ZetaChain Mainnet Countdown Official

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 3:14:36



All right give us a moment to get started here we're waiting on our
moderator. Thanks everyone for tuning in. We are waiting on John Russell to join
the space.
All right John sent you a speaker request.
Hey guys sorry about that had some technical problems joining. Thanks for being patient.
No problem take it away. How are we doing? Is anybody here? We're all set to start. Yeah
let's jump into intro and we got some core members up here for part one. Excellent yeah
so welcome everybody to this very special Twitter spaces that we're doing. We've been doing them
on a very regular basis having speakers from the community and partner projects and obviously
the team itself but as the title says for this one we're talking about our mainnet countdown
so as part of that it's going to be quite a long space potentially as long as four hours
so make sure you've got a coffee if it's the morning or a beer if it's the evening where
you are and what we'll be doing is going through a brief question session with about
seven members of the team here and then we'll move on to talking to a load of partners that
we have I think more than 40 partners who are going to be talking about how they're
working with us and doing what they do so there's a lot of great information and insight
that's going to be coming out in the next three to four hours so yeah so do bear with
us and if you can join for the whole thing great if you have to charge your phone obviously
make sure that your phone's all set to go so that's the brief overview of what's going
on our mainnet is going to be launching very very soon and we're super excited for that
so we're going to kick off with a short introduction from the team members who've joined our call
and then we'll move on to asking some questions to the team to explain more about what we're
doing and why mainnet is such an important moment for us as a project okay so shall we start
the team member intros um Brendan do you want to go first
hey yeah we're we're all going to be speaking from
or a chunk of us are going to be speaking from slimes account so i'm brandon uh i work on product
at zeta chain so kind of how zeta chain interfaces with the world uh you guys might have seen an
upcoming or at least a screenshot of our upcoming product zeta hub which will be an entry point to
the mainnet network so uh yeah that's me
awesome uh denis you want to go next yeah thank you my name is denis i lead developer experience
i joined zeta chain in april of last year actually and i'm primarily focusing on documentation
uh tutorials developer tooling and attending events a conference in sej
so yeah super excited to be here
awesome uh pano rai you want to go next introduce yourself and when you joined and why you joined
yeah um so my name is pyro i work on the uh protocol set which is uh to develop the blockchain
chain um a little bit more than two years ago and the the brief reason that i joined
zeta chain is that um you know we we have at that time uh we had a few you know isolated blockchains
but there is no real um connection between them and the the biggest connector is probably the
centralized exchange so i would like to explore um some technology that uh connects the uh chains
together and um yeah that's me awesome thanks very much pan right uh charlie you up next yep so
i'm charlie i lead the i have two main responsibilities here i lead the cyber security
efforts and the devops efforts so that's both helping kind of running our validators making
sure our website stays up and running um kind of helping out with some automation behind the scenes
and then um working on you know security uh for the organization
awesome thanks so much uh jonathan we already heard from you obviously you're the man behind
the account on x here but uh do you want to explain a bit more about yourself when you joined
and um also potentially why you joined what's exciting to you about the project
sure thank you um yeah this is jonathan from zeta official uh joined pretty early on when the
community was starting and have the privilege of of serving the entire zeta community i also get
to work with a lot of devs who are on this call and um yeah i joined because of the value prop around
multi-chain and the way we're approaching that which we'll get more into and also the conservative
long-term perspective of core contributors that are working on zeta chain which i i think is
super important so yeah very excited to get main net out there and we're ready to do that
oh and jesse you're next yep hey everyone i'm jesse i lead marketing at zeta chain um i was previously
ambassador in traditional vc and joined team last year when zeta chain decided to go to market um
i'll probably find a music background to make the big environment a little bit relaxed for everyone
okay that's for me oh thanks jesse and last but by no means least so yeah yeah thanks jon
on my uh mainly leading the ecosystem at zeta chain i joined zeta six months back uh been
core focusing on the ecosystem mainly on the validator and and public goods and making sure
there are all the building blocks for the applications to build something really cool
applications and i also lead the grants uh so that gives me the perspective on what is required and
what and how to fill in the landscape for the zeta chain and i think the most exciting part
is the omni chain part which physically bridges and it's the best of the breed architecture that
could enable some really unique applications so yeah that's it oh thanks and uh yeah as uh
swayam mentioned we'll get into the details of exactly how the tech that we're building um
or potentially that we see for the tech that we're that we're building so let's uh let's
start with um the questions for the core contributors um i'm going to open with one for
brandon um which is quite a high level question but i think it sets the tone
