ZeroG Winners Revealed πŸ‘©β€πŸš€πŸš€ | MoonDAO Mondays

Recorded: May 15, 2023 Duration: 1:02:39



are up here on stage with me so um yeah and also if if you if you're if you know the moondout
community you can also see all of our votes so uh you can also see transparently who won the
zero g competition but uh yeah joined here by by both ellie and anastasia um and yeah huge
congratulations to both of them for for winning um i think uh yeah i i um there were some questions
about uh how the voting mechanism worked and um i to be honest i i i had to watch some youtube videos
with uh uh runoff rank choice voting too because um yeah so it it can be a little confusing uh ryan
is our is a rank choice expert here in the community and um yeah you'll see that uh some
people so we had a we had 10 people that we voted on inside of the community to choose the winners
and some appeared to have zero votes but they didn't actually have zero votes uh they actually
had many people that that voted for them too but uh it the way that the the votes work is you rank
all 10 options and um then it'll actually look at the the 10 people and everyone's rankings and then
it'll remove the the lowest voted one and then it'll recalculate uh the the top nine remove the ninth and
so on and so forth and then so the the results only show the the top two winners which are the the top
two that won the the zero g ticket so um yeah huge congratulations to ellie and anastasia i wish we
could all like clap somehow but i'm not sure if twitter space has that um yeah uh maybe i'll i'll kick it
over to to you ellie to to say some words um but yeah um super super excited oh my gosh talk about
excited i'm very excited and just so grateful for this opportunity um you know i feel like the
competition was very stiff and there were some great people that also were you know in this
competition so i'm just i'm yeah i'm beyond thrilled it's a great monday um and i'm really looking forward
to this experience i remember seeing scott manley do a zero g flight um and i think that's the first
time i really heard or you know was aware of it and it it just looked so much fun and i'm really
looking forward to sharing the experience and getting to know anastasia so i think um i think we'll
become great friends yeah thank you yeah and i'd like to kick it over to uh to to anastasia um
yeah so excited for the the two of you i think uh yeah oh i'll let you speak anastasia sorry
good morning yes um it's honestly it's wonderful news um in the recent year i think um and it's
really really amazing because i've been thinking about the parabolic flights uh since i started to
do my space career and back in russia it was very expensive here it's also very expensive and i was
thinking no i will go there for sure um you know with you know uh when i would be training as a
cosmonaut or for any other um space projects or uh doing the experiments and uh hey the dream come
true because uh i am doing it through um a big space project uh mundau so uh thank you guys so much
for your trust and support um and yes we had wonderful contestants with us uh so many amazing
people from brazil uh and uh julio he does a lot of things for his uh country and i think he's a
pioneer bringing all this space resources and research and experiments and into the country uh among the
young people i know how it's important so yeah big shout out and i'm really uh happy to meet uh although
like virtually all the community um and it gives a hope that out there in the world there's so many
um you know a lot of altruistic and just kind people that you know support each other and not compete
i think it's so rare these days and of course i'm happy to meet ellie uh so there will be two space
journalists yeah yeah
amazing yeah yeah and and yeah i mean it we we really have to say that uh there are so many other
incredible entries into this competition um it was uh a very very very difficult
uh decision and yeah i think um uh all of the people who entered they they will also be receiving
uh life ships so that's uh a group that we've partnered with um to to send their uh dna into space
so uh as a as a thank you for for entering into the competition uh we'll we'll be sending everyone
one of those um and then also um so if we i'm not sure if we've announced this yet um or if we've said
anything publicly about this but if we don't fill the zero g flight we can go in ranked order uh with all
the other voters and then backfill it but we'll see i mean so mundau has the the entire we've chartered
the entire zero g flight um so we have uh we have 30 seats in total and um yeah we're going to be uh
selling some of these seats um so yeah i think we we actually just received the news though that uh
zero g they they had some um uh faa uh compliance stuff that they had to figure out and and so they
actually had to reschedule the zero zero g flight and um we're we're working right now with the the
astronauts so uh the flight is with nicole and and doug hurley nicole stott and doug hurley and we're
figuring out the the new the new timeline on this so um we'll see where it lands um i think ellie and
anastasia um yeah we we've we've sent you guys some some dms about that but that that kind of happened
in the last few days so we're trying to figure out or uh how are we going to navigate it and and we'll
yeah i mean we'll also we'll let you guys know what dates they throw out at us and and we can all
