Your Time, Your Game: The Creator Economy!

Recorded: Feb. 15, 2024 Duration: 1:09:19



Never mind, never mind Feels like you will never mind
I'm gonna lose myself in the arms of a soldier
And yes looks, types of looks I'm your best but it doesn't work out
And it don't matter either way
Oh, oh, oh, whatever, whatever
When we need to look good together I'll be here when you see that
Two things I never care, whatever, whatever
Two things I never care, whatever, whatever
See that, won't see me cry, don't see me cry
Diem Diem everyone, welcome to Another Spaces here on the Seatworld account
Tonight we're gonna be talking about the creator economy
Welcome to Johnny and Meta Alchemist as our co-host tonight
Have a great evening everyone and over to you Johnny
Yeah, let's jump into it
Pleasure as always to be up here co-hosting alongside you guys
Meta, how's it going today?
I'm doing great Johnny, how are you doing bro?
Yeah, not too bad
Good morning over here in South Florida
Can't complain about the weather or anything like that
And I mean obviously we have a fun topic here
I think with the play to airdrop narrative going on too
With a lot of games using UGC to their strengths inside of these economies
I think it's a good topic
But I'm gonna swing it around the space really quick
Let everyone kind of introduce themselves
I'm gonna start just on the order of my screen style protocol
How's it going today?
Hey, what's up guys?
Aliu here, founder of Stack protocol
Thanks for having us, nice to be here
Quick intro, we do infrastructure for virtual environments
Powered by a tower of 3D creators
Thus, I'm super excited to be talking about the creator economy
As it's an essential part of our infrastructure
Amazing, yeah, I like what you guys are doing over there
Nice to officially speak here on the spaces as well
Matt, how's it going today? What's going on?
Hey Johnny, what's up?
Pleasure joining everyone here today
I'm really excited about the topic
I'm very passionate about it
Because I've been working with creators now for almost nine years
So yeah, I'm excited to speak about it with you guys
Yep, pleasure to have you up here on stage
Coco, welcome back to the seed world's faces
How are you today?
Hey Johnny, thank you for having me
Pleasure to be here
Yeah, I'm really really good today
Yeah, how did you get into the conversation?
I think it's a really important one
Absolutely, welcome to the stage, Forge
I believe, I think you guys might have joined one in the past
But regardless, welcome up and how's it going?
Hey guys, I'm Naj, I'm the marketing manager for Forge
So we're excited to be here
Amazing, yeah, I like what you guys are doing as well over at Forge
Some exciting stuff going on over there
Royale, how's it going today? I think it's your first time here, so welcome
Thank you
Yeah, we can't hear you, Royale, probably Johnny
Yeah, I was wondering if I was rugging so I didn't say anything
Royale, maybe jump down and hop back up if you want
Because I believe your sound was not coming through
I see over the reality did just hop, oh, go ahead
I think we got you now
Can you hear me?
Yeah, yeah, we got you
Oh nice, nice, sorry
Yeah, so I'm very excited to be here, I'm Royale
I'm a YouTuber, web 2 YouTuber and also the co-founder of Lombrados
One of the biggest Brazilian dolls
So yeah, very excited to be here and talk to you guys
And listen to what everyone has to say, thank you
Yep, pleasure having you up here, I see over the reality just jumped on the stage
How's it going? Welcome
Hey everyone, good morning, good evening, good afternoon
Really excited to be here and listening to what everybody needs to say about the topic
And I'm really excited to talk about or to share with you over's Map the World in 3D campaign
So let's go, let's go
And then last but not least, we have ERM Labs, how's it going today?
Hello, hey guys, yeah, first time in this panel
So really wonderful to have co-hosts from Johnny and Seawell inviting us to this amazing topic
So I'm Wing from ERM Labs, I'm the founder
So a project is actually pretty fun and simple
So we're onboarding a lot of real life escape room onto the metaverse
So we're replicating the whole physical space
And we're building it onto the metaverse where everyone can actually enjoy their physical environment
And they're playing the same game at the same time on the metaverse
Thank you guys
Absolutely, let's jump right into this
I think it's a great topic today with UGC as well as the creator economy with content creators
But I just want to start because UGC has been a really hot topic
Some of the examples recently like Nifty Island where you create something and people jump in
The more they utilize your creation as a user
The more that you actually benefit in the end from the play to air drop
So I just want to pose the question to the panel, whoever wants to take it first
How do you guys believe that the user generated content in Web3 is transforming the creator economy?
Especially in the context of gaming
And do you guys see that Web3 gaming is a better fit for UGC than Web2 examples like Roblox and Minecraft
Because you can monetize your creations
Whoever wants to take it and then we'll do a show of hands
Matt, over to you
Yeah, I think that's an excellent question
And there's definitely a lot of ways that you can see it
But I think one of the ways that UGC is transforming the creator economy is definitely in terms of deeper partnerships with creators
So for example, a good example like you said earlier, Nifty Island
Putting creator IP within a game is a very powerful thing because it does two things
It obviously lifts both brands and association
And then the second one is, the creators just love that
If I was a creator and I got put into a game or something like Mayazuki
I would love that and I would want to show that to my community, show it to my friends, talk about it
So that's definitely one form of UGC that I think is very powerful
I think IP here in the crowd is a very good example
He's got his IP in multiple games now
And I think it's going really well for him
He's been killing it and I think he's just going to double down on that
I think he's got a really great brand with a pink hair, he's like a super saiyan
But yeah, that's one vertical that I'm looking forward to seeing more of
Yeah, same here
And you know, shout out to YP, awesome creator down there
But he said something to me on a space last week
I'm not going to let him live down
He said I actually play these games
Catch me on the map and I'll gun you down on a first person shooter YP
No, I'm just kidding
ERM Labs, go ahead
Yeah, so another perspective that I'm going to bring on the table here is actually the IP right
So in the web2 traditional market, IP is usually owned by the creator by themselves
by either the gaming studio or the artists themselves
But the way that we did it, especially for example with escape room designs
Everyone actually contributed into this particular design and they get their fair share
So we're going to be initiating quite a lot in terms of like decentralized IP
How do you actually own your copyright of the game that you design?
