Your network is your net worth!🎙 $EWON #Solana

Recorded: March 22, 2024 Duration: 1:10:40



Oh welcome to mobby media i'm glenn your house today we've got joining us at e1
Mooks, and I think we've got zerk here on the main account. I'll just do a quick mic checker here there zerk
Yes, sir nice to see you guys. How's it going?
Good good. How you doing?
Good man. I'm in Miami right now drinking a coffee looking over a pretty dreary day
I was hoping for more sunshine while I was in town, but it is what it is. It's beautiful anyway
Awesome, well, we'll jump into e1 look surely, but maybe you can tell us a bit about yourself and your background zerk
Yeah, absolutely
Let's see. I was born at a very young age. I studied finance in undergrad
I learned about Bitcoin in 2015 while in undergrad, and I was a Bitcoin maxi for a long time it took a
Prior boss of mine being really bullish on Solana for me to realize
The value of the smart contract ecosystems, so I yeah started using metamask and phantom in 2021
getting into defi more and more and
My career has been you know crypto ever since 2021
I've done some consulting on the side helping defi protocols go to market
I most recently worked for a marketing agency, so no stranger to the early stage space
I've been working in startups since I left fidelity in 2021
So yeah tradify background a lot of crypto
I've been doing BDE for a while my network has grown quite a map quite a good bit and
The way that Elon got started e1 got started is because a group of my friends in the BDE space
We're memeing about e1 mux no L's and e1 it was funny
And we kind of threw it together into a coin and the rest is history happy to get into that in greater detail
But that's the background on me
Awesome sir and yeah, so let's start that can you share the story behind?
E1 mux what inspired you and your network of friends to start this meme crypto projects
Yeah, absolutely
So obviously we've been working for crypto projects for a long time
We've been watching meme coins come and go and you know a lot of us are holders of a lot of meme coins
But the recent craze of meme coins popping up and then disappearing
You know rugging overnight or over a longer time frame is is somewhat of the new phenomenon or at least it is for most people
And we dove headfirst in and I mean there's tickers flying in our group chats
we're constantly making and losing a lot of money and
We got to a point where we're just tired of getting rubbed and we had a funny meme that we were enjoying internally
And we were like, okay, what if we just make our own meme coin?
We know that it can't get rugs because we're the devs and so it's something that we can all rally behind. It'll be fun
It was easy to spin up. I mean 48 hours from when we had the idea we had a live meme coin. I
Think one of the first mistakes we made is is waiting a full 48 hours, which in crypto is like, you know
three and a half months and
In that time frame a couple other you want tokens popped up
You know, we had all made a huge bag off of Bowdoin. We got in sub a mill and it just shot up and then
We took those those
Solana tokens and stood up you on
You know fed the LP hired some KOLs like paid people to make the website and all that kind of stuff
Just with Bowdoin profits, so we weren't you know at great financial
Risk if this thing didn't work out
And we were all in it together
So there was really no reason to sell and if we sold on each other like, you know
It's very PvP in the meme coin space. So really the way we started was let's just see how this goes and
Worst case scenario goes to zero and we have a bunch of worthless tokens in our wallet and we'll laugh about it
To our surprise it went straight to two million
We I guess it makes sense because we had told all of our friend group about it
Free agent. Are you trying to request to come on stage man? I see you waving you should come up here free agents
one of the people that helped help get this thing off the ground, but
Yeah, it went straight to two million and we looked around and we're like, okay. Well, I'm not selling on you
You're not selling on me. Let's just keep making these memes and and
You know enjoying the ride, which is what we've done
And the the ride's been wild. It's been fun
And at this point, you know, we hit up to 12 million. We didn't sell then it came down
We're still posting memes
I think it's like a very convenient narrative to have the most meme bull man in the world as your as your core meme
And I also worked for fidelity. Sorry. I worked for Tesla before joining fidelity. I drive a Tesla
I'm a big fan of Elon and all the innovation that he's done
So I can run this Twitter account for the next 20 years. Like there's there's no shortage of content
And my friends are here to support
So yeah, it's that is that is like the essence of a project is having a really high quality meme
And then having holders that are not going to dump on you
So we've got those two elements and then the third element of a meme coin in my opinion is the community
And I think that is something that sets you on out
From from the average meme coin because this meme was started by a bunch of institutional crypto people a bunch of
degens a bunch of heads of BD for big protocols
I won't get into the specifics
But you definitely know the names of these protocols that we work at and you see them all the time and you probably use them
all the time so the people that started this have a really deep network and
Rio told all of our friends to get involved and so our friends joined in
They brought their friends and now the network has grown and grown and we've actually got a token gated telegram chat
Where if you hold a million E1 tokens you have access to people like lawyers market makers
Heads of listings at centralized exchanges. You've got heads of BD and D5 protocols
You know all types of growth leads it so it's a really interesting group
That's developed around this thing, but I'll pause there. That's the high level
What do you think?