quite nicely for the conversation what's the mission behind the business
yeah so i mean to put it in a single line for the blockchain zeta chain's mission
is to ultimately serve as a platform for global access simplicity and utility across any blockchain
so kind of like what paner was describing of the initial problem uh that zeta chain was
built to solve is essentially that there are blockchains and a lot of them are here to stay
and they are systems by nature and there is a strong need for kind of a new execution platform
or settlement platform between all of them so that they can interoperate more fluidly more
efficiently and then also over the barrier to entry for for users so things like being able to
access zeta chain and thereby any dapp from any network that you onboard that's kind of the the
vision and it's kind of enabling a new level of user experience by tackling the underlying
developer or developers building experience you can deploy in one place and access any chain
and bring your apps to a lot more people and in a lot lower friction of a way than before
makes sense so basically unite the change unite the chain sorry and make the user and developer
experience a much more simple one so that more people can basically use dapps and use the web3
ecosystem essentially okay and we often hear about projects launching a mainnet in the case
of zeta chain can you explain a bit like what why this is such a important part like what's the
significance of the mainnet launch that we have coming up very soon
yeah so probably how a lot of the people listening in know about us is interacting with dapps on
testnet and it is very cool to see those dapps on testnet functioning
transacting across many blockchains but in reality zeta chain has not uh not yet
actually transacted real value real assets between real blockchains so launching mainnet is is
zeta chains foray into the quote unquote real world or real playing field uh bringing this
omni chain network to fruition any developer can come in deploy an evm compatible app and have that
app be omni chain compatible uh pretty much out of the box is is what is coming so uh this is kind of
the beginning of the zeta chain network of course there will be a lot of cool apps and things like
that built on top of it but once it is live and um out there then it's kind of off to the races
awesome okay and um in terms of uh the use case uh for the token that's going to be coming out
so just to be clear like we're not going to be talking too much on on the on the token in
terms of any exchanges that will be listing the token or any uh you know price related
conversations we won't be having that um on this space but i think it's a good opportunity
for us to explain what the use case for the for the token is yeah so that's a good question
uh again zeta chain at its core is an omni chain blockchain so in order to transact on that
network that blockchain zeta is kind of powering the fees the gas fees and then also securing the
proof of stake network so uh validators will post up stake to the network to secure it
economically and then also that stake is used to get governance proposals through software upgrades
and things like that uh for the actual cross chain omni chain functionality zeta also powers that so
it can be used as an intermediary asset uh you can burn it from one chain and then send it to
another chain in a single step and then that mechanism can also be used to act as a transfer
of value so transferring value between chains is not always smooth and often involves creating a bunch
of new wrapped assets so it enables that and then as well in order to actually write these
native transactions and move things around on the native chains for the entire network
zeta is used to essentially swap to gas assets on those chains and then sign those transactions
so the network can collectively do this and uh uses zeta as a sort of conversion mechanic to
to to do that regardless of uh like what asset or what data you're signing to a given chain
okay that's a good overview and i think um we've also released uh a post right on um that goes
into a bit more detail on the on the token too so you can obviously you can check um our blog and
our site if you want to get more detail on that i think that's a question that we could probably
spend an hour on so um let's get an overview uh so thanks um brendan um i think um one of the
things that we've announced um is that 10 percent of the supply of tokens will be reserved for the
community can you can you speak a bit more on that and sort of the reason behind that and
and also how that's going to work as and when um you know the mainnet is is out launched
yeah yeah it's a great question uh so for context zeta chain recently released
its token utility documentation including the distribution of zeta
among different pools and specifically what john just mentioned was the community growth
or user growth pool uh this 10 is essentially uh an allocation that is dedicated to users of zeta
chain initial airdrop pre-claim product the first step of that and then moving forward as we get
to actual again mainnet real assets being transacted the user growth pools
basically aimed at incentivizing and growing real usage on the network so you know using apps
deriving real utility from zeta and zeta chain all of that is part of the same flywheel that
all the network participants are also a part of so you know validators developers deploying on the
chain etc all of it kind of revolves around users learning about and growing the network
essentially so that's what it's aimed at uh we have a lot of exciting programs and initiatives and you
guys might have already participated in some of them like wallet campaigns like okay x is crypto
pedia so uh beyond that when we get to mainnet it's kind of uh the the flip side of that where
things are actually real and uh valued that makes sense so essentially to incentivize the community to