And that's very important because you actually get the different
You get all the revenue shared coming from it
So instead of paying a very high fee, you know, listing on, you know, for example
I'm not going to name this platform, but, you know, in the web2 market
You play over 30% on distribution price
Sorry, distribution fee
But then when you actually come to web4, it's more about the community
It's more about what's owning
Sorry, like what do you actually own with your design and how do you actually capitalize your creation?
So I wanted to dive into it and I really love to hear from other speakers as well
How exactly that everyone could be utilized the IP that you owned
Especially with the UGC, everyone is contributing into this create economic
Yeah, for sure
I think that there's a few good examples out there
One, I mean Matt actually touched on one that I think is a big opportunity
And I think web2 games don't even do it enough
It's creator skins
So like in the economies of like a call of duty or like Valorant stuff like that
They have skins that are like the eSports teams, but not necessarily singular creators
And personally speaking, I think that the individual creator
Like people love optic and like the call of duty landscape
But the creators are who they flock to
Like a optic scump skin itself would probably almost sell more than an optic skin
So I think like creator branding is pretty under leveraged inside of web2 games
Whereas Matt mentioned like I know YP does have a lot of different characters across different games
And I think that if people were to use that character
Or if it was a skin you buy for $9.99 or whatever the case may be
Then that revenue share could go to that creator for bringing that into the game
So I think that that's an opportunity that's under leveraged
I was going to also speak about entrepreneurship aspect, Johnny
Because like right now we're talking about mostly like plate airdrop campaigns and stuff like that
But like if you look at the creator economy, most of the creators right now
They're actually becoming entrepreneurs like this, you know, having their own discord groups
They're having, you know, they're sponsored spaces
They're having like many side hustles that are going on besides creating content
So like in terms of UGC worlds, the good opportunities for more people who are interested in like gaming
As well as like, you know, creating social experiences and, you know, many other things
They can actually find the arena where they can actually, you know, create a great experience for their community
While, you know, having fun with them, but also be able to, you know
Have another opportunity to monetize those experiences
And it doesn't need to be first coming from their own community
The monetization because the thing is once, you know, people have a great audience
Then they can actually, you know, start to, you know, create a popular experience in a, you know, UGC platform
And then, you know, once, you know, they actually open everything up for their community
Then they can have other kind of experiences where people can pay or they can buy their skins
Or they can buy like many other things that are connected to that creator's brand
So like in terms of the opportunities over there, because like we know from Roblox, for example
There are like UGC worlds like this, experiences that have made like millions of dollars
Just by creating a like simple game on Roblox
So like these kind of opportunities also is going to be a major benefit for a lot of creators
And that's why like I think UGC platforms are going to be very, very popular in the future too
Just like due to that ease of entrepreneurship opportunities
Yeah, definitely. I think there's a lot of good points there
And I think, you know, obviously what SeedWorld is building
I think there's going to be a lot of opportunities to leverage that type of model inside of that ecosystem
Which I'm super excited to see because I think SeedWorld is going to provide a lot of unique aspects to UGC and the creator economy
So style protocol, I saw your hand go up and then it went down
I'll give you the liberty if you want to go and then we'll go over to Forge and Royale
And then I see OverTheReality is waving, they're probably on the PC, so we'll get to them as well
I think they're raising their hand in a way
Yeah, well, obviously we agree with everything that's been said
I wanted to just throw one more thing in the mix, which is
Everyone here is speaking about like creator, you know, creation in terms of like KOLs
But also I think you shouldn't undermine just random individuals having the complete freedom to kind of like create one-time things for gaming
Because let's say you get together in a game or like, you know, one evening, like a classic LAN party
And then being able to kind of have a skin for this one-time experience
Similar to how, you know, when people have these, how do you call them English, before you get married
There's this phenomenon of people, you know, having your last night and all getting matching t-shirts
This translates to the virtual world, if you ask me
Like, I don't see any reason why there wouldn't be like tiny micro communities creating stuff just for themselves that aren't necessarily pushed through KOLs in virtual worlds
Yeah, for sure. I like that angle as well
Ford, go ahead
No, I just want to put on like one challenge in the UGC creator economy, like the creator economy, like especially in the web3 space
Discoverability of like the web3 games
Because they're like most of the UGC that we see, most of the creators that we see only play like the web2 games
So pushing more web3 games in the creator economy would be great
That's why we're partnering with a lot of like new games in the scene
New games in the web3 space
For partnerships is really important when it comes to, you know, creating more content and knowing what the games are and pushing it to a lot of people
So I think that's one of the biggest challenges in the web3 space is discoverability of all of those games
Yeah, obviously discoverability is a big thing right now
And I think that, you know, some of the points that are being raised across the stage, it's a lot more unique
I remember last time we had a UGC space and a lot of the takes were pretty, you know, very, very similar
But I think everyone's kind of bringing a nice little spice to the conversation here
Royale and then over to over the reality
Yeah, so I think all the points everyone brought here are very interesting
Actually, the YouTube channel I have on web2 is Roblox related
So I'm pretty familiar with the UGC structure
And one of the things I would like to give emphasis to is the impact UGC has on community
Because when you are able to create your own assets, you can actually represent your community no matter how big it is
You know, so people feel much more engaged
Even if you have just a small group of friends, you can create an item or something for them all
And they will all feel connected and they will want to play the game more because they will feel more welcomed
So UGC is definitely something very interesting to implement
Especially in web3 since we can also put blockchain into it and make transactions better
But also something that, in this case, something I would like to bring from my experience
Something Roblox struggles a lot with is moderation
So it's also something I think is worth maybe talking
Yeah, I think the Minecraft Roblox fit versus the web3 fit is definitely something that's an interesting kind of like comparison in the space
I think we'll definitely dive a little deeper into that here shortly over the reality you've been waving
So go ahead
Yeah, that's true. I am on the PC. Thank you for noticing
I agree with everyone there
I also want to add that in the web3 platform, we're seeing a lot of play-to-earn models coming out
And that's how we over started
We collaborated and partnered with a lot of gaming platforms out there to like bidirectional, like reach out to the communities
And because of these play-to-earn models, it not only incentivizes participation, but it also provides economic opportunities
Like especially in regions with limited access to traditional job markets
And I need to say that the Map the World in 3D campaign, because it's literally mapping the world using your smartphone
There are people in regions that, like underdeveloped countries, that might not have the opportunity to be onboarded onto web3
But because of the campaign we're rolling out, anyone can map and earn over tokens
Yeah, and I think that's something very important
And maybe this could segue into the next question
And we didn't hear too much of this
We just kind of heard how it's a fit for the web3 space
But versus something like a Roblox and a Minecraft, which have built very impressive communities over this time period
Because you can showcase your creations, have other people come play on them
And then, you know, it's just a very, it's a different type of experience than what we see from a lot of these traditional just multiplayer games
Where you play on the pre-generated maps using pre-generated skins and pre-generated game modes, etc
So I'm curious, do we actually see that web3 is a better fit for UGC than some of these other economies
Like a Roblox or like a Minecraft?