figure out which ones are best for everyone um but yeah we're we're still kind of up in the air about
that um yeah up in the air is that a pun we're up in space about that yeah
no it's it's very exciting and again i'm so thankful to the moondow community also for putting on such
an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity i mean you know it this is something that as we mentioned
it is quite expensive and so i'm super honored to be able to be a part of this and so if we have to
wait a little bit it's all right yes agree and um i guess all the other information about the flight
itself would be coming later on um because i also uh had a question if uh i can bring maybe if i can
be useful you know not just flying but maybe bring an experiment um what do you think about that oh that
would be amazing um yeah i think well yeah the the pushback on the date might be a blessing in disguise
because we we really wanted to do um like a science hackathon seat too um and we were we were kind of
bummed because we're like i don't know if we're gonna have time to to pull that off and do that
um so yeah it's something that we really want we we want to also have like a yeah a science focus seat
and and all that um so yeah i think i think it would be incredible uh if if yeah like on on our end
we're extremely happy uh to to to host any any sort of science but i guess we'd probably have to check
in with the zero g's and although i know that they do uh science experiments and zero g all the time so
i imagine it would be okay with them but we have to ask okay i will prepare for my side uh you know
the description and it should be something easy and then i can just send you guys and yeah sounds good
um we got a request in from rod who's uh jumping up here on stage how's it going rod how you doing
uh hey thank you uh uh doing great i just realized that actually we can ask zero g to
adjust their concept of operations to um to make a couple of parabolas with uh lunar gravity i think
it would be really cool if you'll experience what actually lunar gravity is and yeah it could be useful
just uh as an extension of the experiment and i know for sure that they uh can do that so it's not
they they can adjust uh the gravity yeah definitely they actually asked us uh what
like what profile we'd like um and i believe that we're doing uh well yeah i'm not sure if this is
all confirmed but we're we'd be doing lunar and then mars gravity and zero gravity um so yeah uh
it's pretty exciting i've again i've never done it so i'm i'm just like i hear about how amazing it is
and how addicted people get to zero gravity but um yeah i yeah i'm super excited for this too yeah
yeah you should join us too rod we should i'm actually like like this is uh like the the
moon down community doesn't get to get together that often um so having us like do a get together
in zero gravity just feels very very moon down yeah go ahead rod i just want to i just want to say
that i'm happy to join but uh if it'll happen uh after mid of july and so i have the guy who wants
the flight to be delayed as long as it possible because right now i'm in thailand and i'll be moving
from here at the end of the summer but if life keeps in line with the dates then definitely i'll try to
do it yeah yeah and well it's also worth mentioning that um the the weekend it isn't just a zero gravity
uh experience it's also um a dinner with the astronauts it's a it's a behind the scenes um tour
of uh of johnson space center um yeah it's a it's a whole experience uh with the astronauts and
having like a whole weekend uh just everyone together a speaker series to um and then and then
it all culminates in a zero gravity flight um so yeah i think um yeah we're we we should figure out
uh with the organizers maybe we can have uh more people join us that that won't be going on the
zero gravity flight since it's it's limited to just the 30 people uh but maybe we can have a
a bigger speaker series or or stuff like that it all depends on where it ends up landing uh in terms of
the uh the the the flight uh but well we'll we're rolling with the punches um i think yeah uh zero g
they they they're really bummed uh to have to move the the flight back but um yeah it's just faa
requirements it's uh yeah seems seems pretty common in the in the aerospace industry um yeah so we're
we're we're just navigating that right now so um this definitely will be later than june 9 right
um yes later than june 9th yes okay thank you
but yeah um i yeah i want to ask the the two of you i mean maybe this would have been a a
uh a good question to ask while the competition is running but i'm i'm curious what you're most
excited to do and like once you get into zero gravity like is there anything that you have in
mind that would be like the first thing or or yeah like anything you guys have have dreamt about uh with
with zero gravity um i feel like just getting a hang of how to move around in there will be really
interesting from people that i've talked to that have done it you know obviously there's instruction
but um i i don't think you're truly prepared for what it's going to feel like until you actually do it
and so i'm just really i'm really excited to to see how that feels um i think i think i'll try you know
every every move that i can
yeah and um for me it's the same how i would balance in this new environment and also uh hearing stories
