Hey John yeah, hey, how's it going? Yeah, pretty good. How are you good good good? Can you can you hear me pretty clear? I have I'm using my mobile device. I think kind of half to four
this but I just want to make sure it's coming in pretty clear. No, we can hear you just fine so don't worry. Okay great great great good yeah we'll wait like a couple more minutes and we can we can get started. Okay yeah sounds good.
Okay, cool. I guess we can get started. I mean, I guess more people gonna be on a come like in the in the next minutes. Yeah, happy to have you on the AMA, John. Yeah, and happy to be here. Definitely happy to be here looking forward to it.
Cool. I mean, I guess as I always start with the question, obviously, like on the speaker. Yeah, can you just tell us a bit more about your role in the company and how did you get into crypto basically? Yeah, sure.
So my current role, so I guess I'll go back to kind of how it started. So ROI started as a very, very, very small project. It was originally, it was launched in, I believe it was to, I want to say it like December 2020.
I mean it started with a really small market cap about 10,000 market cap so a tiny tiny project and I was I was involved with the project as far as just more from like a supporting side of things Just trying to help it grow and then I was asked to
to essentially take over about four months into it. And for me, it was kind of like, I'm either, you know, going to do this legitimately or I'm just, you know, I'm not going to do it. So about four or five months into it, I ended up, so we registered as a
We had a couple of developers and so we kind of had to bring in all of our resources.
And at the time we didn't really have many resources. I don't know if you remember, but during that time frame there was a huge issue in the space. And there still is today. Just not necessarily as much. But there was a huge issue with, there was a lot of rug pulls.
Scams were essentially ramped during that time frame. So kind of like the premise to this was we wanted to build a DeFi ecosystem kind of a do-it-all one-stop shop, but in a safe and secure environment. And that was kind of the whole premise behind it all. That was the vision.
And that's really what we strive for. So over the last, so now I went from basically kind of like a supporting individual of the project, then eventually taking over, then registering the company, making it 100% legitimate, getting verified,
We actually went through a verification process with Apple because we have a couple mobile apps on iOS and they asked us if we wanted to go through that process and it was quite extensive, a lot of interviews, verifications. It was a long process but we ended up getting verified as a block
and development company through Apple. And kind of from there, we just kept basically building. We worked with a couple of different developers. The primary lead developer is he's from actually eat the blocks. If you guys are familiar with eat the blocks, it's basically a blockchain
school to developer school or was and he was a senior developer there and he ended up coming on board with us. So I've been working with him for about a year and a half phenomenal guy super talented and so over the last I'd say year and a half we've really put our heads down and just started building out the ecosystem.
system with mobile applications. We have our DEX, we have an NFT platform that's actually quite extensive. And so we're basically trying to build this ecosystem in a safe, secure environment. So anybody can come within our ecosystem and know that we're legit.
legitimate company and it's really a investor first focus And that's kind of where we're at present day. So it's really been about building the last year and a half Yeah, cool. I mean Super interesting what when you say like a kind of a
DeFi ecosystem, what do you mean exactly in terms of different protocols or apps? And also, are you guys building everything yourself or are you recruiting teams that would be able to do that?
As far as the, I would, so our number one focus is basically what we're really diving into. And it's more, I guess you could say, of our specialty based off our development team is staking mechanisms. So we're really what we're trying to do here. And we're already kind of
I would say into it now. We're trying to create innovative, new, modernized ways to provide staking services. And we want to make it accessible to everybody. One of the biggest problems that I've seen over the last two years
is blockchain is very centric meaning that if you're on blockchain, if you're on a chain, that's about the extent of the people that you're interacting with because these people are interested in making that effort to get involved in cryptocurrency
NFTs, Web 3 in general, and a lot of people, we used to do a lot of promotions in person, and a lot of people I was talking to in the commercial market, especially Los Angeles, was, and I was, they, everybody would tell me the same thing. They want to get involved with currency, they want to have, you know, this opportunity
like many people have, the problem was that it's intimidating. I don't have a tech background. I don't understand how it works. So what we did was we started focusing on building very user-friendly applications. That's why we built our RYPAR mobile app, super user-friendly, super
people can store their NFTs cryptocurrency, their assets, digital assets. There's a fundamental analysis, market analysis on that so they can start learning basically what the basics and our decks too as well. You need to D5.
