#YieldmosWeekly - Community Call + What’s up Cosmos! 💜⚛️

Recorded: May 11, 2023 Duration: 0:43:30



Hello, do you hear me?
Yep. Okay, thanks.
- Little friends.
Alright, Keku.
Remember he gets started?
Uh, where missing maybe you. Oh, okay. That's right. At least what's on your mind, brother?
What's new? Well, was we really talked about the mean tokens? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I saw the general outline.
Yeah, basically.
I think he is not our co-host.
But in general I'm excited about the...
modular blockchains is kind of what most interests me in the media future. I think it's pretty cool. Cool.
Hi, Vivia. Hi guys. GMTM. Still morning for butter here. I'm gonna trip.
How's it going? It's going great over here. Louise, you? Yep. This is going to share that we're alive right now. Beautiful.
Do you not like to say people on cosmos are actually really well behaved because if you're on eat it'll be like a bunch of people in here just screaming people are so angry on eat it's ridiculous well you
having been to a controversial debate here. Sometimes the group is more like I want to say like housewives so like people that's what he seems like different groups, friend groups and like this
friend group doesn't like that friend group and it's messy yeah yeah do you guys want to jump in should we start oh
Sure, I guess we've been sorry. Yeah. Okay, great. I think like the top announcements we had to make. Most important thing we've added more ledger support. So there's currently ledger support for over 30 chains.
and 30 strategies on your most at the moment, which is pretty huge. And I mean, like, we haven't seen that much adoption. There have been a bunch of people looking for their just support, and now I need to find them and let them know that we're live.
Yeah, that's pretty huge. I think that's the biggest thing that has happened. There was a lot of work that will have to be done to social and let people know because there was a lot of user asking and I think that
They got to find EO most again, right? Because Ledger was the main block. Yeah, yeah, a lot of people depend on that. So yeah, personally, I've moved from taking too much. So that's why I'm waiting for
new functionality for you most. But I still like good, good chains that I stake are stride for instances. It's one of that I have a stake amount and sadly it doesn't have a out seat. And it pains you. You know much about strides.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm seeing them like a couple of times. Yeah, and basically all the the stakers get 100% of the of the protocol fee. So you'll you'll get and they and stride charges like a 10% fee. So the
the liquid stake atom for instance, you get a part of that fee that's charged to all the liquid stake atom. So whenever I claim the the stake in rewards, I also get ST Osmo, ST atom, STF mo,
You get a bunch of like liquid state tokens and the more the product will grow the better but it doesn't have odd c so no it'll compound in there but hopefully in the future I mean like I like to ask Kaku why wouldn't product and projects
have or see like what's stopping and what's the main block out of that? Yeah, so I think Stride's case is a little bit unique because they had it and then they removed it and they've said that they will, well, last thing I've heard from them is that eventually they'll add it back. So I
I think they have some like pretty specific reasons why it was giving them some heck. And then I know Luis and I kind of went down a little bit of a rabbit hole with gravity bridge. Great, this week. And like they don't want Autosie just because
Oh, no, actually, I'm conflating some different things here. Typically, the reason why people don't have a Z on their chain is because prior to, I think, '04/'07, it was not one of the modules enabled by
default when you make a Cosm of SDK chain. But I think I think O47 they're turning it on by default. So we should see it as a very obligatory module everywhere. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the strive for instance is
is BC with the movement to replicate in security or ICS, B1. So be part of the Adam economic zone thing. There's so many names like "I can't keep up" but yeah. So they're probably working
in that and the prioritizing I'll see you over the moment. So what does that mean for people that currently stick with stride if they're moving to ICS? Well basically there's a bunch of chances because they have a pollinator set.
I think 100 and at Interblock we're actually by the bully they do there so the the thing that will happen is and we're not validators in Cosmos hub so Cosmo hub will be the Like the layer that balladates all their blocks on
stride and current validators will become only governors is what they're calling them which is basically a validator but that doesn't validate blocks and so we will we would be doing other things like our PC
governance, everything like infra outside of the validation, but it would be like a reduced cost. And also since there's no like you don't have to run a node or anything, it opens up for other people to become governors.