be active on the project beyond just an airdrop right so it's a long-term play for us to build a
long-term solution essentially right exactly cool okay um thanks so much brandon we'll move on to
the next team member um because we could as i say we could spend hours on this stuff but we want to
give plenty of uh detail but obviously get to a whole bunch of topics too and just to add
um if you're in the audience and you're listening to this and you have questions that you want to ask
um we you can post um you can post them on x and we'll pick some of the questions and
we'll ask them there'll also be the chance for you to come on as a uh speaker at the end so
feel free to post um questions on x and also um you can you can join for the uh the audience
questions section which will come at the end okay um dennis we won't move on to you now um
and uh i wanted to ask you we've obviously had um some conversation about the the goals of the
project um could you explain a bit more on what the benefits of zeta chain um omnichain
smart contracts are for the developers out there yeah so what zeta chain provides essentially is
a platform for developers to build contracts that are kind of hyper connected to all other chains
right you uh as what you experience as a developer is in evm blockchain that you are already familiar
with right it's the same environment uh you write a solidity contract you deploy it once on zeta
chain as you would on any other blockchain but the difference is that um this contract
can now be called from any connected blockchain by any user and not only can they call this contract
remotely from uh from other blockchains but they also can deposit tokens into your contract
triggering its logic your contract then can interact with any any contracts on zeta chain
perform any logic you can implement on evm and as an output it can produce
it can produce outputs on one or more connected chains as a result of this
transaction so what this means is that instead of having different contracts on different chains
and trying to connect them with either messaging or in some centralized fashion
you you just have one contract to worry about all the states of this dap that you're building
is stored on this in this contract so it's much easier from a developer's point of view to
upgrade the logic of your dap or um one one cool feature um that kind of comes with this is that
not only does your dap is automatically compatible with the chains currently connected to zeta chain
but it has this property of kind of being future compatible right forwards compatible
with the chains that will be connected to two zeta chain so uh again it's it's it's definitely
a huge improvement in overall architecture and experience because it simplifies
uh dramatically the the the um the dap that you're building and uh there are a lot of things kind of
abstracted away from you um in that you don't you no longer need to worry about things that
you need to worry about when you're using messaging for example messaging also has its place
for same use cases but with with only chain contracts you definitely have this advantage
cool okay and and um obviously that's how it would work for folks who are building daps and um
and and uh products but what about on a user side um you know for a user will it be obvious that
they're using a dap that's built on zeta chain like what's the benefits that they're gonna see
yeah that's another advantage of of zeta chain because the flow of interacting with a contract
from a connected chain let's let's consider bitcoin and you you've you've deployed a an
omnichain contract on zeta chain and now any user on bitcoin can deposit bdc into your contract
interact with it uh how do they do that well they do that from the comfort of their
wallet that they're already used to they don't need to uh know about zeta chain they don't need to
to to pay gas fees in zeta the only the only point of contact with your dap is their bitcoin
which is again huge improvement and uh for more conservative users that's like a
that's like a world of difference because um they might not be comfortable with use using other
blockchain blockchains other than bitcoin right but um the fact that they can just use the same
wallet but um put their um btc into a defi app or any kind of dap is is is very important right
you you no longer need to worry about arguably the the most difficult part of the onboarding
process is where you teach your users how to interact with your dap like if you need maybe
to install a different wallet or you need to acquire some tokens or whatever like none of that
is relevant anymore you just go where the users are and you provide the best experience for them
and right now there is no better experience than just using the the word that you already have
so this this um this means that zeta chain not only does it improve developer experience but it
also hugely improves user experience at the end of the day cool thanks so much uh then it's very
very clear comprehensive um let's get into a little bit more into the technical side
with with uh panro um panro are you there um perhaps you can uh answer the first question
from me which is um the crypto industry already has bridges wrapped tokens and interoperability
solutions like axela laser and others what is it that zeta chain is doing that is making us
stand out from the rest yeah we can definitely uh talk about that so uh wrapping tokens around
on a different blockchain is probably the most common way people do cross-chain stuff right so
for example um you can wrap a bitcoin on ethereum and then participate into a defy ecosystem in uh
on ethereum um it's very convenient but as a uh user um you when you uh hold these um
wrap tokens there's always a risk that you know it's not the real thing right it's just a
representation of it somewhere and somebody guaranteed that you can probably redeem it back