We kept that very simple. It's a very simple to interact with. And now what we're doing is we're building out new innovative ways for people to interact with the DEX. So the first release we had is the one we have basically we have everything on the platform that most DeXes
But more as far as the innovation DeFi side of it is we want to create opportunity So when you go and you use you need to defy any company any project whether that's commercial Whether that's from a chain They're able to establish their own staking pool in minutes. They don't need a developer
It's all self-automated. We're basically trying to empower the market, the community, new projects, commercial companies so they can just come to Unity DeFi, interact with the platform and provide these services. And so we're continuing to build on that
that right now. That's kind of our big push into DeFi is I would say the staking building new innovative staking mechanisms. Cool. I mean, super interesting. So is it fair to say that you guys are very focused on mobile? Maybe that's my impression also.
Yeah, mobile is a pretty big part of what we do. We have two mobile development teams. And we're currently actually going through our mobile apps right now. So we also have a news app too. It's called UnityNews.net. I love that site. It's on mobile as well.
The whole purpose was basically to provide a new site, a blockchain new site, so people could start learning about market analysis, a fundamental analysis, which is a huge part for trading and for traders in general, is to really have a macro perspective on the market. Now you can download Unity News
on iOS or Android. It's kind of one of those things you wake up in the morning and you check the news. Cino is going out with the market. And then we have RY Pay, which is your actual asset management. Very similar to Trust Wallet, but it has some more features on Android. We were able to stack features pretty heavily.
It's pretty amazing. The swap that we have on there, I mean you're literally doing your swap and assets in seconds. It's almost unbelievable. When you're swapping assets on our YP, you really can't even believe how fast it goes through. I mean we're talking seconds. It's super efficient and it has a really good
Overall, kind of market feed has the NFT market feed cryptocurrency market feed. We do have on an off-ramp for like a payment gateway on Android. We're working on implementing that on
IOS. So, and we're expanding that right now like what you see on IOS and Android for our wife right now is literally just the beginning. It's quite extensive and it works really well. But now we had we brought on a new team a couple weeks ago and we're I was actually talking to them last night. We're
basically going over the statement of work and everything and all the features that we want to be adding to the app or to the mobile apps. Cool. Yeah, now super, super interesting. So, I mean, I know it's kind of a lot of different
apps and protocols in general but who would you say you guys are built on B&B right? Yeah, we're currently on Binance Smart Chain and then we're also on Noles Chain and we've been with Noles for a long time. I think they were literally one of our first partners. Okay, so who would you
Who would you say are your main competitors, even if it's just within Binance ecosystem? I would say our primary one, just because of their philosophy on
security and innovation, which is our philosophy. And it's always been that way. Our philosophy has always been security, secure environment, secure ecosystem. But we want to make sure that we're using our creativity, we're being innovative, we're thinking outside the box.
One of the mistakes we made in the first year, not mistakes, it was a learning curve, was we were trying to basically match a lot of what we were seeing, whether that was building some type of swap mechanism, farming, stuff like that, and that was fine. It's all about
growth. And then we kind of hit a point where it's like, okay, you know, we built pretty much a pretty robust DeFi ecosystem. But now like the next step is we're kind of at this fun, exciting point where it's like, okay, now what do we create? Like what do we look into the market and
What do we think is going to help blockchain in general? Like what problems do we see? So now the last I would say like six to eight months, it's all about it's been all about solving problems and and discovering kind of what problems you see in the space.
And one of the companies I see that has that same philosophy is Everrise. I'm sure you've heard of them. Everrise has quite a few dApps. They try to be extremely innovative and they're very adamant about their security.
I think they're sitting at roughly like a 13 million market cap. So I guess you can say like we're somewhat similar. What we have that, so we're basically able to kind of see what they're doing as far as you know their perception of like problems they see and stuff like that.