basically you estate with them so they represent that or you give them that your bold and power for everything related to governance that's that's still yeah I was gonna ask is there still a intensification for you guys to do that there's still gonna be
85% of the staking rewards will be for governors and delegators. Interesting. And 15% will go to the Kasmus Khaw. But also in relation to staking, the Adam
Adam Staker will receive a portion of those fees. Adam Staker will get ST Osmo, ST Ebmo. In a reduced amount, because they're not delegated and strived, they're only getting the 50% that goes to Kazungskhov.
going to receive part of the income from the chain into our item. But it's going to be a bunch of different tokens. And the more chains tried at, the more tokens, I don't know, the stakers are going to receive. But the mechanism itself, like has
been flashed out and I think that's what the stride team is working on and they got a grant specifically for that I think around 200k or something yeah that's the current situation there not too clear on the specifics yeah but it's pretty
significant. I think like I should ask some strides in my bag. I recently just bought some add-on because I think like long term add-on is probably the best thing to hold in Cosmo's North Island show.
It depends, right? I know a lot of like cosmos. Well, me personally, I don't hold much, much of Adam specifically because until recently the Adam or the Cosmos hub was a bit without direction. So there's a lot of
The players in Cosmos that actually don't hold any atom, but right now the narrative I think it's it's starting to shift. We'll see what happens to the future but Being the largest chain I guess in the ecosystem
It makes it slow to move and there's a lot of players that are interested in different outcomes for it. But yeah, I think it's a solid play. Actually, when my dad asked me, "What's your best in crypto?"
I tell him just just buy out our man's take it and believe it there for a couple of years because it's like the secure I think so too and I think like So they've been consistent in I'd say two things price has been fairly consistent I need to check that but one other thing that they've been
assistant with his adrops. I remember like when I first got into crypto so like 2020 and I had bought like some random coins. I had no idea what the mint I just bought like hundred dollars of like five coins and I remember buying Adam and then I'll go and come back to my finance and I'll see like some random token
that I've been a drop and like that just happened a couple of times. So I think like it's great that Adam has been able to sustain that over the years and just continue to add some sort of incentives or some sort of rewards to people that stake and hold Adam.
Yeah, I think the neutron aerodrop is coming soon, but I actually think that the aerodrop like season or the narrative of using aerodrops as a marketing and distribution of tokens has shifted a little bit.
I think say was it say or some big chain that launch? Yeah, they did do an air drop Because they didn't need to write Yeah, so there's I I don't know how how long like air drops will last I think the
And the last year of
In Cosmos, I've had a couple of fairer drops and nothing like that I would say significant.
Although there's probably always going to be a need to distribute a token out to the entire community so that it can be a distributed project. Not doing an air drop, that void still needs to be filled with some other distribution mechanism.
Yeah, for sure, for sure. I think the stuff like stream swap is a little bit of that doing liquid impulse. I still think your drums are valid, but I don't think they're like the boom that they were
before right? I think my biggest opposition to adrops is with like their actual professional adrogues farmers like actual farms, you know, said to manipulate adrops and if the the goal of the adrop is to distribute tokens
And we have people giving the system a kind of defeats the purpose. So I think that's one or reason why I'm opposed to the adrops. Yeah, neutron actually trying to combat that. They're at least on the tokenomics day. They propose they're going to do a civil hunt.
Basically, I'm yeah, they're gonna give rewards to people if they managed to report Like wallets that are trying to gain the airdrop basically, so you get a portion if you if you report like 10 million Adam wallet you get a portion of
of the neutron that's that's what's going to go to them you actually get it for the report in them and they don't get anything it's it's kind of crazy but yeah nervous systems that are trying to implement to that I think it's
There's definitely some wild game theory that goes into airdrops like just just the mention of an airdrop like you you wind up like I've experienced this you know since we maybe announcement about Gilmos eventually having its own chain like I have experienced people who are like
Speaking in very like, I don't know what the right way to put it, but they're very concerned that somebody else might get more air drop than them. And who is the most deserving of it? All this negativity comes in when we talk about giving out free money.
like it's wild because the absolutely wild. I think the expectations have gone out of control with the huge share of drugs that that have happened in the past, right? People think this is my loader ticket. If someone else gets it, then I don't get it basically. That's the
There's definitely a sense of entitlement from a lot of people. I think so too. I was going to share this thread that I just seen from C2. Yeah, that was super well put. Yeah, super super well put. I think so too. I dropped.