from cosmonauts about you know this how many jumps of the airplane you can handle uh before you vomit
so uh for me it was always curious how my body would handle this uh and uh how far i can go with
uh i think it's like should be i think 12 jumps is like the maximum um yeah so it's interesting how many
we will have in this flight yeah i i i hope i hope we don't throw up too much but i've heard that's
something um i've also heard that um like it's very counterintuitive uh like how much energy you need to
spend to like move in zero gravity so um what i've heard is that people will like over overcompensate a lot
and and then like hit the ceiling or like hit the wall super quickly um but all you have to do is just a
very small tap to uh actually move so um but again i've never done it so i'm also guessing i really don't
know um but yeah it's it really is quite uh it's just incredible that like i i love humans so much
i i swear i'm a human too but i love that humans have figured out that we can you know get into an
airplane and then nosedive from like a super high altitude to simulate the effects of space um and
just go going up and down in these parabolas it's just yeah it's one of these things that makes me go
wow humans are so cool yeah i think um yeah and and so yeah is there anything that oh uh yeah rod go for
it i actually have a question to anastasia you mentioned an experiment that you want to conduct
maybe you could tell a bit more about your idea and the question to the whole mondial community what
actual experiment can we conduct as well i think it's a really great idea to you that opportunity
thank you um yeah so since i'm doing space resources um we've been discussing with my advisor
how regolith which is uh basically the upper layer of uh moon um soil behaves uh in um you know in
actually moon gravity because here we have enough many simulants of the moon regolith but um it still
doesn't represent how this would be behaving uh we are talking about the confection uh the in in general
it's like all the experiments that we do here with rovers with excavation um they don't represent
100 percent and we've been talking about if we do the microgravity experiment on a small satellite
or here in parabolic flight then um in a transparent box we could have the um moon simulant and we can
look uh of the behavior of this compact regolith in it um it's something simple at least for
now because we don't have much time uh during you know this pearl like microgravity what it will be
up to one minute right of the free flow so yeah we can start with this um and record it on the video
i think it will be really cool i think one of the like uh we should prove that the containers are really
sealed i mean that there will be no lake of regolith and uh yeah i think that the main concern and also
it would be amazing to film it like from all the possible angles and maybe to to have like inserted
rods that that would allow to simulate effects of wheels on the on the yeah are really interesting
really great idea yeah so if i uh if we have more time because we don't know when would be the flight
maybe i can start and you know arrange this i will talk to my advisor
yeah that's amazing um yeah i i also want to invite anyone in the audience if they have questions for
our two winners ellie and anastasia um and they want to ask a question or or they you know have
any thoughts about uh the the experience um feel free to request and we can put you up here um but
yeah i think uh i'm i'm curious if there's any like other uh any other thoughts in your guys's heads
about this experience are you guys uh scared to do it i mean um the throwing up part doesn't seem
uh super exciting but is there is there any nervousness about actually going up and into
the zero gravity parabolas um definitely gonna take dramamine it's like uh and you know i have had some
kind of turbulent flights in the past where i get a little nervous but i just feel very confident in
the zero g team and this is such an amazing opportunity that you know it's okay to be a
little nervous but i think that it's one of those things where you know i'll i'll sorry my cat is being
very annoying i'll i'll uh do the flight and i'll be like wow that was you know one of the best
experiences in my life and it was worth worth conquering the nerves yeah um i think i'm also a
bit nervous um i think it's you know it was any experiments that i used to take before as a test
subject you don't know how your body would react to this new crazy environment and of course you don't
want um to uh you want to do it good so for me it's uh was always this kind of uh motivation you know
how well i will do in this um i i did the skydiving and i was flying on yak 52 uh the soviet plane um you
know loops and different crazy things and up to 5g um and i didn't feel uh nausea so i didn't feel that i
want to vomit and i was like okay that's a good sign um because uh the overall goal is of course for
me to be a cosmonaut so um it would be sad if you um have really a weak vestibular system uh like
cosmonaut told me there is uh two types there is one uh type that you cannot fix it so basically yes you
feel sick um even if you're driving uh on the back of the car uh and this other system that
actually can be trained and you know cosmonauts told me stories how in the beginning they were not
as tough but then with the training they really could handle um zero g and the parabolic flights
