahead to me. I'll just I won't miss the the home run you're
setting up for me here easily. In general, no matter who you are, a great resource to point people to
is actually my project, interchain and o.zone. So I mentioned it earlier, there are specific
resources on there for onboarding and guides. But just in general, we're building out a huge
database of web three information of all kinds, really. So over time, it's only going to get
better. But right now, you can go over there, use the site wide search bar to look up basically
whatever you're trying to learn about. And hopefully, there'll be some helpful information
on it. And if not, there probably will be in the near future. So regardless of who you are,
interchain info should be a helpful resource. 100% 100% such a great project. So let's just say
you're building that you're building the chat GPT of web three. It would actually be fire with
some AI functionality functionality in there. Oh, that's most certainly on the roadmap. In fact,
it's one reason we're trying to encourage teams to make sure all their info is up to date in there,
because otherwise, the AI won't be as helpful as it could be. So yeah, ooh, that's some alpha.
Thank you for sharing that with us. I will be going back to see that everything about your
most is up to date on interchain info. Guys, we're getting to the end of the space. And it's been
such a great conversation so far. And I guess I have one last question for Timmy, and please
host join and chime in if you have something to add. But I would love to know guys, what tips
would you give to someone looking to get into cosmos just for the airdrops?
Hey, follow airdrops one on Twitter. That's another of our projects that's dedicated to
airdrop information. That'll be 80% of your battle right there. But then to what what major coins
might you want to use or things do or own to be most likely eligible for airdrops.
Historically, what it's seeming there's no solid answer for this. In my opinion, what I've seen,
Adam, absolutely. Celestia and dimension are newer ones, but they've, they seem to be in the
like spotlight for airdrops. Osmosis is another one that's had a lot directed to it. And then
outside of chains, the only thing that comes to mind, above other things would be owning a bad
kid from a stargaze. They've started to get airdrops recently. Now, there are tons of other
protocols, coins, NFTs, whatever that have gotten airdrops. So many, I couldn't list them. So those
are sort of the top three or four off my head, but I'd love to hear Hoss's list as well.
Yeah, I mean, that's the go to like, Adam, Osmo, for sure. He is going to get a bunch and already
his dimension will most likely get a bunch because it's like the new flavor in town. Yeah,
bad kids. Those those are always good ones, probably injective may be a good one. Eventually,
I was gonna say injective and dy dx. Maybe a lot of app chains have started to do airdrops for
people who are just using the core product in one way or another. And those are two kind of big
players in that respect. Exactly. And another thing too, for those out there that if you're just
solely just trying to airdrop for them, I would there's a few things I would never like the way
I always visualize view staking for whatever asset it is, is like that's locked. I don't care about
it. I'm not I'm not trying to unbound it anytime soon. So my opinion is you should always take
something that you want to stake. Don't just stake because it's an airdrop. But think about
as like an added bonus. It's like you goes that are you go to an amazing restaurant. And maybe
it's your first time and you're with your lady or your significant other. And the waiter comes out
or the chef comes out and gives you a dessert for free, right? It's like, Oh, yeah, that's this is
amazing. I'm coming back for that. And just take it like that. If you if you have this intention,
where you're like, I'm going to stake Adam, and then I'm going to unbound it, then I'm going to
get a steak like no, you're just born, you're just it's annoying. First off, you're gonna,
you're gonna be annoyed that you have to wait the unbounding period, you're going to miss out on
yield, you're probably not going to qualify for airdrops during that time period anyway. So
only stake what you're going to stake. And I guess people are more into liquid staking too,
like I think that would be something to talk about. Sometimes you're going to qualify for
liquid staking. But in my opinion, if I was running a protocol and trying to reward people
that are, I don't want to say adding more value, but just adding more security and more just like,
I don't care, I'm staking, I would probably prefer people that would stake over liquid
staking. That's just me, you know, like I said, I've used staking as a long term arrangement,
I'm not interested in unbounding whatever I stake, it's like, I'll liquid stake if I want
to do that, or I'll provide liquidity or something if I need that those funds to be liquid to me to
train or buy something else with it. But I think Tammy hit the hit the hit the home run there.
Yeah, that's, that's probably the ones that you need to be if you're trying to get some airdrops.
Awesome, guys, this is info that you'd usually have to pay an alpha group for,
and Hoss and Timmy are giving it to us for free. Thank you so much, guys.
We have Cosmos Junkie up here. Do you want to share some tips for airdrops with us?