That's the one stock. Yeah, but yeah, basically there's a there's a lot of like It's a complicated topic basically. I think it's not a simple ass You're getting away tokens, right? It's there's a lot
of stuff there. Well, I hope there are some psychology grad students doing some studies on this sort of thing because it is fascinating to me. Yeah, please. And what else we're going to talk about the
So like my question to you guys is I mean look at like ETH for example and I think like one of the main drivers for ETH is an FTR company
activity and talking activity and this is largely missing in itching like cosmos for example. I got to start games and I looked at like top NFTs and I looked at pies and there's barely any daily volume flow price for like top projects
is still under 5K or 10K dollars, right? Compared to each where their projects are crossed as much as 30K. So I feel like, or my question is, do you think Cosmos needs more of this NFT and talking activity long term to so things start like
volume and interest. So my my take is that you need to lower the barrier of entry. Right. Yeah. I have a friend that that's intact actually. He's in financial
He worked at PayPal. He has a lot of experience in the tech industry and he does investment in stocks. And he mentioned me before I actually invested in crypto. He mentioned crypto to me and he told me like, "He had made, I don't know, like,
5k invested in .chat some points right now and I thought he actually knew like he knew stuff about crypto and when when I started entering into the whole crypto ecosystem I started talking to him and I realized that he actually
didn't know anything at all about crypto. He just put money in it because he saw it in the news or he saw the hype or he saw the memes and he invested it and then the thing about meme tokens and that it's basically a pump
and he made money and then he loves more money and he never enter again. So I think there's a mix or a bond that has to be played there into making it accessible entertaining and I guess fun for people to do
but without some of the trees, basically being rewrote in every corner. And I think that's one competitive advantage that Cosmos has at the moment because gas fees are cheap. I mean look at ETH for example, gas fees right now.
$119.00. So imagine having to pay $2200 worth of gas fees to do a transaction as worth $20.00, doesn't make any sense right? So I think like last one thing Cosmos can hope with, people at gas fees and tokens are applied
Christ, slightly cheaper as well. Yeah, because basically you're if you're like kind of double into a meme coin, you're kind of trapped and maybe you don't like you're not incentivized to sell and basically well, you become like
liquidity for these whales that are seen accounts that pay hundreds of thousands of ethyn and gas. So you can become like exit liquidity for them. And I think that's a problem.
because you're not able to compete effectively if you can't even afford guys. Exactly. Yeah. And there's a lot of like cheap options in Cosmo. And I think that's that's a pro. But it's also a con in that makes the projects also
not have a revenue model. Right? And I've talked with some devs of big chains and basically they're afraid of racing the gas to make the like projects on the
protocols are sustainable because they're afraid that users will leave if it's above one cent which to me is ridiculous but I guess that's the way people perceive it right now.
So I don't think users would believe if it's reasonable and they have a good reason to pay those fees. So I think like the thing that's missing is a good reason to pay the fees. And I think that's what we should focus on besides anything else.
Yeah, but also, but my instinct is that the app chain thesis kind of just changes the point of gas in general, right? If you don't have a whole bunch of, you know, dApps built upon your protocol and like
If you're raising the gas, you're just making it harder for people to use your own single dab. So I don't know that it quite applies the same way that it applies on Eve. Well, but I'm gonna put this example of stargaze. They recently wanted to raise the
The fee by basically to least on NFT I think to
It was like a hundred stars. Let me just check, but it was basically a sense, right? So you're buying our selling NFTs that are 100, 200, 300 and people didn't want to pay three, five cents on it. Basically. That's it. Okay, that's wild. Yeah.
And he actually didn't pass just to be clear that they didn't implement the change because there were so many people against it. So I don't know. I mean, such is the like the top NFT marketplace in Cosmos and the fact that they can raise the fee themselves to me.
