🔥Zebec x Uquid🔥: Web3 smart shopping market

Recorded: March 7, 2023 Duration: 0:24:07



Hey guys, welcome you, Quid. We're going to wait a bit to see if more people come in and we can start in a couple of minutes.
Cool, cool, yeah, of course.
All right, I guess you can get started. I mean, I'm sure more people are going to join. Yeah, thanks everybody for being here today. We're going to have the chat with the team at Uquid. I'm happy to have you here, obviously.
Yeah, I think we can, the best way to start I think is with a small intro on the speaker obviously, I mean, you know, like briefly how do you get into crypto and what's kind of your role within the company if that is okay.
Okay, thank you for your having me today. So my name is Diego, business development, security from your team. So okay, I'm going to talk a little bit about my journey and why I got involved in the crypto
industry. So before I started working in Crito, I used to work in the internal sleep field like it's all about the import and export or any business data operates across internal
no borders. And then back then, so I just rely on third parties, they played a very important role. So for example, in facilitating the transaction, so after that I keep an eye
searching for the technology that allows Maya and user to eliminate the inter-meda-reist and reduce the crowds also facilitating the exchange of good and service more efficiently
for the customer. So yeah, that you know the answer is blockchain. So I started interested about this and I started my crypto journey from that almost two years from that time.
Awesome, awesome, super, super interesting. I guess we can get right into it. Can you tell us a bit about what you quit in a nutshell? How can we think about it? What is kind of your main product?
Yeah, of course, okay, for people who don't know you quit. So you quit is the leading Web 3 smart shopping platform with over 120 million physical digital and FCE products with a close deal from
So which means you can shop with us and you can buy products by using cryptocurrency. So we additionally provide a DeFi to point the payment features.
to bring the best and shop to an experience for the user in the cryptocurrency. We had talked about how we started the Euclid launch in 2017 and with the main goal, it was to be the bridge to have users access their Web3 e-commerce in
easy way and friendly way. We apply to improve the cache practice by proving the more efficient and secure way to manage the decentralized reward. So like the decentralized report and cache
rewards. So I think they can be tokenized and traded on the blockchain and providing user with great flexibility in managing and using their reward. Like the central light rewards can also provide more transparent and
auditable way to trap and this stupid reward. Like it can have to prevent the fraud and ensuring that your reward are correctly credited to your user. I mean like the smart contract they can use to automatically
and distribute the reward. Beyond groups, that means we can remove the third party to this, like the bank or some financial institution. So I would like to say like after five years, give
We are proud to be the biggest Web 3 marketplace infrastructure. We can support our user and partners to buy and to use cryptocurrency in Web 3 space more easier and more
I mean, more interesting and easier. Yeah, cool. I mean, super interesting. I guess, you know, it's a vertical that, you know, still hasn't been, you know, quite explored, I would say, who just to give a bit of perspective
perspective for, you know, for our audience. Who would you say is your biggest competitor right now, like, I don't know, like two or three names that you think, you know, definitely have kind of a product that is similar to yours or you think that, you know, are
Yeah, our competitor is basically. Yeah, that is an interesting question. So I would say like there are a few motion in the market right now that they offered the digital product for user, but like I would say
They are differentials from them. Here is some reason that firstly, we are only the marketplace in Web3 space that offer both digital product like GameCarp, GIFCarp from mobile top-off.
the physical product like you can buy a clothing shoe, commuter or laptop and secondly we are also working hard to build and empower our infrastructure with our product offering flexible
payment method, like you can use crypto to pay your products, but you can also use a fiat and wallet. And we are also supported many blockchain networks out there. And that makes me use the easy to reach
and make a payment and finally like we are trying to integrate our products and services to other platforms worldwide platform like Binance gate and leisure so like what I said
We do not have any direct competitor right now in the W3 space, but also in W2. There are many. You can see a big man like Amazon, Alibaba right now, but in the W3, we do not have any direct competitor.