I guess not. Also,
where was something different? Was it? Yeah, I guess the only thing maybe we didn't say overtly
for totally new people is in theory, anything could make you eligible for an airdrop. So we
may have talked about staking tokens, because those are the big ones. But it could also be
making X number of transactions on a certain protocol holding an NFT, like I mentioned,
having a certain amount of volume on a deck. So it's also incredibly flexible. I want to
make that clear. Yeah, true. And then to add a little bit extra to what Timmy just said,
as more data is becoming available, whether it's with Timmy, what he's building, or just
KY season ZK proofs, there's going to be more data at these new projects and new chains to
evolve their airdrop to more data. So instead of it just kind of being a lazy thing, like,
oh, we're just going to go for Adam Stakers or Osmo stickers, that may be just like a certain
percent. But then it may like, like Timmy said, activity on chain, like if I was doing an airdrop,
I want activity, like who cares? Like I not that it's not important, right? But like,
would you rather airdrop to people that are like, voting on governance and swapping by an NFTs,
doing whatever, like interacting with these protocols, or someone simply just like, Oh,
you know what, I'm just going to stake and basically just get lost. Like, to me, I would
more so go for people that are showing activity than people that just stake and leave.
Yeah. And we've seen airdrops like that from the beginning too. So that's not a new concept.
Like one of the earlier airdrops in Cosmos was one on Juno for Neta, where Juno Stakers got some of
the token, but then people who voted in over a certain number of governance proposals got a
bonus to it. So it had a general distribution, but then also a bonus for the active users.
Speaking of bonuses, we've also seen like with the saga airdrop where they're also
considering you increasing your stake over time. So not just staking, but also auto compounding.
So I think like that's also something to keep in mind.
Yeah, absolutely. Because that shows like you're, you're, you're bought in, right? It's like, Oh,
you're, you're not just, you're not just staking and then just dumping your rewards. Again,
like you could do whatever you want. Like you're, it's your money. We're not, I'm not here to judge
But are you perhaps hinting that in future yield most users may receive larger airdrops maybe
It would be great to see, I mean saga is one of them, but it'd be great to see a lot more projects
do that. Cause I think it's going beyond just doing regular vanilla airdrops to Stakers.
So also considering how long they've been staking, how much they've been able to
increase that stake over time. I think that's, that's important stuff to consider as well.
Yeah. And since we're like, you guys are hosting the space. I mean, shout out to you guys. You can
pat yourself on the back. You've made my life a lot more fun and less time consuming clicking
buttons by being able to just auto compound. Because like I said earlier, when I stake things,
I'm not interested in selling. So I'm just staking. I do. I do stake and kind of forget,
but I also try to get as involved as possible with governance and all that. But it is nice
to just say, okay, I'm staking Adam. I'm not interested in selling it. I'm just going to auto
compound for the next 90 days and I'll revisit. So yeah, like that's a great, you know, it's a
great functionality that we didn't have when we first started our cosmos journey. So shout out to
you guys. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you so much for that. And that would, yeah, maybe I would like
to add for people who don't know about yield most, I'm always kind of, I will use the funny word
having an erection when people talk about yield most. I always like to talk about yield most every
time. It's like I have an erection for that. Because I'm basically people need to understand
on yield most actually, you see your, your assets are non-custodial. Like you control your assets.
Okay. You maintain ownership of your assets. You'd most does not take it from you. They don't
have access to it. So you just delegate no specific permissions that people need to understand
that you just give them permission to help you to auto compound. Yeah. And remember what he just
said now, you see in those days, it used to be, oh, you stay after maybe seven days or one week,
you go and go and pay gas fees. Don't forget. Yeah, exactly. You pay gas fees to claim, you
stay a day, you wait to go back. But nowadays, if you really just want to really make something
from staking, yield most is there for you. It's like an AI just waiting for you. Put your tokens,
which auto compound them for you. And if any day comes when there's something about, okay,
all those who have increased their stake over time or all those who have done this or that,
yield most makes it so easy for you. And don't forget, we could get a yield most token in the
future. Oh, no, you definitely will. And remember, if anything lasts for more than four hours,
go see a doctor. Yeah, that's funny. And also too, the last thing that for anyone listening,
you could use yield most and you could set the percentages. So if you wanted not to just auto
compound 100% back in, you could say, oh, I just want 50% of it and then keep the other 50% of the
rewards to do whatever you want with it. So it's not like, well, you're locked in this position
where you can't get some of those rewards. So it's very flexible. You can have strategies.
It's a very useful tool. Like if you're not using it, I don't know why not. I mean,
it just makes no sense in my opinion, but. Also, have you guys ever considered you're
probably saving lives? Because you know, leading studies show an average of eight cosmonauts die
by heart attack this time of year every year when they look at their taxes and they realize that
restake and other protocols have given them incompletable taxes, which you got somehow
figured out a way around, which is almost my favorite part. And that's like the part that a
lot of people don't consider. And it's great that you mentioned this as well to me, because that's
a huge benefit of just letting us auto compound your rewards for you is literally just set and
forget. And we do all the work and you never have to worry. Love it. Wow. This. No, go ahead.
No, I was just gonna say it's been a good time. Appreciate the opportunity to come up and,
you know, chat. It's like we stood out kumbaya. Is that like a fire or something? Yeah.
Yeah, it's been such a great conversation. You guys have been awesome. You've been amazing.
And everyone that has come up from the audience to speak has been amazing as well.