without feeling sick so um yeah for me it's really interesting how this would go uh and of
course um a bit nervous but it's like exciting nervous so thank you guys again
right go ahead
i have another kind of question we all know that it's important to promote space exploration it's
important to make a huge impact on social media so uh basically we're all looking for for uh
impressions and my question is related how can we uh make it uh efficient so uh maybe we we should
think uh what what type of content and uh how can we make it and uh like it's it's a question to
uh tell you anastasia like how can we help you to make a great content for for the internet to make
it like to make it really high quality uh high impact to get a lot of impressions to spread the world
about space exploration thank you uh yeah so i was also thinking um to actually uh write an article after
my zero g flight uh for um and talk about the moon dao uh itself and what it brings to the
space interest as to this world so i of course wanted to discuss with the founders of moon dao later on
what do you think about that and uh which information you can provide me as a history of moon dao
and you know um maybe i'll take a few interviews so i wanted to prepare this project and offer it to i think i don't know if you ever been published there by the way
i don't think we have no
okay so yeah um what do you think about this idea also
um yeah i love it yeah uh i i think that would be incredible i mean um yeah i i think in part um
at least in in my selection i was looking at who who would be um the the best communicators of the
of the experience um that can can bring the rest of the community along with them um and yeah i think
both both you anastasia and ellie uh are going to do an incredible job uh with that so
yeah i i i think um yeah the more the more that we can expand sort of the the access even if it is
just through through content to like understand this is what zero gravity is this is what's going on
with your body this is you know and and educate the the public i think that'd be that'd be incredible
um yeah rod go for it yeah i just uh wanted to clarify that uh
um i mean also what content like how many video cameras and how are we gonna arrange that let's
like let let's start thinking of it in advance sorry for interruption
yeah go ahead ellie yeah i mean i'm a content creator for a living so you can bet that there
will be more than one video for me coming out of this and i'm really excited to i mean that's kind
of what i tried to do with my videos already covering spacex related news is bridging that gap
between kind of the public and people that are maybe not as you know educated about what's going
on in our space industry so i'm i'm really excited i mean i feel like we haven't really talked enough
about the fact that we're going to be doing this alongside astronauts so and then all of the other
cool events that will be uh not only the flight um but you know the tour and so definitely i want to
make as much content as i can i think across twitter and youtube i have like almost 130 000
um followers uh subscribers so just want to um you know make short-form content long-form content
uh and then obviously interviewing doug and nicole and anastasia and um as many people as i can so
that's kind of my uh my game plan is always to interview i mean even when i did a video about breaking
my femur pretty recently um i interviewed other people about breaking their femurs so um yes i will be
the eyes and ears and hopefully uh providing really interesting content so that everyone can
feel like they're a part of it oh yeah and um ellie it's really cool i mean i'm looking forward to see
the professional work of tv um reporter um and i think it's also um i think after this flight um i don't
know about ellie how often do you give a talks um i mean i will for sure do that and um you know also
include this story about the winning and for zero g because of moon dow and that we have this uh
amazing community um space community space enthusiasts uh all together for people you know all over the
world uh to see that actually you have a chance even if you're in a country that's so far away from
space that you still can have a chance thanks to the internet to globalization um and uh to the
communities like moon dow yeah amazing um mitchy i i see that you uh requested to jump up here um
any questions yeah go for it yeah i just wanted to know how you guys feel about maybe participating in some
experimental zero gravity sports we have a um our raffle winner is is interested in space sports and
there was some discussion about maybe us um playing around with with some ideas and doing some experimentation
there i'm in cool will it be boxing
i cannot say i'm not sure you can only yes i mean we all get into zero gravity and just start punching each
other i think it'd be fun to think of something that hasn't been done before on a zero g flight that we
can you know kind of uh do with our flight and yeah try something new so we should brainstorm
yeah definitely i think um yeah justin is is uh super super excited i mean he writes papers about
the types of like sports that uh we'll be able to to play in space and how that's going to be a whole
new dynamic and yeah i'm excited about that i'm excited about uh scientific experiments that we can