at some point in time but you know as a user if you hold that wrapped token you always have this risk
um so um and um so uh on zeta chain we uh i think we strive to come up with a solution that the
user do not have this uh risk of using wrapped tokens so when i create a system that a user
um interact with uh they they always hold uh native assets so for example if they
want to swap a native bitcoin for some ether or some um let's say uh bnb coins um they do not
need to wrap things around then do a swap and then um that's the end of it so what i do is just uh
use their native tokens with the wallets that they are familiar with and things will just happen
so that was uh i think a very important thing for the users to not have these uh risk so um the
in the perspective from the perspective of the users they are dealing with native assets always
and there's no revenue um risk around and the risk is somewhere else so the uh the uh
delegated providers will assume the risk of uh of that so that's uh um one thing so uh part of
the problem is that sorry part of the question is uh there are other um general purpose uh cross-chain
uh paradigms or primitives such as a layer zero xlr wormhole and so on so i would categorize their
cross-chain primitives as a message passing so essentially what they do is to um uh forward
a uh a message between two contracts on potentially two different blockchains so that can enable a
contract on chain a to call a contract on chain b and in that way those chains sort of um are
connected at the contract call level um by message passing so that's a very uh powerful primitive
however uh the the you very quickly hits the limitation of it in that um you you kind of
have deployed so as a cross-chain uh decentralized application you kind of have to deploy uh contracts
on all the chains that needs to talk with each other and your application states naturally are
scattered around on those uh contracts and they need to be synchronized and they're synchronized
by sending messages so sending those messages and receiving messages are pretty slow and also um
uh because the state and the logic are um scattered around is just adds up uh complexity for example
if you are familiar with software development or in particular um smart contract development so the
dominant uh programming model is synchronous so if you call some function uh even even if the
function comes from another contract um you are kind of um you call that function synchronous here
right so it's almost like you pause everything until that function returns um
if you do a message passing style cross-chain uh smart contract programming then most likely your
contract will be uh event driven or message driven so you are sitting there waiting for
messages and then you need to keep track of uh okay so i receive a message from some contract
from somewhere what it's supposed to do and which cross-chain transaction this thing belongs to
and updates your state accordingly so that's on a very high level the limitations of uh
message passing as a result is very hard to scale up the complexity over of the application so you
could probably define with a um cross-chain uh swap uh wrap tokens around and so on but you
want to do a little bit more complicated like um uh learning or uh or even for some um AMM like uh
curve fools that involve let's say three different assets on three different chains it would be
extremely hard to do that um efficiently in uh in message passing style on the other hand um
so the design chain supports message passing it's more flexible but we also have as Dennis just
introduced um goes i have a primitive called omnichain smart contract and it's um it kind of
has a a more limited functionality than message passing in that uh currently you don't need to
support managing um functional assets on other chains but it does have the benefit of being
conceptually very simple so um from the perspective of a developer your application now lives in a
single place uh on a single chain and probably uh you know in a one or a few contracts hopefully
one contract your logic your state are in one place and that simplifies things a lot so that
you can do a lot more complicated stuff and often can just leverage existing better testing contract
without developing new things with a new programming model and um um from the perspective of the user
is also quite um convenient because again you if you don't want to you don't have to have a wallet
or any interaction with zeta chain directly what you do is to interact with the one of those
external chains and make a certain transactions directly by the uh DAB and that will trigger
a chain reaction on zeta chain and potentially could produce um the desired outputs on another
blockchain so um that's rather new it's probably um this is one of the um normal things that we
come up with and um and there's a there's a very big difference uh with uh some other message passing
style across your solutions does it run along as your head well i mean there's only one way to
explain things right you can't take shortcuts on that so we appreciate that and i guess as an
extension of that and um um maybe slightly more briefly but could you explain and i guess a
fairly high level um how we're able to support um evm cosmos and even non-smart contract blockchains
such as bitcoin yes yes so assuming you're talking about external chains that we support right
so that's actually another important thing of the cross chain uh primitives we wanted to support
a diverse set of important chains so which definitely needs to include bitcoin and perhaps
some other you know uh chains with uh with non-smart contracts well let's let's put it that way
so by the way so message processing will assume that you you you're you're connected chains need
to support smart contract otherwise you can't do a smart you know cross chain smart contract call
so the way we support bitcoin is um primarily via the omni chain smart contract so there are two