And we kind of have a different take like their philosophy as far as being innovative We're similar in that aspect, but as far as the direction we kind of see the market going we do differ a lot on that Because we are looking we have a huge NFT tokenizing platform. We basically do
can do anything and everything when it comes to NFTs. Literally, from launching a collection to tokenizing any assets, to launching any type of NFT protocol, that can be on three different four different chains. That's a multi-chain platform that we can clearly own.
pretty phenomenal. And so that's going to be a big direction that we go. And then you throw on the staking app or the protocol that we launched a couple months ago and that we're currently building on right now where people are going to be able to come interact with our platform. Anybody, anybody can do this too.
projects, not just commercial companies, they can come to the Unity DeFi and they can launch their own, and this isn't minutes, they can launch their own staking pools, they can launch their own crypto staking pools, and if T staking pools, they can launch liquidity pool token staking pools, provide rewards,
And then eventually what we're going to be implementing is they're going to be able to port these pools that they're launching through our smart contracts. They're going to be able to port these pools to their platforms. So essentially they can use our services. They don't need a developer. It's minimal cost.
that they're going to have to worry about. And it's basically empowering the blockchain, that chain, to be able to provide services, save and secure services so they don't have to worry about that. And that's kind of a big direction that we're heading.
Yeah, interesting. So you've talked quite a lot about like staking in general. And we've had, I mean, obviously now the market is down. I mean, there is still like some some activity. But like do you see any new
trends like in Define General that you say like you know you kind of look at this closely you know it might be interesting yeah I mean I think what you're seeing right now is people are getting they're trying to get extremely creative at the end of the day
A lot of these game-fire projects that you're seeing, metaverse, at the end of the day people are coming to interact with the platforms, play games, go to the metaverse and all of that. But really at the end of the day people are coming into purchase some equity in tokens for a company they believe that's going to grow.
and they're looking for a return on investment. I mean that's just kind of the bottom line. So what you're seeing now is people are trying to get really creative. I mean when you're playing these play to earn games it's essentially a different form of staking and it's more of an interactive method of staking.
So that's kind of what you're seeing in the market right now and it's coming in many different forms. And so that's something that we're pushing in to heavily as far as we have a game developer currently right now. I was just working with them last night and we were going over new creative basically.
innovative ways to have traditional staking because a lot of people are comfortable with traditional staking and they just don't have the time. They want to be able to basically put their tokens on a platform and earn some paper reward and then there's those that have more time that can interact with certain different ways
of staking which comes in the form of play to earn gaming, interacting with the metaverse and being able to crew tokens in that way as well. So I think that's kind of, there's a lot of different ways that the markets presenting itself.
But at the end of the day, it's just very different creative ways of staking if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, obviously, I mean it makes sense. What's I mean, we've wrapped up like a pretty yeah, not very happy 20
2022 would what happened obviously. Can you tell us a bit like the main and like accomplishments of last year and maybe what you guys, like what you have on the roadmap for 2023 or at least like the main milestone
or product launches that you're looking to? Yeah, it's for the last year was a big year for us. That was kind of when we shifted gears and started building to interact with the commercial market. Like I was saying, the first year it was just basically building out the basics.
because we started out so small, we didn't have a lot of resources. So we were basically building a lot of the foundation. And that came in the form of the mobile apps, the NFT staking platform, or the NFT platform, tokenizing everything, Unity
DeFi, the Staking, the Payment Dayways, Cross Chain Swap, a lot of these additional features. And that's kind of what we focused on this past year was, okay, now we have the kind of foundation built. How do we make this so we can start merging into a
larger market. Not necessarily the chain market, meaning B&B chain, that's going to happen naturally. But how do we bridge the gap from B&B chain to the rest of the world? So that's what we've been focusing on this past I would say year. And that came in the form of building out our NFT
platform which is really extensive now. Unity DeFi Inter, we were working with Rubik Exchange. We integrated their Christian swap on Unity DeFi. We're working with Transec, as far as basically payment gateway features.