run uh like like the one anesthesia mentioned and um yeah i think i think it's it's so unique to have
the whole entire plane um like it's really it would be a bummer if we don't figure out
like how to break some guinness world record or something you know like we we have so many people
on that flight and everyone is is like basically you know coordinated through moondau so we we should
figure something out that you know we can do that that would be extremely unique um yeah rod how's it
going i just realized that we also can do it in space way um there is a thing that is called conops concept
of operations and basically it's your mission plan it's your protocol so it would be great actually
to make it uh in advance and to do some kind of training some kind of a game and train all the
procedures what uh what goes after what because actually um we won't have a lot of time there to
to do everything like it'll take time for for all the participants to figure out what's going on
and to to make it in the most efficient way uh it makes sense to do kind of uh training kind of
training but anesthesia maybe you you you could share how how these types of training works according
to your experience um oh yeah i mean i think it will be great to uh have like a i don't know
zoom call uh with the team and uh discuss yeah brainstorm first then uh you know finalize the plan
and what we need for that like you also said that we need will there be cameras um i know that ellie
will bring her cameras but um apart from this uh would the plane itself have i don't know cameras and
footage that we could use um and uh yeah just in general i would love to get more information and
instructions on the flight itself and the schedule and you know from that we can also work what
what would be the best use of this precious time
yeah and i just want to add that uh it could be um done in uh in a space manner right now i'm referring
or referring actually to my training with the astrobotic uh we had to like we trained to control
several uh several rovers on the lunar surface uh like it was a training so everyone had like a
concept of operations uh in front of but basically step-by-step guide and that was very useful and we
could do the type of training just to get a feeling how how actually missions are planned so that's my
my main idea i'm not sure if if i'm clear enough yeah yeah i got you um and yeah we'll think about it
also what would be the best
yeah i'm excited uh i'm excited to put together this this hackathon um i know uh lucas who's in the
audience here he's been uh like we're super bummed that we weren't going to be able to do it um but
the yeah i think if we if we host the competition for you know what what are some you know incredible
ideas uh for what can be done in zero gravity we can basically crowdsource some of these uh some of
these things um munda has also been working uh with a a documentary team and uh we were seeing if
if we get them to uh join us in zero gravity 2 to uh you know record the whole thing and and yeah just
capture this this uh this whole experience um so yeah i think there's going to be a lot of
opportunities to to share what we're doing but yeah um i'm yeah i'm just so excited to uh to be on
this flight with you guys this is uh uh so exciting um it's it's quite the quite the group now um yeah
i wonder i'm like i'm trying to brainstorm i don't think we should brainstorm right on this call i think
i mean we're gonna have time to do it but uh um yeah i'm all ears if anyone in the moondock
community has any crazy ideas for what what can be done in zero gravity i'm sure that there's a
lot of low-hanging fruit i will say on on my end i'm already getting comments from people like
go live or you know tweet from the flight so i don't know unless you guys have starlink equipped
i don't think that's possible maybe it is i don't know but uh that's that's what i'm here oh we
should definitely bring a starlink on board um yeah wait i think i wonder if anyone has tweeted
from one of these before because or like done a little live stream i don't know if that's possible
it probably would look terrible but well i i guess yeah with with the with the starlings uh it doesn't
matter how high up or you are like maybe it would it would come out i think well i think the starlink has
to be uh different for in flight but we can we can discuss that i i'm not quite sure if it would work
just a regular you know but hey maybe we could try it yeah that'd be awesome as long as no one throws
up on it i think it would be yeah is that very common by the way like i don't know i i i think
honest that you you yeah anastasia do you know how how common it is does everyone throw up is it
majority or is it kind of oh god um so if you don't take any help like any medicine uh then i think on the
third uh dive people start to feel a bit sick and yeah it depends on your vestibular system
um and with cosmetic training they don't they can't take any medicine they just have to be hardcore
train and you know their body should adjust to this um wow and i know that in u.s actually people take
uh the the pills or injections so i don't know how it will be this time i guess they they give the
medicine right
well and and don't don't eat something really heavy before i'm yeah yeah we'll have to cancel the the big
window breakfast we're gonna have work no i think um i've i've taken dramamine for uh scuba and it's