aspects of it uh so uh one thing is that we would allow um transactions on bitcoin to call
its smart contracts on zilla chain so there is one aspect of it uh we've got a remote remote contract
call and another aspect of it is that um conceptually speaking our uh the smart contracts on um zilla
chain could directly manipulates uh native assets on external chains such as bitcoin so
you can essentially say uh these in in the smart contract on zilla chain transfer uh two bitcoins
to this um bitcoin address bc1 abcde right so um that is very convenient for the developers
of uh applications because you can uh you're kind of like um you just deal with abstracted
functional tokens and things will automatically settle on the external chains as you direct it
so this is programmable it's almost feel like um a uh a decentralizer and programmable cx
so it's a little bit of contradictory term but you almost feel like feels like that
okay so sorry i forgot about your original question what was it again
i was gonna i mean i was just gonna ask how we support the multitude of um chains that we
support from evm to cosmos and you know bit quite another non-smart contract blockchain yeah i see
okay okay so just to complete the answer so um so the omniscient smart contract is the primary
primitive that we use to support those um different diverse set of chains with a uniform
standardized interaction uh such as functional token manipulation and uh perhaps uh on a roadmap
the nft as well which could include you know orinos on bitcoin so yeah so that's my answer
okay okay cool um i was i was gonna ask you another question but i think we'll we'll skip
for a bit and then come back because i think we're a little bit behind uh schedule as we are
so uh charlie yeah i think you're still there i've got um some questions for you on the security
side so um unfortunately crypto security often goes unnoticed by users until there's a problem
um you know we've seen plenty of hacks and attacks and other such sort of negative
incidents coming through um can you give us an insight into what it's like managing
security for an up and coming project uh up and coming layer one or layer two project like
these are chainers yeah so i mean managing security for uh you know for projects like this
it's challenging and exciting and definitely a bit stressful you know from time to time um i spend a
lot more time securing our discord server than i ever thought i would do um you know my career
cyber security but as you mentioned right it usually goes unnoticed by users unless there's
a problem in most organizations security goes unnoticed by everyone but here it's really nice
because it's sort of you know it's a team effort because there's no single you know way
a single person could secure the network or the project and so that's been the nice thing about
is everyone sort of pitches in and keeps security their top priority which makes my job much easier
awesome good to hear good to hear that everything's being secured by everybody um and people often
often um make an incorrect assumption that these are trainers is a is a bridge right
but actually as a blockchain that's integrated with multiple chains
and doing large volumes of transactions like what are the kind of security concerns that you have
as that so it's handling multiple chains and and having large volumes of transactions passing
through it's a very wide kind of attack surface so right you've got the concern of the individual
chains that we're connected to we've got the concerns of our chain itself making sure that
when we're observing events on external chains that we're you know observing the truth and not
something that could be incorrect and then of course in a decentralized world it's you know how
do you incentivize the right actors and things like that but the way we sort of address all
these is that you know a multi-layered approach you know starting with sort of hiring great people
who write secure code making sure that we've got the right economic incentives in place and then
as well as just ongoing sort of observability how do we monitor everything and make sure that
things are operating the way they should be our external chains are operating the way they
should be and then the final piece sort of being relying on or not relying on any single party
you know we're leveraging some cutting edge tech like the threshold signing schemes and
things like that to split up private keys that are used by the protocol and other elements like that
cool and what are the kind of programs that we're doing to engage the broader
security community so I know there's a bunch of sort of projects and there's work that you
that you guys do with folks with third-party folks outside of the company too yes there's a lot of
great security people in the space and there's a lot of people much smarter than me in there
and so we try to you know benefit from their lessons learned and let you know have them help
us out as much as possible so we have third-party audits we do through some firms to verify
everything's operating the way we expect it to we have bug bounties so you don't have to be you
know a formal auditor to kind of find a problem and help report it so we have that to promote
responsible disclosure we've got some you know working with some security experts
like amulet who manage the incident response for the interchain foundation to make sure that
if there's an issue with you know some of our dependencies we're aware of it
and the two other parts is the community itself is super helpful for this one common thing we see in
the space are the scams there's scams all over the place unfortunately and so we have some proactive
methods to detect these but a lot of them come in from the community themselves helping to report
stuff which we can pass on to partners to get websites blocked or taken down
cool okay thanks so much we're gonna move swiftly on to community side Jonathan the community is