is I don't know I think it's a culture problem that needs to be like address somehow. We've got to change the mindset of people that it can be free or basically free because it's not free but yeah. Sure I mean in general like these teams have
get paid in some capacity to continue building. And like the community needs to accept that like the team's doing the building should get paid. Where I think at least in the cosmos right now you have like the very tippy top like the people doing the the cosmos SDK. They get paid and then you have like everyone
else below them outside of like a few teams that like really don't make much. And then of course you have like the bottom which like it's just all free where it's all open source like just hope you on that one day something will come around and they'll be able to get money. Yeah, I don't know. It's
It's super, super, super competitive about there right now. I'm sorry, but yeah. I mean, I just feel like this culture is in good for Cosmos long term. It's not so staining food. It's not so
to stay in the world, especially if we have plans of being a proper, proper chain and building out doubts and options that go beyond cosmos, that mentality, that culture, stepping in our sustainable. Because I mean, on Bitcoin right now, people have paid thousands of dollars to inscribe literary coins like
I mean, we just need to do better on Cosmos. That's just what I think. I think the tech is there or just. I mean, like right now, it's
don't be ground for air drops and it could be so much more. And I think even from, I mean some other thing that I thought about was, and this is general to crypto rate, how it's easier for people to invest in shakcoins, mincoins, rogues, and somehow when they're like proper actual
dealers that need capital, I need users, I need some liquidity, I never able to get it. Yeah, I think it's a culture and marketing issue. The business development side of Cosmos in general, I think it's
lacking in a lot of chains or most chains and whatever chains actually have or invest in this are the ones that are like driving the narrative. You see a novel for instance which was started by
So there's a yell in that but basically business development folks and what's the name of Jackson points company? The do you know? The strange love
So, um, Samplin, I don't know how to say his names. I say something. Yeah, I say some volume. But yeah, but basically you see, you see that a BD folks or business development folks partnering with devs and that's when you see some, some, a lot of traction.
actually, right? Because you need the business development side too. And that's what Ethereum has done very well mainly because it was monolithic at the start and that helped drive a lot of development
But yeah, I think the business development side of customers in general needs to improve. That's my take basically. Well, like, something else is if it's actually a cultural problem, how much can the people
What do you think? For instance, let's say I'm going to use to change as an example because I can close to them. It's the chain that drives most of the development for EtherM
which is the EVM Cosmos layer. And they've had some funding, but then comes their exchange B-E-R-A, which is, I don't know if you pronounce it that way, but basically the bare must pronounce.
- And Berrachin gets twice the funding, or I think more than twice the funding of EVMOS. Basically built on, on hype, meme and business savvy from these guys.
which tells me like tech it's not all right you gotta have all the marketers or the business development guys driving these deals that go forward. So yeah that's why I think and they built the culture of
That culture they built of memes or doing like fun stuff or not taking it too seriously. But also have the tech that they took from or not took but that they use that was open source from
and basically built up at least for now more well funded chain. Brent did I think that's the crux of like the decision that that the community at large don't realize
they're making. Right? Like if the community at large won't pay projects, then the only way projects get paid is for the Biz Dev people to come in. And to sweep up the CDLs and get the investor money to come in. And then the people who are making the most are
than the VCs. But if we just kind of all put on our big boy pants, and we all just charge enough that these projects are sustainable and the tech can be built, this can be a really good decentralized ecosystem
where everyone wins, because ultimately paying the devs, getting the tech build, brings up the entire cosmos altogether, which is good for all of us. True. And even knowing that for devs on other ecosystems, knowing that you could
Contrary to the Cosmos ecosystem and get paid what their words that would definitely bring a lot of new talents as well 100% I think that the feature module module is maybe the best development in this that we've seen in a while, but that's only on a couple of
change so far. Yeah, and there's resistance to that, right? Because to implement the feature, they have to re-create the channels. There's a lot of stuff that's
What's going on? And gas fees are still low. So you're splitting something that's very low, but still it's a step in the right direction. Sure, for sure. Because even for the longest time, I've hated the idea that if you do something notable in the ecosystem, you need to run a validator.
otherwise you're probably not getting paid for anything. And even then, I agree in the Volumeator stuff. It's not easy, right?
a lot of people think that oh, Bali Dators are making thousands of dollars every year, every day just by Bali Dadeen. And that's not true at all, not even in the biggest change. I think the only one that it's sustainable to
to be a radiator no matter the spot it's on the on Adam but to get on that radiator you need to have like I think I it's a million USD right now just to be on the bottom top on the lowest spot so even then
Even the validation, it's not sustainable, like as a business. And even the biggest validators like no shall they tell you like you can run a business being a validator because it's not sustainable. But maybe on the top of the market. But yeah.