Well, you said there's a
p2p and I was thinking memes is more like
PvP player versus player or invest of his investors
Sometimes you get foot coming in to the socials with rival sort of groups and wondering how the community and the team
handle the foot
associated around memes
Yeah, if I said p2p I definitely meant PvP it is very PvP in the space and yeah
I think game theory wise you've got the option to like buy sell or hold and if the
Core team only has the option to buy or hold and there's no option to sell
then you have a really interesting dynamic where the
Retail participants and come in and and you know buy up the token supply and dump on you
But you're never gonna get like that
straight to zero red
Candle because the core team is not going to do that behavior
So we just as we slowly have accumulated more and more supply. I think a lot of
The PvP element of meme coin is you know people trying to get rich really quick, which is you know, that's fun
It's like crypto casino, but what we're trying to do is build a longer term community
We're tapping into our networks and it's a place to come together and over a common meme and laugh
But also make friends and that's that's some of the best utility that I've gotten from this project to be honest
in terms of FUD I
Think there's a fair amount of like fun FUD like having a Bowdoin versus tramp FUD like that. That's fun
The sad FUD is when people come in and say oh, you know
Devs are rugged like scam devs. That's just not the case in our community
I've seen it pop up a couple times where the price actions not
You know directly to the moon like they want but being able to maintain a 2 million market cap floor is no small feat
And we don't it wouldn't be possible if the core team was dumping the tokens
so I think anyone listening to space can rest assured that
the core team is holding and working hard on getting partnerships getting distribution opportunities and
Growing the network and generally just making this project a success
So I haven't seen too much FUD outside of the price did not immediately go to 420 mil, which it will over time, but
Yeah, what else can you ask for in a meme coin other than the devs aren't going anywhere the memes are funny
The memes keep coming
That's that's what we've got, right?
Sounds like and memes have a powerful influence in the crypto world
How does a one marks plan to leverage this to grow the community in the project follow you?
Yeah, I mean the meme of Elon
I think Elon's an incredibly memeable character and he's quoted as saying he who controls the memes controls the universe
Which is hilarious and actually incredibly true
So being able to just meme on Elon is is an infinite supply of content
So that that's one advantage that we have we can keep reply guy into Elon with funny
Reaction memes with his face, you know this E1 face posted all over them
I think over time people will just start gaining, you know
awareness of oh
There's a meme out there where you can get exposure via the token and as retail comes in they're looking for
opportunities to get
Exposure to this crazy asset class and they definitely don't understand all the intricacies of a DeFi token
Like all the tokenomics that go into why that token might do well, and so I'm sure over the last two cycles
Retail participants that are only around for the bulls have been buying tokens that do not perform very well
And they're tired of it and they've seen bonk a million times. They've seen you know
Dogecoin they've seen with and all of these like parabolic memes
shooting up and
Maybe they aren't super impressed by the dog theme token
And I think we see a new generation of token where it's more topical more relevant
One interesting case study is when the Dragon Ball Z founder passed away
The Dragon Ball Z token meme coin shot up and the only people that are holding that meme coin at the time are people
That liked Dragon Ball Z and hadn't sold right? I mean, what's the point in selling if you're already down bad
So people that like stuck around in the community
Profited once Dragon Ball Z got a massive like wave of attention
And so I think the waves of attention that you on is gonna get it's not slowing down anytime soon
So continuing to be in the ones DMS Elon's DMS
Anything topical relevant to SpaceX boring company Tesla we can make content out of it and it's just fun
It's a topic that we can talk about endlessly and it's one of the most
Trended and viewed topics on crypto Twitter on Twitter in general
Normally Twitter is whatever you want Elon is up to I keep getting you want and Elon mixed up
But there's a person there's a meme
But the meme is is based on the person and it's infinitely scalable
Okay, so and you've candidly mentioned the challenges face
During launch on the website. Could you dive deeper and so what happened how it affected the team and how you bounce back
Yeah, I think one of our mistakes was waiting 48 hours and free agents up here on space on stage
I'd love to hand it over to him
You know those first 48 hours in the subsequent 48 hours were really interesting
So if you want to riff on that and expand on how Olin mask
Listed before us and gained a lot of that initial attention, but now they've faded away and abandoned the project
I think that community would be interested in that
Yeah, hi guys. Nice to meet you all
I don't really want to mention any kind of like rug projects because you know, they don't no longer exist
So I'll focus on kind of the community and the project that we're building here
But they definitely did get to market before us
And it's hilarious that we took 48 hours and somehow launched but still exactly not really a day one plan
But a quick background on myself before I get into that like I was in sales franchising before say
sales enablement mindset training
Saw some kind of like, you know pressure closing tactics and moved away from that started playing poker for a couple of years
Got the generally into leverage trading and making a lot of money
Investing in real estate and started a company for that in Toronto
Moved to Costa Rica and started a loans
loans business directed at
Expats, it's next to impossible to get loans down here. If you're moving to the country FYI and
Finally like co-founded and invested in a systematic trading firm based out of Switzerland
So currently like day job is with the startup in the industry
contracted by Paxos and PayPal and like our current clients on the other side of the business or
And partners are some of the largest like market makers and basis traders in the crypto space. So
Mentioning that experience and the sophistication to that. I think the e1 launch was quite the opposite in the sense of
The math was done wrong on when the token should be timed and launched
Which is why the token price kind of immediately did what it did was we got bought into hell saying like, okay great
We'll launch in an hour
We'll let everybody know we'll do this right and someone on the team messaged us and was like the coin is live
And so everyone kind of aped into the coin to try to get it and it's hilarious because it's now a meta
Right for the dev to screw things up and whatever but like we legitimately did not know what we were doing
Like the dev was hoping someone else would kind of guide us or like take this over and and no one has taken this over
So collectively we've kind of just plugged into this and and really what I think the strength of e1 is is that everyone always
Says, you know, we're building a network and you know, we're building a community in the vibes
But we're not building that we're taking that from an existing group of like in real life friends
That has now like transition to this project that has a token attached to it
We meet up at all these events that happen, you know the conference circuit every single year and we've talked about
you know NFTs as entry or tokens as entry and
We didn't even actually make the association when we launched the coin and now realized like wow
We have this tool to not only potentially like monetize this like very like