pretty it it doesn't really mess you up much at all i can barely even feel it um yeah i feel like
it's got to be similar to like altitude sickness like right if you're doing a big um mountaineering
summit or something you just might not know until you're in that situation so
i don't know crossing crossing my fingers that it's not terrible but i'm i'm going regardless
even if i feel terrible the whole time
yeah it's the same
yeah i think i think we'll we'll be all right i've i've got a feeling um oh we we got lucas up here
how's it going lucas how you doing can you hear us
yeah hey guys gm for everyone um yeah i've been reading a lot about zero g flights and um i saw a
lot of documentation um from our contractor as well and yeah the the average uh throw up rate is about
15 percent so um it's not so high and it's also heavily depends on um how um how hard is the transition
between zero g and 2g uh so uh it will probably be uh really fine uh but sure if you have a you know a more
sensitive stomach or something like that should be a good idea to you know uh have some medicine beforehand
uh but yeah i'm pretty excited uh that we have more time right now to you know think more about science
science and uh how we as uh as a science community and as a decentralized science community can uh power
different experiments on flights uh because it's it's a huge privilege to have you know a fly for
ourselves so uh it allow us to have you know all all kinds of crazy stuff um uh yeah um i'm pretty excited i
excited i hope that we can yeah figure out how to do this uh awesome hackathon um at my first idea
the main idea was to you know bring really small experiments or maybe apps that maybe could take some
readings from zero g and from everyone else that was there uh but yeah i think we will have some time
to brainstorm and i would like to invite um anyone here uh that is interested in thinking about how a
hackathon for zero g and how to hack zero g uh to get on board or z squad and talk uh we'll probably be
having some uh cool meetings in the next couple of weeks uh discussing uh how to do experiments uh what
experiments we can or can't do and also um yeah what kind of cool stuff we can do in zero g
yeah absolutely i mean yeah i i really mean it um we should we should try to break some some guinness
world records we should just uh go down the list yeah i mean we can break uh it's it's so unique to
have uh the whole flight to ourselves so um yeah uh i i want to kick it over to justin who just jumped
up here on stage and then uh rod will get you in um hey justin how's it going good uh yeah i think the
15 percent vomit rate is is kind of uh uh we shouldn't ignore that maybe i'm definitely going to take
dramamine uh yeah they call it the vomit comet for a reason i guess we don't want uh people throwing
up because that might cut it short uh i don't know just my thoughts on that particular aspect is as far
as experiments and things uh we can do you know i've been pushing my sports in space idea for a while i
don't it really i guess depends on how many people are actually on the flight you do need a fair amount
of space if you're going to have any kind of um uh meaningful activities otherwise yeah people
probably clump up a little bit too much um yeah no i'm excited uh yeah if we can do some kind of uh
game while we're up there i think that'll be a lot of fun otherwise yeah any experiments or
things that we can accomplish i think would be great yeah it'd have to be a pretty pretty unique
game because um i think every every parabola is like 30 seconds of zero gravity right so we'd have
to figure something out where um maybe it'd be like a multiple iteration game because we get a bunch of
those 30 second um you know like windows and um yeah we could yeah it's it's interesting though it's
super interesting to think about these sort of things um you could probably get a ball from one
end of the airplane to the other right if you've got people kind of spaced out in quadrants is really
the way i was thinking about it where you're not allowed to move yourself beyond your particular
quadrant but you could pass the ball from your quadrant to the next and one of your teammates would
be in the next quadrant and if you were to split the plane up into like four or five quadrants you could
theoretically score in 30 seconds or whatever
yeah interesting yeah um yeah i mean i'm excited too to so justin is part of our space engineering
guild and um he he wrote a little bit about um uh sports that could be played on the moon and um
um yeah i think there's there really is a big opportunity there uh there yeah just like the
the moon is something that unites people from all over the world sports is sports unites everyone too
um the the first intergalactic uh you know sports league that's gonna be big um uh but yeah rod i
i want to pass it over to you so you got your hand up i just wanted to talk about world record a friend of mine
um he he planted the most trees in the world in 24 hours and now uh he makes that uh with the with the guys
from the from my guinness book and i just want to say that it's a procedure and it takes time so to
to to uh officially break a world record we have to start preparing for that uh as soon as possible
because like they have the procedure and uh that procedure takes time
yeah we might need to uh to get the officer on the flight too if we end up doing this