And then we released our big edition, basically the first phase of like four. And that was now you can go to Unity DeFi, anybody can go to Unity DeFi. And now that they're able to do is be able to create their own staking pool, the company, project, individual, anybody.
can go to Unity DeFi and create their own staking pool. And then additionally, we'll rad into that as be able to create your own NFT staking pool. And then probably the biggest one that's going to help out projects, companies is going to be being able to create your own liquidity pool or your own liquidity pool token.
to provide these services. And then the mobile app too, we've been pushing pretty heavy on the mobile application because at the end of the day everybody has a phone and everybody's interacting using their phones and mobile apps. So ability not our mobile app capability was a huge focus because that's how we're going to interact with the majority of people.
mobile apps. I feel like mobile apps kind of get downplayed, but at the end of the day it's going to be the future of over the next couple of years especially as these phones continue to get more advanced, being able to have sophisticated mobile applications that are easy to understand, not complicated
And we just pretty much started our second phase of development with our mobile applications. And that's really what I was doing a lot of last week. And then we kind of finalized everything actually last night.
with an additional team. We brought on new teams, new partners over the last year to really empower us to modernize as a DeFi company. Most people think we're because when they go to our ecosystem and they see all the developments and everything going on,
Most people think we're a mid cap project not a mid cap but a lower cap meaning like 30 40 50 million are a project and when they see that we're such a low We're on the lower side we're around like for $400,000 market cap Because all we've been doing the last year and a half is just building building building content
Constantly and now we're at the process where we're starting to integrate with marketing partners and Now we're we have all of our funding rounds prepared So that's kind of where we're at so you see ever rise which would be a competitor as we were talking earlier and they're roughly at a 13 million mark mark or market cap and
Now you have ROI Unity, who is at a $400,000 market cap, but basically building even more than what Everrise currently has. It's a phenomenal opportunity overall. It's kind of being in this position now after such a long
journey to get here. Yeah very cool. I mean yeah I agree generally like mobile for crypto hasn't been developed a lot. I mean Solana has done quite a few you know projects and has tried to do saga. I mean I don't know what they're going to do
with that, but yeah, I guess it's also because on mobile generally, you don't have the secure elements, so it's a bit more risky, but not definitely, it's super interesting. Yeah, one of the hurdles with the mobile apps is because I've been involved with them.
mobile apps we have multiple mobile apps on iOS and Android. One of the problems is Apple. Apple is kind of in that gray space as far as whether they support cryptocurrency blockchain or not. They just basically create hurdles for a lot of people that
or a lot of project founders or developers that are trying to launch their mobile apps. And even like for instance, on Android we have more features on our YPAY than we do on our YPAY on iOS, quite a few more features. And it's just basically been this ongoing battle with Apple because they consistently are
Changing their policies so one second everything's fine and there and We're able to integrate new exciting features and then all of a sudden. Oh, we're gonna change our policy to this so it's very political on the iOS front right now So we kind of have to weather the storm without
and the direction. I think there were the news that they even wanted to take a cut of the NFT sales from marketplaces. Obviously, they're just a huge
platform. Yeah, yeah, it's a huge platform and because they have so many political ties, it's just, it's kind of messy with them right now until they come and basically define their policies because they consistently change and that's just been a
I mean, I've been dealing with them for a long time. Like I said, I mean, the first six months once we launched our app, they wanted to basically go through this audit of our company. So I worked with, I was working with their team a ton. So I'm really familiar with Apple and how they deal with things. It's just the inconsistency.
has just been an issue and then on the flip side you have Android who's just been phenomenal supporting blockchain cryptocurrency NFT. So it's just there's a huge difference between working with Apple and then working with Android.
Yeah, I guess something's to start wrapping it up. We haven't talked about the token. I mean, obviously you guys have a token. Can you tell us a bit more about like, I guess what's the utility or what's the use case like within the ecosystem?
So yeah, so we have our native token which is ROI unity and then we have unity ventures token which is our Dex token for unity defy and it also serves as our government
token. But our native token is ROI Unity and we actually just launched version 2. We wanted to basically restructure pretty much everything. We wanted to restructure into a business more modernized business model and that's what we were able to do successfully.