now approaching almost two million followers across all social media with almost a million on twitter
itself which is incredible can you give us a little bit of insight into how we scale to this
size yeah it's it's pretty unbelievable and everyone that contributed to this launch should
be really proud of course the community but also the panelists you're hearing from all of the dapp
and infra partners that are tuning in and just quick shout out to our 16 ambassadors they sit across
cities all over the world and are translating content in 16 languages a lot of them were in
discord when we were 900 people now we're 900,000 on the server and then there's 111 VIP contributors
who are extremely passionate about what zeta chain is bringing to market and excited to see
all the stuff that they create ton of of sub communities so to answer your question
zeta community was there from the start even before the first testnet so we've been at this
for a while and we've done a lot of creative things along the way like the zeta point system
which was really the first proprietary sort of gamified system and now everybody in web3 is doing
it we built the omnichain swap app 14 million testnet transactions and the whole goal was to
kickstart app development and the ecosystem and their 200 partners today a lot of whom are on
this call and that will be launching on day one that led us to do testing campaigns with
all the biggest crypto wallets in the space i see okx token pocket burrito wallet and a ton of
others so everything has snowballed and we're going to just continue to do creative things to
scale community and underneath everything is the omnichain value prop that panru and brandon
and dennis are talking through and i think that really resonates with the market awesome and in
terms of the other stuff that you've got coming up we're going to keep doing creative kind of
things so can you give us a little bit of color on what to expect in both the near term and
the longer term yeah and not everything's plotted out so like i'm very excited to create and collab
with the community and the ecosystem but there are some of course some big milestones so mainnet
will launch with zeta hub which everyone has gotten a sneak peek of and this will be a portal into
zeta chain network and all of the apps it's where the zeta labs airdrop claim will happen
there's also a series of other airdrops through wallet campaigns and different parties that will
be distributing zeta out to the market and then with the launch of zeta hub will be the first
xp campaign so this is an on-chain indexing primitive that we want to evolve into a long
term loyalty program and eventually like zeta hub itself and everything we're building it will be
open source to the ecosystem and two groups will have boosted xp to start and that is zeta
labs users after august 20th cutoff date as well as all of the wallet campaign participants
so that should be exciting and then the mission brings zeta home nft campaign
we're waiting on galaxy to do the mainnet integration so that that should line up in
a month or so and and a ton of exciting news on that and then long term
there's like a whole road map of protocol features that we released that's in the docs as well as
token distribution and we'll continue to create omnichain products with the ecosystem and
there's a huge allocation of zeta both 10 percent for the community to drive user growth
on the demand side and then on the supply side grant program and ecosystem funds for
application development so that will help us drive the the flywheel and i'm super excited
for us to integrate with more chains doge solana filecoin l2s like zeta chains agnostic so we'll
see what the ecosystem cares about and and help deliver that awesome thanks so much excited to
see more on that side and i guess in tandem with community is the marketing side of the business
so jesse can you can you give us some insight into how the marketing efforts have
accelerated in the one up to the mainnet launch which is happening imminently sure
to be honest i feel like in the crypto ecosystem like marketing for l1 l2 blockchains is the most
challenging thing as you lack allies to depend on you have to work really hard to grow like a
giant tree yourself providing shelter and nourishment for your ecosystem projects
so the process of marketing is i feel like it's somewhat similar to finding a girlfriend on a
dating app like a first glance at a photo only gives a basic impression but it's only after
talking like taking for uh maybe talking in the phone and meeting in this person that you can
get a deeper connection with these people and leading to a serious relationship i think it's
very similar for us like we started with a small crafts across different channels and creating
content through blogs and media outlets but these were all one-way communication outputs
it's also very important to communicate with our community directly engage with them so after that
we organized numerous online and offline events globally we conducted global ema tour we also
hosted global meetup tours we visited countries like india germany vietnam turkey singapore korea
taiwan france we additionally we also initiated lots of wallet campaigns
to even help bigger crypto users to be for to be more familiar with us i think this
gradual process allowed us to gain more um adhesive and loyal users who truly appreciate our vision
awesome thanks and i know uh you guys have been traveling as you say a huge amount going to many
events being on stage and uh and so on and so forth in the last six months but what about
the plan after mainnet like are we going to be supersizing the marketing that we're doing is
there any um any sort of color that you can give on that um following the main launch i think our
primary focus will shift towards supporting the growth of ecosystem projects i always think our
role is more similar to a venture capital like even beyond that we're not only providing