And on top of that, I'm curious, is UGC creation and maybe the earnings mechanisms more sustainable than what we've seen with quote unquote play to earn
If the creator is actually rewarded for the time and the activity that they put into the game
Meta, I did see your hand go up if you want it, and then we'll go over to Coco
Yeah, Johnny, like how I see things is, you know, Roblox and Fortnite is definitely not going to slow down on growing
But whatever they're actually pushing in the world, it's actually much better for what's going to happen in web3 platforms
Because the incentivization of users in UGC platforms of web2 is not there
For example, in Fortnite, a user can only, you know, get a battle pass points and they have to buy a battle pass
And like you can also get those, you know, points in the regular Fortnite game, too
So there is no rewarding experience besides the fun game for the users
In Roblox, like people don't have any kind of opportunity to earn
But they have to spend the Roblox in order to like buy skins and stuff like that
But, you know, there is no single incentive for users to really earn any kind of like rewards
And even the skins and stuff like that, it's really rare to earn a skin in like Roblox as a user
So like compare that with web3 platforms where you can create much more like a depth of economy
And, you know, earning potentials for users as well besides the creators
Then you're opening up, you know, a completely new, you know, platform where, you know, it's going to be much more interesting for the users themselves
Because there is going to be the rewarding models that will actually be able to connect the UGC world into a much better experience
And, of course, like people just come to these roles most of the time to have fun and they can just, you know, have fun with it, too
But on top of that, if you actually can reward and still have a fun game, then you actually have much more, you know, benefit compared to ones that don't
So, you know, it's going to be only natural for more people to flock to like web3 platforms that's, you know, they can see like great platforms that can be actually chosen on the web3 site
Yeah, and I'll kind of chime in on this bit because as someone who used to stream on Twitch all the time, someone that used to be in the esports realm
And the way that the gaming economy is today, more people want to make money gaming than ever before
They see their favorite streamers in the lives they live
They see the amount of, you know, like following and YouTube, clout, etc. that people get
And it is true. It is just like this economy of creators
But, you know, young kids want to be their favorite streamers
Like it's the same thing with, you know, people want to be, you know, their favorite athlete
There's this whole new generation now of people that want to be their favorite esports star
They want to be their favorite streamer
And that is the real, like that is the real sub-sector out there in gaming
And, you know, people want to monetize this and if you want to really monetize your creations, monetize your time and your skills
This does provide a much better realm and a route to go
Rather than just sinking time into a Roblox or sinking time into these types of things
Where the monetization isn't really there
So we have a lot of hands up
I believe it was Coco, then ERM Labs, and then over to Forge
But Digital, you haven't spoke, so if you want to go ahead, go ahead
Can you hear an echo?
No, no, you're good. Welcome to the stage
Okay, actually I'm on over the reality, so hold on
Okay, okay
Sorry, I wanted to say also that
Your question was, is the user generated content
Like, is it good for...
Is it a better fit for, yeah, is it a better fit for Web 3 than Web 2 incumbents like a Roblox or a Minecraft
And do we think it brings more sustainability to the Play to Earn model?
I agree with what the other members speakers have said
But, you know, when you think about it, the technology is not really there
Because the ease of creation on platforms like Roadblocks and Fortnite and Minecraft
Like, I love Minecraft
It is so easy, like the build creation, like the software that's built in
And because Web 3 is coming up with these new technologies like AR, VR, and AI
And you really want especially interoperability
So it's not there yet, but eventually when there is interoperability and there are standards and devices and platforms
Are, I guess, up to speed and up to par and on the same page with technology and users' devices
Then, yeah, UGC would be great for Web 3
But it's almost like we're seeing that cusp of when everybody did not have mobile phones in their hand yet, right?