Okay, I mean, it's very interesting. Have you seen like what are the latest trends in kind of you know marketplaces, crypto marketplaces? Are there some interesting trends that you've seen lately?
I will be curious.
Oh, like in my part of it, like I eat commas.
will be the big thing in the new field panel because a lot.
Hello. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was asking like, what do you think are the latest trends like for, you know, crypto marketplaces like, like yours?
Okay, okay, I see. So in my part of it, I believe AI and e-commerce will be the big thing in the near future because more and more people are using crypto nowadays and they not only for trading or exchange but they are still for daily life
So just like shopping, product and service like mobile top up and Pue, payment and the second thing is AI. So recently AI is something really trendy right now. It's not only in the cryptocurrency but also in the trendies and all.
market like many put many big company like method they try to to be AI and so AI it used in many industry from finance art medical and education so as we can see currently
AI has developed step by step to blockchain and web-3 space. So I do believe with the foundation of blockchain technology and with the compie of AI technology, there will be promising future for everyone and for everybody in the near future.
Yeah, make sense.
What can, I mean, obviously we've had kind of a rough 2022 and we start 2023 with better news, I would say, in terms of crypto market. What are the accomplishments of kind of you quit like in 2022?
if you had to sum it up and what can we look forward to in 2023? What is the main products or features that you guys are trying to build and ship this year?
Yeah, sure. I'm going to talk about 2022 first, 2022. This is the remarkable year for new quit, because we reached many, many milestone, for example.
There is over 120 million products including physical, digital and NFT products are provided in our platform. So you quit on so-called a huge number of active users around 2.18 million users and on the other hand like
you could have recorded the highest volume traffic, which is about 50 million from our website and some of them come from like the third party like my name is get.io and lesser. So
In 2023, we are continuing to expand our network with many well-known and trustworthy players in the market. So it's just like we support our launch near RIF in Phantom.
Yeah, so this is about like what we have achieved in 2022 so talk about like what is coming in 2023 like We like even though like the blockchain in cryptocurrency they changed so
quickly, but you create like feel so confident with our infrastructure that we are having right now to support the e-commerce revolution and we are to change the way and the use of experience when it's
shopping in the Web3 space. So here are some several things that we can look for in 2023. We continue to operate the fine shopping features, which is shopping, mining, shopping, stacking and automated
Shopping making like we we plan to use in smart contract to ensure that the DTS for people that don't know like the DTS they like the device sticking like when you state the UPC this is our mental condition
you will receive the DTS token. We plan to use smart contract to ensure that the DTS can be minted, which means that anyone can buy the products and
with our being affected with any barrier or local governance. We also bring the shop to our blockchain network. We build a smart contract and make all the transactions and all the purchases and public and transparent and verifiable
And one more thing that we can looking for in 2023 is like we integrate DeFi swap into a grid system. Like we continue to increase the adoption of DeFi payment like a
buy now and pay later in your quick shop. Yeah, so this is the other thing that we can like looking for about like the next 2023 with ERP.
Awesome awesome awesome. Yeah, I mean that was super interesting and definitely a lot of our going on. I mean I was curious you know you've talked about the token a bit. Can you tell us a bit the more
What are the use cases? What can we do with the you could token? And if you have like any plans in the future to adding more features or stuff like that. Cool.
Yeah, about the UPC token, as I said, like UPC is the main token of UQIT shaft, like there's many utility that you can check it out. So the first one, of course,
is you as the payment method like you can shopping with UPC in our platform and then here the cash pack like when you like you you proceed to make the order and like it will
reward in the UQC. Which means I would call that a concept shop to earn. Moreover, for the merchants, we also support the merchant if they take the UQC
you can get a discount from that, from the buyer, like
You will get love that discount when you buy and product. And it is the thing that I had mentioned about this, about buying now and pay later. Which means when you quickly,
When you wish to use this method, we call it by N3. We are to protect the crypto user and by delaying the payment in three installments
For 19 days, like when you buy a product around $300, it will divide it into part and each part will pay $100, and especially it will no interest fee.