So right now what's the incentive to be one? Well, for me, it was and bull than our other founders. It's basically just because we love the ecosystem and we want to participate more
I think value they receive, and if it's not a business, like you have a voice or at least a louder voice than just being the delegator. And we've started like, we're trying
to build a community that aligns in the values that we share. Like, as I mentioned, I, or at least, we didn't start as a business or still not a business in the
whole sense of the word. But it's basically as a hobby, as an enjoyment of, but we have three represents right now. And I think for most of people, that's what it
There are some BCAs and some huge simulator groups that have grown insanely large. But in general, most of us are oriented because we like what crypto and 3%
Yeah, that should be sweet. I think for a lot of people that are actually still active in work 3 and crypto. I mean like, Kaku for example, I'm pretty sure like you could be doing something so much better unless stressful. You know, so you're not doing it while you're currently doing for money.
You actually give a fuck about what you build though. And that's something we especially about what you did. 100% Yeah. I think that's cross for cosmos. Yeah, that's like this is right.
Yeah, I think there's a lot of positive things coming. Especially with like growing up building at Yodmos, I mean like if not for anything we might be or we should be or we could be reaching that takes cosmos even being
on the ecosystem and gets people from eat and Bitcoin and even normally to come and invest their time energy and capital in cosmetics. Yeah, for sure.
That's cool. I think last is the I don't know if we mentioned the neutral launch that happened yesterday. It was a big rough. But they finally got the chain like ready. Yeah. Yeah. But that's huge.
Yeah, yeah, it was tough. I think it took like 12 or 16 hours to get online. Yeah.
I don't know a lot about nutrition. Do you have some alpha to share? I don't know if it's a good alpha, but basically, nutrition is a smart contract platform similar to what Juno had.
But the difference is one, it's secured by Cosmos because it's a partner chain or ICS chain or replicated security. And they're going to, they're
It's important with a lot of big projects to bring the NERSMART contracts over to Neutral and for instance, Astroport, which was the biggest DAX on Terra. Lido, the liquid's taken from Ethereum's social comment.
Yeah, the Apollo bolts, which are the ones that are running on Mars and Mars is also coming to to last report. That's only like the top of my head what I remember. But yeah, those are the big like
projects that are already coming to New Trun. So I think Lido alone, it's pretty bullish on the home of the Trun chain. Yeah. And I think a lot of them are doing it and coming from Lido. Yeah. So basically, OBI
I don't mean general will become a more complete or robust ecosystem there and actually become a hub because it was always being a cause must have but it didn't have like any actual applications on set of thinking.
This might be too nerdy of a point here. But like the thing that stands out for me about neutron is that they have, they've put work into making ICA and ICQ available to the smart contracts that deploy there. As I understand it, maybe I'm wrong because I only took like a very
surface level glens, but if what I understand is correct and you can do some stuff with ICA from the contracts, that's a pretty big deal for what is possible to build on neutron compared to a more legacy
smart contract platform like like you know yeah love you know yeah I'm building on you know at the moment so you know yeah but I think you know or I lose the devs are working on on that feature parties just to not be left behind basically but yeah the
Sure. Neutron has been working a lot of innovation and driving like this tech forward, right? But yeah, I think that said, Neutron will probably be a pretty big deal when it's like
More, more, it has progress more. More established. Yeah. Yeah. I think not even the top-bottles later on on the customers are are actually like signing blocks. There's a lot
If you check the minskot page of Bollyllators, there's a lot of coinbase still offline, ever-stake, steakfish, figment. Big Bollyllators and Adam are still not on the cosmos. Kind of a big deal, but
It also speaks a lot about the resilience of the consistent mechanism because the chains still moving along, even if not all the regulators are online. I think that's it.
So if we can I'd like to I'd like to kind of wrap things up with a called action right we talked about the easy right the the Adam economic zone and the stuff Stride is going there neutron is there now so
My call to action is for the UL most community at large. Let's all put our brains together. Like come into the discord, come into the telegram, slide into my DMs. Like whatever you got to do, let's come up with what should the Cosmos hub
strategies that you'll most offers, what should that look like? What should we do with the new trauma rewards that are coming in, potentially the strived rewards that are coming in? What does everybody want? What can we do to provide value to the ecosystem? Let me know.
Awesome. Yeah. I know guys. Seems like we might need to ask our community the best time to have these spaces. 100%. We'll find something really good. Yeah. Oh great. Thank you.
Thanks guys. Thank you Lewis. Thank you, Coco. Thank you all. Thank you guys as well. Let's do a steak. I see you out there. Thank you guys. Thanks guys. Have a nice day. Bye. Bye guys. Bye.