So we are now at the end of the space and we have one last thing to do, guys. So for us and for
Timmy, we're going to play a game called Buy, Sell, Steak. So I'm going to name a couple of
tokens. Are you going to tell me if you buy, sell or steak? So these tokens are Celestia,
Adam and Dimension. So would you be buying, selling or staking?
You want me. Adam.
Buy. You go first, yeah.
Adam Buy, Celestia, Steak, the other one, Sell. Interesting, interesting. So no love for dimension.
What about you, Hoss? I mean, I would never take advice from me for an answer because I
have a tough time. I don't know if it's like OCD or something. I just don't like selling anything.
I'm like the perfect investor for any project. It's like, oh, he's going to buy. He's never going
to sell. But realistically, I look at my situation different. I got Adam when it was like they're
cheap and I've been just like, I've got a nice position and just left it go. I'm going to full
disclosure. I don't even know the last time I bought Adam, to be honest with you. But again,
that's because I don't I don't need anymore. I don't think I mean, I guess I could get more,
but so like Tia was a buy, buy, buy. And then same thing with dimension. The airdrop I sold zero of
them and I just compound and I just you know, that's it. And would I buy more of my situation?
Probably not right now, but I would definitely buy it. I mean, I think it's it's going to be
awesome. I think they're going to make it really simplistic for people to build blockchains and
roll ups. And so it's interesting. And they raise a lot of money. So, you know, keep that in mind,
too, because eventually people will, you know, they do sell have to sell. Yeah. But it's just
like it's again, people that get mad about VC money makes no sense because realistically,
you would have never received an airdrop without VC money. Like this money doesn't just come out
of thin air. Like someone needs to raise money. These people need to live. They got to put food
there on the table and pay bills as well. So like they do raise money. And generally,
that's how you get an airdrop because there is money for them to give you. Right. So I would I
would buy, buy, buy. And if you and, you know, not financial advice, if you don't have those,
then for sure buy, you know, everyone's situation is different. But yeah, I think they're all all
three of them, in my opinion, are very long term plays. I feel like if we had this conversation
five, 10 years from now, they're probably going to be around all three of them. Like, you know,
depends on your timetable as well. But yeah, that's me. Awesome. What about you, Timmy?
Yeah, I'm assuming difference between buy and stake would be like stakes your
long term conviction, whereas buy might be for a short term flip or something. I'd say buy on Adam,
because I think it hasn't really had this cycle's pump yet. And its price is probably going to see
some good action in the future. Stake Celestia, because even though I think it's overvalued right
now, I think long term, it's a solid project that will get a lot of airdrops from staking.
And then because I have to sell one, I'd sell dimension because I think it's the appeal is the
same as Celestia. But I think it's even more overvalued, a little bit less proven, a little
bit less like solid known team behind it. So if I had to sell one, it'd be dimension. But kind of
with Haas, they're all definitely strong tokens at the moment. Completely agree with that. I
completely agree with that. But this was a great take. Thank you so much, guys. This has been such
an amazing conversation, right? Yeah, I had to do something to spice it up at the end of the space.
It's a PG version of a non-crypto game that we've all heard of.
Yeah. The other requests I have is that as we do this walk off to play that vibe music at the
beginning, you know what I mean? I'm sorry. Yeah. You saw the gift I posted.
I wasn't kidding. I thought to post that gift because I found I realized I was sitting in my
chair doing the little John Cena dance with my hands and stuff. And I was like, oh, my God.
Okay, definitely. I can do that for you guys as we sign out of the space. Thank you so much,
Haas. And thank you so much, Simi, for coming on. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of
us. Thank you to Daniel and our other friend that came up to speak. Thank you so much, guys,
for sharing your thoughts with us. Do you guys have any last words before we sign out?
I just always thank everyone. Thank you, everyone. Thank you for all the people that
are building cool things. And yeah, just thank everyone as always. And like I said,
don't be scared to get involved one way or another. I think you all have,
you can all contribute to this beautiful thing that everyone's doing here. So cheers, everyone.
Awesome. Yeah, I'd say same. Thank you guys so much for this, both listeners and Haas and
BBU. I, in particular, for new people, my DMs are open to everyone for the reason of there's
no such thing as a stupid question. So if you're trying to figure out Cosmos and you can't through
resources, feel free to shoot me a question. And then other than that, definitely check out Yield
Most if you're not already using it. And in order to learn about Yield Most, maybe consider using
Interchain Info and checking out their page on there. Awesome. This was great. And of course,
for me, for me, I always make it funny. First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone. But
most importantly, you don't need two kidneys, sell one. Buy a chain link with that kidney.
One kidney can get you enough chain link that you can retire in five years. Just, you know.
This is no financial advice, guys. What if you only have one left already?
Can I write it?
Sorry. Thank you so much, BBU. Thank you for listening to Yield Most Chat. See you guys next
month. See you. You're now listening to Yield Most Chat.
All right. I'm going to go ahead and end it. Thank you to everybody who enjoyed us for today
and stayed and forget with Yield Most.
Bye, guys.