for you. And about the UPC, you can stick in. And when you're sticking, as I said, you can stick in the UPC and you can earn the DFS and DTO with a great APR. You can try it out in our website.
about a community that UPC will power the development of community through marketing and rewarding for the loyal member. Here is some several utility for UPC in our system. We call our system as a Shopify.
which is shopping and defying. So one more thing is currently in the market, only Uquit defy payment received by the smart contract. Yeah, this is all about the utility of the Uquit token.
Awesome awesome awesome
I'm curious obviously for our community to know a bit more about your presence. What blockchains are you guys?
using at the moment and do you have an you know is it like on the roadmap to expand to other you know other ecosystem other chains yeah I was just curious to know how do you guys think about this
Okay, I see. Like at the moment we are using the Ethereum network, but in 2023 we have a plan to build EWQC on BSE chain, Polygon and Arbitrum.
As you can know, on these blowchains, the fees are very cheap and the transaction, they will be very fast.
So we have a plan to build on this blockchain in 2023 to help users to more easy and
Like, sorry, they're more easy to buy and sell product in our platform.
Yeah, make sense. Make sense. I mean, I was also curious to know, do you guys plan on raising funds this year? Also, just like how big is the Eucuiting? Where are you guys based? I was curious to know these kind of details.
At the moment we don't have the plan to raise the fund because we have been raised about 18 million from over to 20,000 investors
in the global but at the moment we do not have plans to racing fund because like we developed this platform over five years and yeah but currently we are
Doing good and our team is a rather world but our headquarter right now is based UK and our team and EDT marketing team they base in a rather world
very cool. I mean, this was awesome.
Yeah, I mean, I think we've done pretty much like a complete overview of what you guys are doing, how you're building, and what is kind of the roadmap. Yeah, I think I mean, we can wrap it up here.
We can finish here. It was awesome having you guys here. We'd be happy to do another AMA in the future when we have more news on both sides. But yeah, other than that, it was a pleasure doing the AMA.
Thank you. This is my pleasure to be here to present our brand name, UQIT to G-Back Committee, and hope you can try our platform.
and just jump in and try and there is many products and many things that can make you happy when shopping with us in the world 3 space.
Awesome, awesome. Thanks for the community for being here, obviously. And see, yes, see you soon. Have a good day. Oh, see you soon. Have a good day. Thank you.

FAQ on 🔥Zebec x Uquid🔥: Web3 smart shopping market | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the speaker in the podcast?
The speaker in the podcast is Diego.
What is Diego's role within the company?
Diego's role within the company is business development security.
What is Uquid?
Uquid is the leading web3 smart shopping platform with over 120 million physical digital and fce products where users can use cryptocurrency to buy products.
When was Uquid launched?
Uquid was launched in 2017.
Who are Uquid's competitors?
Uquid's competitors are not direct in web3 space and include big companies like Amazon and Alibaba.
What does Diego believe will be the big thing in the near future for crypto marketplaces?
Diego believes AI and e-commerce will be the big thing in the near future for crypto marketplaces.
What were Uquid's accomplishments in 2022?
Uquid reached several milestones in 2022, including providing over 120 million products on their platform, recording 2.18 million active users, and reaching the highest volume traffic of 50 million on their website.
What can users look forward to in 2023 on Uquid?
Users can look forward to Uquid expanding their network with well-known and trustworthy players in the market, continuing to operate fine shopping features, and using smart contracts to ensure the DTs are correctly credited to users.
What is DT?
DT is Device Staking, where users receive DTs token when they stake their UQC.
What is Uquid's main goal?
Uquid's main goal is to be the bridge for users to access their web3 e-commerce in an easy and friendly way, and to improve cash practice by providing a more efficient and secure way to manage decentralized rewards.