Highly valuable network of like deal flow and alpha connections and support
But we can continue to let grow it and turn it into like tools and like resources that don't even necessarily need to be monetized
I don't want to say e1 has like, you know something for like everyone but within the core group like once you get into that group
There really is like there's myself it comes more from like the take of kind of like be the change you want to see
In the world. I'm I would like the project to go in the direction of building our own app
That is like gated but is not monetized
So this network of like deal flow that you'll see whether it's like investments or alpha or you know
The up-and-coming like new projects from people that work directly with those protocols will be available to anyone that's already part of that club
There's some people that are on the more D gen side where we launched, you know perps platform
They're making like hilarious AOC memes, you know
They want to see and the newest like contract address and ape into shit coins and like that's cool, too
We have other people that are just kind of like debbing around adding new bots to the group
So so what I'm trying to say is I'm not telling you like you want has everything but within the community
there are members for pretty much anything which is super informative and helpful to get a
Larger picture of this like incredibly rapidly advancing
We're not we're not selling anything
We we are a group and almost like a club of people that just check your ego at the door
Share what you know and like learn what you can and that's really where we're growing out of
I have a lot of ideas that I think that we would like to kind of like bring out
But the point is is that you don't you don't join to make a quick gain
Although like the one token is going to be like worth a lot and we're organically going to keep growing
that's not the reason that you like join the community and that's and even a lot of us that have continued to buy tokens even like
Near the top of our like very short-term chart
None of us are worried not like well one because we have made money currently make money
And are ongoing Lee like continuing to profit off of like, you know other investments
But you shouldn't be like dumping your net worth in and if I were to wrap up everything that I would say
It's it's just a community with like core values of like you're here
you're here to help each other rather than you're here to make a quick buck or
You know for your own individual like wants and needs
Yeah, and I think that goes for all of crypto honestly
like if you approach this space with how can I give first and ask later and
Try to produce value for other people make connections help people
That that's what it's gonna take you the furthest
It's what's helped me in my career over the past I guess three years that I've been working in crypto full-time
The times where I've been, you know desperate to make a quick buck or you know
I've been out to help myself
I've gotten nowhere and and when I've taken a people-first approach and sit sat down and think okay
How can I help the person across from me get their goals accomplished?
That's propelled me the furthest in the shortest amount of time
So we're taking that exact principle to this meme coin. It's not a short-term cash grab if it was we would have already rugged the project
Transparently, this is a long-term game that we want to play with long-term people
So it's really important for us to attract the right type of community members to this project
Got you guys and
free agent mentioned there about the debt messing up and there's a
5% supply allocates to the dev wallet who saw got access to that now
Has the dev left and how do you plan to utilize these forms?
If they're there and what measures are in place to ensure transparency and trust with the community
The dev has has not left. Although he is quite sleepy at times
That's for sure
And I think actually the the wallets have been posted in our internal like boardroom of executives like anyone that holds
1 million tokens, you know gets access to this
There's a introduce yourself channel. So everyone knows each other's backgrounds alpha
Deal flow connections like requests
Sorry, if you guys already covered this and I missed that in the beginning
But everyone can track those wallets like at any point in time. I think right now we have used
Almost one percent of that as we've taken on a like full-time marketing firm
We've taken on actually we've been working with you guys as well as like a couple of other
Players there is some this is actually alpha
But i'm excited about it some merch that we're going to be dropping and some like branding that we're going to be doing
Uh, this is not like to make money to be honest like i'll probably end up paying
Um for it out of pocket, although we have like 90 board members
So like don't hold me to that because I want to make it high quality stuff
Um, but yeah
Like this it's just a club that people were trying to get into before e1 existed
And now there is a cost that you can kind of like buy into that and I don't think that the price really, you know
reflects the the value that's created and
Yeah, like I think this merch is a cool way to kind of publicly represent and you'll start to see some of our bios change
To represent that as well. So
a long way of answering a question that the wallets are posted in the group and
You can kind of keep track of them like whenever you'd like and some people have even asked like, you know
I've noticed the balance change and we let them know what they're spending on and introduce them to who we've hired
Yeah, we take a very community focused approach so we often ask the community what they want to see
What type of spend they would be bullish about?
Certainly not here to like drop the tokens and then run away with the money if any tokens leave that wallet
It's for you know marketing initiatives that we all agree
Is in the best interest of the project
But our long-term goal is to keep as much of that wallet intact as possible for eventual centralized exchange listing
Because the type of liquidity that you need to be listed on a centralized exchange is just not something we can crowdsource from the community
I've been really impressed by the community's willingness to
Volunteer their own funds. So from time to time we'll say hey, look, you know
We need some money for xyz campaign and people will just throw some solana into a wallet
And we'll go out and spend that on, you know marketing for e1
So as much as we've been able to we've avoided touching the dev funds for those types of initiatives
And long term the goal is to use those funds to be listed on a centralized exchange and have sufficient liquidity to
Remain listed and be productive
That's actually a really good point
We actually had to change one of the marketing wallets that we had been using and spending out of because there's a couple of individuals
That whenever we talk about raising solana to not create any sell pressure on the token, they won't stop sending funds
So we literally had to change the address
Uh told them that you know, anything sent there will be burned
Which is like hilarious to me, but also I think a good point to bring up is that
The timing of everything like like um, e1 was saying, you know going on to a centralized exchange
I think because a lot of tokens like
You know end goal or they think that they've made it when they've gotten there
But we have all of these relationships already within the network. They've been warm intros. We've gotten like exclusive like deals
I have three contracts like with centralized exchanges and we bring it to the community and say hey like for example
We just were about to work with gopit
funded an LP with them
And we ended up asking for the money back and telling the community like we don't actually think it makes a lot of sense
For us to work with them right now
And it's going to cost us x amount of dollars if we'd like to work with these three exchanges
On the centralized side of things. So what would you guys like to do?