There were people who had mobile phones and then there were pioneers in live streaming and all that stuff
So we're seeing that adoption right now
But eventually in the future, that's what we're hoping for
So there are platforms like ERM Labs and all these people here that are really trying to build for the future
Because that's where we're really going
So we really need to prepare for that
And it's an ecosystem
We have to get the device manufacturers on board
We have to get, like, just standards, like how we had to create Web 2 standards
Yeah, for sure
I do think the one thing that Web 3 is missing on the UGC side, which I do think Nifty Island did a good job
Is the toolkit they're providing the creators
Because it's one thing to say, hey, you can create your own stuff inside the game and monetize it
That's one thing
But having the learning hurdle of how to do that definitely has been missing up to this point
But I think projects are now giving a better toolkit for the user to be able to jump in
And not really have that learning curve as much
So we got a lot of hands up on this one
Koko, and then I believe over to ERM Labs, then Forge
Yeah, there's been some really great and interesting points
And actually, I wholeheartedly agree with what Ova was saying about how, you know, the sort of, like, the power is in the hands of the Web 2, big Web 2 companies
Minecraft, Roblox, because they have the toolkit and the power to kind of maintain a kind of head start that they have
But what they don't have is kind of like this open economy, which, you know, you've got people like Roblox or even Apple
You think about how closely they got this closed economy ecosystem because it protects their bottom line and it protects their profits
But it's like the Web 2 companies are slightly afraid of the unknown with what can come with open economies
But it actually, you know, it can unlock a creativity in a way that having a place that's gatekeeping and moderation needs to obviously be addressed
But open economies and allowing people to create something that isn't just locked inside of the one ecosystem in which you create it
Well, eventually, I think that penny will drop because if you're asking people, you mentioned this actually earlier, how people want to do something that they love
And earning something from a game that they love playing is a great, enticing thing to look forward to and want to do in the future
And be like your favorite esports player
But it requires time and your attention
And yes, companies want that
They want everybody's time and attention, but they have to make it sustainable
Because if it's not sustainable, then you'll still be fighting with people wanting to go out and having to go out and get a real job, quote unquote
Or make money in some other way
But if something like UGC helps people be, as you said, meta-entrepreneurial and have assets of their own
And assets of their own that are protected with the kind of fundamentals of blockchain that isn't like subject to a company shutting down
And they can remove it and then be more creative with it
And that's another thing, I go back to creativity, when you create assets inside something, it can morph and it can grow
And you can connect other communities and other projects together because it maybe is on the same chain or it can be interoperable in a different way
And in places like Web2, you just don't have the same level of opportunity and immutability, right? So, yeah
Yeah, it's just such a unique way to enhance UGC, in my opinion, inside of Web3 due to the toolkit that we have
Meta does have co-host privilege, I will let him go and then over to Forge
Yeah, I want to just say sorry guys, I have to actually go to a meeting right now, that's what I was going to mention
But Johnny, please take care of the space for me, like you always do
Thank you so much, everyone, and hopefully in the next spaces we can see each other again
All good, Meta, I know you're wearing lots of hats, go do what you gotta do, I will hold down the space as you already know
Thank you so much, take care, everyone
ERM Labs, over to you
Yeah, sure, so we are one of the partner on the sandbox
So I'm going to give a little bit of perspective coming from sort of like a work-free UGC comparing to the whole Web2 scenery
I do believe it's quite a bit of a long way to go and I have two things to sort of break it down for you guys
Number one is definitely the touring, so our gameplay was actually tested on 0.7 Game Maker all the way to 0.9
Which is fantastic right now, there's a lot of UGC component that is within the sandbox toolkit
I can't say for any other web-free sort of metaverse or the UGC toolkit everyone uses
But being the sandbox early partners, we pretty much experienced the whole sort of behind-the-scenes type of thing
Honestly, I would definitely say it's a bit of a long way coming from a customer perspective
If you're actually going to open up the mass adoption of Web2, it's definitely a little bit too hard to use
And also for creator, so for example, sandbox right now, they started changing a strategy just beginning of this year
Instead of focusing on gaming studio and providing a lot of funding to gaming studios
They started providing sort of a total prize pool for all the studios to sort of compete each other based on two things
It's very similar to Fortnite, so we're building both on sandbox and Fortnite
We've both got the grants, we've both been recognised at the IP
Obviously bring the real-life IP entertainment industry coming on board
The whole team is talking about the differences between Web2 and Web3
Just on top base on the UGC element
So the revenue model, the Web3 is actually quite trying to take the strategy that is already working on Web2
So for example, they incentivise players and they incentivise game studios based on two things
So number one is the engagement rate, which is how many players you can get on board
And the second one is actually the playtime
So the more playtime, the more reward that you earn
So sandbox recently, just a couple of days ago, they announced that 1 million cent token share pool to sort of incentivise
But then our team actually came back to discuss this
Is that a good way? Is that a good thing to sort of have this instantification?
So our team is actually 50-50
I'm not too fancy on this, but obviously our team members say, hey, this is a fantastic opportunity for all the creators out there
For our creator, for us studio
But I actually thought of, hey, does that mean that would only attract people to build onto Web3 because of this share pool
Are they genuinely actually having this interest to share for example?
Do they like escape room in order to build escape room games?