um could be interesting good good bragging rights i guess
but yeah um any any other thoughts or any other questions for uh ellie or anastasia um yeah
also uh if if there were any questions about uh the vote or how it works or you know i'd like i i know
there were a few questions like that um if we could answer any questions from mundos and too uh happy to happy
to do that
we've got a couple requests here let's see
hey rayhan how's it going um you're up here on stage with us can you hear us testing rayhan
i think now here is on stage
yeah i might not be able to uh to connect
hey rayhan can you hear me hey rayhan
what's it going
that's not okay um well yeah um oh here we go we got one more uh let's try hey carrie can you hear us
hey carrie how's it going
hmm yeah we might not be having much luck with this um oh sorry sorry sorry i forgot to unmute myself
um congratulations ladies uh and i suppose probably my only thought is um i just looked at
at the zero gravity website and they actually do have a few flights coming up this year in new york city
and new york city is severely lacking in a space exploration culture from what i can gather just
you know just doing a cursory uh exploration of the internet and uh i think it would be great if
if mundow did something um and it doesn't have to be the whole flight but you know even just like one
person or whatever um here in new york city to to to gather the attention of of new yorkers um and to start
fostering a space exploration culture here we have several abandoned airports here
and um i've asked one of the those like balloon um space companies um if if they would consider
you know a lot a lot having a launch port here in new york city proper and you know in there and
they they're starting in new york because it's a basically a startup um but they said you know
there's nothing there's nothing that's holding them back that it could be possible in the future
or whatever but um i don't know i just feel like new york is is lacking in this in a sense of space
culture it has a great astronomy culture but but in terms of space exploration i'm just not feeling it
yeah yeah i mean so we were given a a list of potential places because we so originally this flight
um is going to be in houston and we're hoping to have it stay in houston just to not like um you know
make mix mix this up too much for for people um but um it could be the case of well yeah depending on
uh how people's schedules line up uh you know the the astronauts um nicole stott and doug hurley we're
trying to figure out with them right now which which dates work um yeah maybe it will end up being
um somewhere else uh like like new york but really we we just don't know at this point so um yeah it
would just be speculation right now but yeah i think um they they go to new york uh quite often
though yeah yeah that's what i was saying they have they have two flights coming up um this year
for new york city um like i don't know how you all arranged it but what i was saying was
it would be great for moondow to do some like another maybe contest whatever but another competition
went for the new york when they do the new york flights i wasn't referring to this flight i i was
congratulating the ladies for winning this this upcoming flight but there are two flights specifically
for new york um if you all have a great uh relationship with this company maybe they would
consider you know a flight doing this again with you but maybe maybe not the whole flight but just maybe
one person or two people or whatever um yeah and then i and then and then in the future um i think
you all should do some someone who isn't necessarily uh uh it who doesn't necessarily have a strong
social media i know you did the i know you did the raffle but even for who doesn't have a strong
space background let's put it that way maybe they have a strong social media or they have a business or
you know whatever the case may be but who doesn't have a strong space background i think that would
be good too but how are you going to do that if they're not even interested in moondow that's the
question but yeah yeah yeah yeah we're we're trying to figure out um what what are interesting selection
mechanisms so like we did the the sweepstakes the uh the rank choice voting um well yeah with with our
upcoming uh blue origin flight the winner was um a father of three from beijing and china who um
really does doesn't have a space background at all um oh cool um so that that's going to be a really
interesting uh interesting one i think you know we're like he's he's not only coming to the united
states for the first time but then immediately going up into space i like can't imagine going from like
zero to 100 that fast but he's uh he he yeah he he's he's he's awesome uh i'm i'm really excited to
like uh uh have him you know uh well we're we're doing this like uh documentary right now to to film his
entire voyage and he's open to that also and he's yeah he's he's just been awesome so yeah sweet thank you
yeah thank you carrie well uh we're we're almost up here at the hour uh any any closing thoughts
uh ellie or anastasia before we we close up here
just so excited and so grateful this is i'm still kind of it's it feels surreal um so yeah i can't wait
to meet the team and meet anastasia and experience this and share it yeah this is uh likewise ellie
also um very excited and um looking forward to plan it and to get the best i mean the most we can get