And I think we did that February 12 actually. So a couple weeks ago. But basically RRI Unity is our native token. It's the token that you've utilized on RRI pay to interact with RRI pay. It has total supply of 20 million. And they're within RRI pay or within
RYU, there's built in burn mechanisms. We kept the tax extremely low. You see a lot of these projects, they launched their tokens and there's just massive, massive tax. It's like 10% taxed the buy and then 15 to sell and a lot of stuff like that. But we wanted to keep it down to 2%.
percent and no more than 2 percent. So when you're interacting with RYU, there's 2 percent tax. It's for all the liquidity to boost the liquidity to enable trading. And then there's also a burn. So we want to work on burning down the supply for RYU.
And like I said, that's our native token that pretty much represents the company and what we're going to use to interact with a lot of our decentralized applications, which are growing pretty extensively at this point. And it's the native token for RYP, our mobile app too, which is also growing
at this point. And we have a new development team that just got added. So we have two development teams for our I.P. Unity Ventures. So we just partnered with Dial lens. They're pretty new. They have a phenomenal Dial platform, governance platform. We actually just did our first couple
proposals that were super beneficial and it helps us basically interact with the community and you basically use our governance token to utilize or basically to vote. And so we're able to pass some proposals, get some really, really solid feedback from the community of investors.
and able to execute that. And so UV is the native token for Unity DeFi, which is the DEX. We also used it as the native token for our NFT platform, which is quite big. And what's interesting about UV is what we did was
So 20 million for RYU. That's going to be utilized, like I said, through our mobile apps, more of our payment solutions, platforms and stuff like that. And then UV has a total supply of about 300K right now. What it shows right now is 336K, but there's 36K
That was locked in burn contracts that is getting it's already been reported to be a CSC scan so the the total supply of UV is very low 300k total supply And then we basically just consistently keep building out unity defi
And that is kind of like if you own Unity DeFi percent of Unity DeFi native token UV, you basically own a percent of Unity DeFi platform. So that's kind of the way we look at it is, and that's kind of the way we build is if you want to own a percent of Unity DeFi platform and collect dividends,
then you would own UV token and then where RYU is the native token for the company RYU, which is the company and then the token RYU. So it's like you can own a percent of Unity DeFi, you can essentially own a percent or equity in the company with RYU.
Interesting, very interesting. What about like in terms of networks, I mean, so you told this like you were on BNB, you guys have other like plans to go on other blockchains and like if
Yes, like which ones? I guess like now obviously with the proliferation of L1s like you have a lot of choice, you know, EVM, non EVM, now with, you know, with move language with that, too, since we, I mean, there's a lot to choose and go. So yeah, I was curious to
to know a bit more about that. Yeah, so I was actually talking to our developer last night. So currently our NFT platform is on so we can interact with Polygon, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain. So anything we do as far as NFT-oriented tokenized assets we can do on
polygon, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain. You need DeFi set up strictly for Binance Smart Chain currently. We were going to basically go multi-chain, probably like four or five months ago, but we ended up holding that because what we wanted to do was we wanted to launch
So now we have this new, we call it the review staking protocol that we're building now and we were talking about it earlier and we want to basically launch so we launched the cryptocurrency staking protocol meeting that this you can already stake on unit D5 but we wanted to launch the secondary layer of
that. Which is where anybody can launch Staking Pool and they can do it in minutes that free all that. And then we have to add the NFT Staking portion of that meaning anybody can launch, bring their NFT project over, launch NFT Staking Pool in minutes and then you have the liquidity pool token to boost liquidity. You can do
that as well and self-automated, that free all that. So we wanted to launch those three first. And then once we launched those three first, we were going to basically bring that feature multi-chain. So basically, depending on which chain you come from, which chain we end up moving over to, not moving over to, but can interact with
with our NFT platform, they're able to interact with the review stake and protocol because we see that as the most advantageous throughout chain lanes. So my development team, I was actually just talking to them last night as well. I guess it was pretty busy day. And so he's kind of doing basically
an assessment on the because like you were saying the chains are popping up like there's lots of chains out now. And one thing you have to be careful of is when you're thinking about jumping chains meaning that you're going to interact with multiple chains is we really have to think long term.
because jumping too many chains basically to increase, show your community that you're developing can be very dangerous at the same time because you can be spreading yourself way too thin and then basically exhausting all your resources. And I've seen a lot of companies
do that and it kind of got it into hot water because they were exhausting resources rapidly and that's something we're trying to avoid because we're a long-term company. You know we're here for the long haul we're going to continue to build so we have to be very careful and we have to make sure every move we're making is advantageous
for the investor and advantageous for the company long term. So, I mean, that pretty much sums it up as far as like the multi-chain feature. That's something that can, relatively, see? We have the development team to do that.