Or did they actually share the interest other than just the sort of play to earn or play to own type of model
Like we need to make sure the customer journey, customer perspective is well utilised with what their interest
I think the whole Web3, especially in 2024, is going to niche into growing very niche and very segmented target market interest
So that's my take on that
Thank you
Yeah, absolutely
Don't have to say thank you
That's what we're up here on the faces for
And if anyone wants to respond to anyone's comments as well, feel free as I send it around the panel
I believe Forge and then it was Matt and then Royale and then Style, I believe
So yeah, we just finished our season zero
So that was our beta season for the past four months
We just released our season one this week
So when we released our season one launch, we created an API for our game partners to put in their games so we can reward our users better
So when they finish all the quests that our partner and us created on our platform, it will encourage more of the users to create more content for us
It would lead more monetisation opportunities for them
And it also would create more community engagement for us and our partners
So it's going to be easier for us to reward all the users with their time with that API that we created
And using in-game rewards or NFTs or tokens that our partners have
So that is something that we planned at the very start
Because when we started, it wasn't diversified
Our inclusivity when it comes to our rewards are only for a specific region
But now that we are seeing a lot more users from all over the world using Forge
We decided to create that API to give more opportunities to everyone in the world to gain more
To gain more from playing all those games that our partner with
Great takes there. We're going to speed run it around
The speakers don't have to speed run your answers, but just going to provide less insights in between each one
Royale over to you
Or wait, go ahead, Matt, that's my fault
So one of the things I think that I think RM Lab said that is something very interesting
Is the monetisation aspect of Web2 UGC content
Basically, the examples are like Fortnite and Roblox
But there's a very big difference between them and something I think is really worth pointing out
Fortnite monetises through playtime and through engagement
But Roblox actually has many other ways to monetise and it's insane
I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with the whole monetisation side of Roblox
But it's insane how much money you can make on Roblox
It's literally insane
Basically, experience creators, game creators, they can put in what they call game passes
They can sell in-game items, in-game things like features for Roblox
And that Roblox will go to the creator of the experience
People make a lot of money with this a lot
I think the biggest game on Roblox makes like half a million dollars a day
Through this, very likely more
But yeah, so I think that the whole point of UGC is really like
Roblox really gets this essence of like giving accessibility
Because it's not that hard to create an experience in Roblox or UGC items
So it's really a strong point on UGC
In my opinion, it needs to be accessible and it needs to give people opportunity
And regarding Webtree, I think something that we could actually do better than Webchoo
Is that people on Webtree, they don't make money playing the games
They only spend money
The creators are the ones that get rewarded the most
The players only get fun in exchange
So in Webtree, we could change that
People could actually earn by playing
So it would definitely be something like a game changer
And something that we can really take advantage of
Can I jump in here real quick?
I know I'm not supposed to, but it's something that I disagree with
And I think it's also important to speak up a little bit controversially every now and then
I'm not sure if play to earn is always the answer
Because if you just set yourself like Roblox
They create an environment where people can
Generate revenue by providing fun experiences
And I think what we have to be mindful of, especially here
In the early stage of software pre-gaming is
Not planting a cancer that makes people only attracted to a certain game
Because they can earn money just by playing
I'm not sure if that's sustainable
And I know it's a little bit mean to say
Because we're just an infrastructure provider
We are not doing our very own game
So we just work with a lot of games
But it's just something that I really want to get off my chest
So I don't think throwing rewards at users and players is the answer
I think the answer is creating an environment that is awesome and fun to play
And where there is the potential to earn rewards by providing value
That's what I'm trying to say
Yeah, for sure
Royale, if you want to chat
Because I think that was in rebuttal to your comment
And then over to Matt
Yeah, sure
I completely agree
What I meant is actually that people play Roblox to have fun
So the edge that Webtree could get is actually make people have fun
And also get something material in exchange
As a gamer myself, I have spent countless hours playing games
From the old games like, whoa, I have spent countless hours
But I don't really have anything to show for it
Of course, I had fun
It was a fun experience
I met a lot of people
But what I meant is that it would be nice to be able to mix having fun and earning money
So I completely agree with you
I think it's 100% correct, yeah
Yeah, it's got to be a balance
I think the traditional way of play to earn is obviously played out a bit, right?
There's definitely new models we can kind of run towards and innovate with
And I think that UGC provides a lot of unique aspects for that
Matt, over to you
I know you've been waiting very patiently
No, no, of course, it's a wonderful discussion
I was just going to reiterate the point that, for example, Web2 has already unlocked UGC
In terms of like, you know, for builders to make a lot of money, right?
So, for example, it's not only Roblox where, you know, skin people, you know, skin designers
Or map designers earning a lot of money
It's also, for example, like UAFN and GTA
You can run a server in Minecraft
You can run a server, right?
And these are all paid, right?
Some people pay for this
And there's, you know, I knew a friend of my brother
And he's like a 16-year-old
And he's making like six figures a month
I think he was selling some Roblox skins
And he was making an absurd amount of money
And, you know, like he's literally beating a lot of like studios
With like millions of dollars worth of investment
By just, you know, being a part of this ecosystem
And creating UGC that way, right?
So I think Web3 does not unlock that
It's like that's not like a new thing
The new thing in Web3, which is basically
You can add layers of complexity to that
So, for example, the other day, I was hearing Paul, the founder of Wildcard
Talk about how they did an activation once with a really cool content creator
And the content creator generated multiple six figures worth of revenue
And they only paid them, you know, like a one-time fee for the stream or the campaign
And they were like, in Web3, he could have been rewarded
So much more for his contributions, you know, towards our game, right?
And towards our revenue
So I think that's like another paradigm that Web3 unlocks
And I think that's like really powerful in terms of, you know, like the future
But the whole, the other day, I was also in another discussion
Where people said, does Web3 need Web2 gaming, right?
And I basically, my answer was essentially like, that's a bit of a paradox
Because the day where Web3 gaming doesn't need Web2 gaming anymore
We're just going to call it gaming anyways
So there won't be Web2 or Web3, it's just going to be like gaming
So it's a bit of a paradox
So the day where we finally don't need Web2
Web3 won't exist anyways
And then I guess we'll move on to creating Web4 gaming
But yeah, until then, let's keep up the good fight
Is this the first time in history I've heard the term Web4?
Yeah, that's what comes after Web3, right?