from this flight um you know with the coverage with the experiments with maybe anything else with
exercise i mean it's like whole you know big space project now so um and we are in this uh team of
kind of like an astronaut so um it's really exciting uh and i'm looking forward to it and thank you so
much mundao for being such a open and kind community um really you bring uh you know hope to this world
thank you so much anastasia and ellie um rod i see you got your hand up uh any closing words
yeah i just want to say that actually mundao is the most probably the most uh open space community in the
world and i invite everyone here on the call to at least take a look at mundao uh join our discord uh and
uh yeah maybe you like and participate uh uh in our activities also i want to say that every tuesday
at 1700 utc uh we have a space engineering guild the call where we talk about basically space engineering
and uh on other dates i'm really sorry uh we have other guilds call we also have a community onboarding
call on uh tuesday like i don't know if you remember the exact time just want to say that we have a lot of
activities and please join our discord and engage in those activities actually uh it was a community
decision uh to to conduct the rog flight and we voted for for for the initiative uh and that's really
amazing i mean everyone here can actually participate and decide what would be the next step and we have
a lot of different activities from from space engineering to social media to actually uh things
like the rog so everyone is welcome and we really need we really need uh more people because like
like just uh there are a lot of to do so yeah thanks yeah thanks rod yeah exactly we have we have more
ideas than than hands um so like we have this channel inside of our discord where it's uh it's called
ideation it's just different ideas about uh things that we could do with the community treasury and um yeah we
we have a a good chunk of change in there and uh we're we're looking actively to fund ideas and
and uh so if you have an idea that is space related that uh could resonate with the moondau community
don't don't hesitate that channel is is open to anyone inside of moondau regardless of if they're a
member or not because good ideas can come from outside from inside from the top from the bottom from
wherever and uh yeah we're like we're we're excited like what we really want to do is to get people
from all over the world to discuss space and to work on space and um to just yeah uh unite people through
this uh enthusiasm and love that they have for space so um yeah we we we have uh um an onboarding call
i think it's tuesday for you rod it's it's uh monday for me monday at uh 5 p.m pacific or 8 p.m eastern
um depending on your time zone so uh that would be a great place to um yeah just kind of like have a
your first entry point into the community and then after that it's kind of like harry potter with the
like uh we we assign people to a guild uh more or less and um so we have we've we have a few guilds we've
got a growth guilds a community guild uh developers guild and a space engineering uh guild and yeah
maybe people don't fit so cleanly into those four buckets um so we we also are potentially considering
making more guilds but we'll see and um yeah i think yeah we we have got a bunch of stewards inside
of the community that make it really easy to navigate um everything so that you're not not so
lost um mitchy actually is is one of the stewards uh who's up here on stage um i don't know if you
want to give any words before we close up here mitchy yeah no i was just about to do the the call
out for the onboarding meeting again tonight at 8 p.m est um so yeah come introduce yourself
uh it's pretty laid back we just you know and if you have any questions about moondow we'll help
answer them and try to see where we can uh get you involved awesome um oh rod yep yeah i just uh
have one thing to add is that guilds actually mean nothing but a community of uh like-minded people with
uh with uh with the specific background so you were like it sounded maybe a bit scarier that we have
guilds who we assign etc etc etc but it's nothing just just a mechanism that allows to uh just to to
understand who is who in the community and uh who is interested in what things so it's just uh it's not
so scary as it sounded yeah that's a good call out yeah it's it's it's not like a huge um it it
really is like what you make of it if you want to be very committed to moondow and do a bunch of work
for moondow um that's up to you you can you basically sign up and and you can make a proposal and then
get paid to do that work um or it could be like super super casual and um yeah a lot of people
um use it as like a networking platform you know you just meet a bunch of people from all over the
world that uh that love space so yeah it's it's a it's an awesome community um if i feel like that's
kind of patting ourselves on the back a little bit but i i think it's an awesome community so
yeah um all right well um let's close this up we're we're at our end so yeah thank you to ellie and
anastasia for for joining us and and congratulations um and justin also we have we have three people
here that have won uh the zero g flights so um yeah amazing stuff um yeah thanks everyone um we'll
see you at the next one thank you awesome thank you so much all right bye everyone