So so that's kind of like how we're our approach is of course
There is like a you know, a core management team that exists within the larger 90-ish person group
Um that makes like the final decisions just due to the fact that they have access to the funds
But we've been
Knowing each other for a while and we're on the same page when it comes to a lot of decisions and leading with of course transparency first
Okay, and salana memes are really hot at the moment i'm wondering how you sort of
Trying to leverage that going forward into the future and you mentioned the community be in a community driven project
What strategies do you have in place to engage and expand your community?
Yeah, I think iwan can probably touch a little bit more on that
But the marketing guy that we just brought on like i've worked with him in the past
I also advise for a couple of just like cross chain decentralized, um exchanges
His his take and understanding of it is he's based in the philippines, right? And actually he's on this call right now
Shadow to to the boy feel free to react right now. Everyone can gain the alpha who we've got on board
But he's worked with some like, you know
Large marketing firms in the past and now has like his own firm and he's built a lot of projects from zero to one
And his community absolutely like loves the the meme and loves like supporting the project
And so how are we going to capture like the meme culture on salana?
I don't think that we necessarily need to be the best because we're just having so much fun with it
And we're continuing to bring on people that are more strategic partners that are buying into the project
Understanding that like we're holding and not selling and not really as much transactional like we'll pay you x if you do this
We're bringing on and building this like strong foundation and when we capture attention, it's going to be like a sight to see
Yeah, I think education is critical in the space so we're working on some partnerships for
Onboarding new people in fact a lot of people that have not been in crypto recently
Have gotten into e1 because their friends told them about it
And so I think that's super bullish like having having a way to attract people to the salana blockchain and long term
I think a lot of us agree that chain abstraction is the direction the space is heading and it's gonna be less important whether you're on
Base or salana or bear chain or any of the other l ones that pop up as interoperability software and technology improves
I think you're seeing wormhole making a pretty seamless
Bridging experience between evm chains and salana at the moment
So long term we'd like to not be super, you know constrained in salana if that means bridging to other
protocols where we have lps
Where you know, you can swap on on any platform and have exposure to the same tokens
Something like that would be exciting. We're also working on partnerships at the moment with some
Some sniper wallets. I won't go into detail until we're able to announce it through our official channels, but
basically a referral system and
That's going to be great for onboarding community members. We've got community members that have
experience making
Like tutorial videos like that's what their their job is at work. They're making like corporate how-to's
So we're we're gonna make a suite of videos that explain how to get involved in crypto how to move your funds to
wallet in salana ecosystem and like
What to look for when buying tokens?
So an exhaustive guide to shit coining on salana
And then you know, we can expand that out with partnerships on other ecosystems as we expand out of salana as well
quite a lot of projects that we're talking to like like you want mentioned across a couple of different chains, but
I'm not really one for like
He wants more more of the guy that knows how to like build the hype for me
I like to organize the things and execute them and update people like after they're done
So a lot of the stuff that that we're working on from my side won't really
Be known until it's like completely like ready or like executable
And before we you know
Like actually send the funds or actually sign a contract or you know partner with this person
We just get that last sign up on the community and they get very excited to see like oh wow
Like this must have taken days or like a week to work on and we had no idea
And so it doesn't really matter now like if it's ever like quiet with updates
Even though we've literally had updates every single day
They know that we're constantly like building
In the back end the best for what we think is the community is currently like growing or representative of
Yeah, I mean for instance, I flew to miami on my own dime. No ewan was sold to uh
For this flight and airbnb and i'm here to work on a partnership, which I won't get into details of but
It's just really exciting to see something actually forming around this and real projects getting involved
I saw aisha's up on stage
I'd love to hear from the community and if anybody else would like to speak with the team up here the board
Feel free to request and we can get your questions in aisha. What's going on?
I've jumped to uh questions. Surely i've just got one more and then yeah, we'll ask the audience some questions
Uh, so for those intrigued by your project, what does the onboarding process look like and how could interested parties become part of the
Elon musk's, um in mission
Yeah, absolutely apologies for for jumping around
Um, I think the easiest way to find our token is you're going to be to google ewan mux and find the coin market cap listing
That way you're not finding the wrong
Uh wrong contract address
The other easiest way is just to click my bio and uh, the link tree there will send you to the correct
approved channels
so the telegram account is
You know the group chat the network is going to be a great place to see
What the community is up to see the buy and sells?
I mean you'll you'll notice that there's just a ton of people posting all the time
And so I think when you're doing your due diligence on a meme coin
You should see if this is vaporware if this is just something that influencers are pumping to the moon and then they're gonna
You know their plan is to dump it on you
Or is there an actual community that's forming around this thing?