I guess so, but I don't think, man, this man's living in the future
So Digital, I saw your hand up
I believe you're on the OverTheReality account if you wanted to go ahead
Yeah, I mean, I love this discussion
And I feel like we can just like go somewhere off in a retreat in an island
And just talk about it till like infinity
Like I love it so, so much
So with Over, I joined Over like three years ago
And I saw them go through, you know, trying to figure out how to get people on board
So they started with Play to Earn
And I know that Play to Earn, like I think it was Style that said it
Play to Earn may not be like the be on end all
And I agree, and Over does agree
So I will also, I will not Twitter space
And somebody was saying like play to airdrop or something like that
So I thought that was interesting
But some of the challenges are definitely there for UGC and Web3
And somebody said it here, one of the things is barriers
Try to break down the barriers
And with Over, we knew that everybody now has a smartphone
And we started thinking, well, you know what, let's get the whole world to not only earn rewards
But to also contribute to the Web3 space without even having crypto or currencies
But you can earn it
So we came up with Map the World in 3D campaign
It launched like last year, first week in December
And we feel that that's kind of like we're starting to develop that kind of balance
Where we know that everyone has a smartphone
So that breaks down the digital divide
And people can earn over tokens
Actually, we just released 11 million points of interest around the world
And in those points of interest, you could see it on our map
I'll try to pin it up there with the Cloverleaf
People can literally earn between 1 over to 1,250 over tokens
But with that said, they're not just earning
They're also contributing to the Web3 space
How? By 3D mapping a certain location
We're using Gaussian Splatting
Once they 3D map that location, you can literally see it
And it's wonderful the detail that our devs have allowed the 3D maps to become
And people can jump into those experiences
But they can also sell those 3D maps to Over
Or to other people who want to use it
And then you're going to say, well, why would anybody want to map in 3D these locations
Well, because you're not only building a mapping layer on Over on the Web3 space
You can also use it to... users can also use it to generate AR experiences
So I know I'm talking a lot, but I'm really bullish about Over
And I'm not saying it because I am Over
You have no idea the hurdles I went through just to be part of their team
It's a long story
But yeah, I mean, it's about barriers
And I think it's about a fine balance in getting people on board
Getting people to contribute as well as you rewarding them
I think there needs to be a symbiotic relationship
And I think Stiles said it really well
You know, it can't just be... and I think also maybe Forge
I can't remember, I'm so sorry guys
But a few people said it
People can't just come on board and game just to earn rewards
There's got to be more than that
But don't get me wrong
Of course, we'd all like to earn money through gaming
But it feels good when you're contributing and you're actually creating
And you see your creations like, you know, embedded in a digital layer
Yeah, for sure
Like I said, it's just that web 3 unlock
Where it does just provide this new paradigm shift for these types of gaming models
Love that opinion as well
Forge, over to you
So I just want to add to what Stiles and Royale was saying earlier
Like playing games to have fun and getting rewarded
That's our main goal with Forge
We have a season pass where if you play all the game partners that we've had
And you reach the level 20, that's the maximum level of our season pass
At the end of every season, there's someone who's going to win an NZXT PC
Just like this last season and a Steam Deck
So our goal is just to diversify and help more people find web 3 games
And help those people earn from what they're playing
And not just earn, but also have fun
And help our partners and help all those people in other parts of the world
To enjoy gaming, to enjoy all of those things that gaming has to offer
So yeah, I agree with what Stiles and Royale was saying earlier
And I want to segue into one more aspect of the creator economy
That Matt had kind of mentioned earlier
Which is the content creator side
I do think that projects, if they roll with the right creators
For example, YP is still in the crowd here
And I know he did a couple successful campaigns for like Zai
Whenever they did their node sale, for example
And I'm sure that was very worth the project
Their ad spend or their marketing dollars to be able to get and leverage creator content
And a network that YP has, for example
So do we see that the creator economy is, in my opinion
There's so many opinions around the internet
So I'm going to spin it the way that I see it
Some people say that AI will end up replacing content creators
Which I completely disagree with
Because people go in to watch YP
They watch my YouTube videos to get my personality
Like you can't replicate just the ins and outs of someone's personality
And what makes them them and entertaining
But do we see that the creator economy for content creators is still growing
Is it going to be capped at a certain point?
Is it going to be replaced by AI?
What do we see the landscape of the content creators face
Heading forward in Web3 and with UGC?
Forge, go ahead
I don't think that AI will take over when it comes to this
It's just like what you said
Personality is so different from what AI is
Individuality is so important
And people love the individuality of those people that they watch
So I think that's what their branding is
I don't think AI will have their own branding when it comes to UGC
Because I myself have seen a lot of creators
And I watch all those creators because of who they are
And what they can offer and what they're doing
And what their style of playing
So I don't think AI will be replacing them
Yep, I agree
I just don't think it's feasible to think that they can
Doctor Disrespect is the one of one
For an example, in the Web2 space
That man is not going to be replicated by an AI
And if it was, then I don't know
Our society is completely doomed
Style and then over to ERM Labs
Yeah, I just wanted to add that I think AI is more likely to accelerate UGC
And individual characters' personalities are going to stand out
And more micro-influencers are going to flourish
Similar, I would actually just draw a parallelogy to the Web2
Let's say, take Instagram, for example
When it started, there was a few huge influencers
But nowadays, because it's so accessible, there's thousands of micro-influencers
And it's probably going to be the same in Web2
You just accelerate by AI
That would be my take
And then over to ERM Labs
Sure, I'm a bit believer of AI
So, AIGC is already part of our roadmap
I reckon it's going to go exponential growth in many, many years
Upcoming forward
And talk about AI-generated content
And first is user-generated content
I reckon this is going to be a really fun topic and experiment for us
So imagine yourself, user-genuinely, we're all humans
We created this escape room for other people to break through
Like physical escape room and metaverse escape room
And then we're going to try to use an AI super-power, super-computing
Building this escape room to see who will actually break out the escape room
Who will outsmart each other to break out the escape room