But we wanted, like I said, to launch our staking, the review staking protocol completely with the NFT LP tokens and crypto before we decided which chains we want to interact with. Yeah, no, perfect. I mean, we've done like a pretty good
overview of everything. I was curious to know to wrap it up. Are you guys looking to like expand the team, raise funds in the coming year? What's kind of the situation?
Yeah, sorry, didn't mean to catch you off. Yeah, we're heavy into that right now. I'd say I spent half my day doing that right now. I'd say over the last three months, that's what we've been doing. We've been refining all of our documents, uniforming our ecosystem. Right now we're working with multiple advisors for fun
We're working with Gopbit, AlphaGrowth, and a couple other companies as well that I'm meeting with quite a bit. We're basically putting together extensive packages to present these investors, DCs, grants we just received
a small grant for development. But we don't have to give up in the equity for that, which is always beneficial because once you start talking about giving up equity, you really have to think about long term because you want to make sure that you're enabling the company, especially for the investors, to continue to grow and grow
a good pace, which means you have to be very cautious with the equity that you're giving up. So you really got to find these partners, these investing partners that really want the long-term success and are willing to stay for the long haul for a larger return on investment. So luckily we have some really good advice
And that's really what we're in the throws of right now is putting together making sure that we have every all the analysis that these BC's private investors need and the advisors are basically keep reviewing our packages to make sure that we're meeting
all the metrics. This is our first time going through a funding round essentially and presenting everything we have to these investors. That's why I wanted to bring on a lot of advisors. And our Gotbit team has been really good with us. It's
as well as helping us build these presentations, our pitch decks, our market analysis, all that stuff. I think you've already gone through that. We're just beginning that. It's a pretty exciting time for the ecosystem because we've come so far
a $10,000 market cap with minimal resources. And now we are where we are at today. We haven't given up any equity yet. And now it's we're at that point now where we're looking to bring on investment teams and companies. And so that's kind of where we're at now.
Yeah, perfect. Yeah, I guess we can finish with that. I mean, yeah, it was a pleasure having you, John. And yeah, I mean, we went through, I think, like a lot of points and aspects of the project, which is really cool. Yeah.
I mean, thanks for coming. I mean, we'd be happy to do another AMA, maybe in a couple of months, when the more development or new features or aspects that we can talk about. So yeah, it was a pleasure. Yeah, I appreciate it big time and I'm super excited to
to work with you guys on your protocol. You guys have a lot of features, applications that are really going to help us grow in the right direction as far as the Treasury Management, Token Management,
After baking, we have versions of this, but you kind of have it all in one package under one network. So I'm really looking forward to growing that aspect and incorporating that into our company. Just really kind of professionalizing that aspect of
our company. So I just want to throw that out there. Yeah, I mean, we have such a perfect fit, perfect timing, perfect everything. So yeah, it's a good point. I mean, we're going to launch the Zebick card like in a couple like this week or next
probably next week we're gonna launch the card so yeah it's gonna be pretty cool I mean you're gonna be able to connect it to your your ZBAC app and it's gonna be like you know a fiat on our frame so you're gonna be able to use it to buy stuff which is which is really cool and we're yeah we're very excited
Yeah, I'm excited too. Cool. Cool. Really looking forward to it. It's something that I've been really looking for. We've had a payment gateway, but it's not like an all-in-one suite where you guys were
Zabek is basically providing this all-in-one suite to help secure Companies like ourselves Kind of all the finance all the web to financing under one roof, which is you know, which is I think is essential in
for growth, especially from the investor standpoint. Investors are always going to feel better knowing that the company's web through financing is all under, all managed under one roof instead of being spread out to multiple like third parties, if that makes sense.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. So yeah, but other than that, I appreciate it and super excited. Good times that. Yeah, same. Thanks for thanks for coming, John. Yeah, thanks. Thanks. Bye, bye.