And the best way to find the community is to go through those, you know community only channels where twitter
You know comments are great. Anybody can comment
But the actual community that's showing up day in day out and having conversations in telegram. That's a different type of
Due diligence, so I I recommend checking out the telegram
See if this is the type of community that you are interested in getting involved with
Uh, if it is then you can do
Backslash ca in the telegram and that that'll give you the contract address
From there, uh, if you're completely new to the salona ecosystem one of the easiest ways to
Acquire the token will be to use jupiter and phantom
So if you have a browser wallet phantom wallet
You can load that up with some salona from a centralized exchange for instance coinbase or binance you buy the salona there
Send the salona to your phantom wallet and then navigate to jupiter
Jup.aj is the url or find their official twitter so that you are sure that you're finding the correct
Once you're at jupiter, you can connect your phantom wallet
Paste the contract address and swap salona for e1. That's going to be one of the most straightforward and direct approaches
Awesome, uh, yeah, let's go to the audience. Let's see. Hey, she had a question for circuit. Elon mocks go ahead
Yeah, a few questions
Okay, what specific benefits can e1 holders expect to gain from participating in the leverage beta test?
And how does this partnership enhance the utility and value proposition of the e1 mocks ecosystem?
Great question
So the partnership with lava rage is a beta partnership
Which means that they're still testing their systems and once they go live they're going to open up access to everyone
But by being an e1 holder you have early access to their platform
So there's a couple benefits that come with that first of all, you have access to trading meme coins on leverage
That's pretty unique
And so you have access to that today by being an e1 holder and there's more there's more tokens that are listed. Of course
You don't have to only trade e1
But that's a unique product
Secondly by using the protocol very early
You'll qualify for their airdrop their airdropping nfts to all their original oldest holders
And the only way to be an original old user and holder of their platform is to
You know access the beta and so by holding e1 tokens, you can access the beta you can qualify for this nft airdrop
That nft airdrop is going to give you access to the platform
broader more broad access
And and during the next stages of their testing
So get in now and be able to use lava rage
Until they go live for everyone to use
But by using it early you also start accruing points in their point system
So their point systems the ux for tracking it is not live yet
But by using e1 or lava rage now, you can buy you know, any token and qualify for their point system
You can start getting an edge and a and then
Getting exposure to those points before anyone else free agent
Um, I was just going to add that I think it's very important to note that what's the utility added?
You can only long e1 on this platform just a very key piece of information
Yeah, long only be sure to you know use prudent
Multiples so I I would hesitate to to
Use, uh any double digit amount of leverage on a meme coin just because it's volatile. I will say that we're pretty near our floor
We've been ranging between three and four million for a while now
So I I don't personally expect to see a massive drawdown
so this would be a very interesting time to to take a long position on e1 but
Realize that you could get liquidated if a violent price action happens
Do you have any plans to engage in philanthropic or charitable efforts in the future?
Yeah, we're actually talking to one of the largest
Youth charities in america right now and looking to onboard with them
Uh, I can't get into the details at this point, but the there will be a big
Marketing and pr push around it. It would be pretty exciting if it does come
Uh to fruition and I can say yeah, I won't say anything more than that
But it would be a very fun partnership and we're working with the head of the americas for that
All right, great
Okay, and do you have plans to reach out to community members from established communities like toad?
She by no and flocking to attract members from these communities to even marks
There's actually some of the largest projects specifically on salona in
Where I worked previously and some of the people in this room can attest to that. I tried to convince
multiple exchanges to list them because of how
Based the team was their vision and how they were going to continue building and their coins probably up, you know 70x
Since we were mentioning that so so we have some pretty like deep and like old relationships with a lot of these projects that y'all start to
see more of but really I and it might sound like an odd approach is
We really want to make sure that this is like our organic floor
I'm not someone that really likes to take a whole lot of like medication to mask what i'm feeling and right now
I'd really like to know how you know, where are we at?
Like what are we feeling?
What's like the sentiment like and if the price action has been sideways and the vibes are just continuously better and better than
This is our floor and I think that we're ready to build with people that actually you know deserve it frankly
Because the network is extensive and and grows every day and everything that we've had has come from
uh people being willing to contribute and
Push this thing forward through their their network and and who they know
Yeah, we're always looking for great partnerships, uh, it's important that the communities are
Aligned and we don't want to partner with a community. That's just coming to pirate our coin and be value extractive
So we're really thoughtful when we're looking at partnership opportunities. I think nfts are an interesting, uh
proxy where a lot of their holders have held through
vicious downturns and they're still showing up and enjoying themselves and
That type of community member is is who we want to align with super long term because yeah
They understand that there's more to the value of a community than just the price of the asset
that that understanding and the
Common bond like for instance with pudgies pudgies hit like a 1e floor for a while
And now they're they're sky high and it's because they've come together. They've continued to build they have a shared common vision
So those are the types of communities that we're looking to align with as well
Hey, I also want to know
Do you have any plans to expand the even mark stroke into other blockchain networks?
Such as ethereum or buy and strain in the future in order to leverage the benefits of cross chain interoperability
Yeah, definitely something that we're entertaining. We want to make sure it's done, right?