I reckon it's going to be a really sort of Black Mirror type of genre
That we're trying to tap into
So AIGC is something that we have been looking and actually creating
Searching for the great toolkit for us to use for gaming
And especially with the UGC that we tap on earlier for the previous two topics
Just wanted to add on a couple of insights
I do agree with a couple of the speakers here
I don't think it should be driven by instantification
But instead of actually focusing on each personality, each influencer
Perhaps each person's your own interest
And actually growing exponentially with AI
So for example, if I love puzzle solving
I'm genuinely a very curious type of person
This is my personality, I love socializing, I'm an extrovert, I love talking
So that is my personality
But with AI, with everything that is built on web-free
That can actually exponentially grow my own personal interest
And then for example, when someone went to jumping on board
They're going to try to find a revenue
An avenue that they can tap into web-free that closely related to their lifestyle
That's more on customer journey
So I'm a big believer in terms of getting web-free going on
Getting UGC really pumping up
Is actually tapping into all this segment, all this niche market
And I reckon we're still a bit of a hurdle to go into
But I reckon that is the right direction to go forth
And for the sake of time, like I said, I'm just going to be sending it quick around the panel
Before we get to the top of the hour, Matt and then Royale
Yeah, I'll be quick
So I'm definitely bullish on AI, I believe in it a lot
I don't know about killing human creators and stuff like that
I think there will be a mix, like a good mix
There's a new phenomenon that I've seen over the past couple of years
Where apparently people are starting to prefer super low effort content
And not super edited, overly edited with all these filters and captions and stuff like that
There's something really inauthentic about that
And also it almost becomes a bit of a science, like a template
So like this hook, then this call to action at the end
And in the middle, you kind of are holding the viewer all the way through
And I think people are starting to notice that
And they're going back to the basics
So for example, there's something very compelling with a lot of the creators that end up succeeding
And the really long term is the ones that are able to essentially sit in front of a camera
Or just their phone and speak very authentically to an audience and rest them out with people
So I think AI is a long way from that
If you've ever used chat GPT, and if you tell them to help you with an evil or something
Sometimes you can tell it's too min-maxed
It sounds so inauthentic, it tries too hard and people don't speak like that
I'm sure there will be improvements in AI because those happen in the past
I think there's something about us as humans that we're inherently never be able to be replicated 100%
And that's my two cents
Yeah, I'm kind of with that opinion as well
I don't know, the content creator space
While we could probably do this automated system of news feeds and stuff like that
With creators, I just think there is an aspect of it
That's almost unduplicable or irreplaceable in a way
But AI is evolving very quickly
It'll be interesting to see over the years
I obviously hope for my position it doesn't happen, right?
But Royale, over to you
So really quickly, I really agree with something Matt said about mixing up both of those UGC and AI
I don't think that that's the future
I don't think that AI will take over the whole UGC and creator market
Because in my opinion, people create connections with the creator itself
And so if the creator releases a UGC experience, for example
Made by himself, by his team
And then another one made by AI
I do really believe that people would rather play the one made by him
Because there would be more elements about his personality there
And regarding the AI, the part I think that it would really be used on is
For example, I don't know
Some time ago they released a mod for Skyrim
I'm not sure if you guys heard of it, it's like a RPG game
Where the NPCs would use voice AI and chat GPT to reply to players
So basically, you could use voice chat and say whatever you want to the NPC
And the NPC would answer you
It would make sense, you know
So I think that's how AI is going to be used in games and into UGC creations
Because it would actually increase the immersion a lot
So it would really be a mix of both of those
Yeah, for sure
I definitely think it's going to be this interesting shift in the future
We're definitely going to see a lot more AI creators pop up
We're definitely going to see the way it can have a personality evolve
And with the way that AIs can be trained, etc
It's going to be interesting to see
But I'm on the lines with Matt
I think that some content creators, just what they bring to the table with their personality
And just the ins and outs, it really can't be replaced
So it is just something interesting that we're going to have to probably see through
And see if it does materialize
But with just a couple of minutes here on the space
We typically don't do this, but because we're right around the end
I'm just going to swing it around
A couple of speakers had to drop off
They sent me a message they had calls to go to
So quickly, I just want to go around the panel
Just kind of see what you guys are building
And if you guys want to give a shout out to your platforms, go ahead
But we'll go ahead and wrap this thing up
I'm going to go in order here
Style, go ahead
All right, cool
Well, thanks for having us and great discussion
We built infrastructure for gaming
So a lot of the things we've actually touched base on
We're trying to solve
Like allowing people to take their NFTs and assets
Into multiple different virtual worlds
Without having to create the 3D assets themselves
But basically having this covered on our end
You know, we have our utility token coming out in a couple of weeks
So if you want to learn more, just I guess follow our Twitter and stay tuned
Yeah, and personally, Vouch style protocol has made a couple of my NFT collections
TTOOs for some of our members
They come out really nice looking
Matt, over to you
What are you working on?
What are you building currently?
Yeah, so, you know, like, as always, I'm working with the creators I own
But yesterday, actually, the power and company Unix launched BattleTech
Which is essentially social fire with an eSports layer
And, you know, it's so funny that the topic of this was like the creator economy
Because that actually unlocks a new source of revenue for aspiring pro players
So, for example, let's say you're not, you know
Some people don't have the means to, like, go and travel to events or enter tournaments
Because they're paid
Well, now, through BattleTech, you can make an account
And essentially, you can just connect your Steam and face it
And we started with Counter-Strike
And essentially, people can just see, like, your history, right?
So, they can see, like, your ELO, your win rate, your headshots, everything
And based on that, you can get people backing you, right?
So, as soon as people buy your pass, you start making, you know, generating fees from that
And then eventually, you know, you will be able to enter all these free tournaments
That own this organizing
And eventually, in the future, you'll even be able to start getting, entering paid tournaments, right?