And we want to make sure it's done at the right time
So one of the concerns with something like that is fracturing liquidity
So we want to make sure that we're at a size and scale where it does make sense
probably not going to go to eth mainnet just because the fees are are ridiculous and
I think a lot of settlement will happen on eth
But I don't think a lot of trading and price actions and discovery is going to happen on eth
So we're looking at some of the up and coming l ones and twos talking with some of the founders of these l ones and twos
Before the projects, you know even launch and we'd like to have some liquidity pools ready to deploy when those projects go live
Also looking at the the basis of the world
Certainly want to be evm aligned because a lot of liquidity is on ethereum, but we're also of the thesis that look
Retail is going to enter in the most convenient channel for them
And so what does that look like and I think binance and base are uniquely well positioned with
You know exchanges as their parent companies to be able to onboard retail
So those are some of the best opportunities we see for adding, you know additional
chains and liquidity pools
Last thing for me
I want to know has a fiat on-ramp solution been integrated
To allow users to purchase e-want tokens directly on the website choosing fiat currency
Yeah, one of our main holders and proponents is the founder of a fiat on-ramping platform
And an angel investor in moon pay
So he's very well versed in the space and and that you know
That uh section of of crypto on-ramping is really important
We haven't finished any type of partnership, but since he's part of our community
It should be pretty straightforward once we've got the the time and the dev bandwidth to be able to do something like that
So yeah, definitely something that we're thinking about and would love to execute on
All right, that would be really great. Thank you. Thank you so much for answering all my questions
Of course, thanks for coming up
Thanks for the questions asia. Thanks. We've got rama. You had a question for call free agent. Go ahead
Yeah, thank you for an elsewhere for your question. Okay. I was wondering can you discuss the my years?
Maybe you have in place to protect the ip on intellectual property and branding associated with the e-want mask particularly
Particularly, I mean in the context of a potential copyright project or infringement on your brand identity
I think that there's not a huge risk here
Do you want to go with this one free agent? No, go ahead. I'll add on to after you
Yeah, I would say since we're um a meme coin on the internet
Publicly available, you know, you can't really copyright memes. I think there could be some work done to add
Our twitter handle to the memes
but ultimately
I think the best case scenario is that the meme becomes so viral and commonly known that people start using the e-want
Headshot and putting it on different memes and the meme organically grows
That's that's actually very bullish. So we would not be upset to see that
We have seen a fair amount of elon related tokens popping up
But those tokens come and go and we've stuck around so
You know, we can't we can't pursue legal action for every token that launches with an elon theme
But our goal is to be the most
Well known and respected elon token, and that's really all you can ask for in the space
you know, we're fans of decentralization and
Monetary freedom, so we really we don't want to go around uh enforcing
ip restrictions
Also, you know, we're
We're a meme of a famous person. So, you know that that person is infinitely meme-able other people will meme him
And it's it would be a waste of our attention and time to to go after people that are making other elon copycat tokens
I think free agent
Yeah, no, definitely I have to agree there
And the people that know will know that we are the original
I don't think that we can kind of control that and anytime that someone is kind of imitating or you know copying what you're doing
I think that's a very good sign that you have something that's like funny and and willing to
They're willing to put in the work to kind of like try to recreate it, right?
So um, yeah free free market
Everyone can do what they will and like I said the value to to myself
And I think a lot of the community is more like internal than it is like, you know, keeping the idea as only are wrong
Yeah, yeah, it definitely makes sense. Okay regarding uh, your marketing initiatives
I was wondering what specific regions or demographics say does the team target to maximize the effectiveness of these efforts?
Yeah, we've got some numbers based in apac
Uh, so we've been we've been working with some apac marketing agencies. We're also, uh, you know
We are based on the east coast of the united states
At least a couple of us our free agent is in costa rica
So we've got a central and south america presence. We haven't done much in spanish so far, but we've
Had you know marketing campaigns in mandarin and english so far
Awesome awesome, okay
On your next page i've read about the boardroom service wondering what criteria are used to determine
Who gain access into the boardroom?
Other than holding a certain amount of the tokens and with access to the valuable insights second part is with access to the valuable insights and decision making
And power restricted it was selected
Out as you ensure that the interest and the respecters of the broader community of the token holder
Are also represented and considered in the boardroom discussions and the decisions
Great question. Yeah, I don't think that um
To be like frank like the the boardroom itself is everyone contributes and everyone
Kind of has a say in that right
But it's more like the majority and like we can't um
We can't have every single person vote on every single initiative. Otherwise like the project would never really like
Get anything done
That's why having such a strong and large like core group makes things a lot easier because we already are like pretty aligned
If people feel strongly about things, of course, like they can voice like those
But from outside of that boardroom
The the larger and like more general of community can kind of see what's going on and what we're like updating
And if there are holders in there that aren't per se in the boardroom and have concerns
They can voice those at any point in time in those telegram
And we have a like spreadsheet that will kind of capture whether it's new ideas or issues or things that need to be updated
So even if you don't feel like it's being heard like it is being captured to a degree
We are like looking over to these things and making sure we're moving in the direction of the community
Just to you know be blunt about that
Everyone's not going to be able to vote on on everything
But the the core group is is definitely like in alignment with the direction of the project
Yeah, I think in in web 3 you see two different camps arise you see the like full decentralization maxi word dao
Everyone votes on everything and then you end up with the cosmos model where it's actually, you know, a lot of fractured attention
It's hard to get anything done and
Yeah, you don't see a ton of progress and then on the other side. It's totally centralized
There's one guy controlling everything his word goes and the community has no input
So the key is to strike a nice harmonious balance and a lot of it is just sentiment analysis from the community
Obviously like there's reaction capability native to telegram
So if if somebody suggests something and it gets a ton of reactions and that's high on our priority list of
things to look into and evaluate and pursue partnerships for etc
And if somebody makes a suggestion and the replies are mostly I don't know if this is worth our time
I don't know if this is, you know useful and it doesn't get a ton of engagement
We certainly still see that and we take it into account
But it might not be the most pressing thing at a given time
So yeah, it's just about managing
You know, there's a lot of different ways you can take a project
There's a lot of things you can spend your attention and time on so it's about managing what's best for the project
Based on the you know ultimate decision of a group of about seven
but also the the broader input of a group of about 90 and then
Any any great idea that comes from the telegram group chat of over 700
Certainly like makes its way into the to the main
Boardroom, so that's kind of how we think about it and how the process looks
Great good. Okay
I was also thinking has the contract ownership been renounced and considering this
Do you foresee any challenges for your development team in upgrading and adding new features to the contract in future if the ownership is renounced?
Yeah, um, yeah, it has been renounced in like there could
There could be some um, you know issues with that if going forward if you they want to change like the metadata and things like that
But I don't really see it as um, like a large issue
Like I said that the building of the community is more around the actual like giving
Like side of things like we're we're creating things and giving back to the community
We're giving to each other
And so even like when you're saying like how does decision change change?
When you're saying like how does decisions get made how do people like weigh in?
People don't get upset really when they understand that the project is really just to like build like this ecosystem. That's like self
Surviving self thriving self like feeding self growing
Rather than like oh we need to make these decisions to drive the token price or to take the project in like this direction
It's it's more this like collective like giving people are facing inward rather than kind of like trying to stand at the back and
You know push like or crack the whip everyone's like, hey, I think this I think this I think this and when there's a reaction
Like you once said then that's when we know that's what's in alignment with the um with the team
And in terms of like being able to do more on chain
Fortunately, the airdrop mechanism exists and we've looked into you know
Do we want to have an nft spin out of this do we want you know, mintable and redeemable merchandise?
Bay and and to to have a mechanic like that
It's pretty easy just to look at the holder count of of wallets like okay, everybody with above
3 million e1 qualifies for a hoodie and then you can airdrop an nft to them which they can redeem or they can hold
That kind of thing. So it doesn't need to be done at the contract level. We can just kind of get a sense for
the communities
the each individual community members involvement and you know
for pensive
Investment in the community based on the e1 tokens themselves and we can spin out other on-chain initiatives from that information
Awesome. Awesome. It's been very nice, uh talking to you guys and thank you so much for your time or to you again
Thanks for the yeah, I appreciated your your questions, sorry
Thanks for the questions. Right next up. We've got chatsu. You had a question for circle free agent go ahead
You've got your hand up chatsu are you there?
Hi, sir. Hi. Hello. How's that?
Hello, hello. Yeah, you had a question chatsu go ahead
Sir are you leaving?
We can hear you brother. I don't think you can hear us
Oh, yeah, I don't know what's happening there. Let's move to captain Levi. You had a question for the
Yeah, um, thanks glenn, um, hey guys, uh
representation you did
and you know e1 token I
Had to say e1 a couple of times so I could actually pronounce it properly before you know
I'm speaking so that doesn't sound very much like Elon
Um e1 token really great and love the moon love the hype following it
Um, I just have a couple of questions regarding some statements made
Um, of course one practical question. I always ask mean coins as a fact that um
Are they are you guys ready to pivot and in what way will you pivot when?
The hype goes down
but I don't really think the question in this case is actually relevant because
Um as long as twitter exists
E1 elon exists and as long as elon exists e1 exists as well
Um, but just in case it should happen and it isn't really as it used to be
Are there plans to you know pivot the use case?
And uh, you know in a way that um
The hype stays, you know and attached to the one yes, definitely
Like if we mentioned a lot of ideas partnerships things that we're doing plans that we have
but I think myself and trico e1 like kind of
Agree that we're just vehicles for what like the broader group want the management group the boardroom
Like the larger community like everyone might not be able to like vote
But we can very clearly see when there is like a collective agreement on which direction the project should go or what it should do next
um, so I don't really think of it as
We might be you know, the co-heads would be the creators of like the project and the core group is like, you know
Founded from like the two of us and a couple of other people
But ultimately like whatever whatever the direction that needs to happen for the growth of the project or to get reached the next level up
Like I personally am more than like open to making any kind of like decisions or spend
That is like collectively agreed on
Yeah, and I think
like you said
It's unlikely that elon becomes a less memeable person over time
And if if we had been running this account over the last year, I mean there's so many things that we would have beamed
And yeah, it's just it's fun to think about and you never know what he's gonna say next
The guy's just so interesting and autistic in the best way
Uh, so yeah, we'll never run out of content to make about elon one thing we thought about is like, okay
What happens if elon dies?
First of all, my tesla stock is in more danger than my elon investment, which I would be more concerned about
with ai's prominence and
AI like being able to replicate a person's um
Emotions and thoughts like I think in the future we see elon ai where we can have a conversation with you know
elon of the future or elon of the past in the future
And have him have takes on current events that are happening
There's so much information out there already recorded and written about how elon thinks about the world
That we could ai meme elon into the next 300 years. Uh, so yeah great question
I don't think that we're gonna deviate from the elon narrative
I think that this group of people is capable of creating a lot more than just elon
So maybe we spin up new memes and then in that case the elon holders will have access to those
And we'll always rebase back to the original
elon, you know community members
uh, but yeah, we're not our plan is not to spin up a bunch of
Derivative billionaire meme coins, but maybe there is something in the future where we want to tap into a new meta a new narrative
Uh that you know, maybe it's some token standard that we've never seen yet or a 404 token
Something like that that like turns into an aft
Well, we have the optionality to go in a different direction doesn't have to always be elon related forever
But the elon meme will persist
That definitely sounds like a plan, you know
Um, how actually you just spoke there, you know, elon then really scary line of thoughts works
And when you put it this way it isn't so scary anymore
Um, the next question I actually do have is um
Regarding the owners those who are in charge
How do you keep that unison?