Through the passers and the backhairs
And also, we've already had some esports teams reach out
Because, as we all know, esports teams are very, you know
They could use revenue, right? They can't get any more investment
They're struggling for sponsors
So, they're looking for new sources of revenue
And this is a new unlock
So, it's kind of like a new paradigm, let's say, for Web3
So, we'll see how it goes
But, yeah, I think there's a bunch of creators inviting everyone around
So, if you see a link, you can go ahead and make an account and check it out
It's completely free
Well, yeah, thank you
Thank you, guys, again, for having me
Yeah, of course, great insights, as always
And I'm actually really excited about what they're doing over there
With BattleTech, Unix, everything going on under that ecosystem
So, definitely would advise checking that out
Forge, over to you
Hi, so, Forge is a gaming platform where you can connect your accounts
You can forge your identity
It's a one-stop shop
One-stop shop and profile for gamers
You can unlock rewards just by being you and playing games
So, we just ended our season zero or beta season
Just like what I said earlier
We just started our season one
So, make sure to check out our
We have new game partners every week
Finish all the quests, get rewarded by playing all those games
It's going to be fun
It's completely free as well
So, join our Discord as well
Yeah, and just follow us on Twitter
Thanks, guys
Amazing, thank you for joining us for this hour
Over the reality, over to you
Hi, well, we are actually building out a platform for Web3 Gaming
We are doing that by, first of all, allowing people to help build out the mapping layer
By the Map the World 3D campaign
They can also earn rewards
But while they are mapping the world
They're also setting it up for people to build AR experiences
So, over the reality is a spatial layer
Where you can create AR experiences, geo-located AR experiences
So, we're not only developing a global platform
Like a spatial canvas for Web3 Gaming
But also for content creators, for all things
The thing is, with Overus platform
Because it is a digital layer that is over the whole world
It's so easy to create digital twins of anything
Like, literally
And we're also, in 2024, we are going to be the first Metaverse
Or Metaverse AR platform to integrate the Apple Vision Pro
And then, eventually, the next one is the MetaQuest 3
So, we're prepared for those integrations of the devices that people use to game in
So, if any of you are out there wanting to look to the future of Web3 Gaming
Please follow over
Join our Discord, the link is in our Twitter bio
And really check us out and talk to us
Talk to our developer team
We can create partnerships and colabs
And let's understand each other's platforms
So, I believe there's really golden nuggets of opportunity here
For each and every one of us to colab
And to really help build out a great Web3 space
Oh, and by the way, if you go to our Discord
And you've never mapped before
We don't use Lidar
You can get a free invitation code
And you'll learn all about it
When you join our Discord
Or just hit me up on the Over the Reality DM
Thank you so much for this opportunity
Though I really enjoyed hearing everybody's insights
Yeah, absolutely
Thank you for joining us for the hour
And then, last two quickly, Royale and then ERM Labs
Yeah, sure
So, what we have been building recently is actually a very new project
Is a community called Lombrados
The community already existed before
I'm the co-founder, Lombra
He's the founder and the streamer for the community
So, he already had a community before because of his streams
He's one of the biggest Brazilian streamers
But I reached out to him three months ago
And gave the idea to build a more engaged community
And we actually managed to double the amount of members
I think we have about 14,000 now
And this community is very, very focused on game fight
So, everyone there likes to play games
The community is composed 95% of Brazilian people
So, Portuguese is the main language
But anyone that is interested in checking it out
I recommend joining
We have some English speakers there as well
So, basically, we like to play games
Lombra is the streamer
So, every partnership, collab, or every interesting game that we find
He streams on his livestream
And he plays it live
And people get engaged
People play the game
We have actually managed to gather like 80 people to play a game
At the scene
We hold AMAs on the Twitch channel as well
I think we had 1,500 people on AMA on Dark Frontiers
So, yeah, this community we are building is all about game fight
And education as well
We really plan on like releasing tutorials
So, it's easier for people to come from web 2 to web 3
But, yeah, this is the basic idea
Anyone that is interested can join
There's a lot of people there that would really welcome you guys
But, yeah, thank you very much for having me
And I'm excited to see what everyone is building in the future
And last but certainly not least, ERM Labs
Yeah, sure, thank you, guys
So, we have a lot of upcoming, a lot of great news
So, our first IP escape room gameplay that we build under the sandbox is already launched
It's already live
We are launching the first after collection with Asta Network with Sandbox
Distribution partner, we have quite a lot of different
With AKX, Gates, we have about eight different distribution partners
So, that is happening in end of Feb
And we're minting by the end of March, by quarter one
And also quarter one, we are also beta testing our Fortnite gameplay in early April
And then we have two more other IP escape room games that is coming in May
So, we're really, really busy right now
So, but stay tuned
Follow us, join our Discord
We're growing a community, we're relatively small in the market
But we already have a lot of substantial partnerships upcoming
And also, we've just joined the whole Southeast Asia, the Indonesian market
We've got mentioned quite a lot by the PR
I'm a little bit more web too
So, when I do sort of like business structure, I go from top down to bottom approach
So, yes, stay tuned
Thank you, guys
I really appreciate this Twitter space
Absolutely, and that'll wrap us up for another awesome Thursday edition of the SeedWorld spaces
It's always a pleasure hosting these
Thanks to SeedWorld for giving me the platform to be able to host these every single week
And shout out to all the speakers up here on stage, taking the time out of their busy days
Obviously, Web3 and crypto right now is moving very fast, it's very hectic
Everyone's community is looking for fast shipping and, you know, results now, right?
Whenever the market speeds up, it's like so do expectations
So we really appreciate all the projects up here, taking the time and coming up here
Everyone, give a follow to everyone up here on stage, as well as SeedWorld
With their UGC world, you know, no pun intended
It is a world full of UGC, and that was the topic today
So that's going to be awesome to see
And then a quick shout out to everyone in the audience
We wouldn't be able to do this without you guys every single week showing up
And it was another great spaces this week
Once again, thanks to SeedWorld for giving me the platform
And we will see you guys same time next week
See y'all then
See y'all then