You know that that one person line of thoughts
And that's the first part of the question
Um, the second part is that um feedback from the community have there been any specific feedback say in the last six months
That's you guys really thought wow, this is some really interesting feedback and we can choose to implement on this decision
Yeah, great question. So first of all i'd say the easiest way for us to all be on the same page
Is to have a call at the end of many days. Uh, so most days we hop on a voice chat
The seven of us the nine of us, uh that are in the core group, uh making these decisions
Uh, and you know
We kind of
Do a rehash of the day. Okay, what happened like what is new? What can we improve on?
What can we change? What should we do better?
Uh, but also what's working? Well, where should we double down? What do we want to continue seeing more of?
So having those conversations on a daily basis makes it a little easier. We're also just
As mentioned earlier, we're already a close group of friends and now we have a common interest
Uh that that makes us talk more often
But before ewan we were already talking on a daily basis with all the people, uh in the core decision-making group
So yeah, when you have a group of friends that are all aligned ethically and in the same industry
It makes it a little bit easier
And then what was the second part of your question? I think I think there was a bit that i've missed here
Yeah, I I was actually talking about um community feedback, so um, you know feedback from the community on you know
Um suggestions so that could actually improve the overall ecosystem
If you've actually gotten any of those directly from the community members in the past six months and um,
If you guys um, we would implement on that and would I say suggestion or feedback and if it was helpful
Absolutely, we really value our community's input and what we value the most is actionable input
So, you know in the board room
We say behave like an executive and if you've worked at a large company before you know that only junior people bring problems with no
Solutions and so we really put an emphasis on if you're going to suggest something come to us with a plan
and so in the instances where
People have had things that they want to see done. They also bring introductions to parties that can help make that happen
Uh tangible plans, right maybe a google doc written up with hey look
We want to do xyz initiative and this is why we think it's valuable and this is the next steps that we propose
So when you have a group of of people that have you know
Worked for 10 plus years. They're not uh fresh off the street. They've worked in crypto for half a decade
You start seeing a lot of really great. Um
You know proposals and initiatives that have fleshed out ideas around them. So I love that about our community
People are behaving like executives. We have a saying be a doer
So if you're going to bring an idea
We we want to see you having taken a swing at it yourself
We're not the
This is not a dictatorship
This is not a kingdom where the only people that can make any decisions or do marketing are the owners
Right. Everybody's an owner
So if you have an idea
If you if you have a meme that you want to see make the meme
And then put it in the chat and then it's a meritocracy
If everybody likes the meme and it gets a ton of reactions and everyone's replying lmao
Then that meme gets posted on the twitter. Like that's how it goes the other day a community member said hey
Let's have a meme competition
And we said yeah, actually that's a great idea. Everybody agreed
And so we're putting together a meme competition should be out next week where any community member can create memes that are high quality
And the ones that are selected will be awarded with a hundred thousand you want
So that kind of thing
Yeah came from the community. It was a great idea. It's something that we're taking action on
And we appreciated the the person's input
Uh, that's really amazing. I really love the fact that you know
Um the awesome prerequisites mean that they can just throw suggestions into the group
And what they must actually throw valuable suggestions. It actually places some kind of value on the suggestions
You know improving the overall value of the ecosystem
You guys are really done great. Um from the great planning to an awesome execution
Um, wish you guys the very best and I really hope that you know, you want stays foolish when well, um, thanks guys
What's your plan?
You on forever. Thanks for coming up
Thanks for the uh questions council. Unfortunately, we're running out of time today, but it's been great speaking to zircon
Free agent today as we say moby medias for research and education
It's not financial advice
But we recommend you check out the website and if you've got any questions after the spaces you can join the uh,
socials for the x account here of the e1
Books and if there's anything we've missed discussing today guys or any closing thoughts
Yeah, I think uh, if anyone wants to get involved with this project before you just ape in
Come get a feel for the vibe
Come join the telegram and and we really want to make sure that people that are joining understand what they're signing up for
And that this is a long-term project. This is not a
Flash in the pan pump and dump. I think a lot of the salona mean coin frenzy has been pretty short lived
But this is something that we want to bring out of this cycle and when we look back we can say wow
That was a fun time
And i'm glad that our project survived to be something relevant to hopefully society at large in the future
So if you want to be a part of building that come join and bring a doer's mentality come with ideas
Make your own memes and you get you get out what you put in and everything in life
But in meme coins especially so with that i'll turn it over to free agent and it was great chatting with all of you
Thank you for the time and for coming up. Feel free to reach out to us on
On twitter directly send us a message. Give the account a follow. We'd love to connect with you
Couldn't couldn't have said it better myself
Join join the community. We check our ego at the door. You know your vibe attracts your tribe kind of mentality
Throw us your ideas your memes your thoughts. Happy to meet you all. We'll be in the chat, you know almost all day every day
Look forward to meeting you
Thanks very much shannon take care everyone
Thanks for having us merby