financial support but also we're providing them liquidity and initial user base to um like
talented developers to grow in our ecosystem so um i think with a collective background
with our team members we all have some sort of web2 and web3 combined experience i think um we can
definitely provide uh really good resources and experience to help developers to uh grow in our
ecosystem um and i'm confident that we can post this knowledge to identify and support them
as well as to to build actual true innovation in our ecosystem and more than that um we're
able to we're very eager to conduct experiments with some exciting and innovative products
and to facilitate this post mainnet we will intensify our efforts in establishing
local organizations to support our developers globally um we have already had a technical
ambassador program and also general ambassador program and additionally we'll offer bounty
programs to incentive everyone to host ama's organized local events and also create
contents in any form for us and i think you can find more details on our website after this
um so definitely i think after mainnet um to build a truly decentralized
permissionless giant network we need everyone to join with us um so we're going to be here
supporting everyone yeah it's great to hear and obviously of course one thing that we're doing
very soon is our own event uh the omni chain summit which is happening around eth uh the eth
denver show can you i know you've been um leading this this um event that we're doing can you
explain a bit more about why we're doing it and um what to expect from it too
yeah so we're going to host the omni chain summit on february 29th in east denver um so totally
omni chain is something we're building for and it will be the most important event for this year
we'll bring most of the already ecosystem projects together for a comprehensive presentation uh i know
lots of people are going to east denver from all over the places uh so if you're building some
omni chain dfs please stay tuned and we're looking forward to meeting you in person
awesome thanks so much uh moving on to the developer ecosystem and so i am uh can you give
us an overview of where the ecosystem is at um i think you guys are on mute so i am are you there
yeah he's going to jump on from my uh okay cool one one moment all right state of ecosystem swam tell us
could you repeat the question joan yeah yeah of course uh i was just uh just a very entry-level
uh question can you give us an overview of the ecosystem as it is yeah sure so i think
it has been super exciting to work on the ecosystem level of the architecture and the
protocol that we have is quite unique it's more of a best of the bread model but
so i think the most critical part has been to make sure we get the fundamentals right
to ensure there is enough capability and infrastructure to support applications
so core focus has been to make sure that we have a proper public goods landscape where we have
ensured we have proper RPCs we have really good value ecosystem on top of that we are doing
we have really well-known oracles community trusted projects building on top of it we have indexes
like gold sky some really good projects onboard it i think it looks really strong at this point
on what we can facilitate and especially i think the focus is
to ensure that the bitcoin ecosystem and how we can actually bring more innovation to bitcoin
and that's where i think the only chain capability would be
tested and that's where we're actually focusing more on the ecosystem and
awesome um we announced the grant program last year or almost one year ago i guess i think it was
april um 2023 uh can you give us an update uh you know how many grants are we have we given out
what are the kind of highlights that we've had so far as we approach almost the one year anniversary
yeah so we are given more than uh 15 to 20 grants and all these grants have been very
again focused on making sure that they are leveraging our omni-chain stack and building
applications that could actually which actually solves the problem so one of our core grantee is
cross-chain decks uh lending boring protocols omni-chain and ft marketplaces so anything where
they are contributing to the protocol level at omni-chain to make it better or to build
something on top of it has been the priority for the grants program
oh so um more than 15 grams handed out so far that's good to know yeah so i think we are so one
one good thing to mention here is like we have been focusing more on the quality and track and
quantity and it has been really good to find some really good teams to work closely with them and
to ensure that we have some really good products out there and eventually i think
we do have a scope in which we there would be a nudge for the ecosystem to
move to more really good applications that use omni-chain and could bring more utility for
entire ecosystem where for example ethereum using or ethereum getting the liquidity from vtc and
other way around i think it's more about contributing to uh other chains and uh solving a
problem for them makes sense makes sense i was gonna i was gonna ask you a quick follow-up
uh question like what are the types of teams um that you want to see building on these
chain that we can give they could access the grant program yeah i think as i mentioned before
the core focus is on bitcoin d5 so anything that could leverage our omni-chain stack to build some
innovative application that is one of the most important piece that we are focusing on other
than that anything that improves zeta chain at the protocol level so extending the capability
of omni-chain and adding more functionality at protocol level that's another thing the third
thing is we're focusing more on also the innovation uh we have given out grants to some dating
applications and some really cool different uh user focused uh user centric applications
where we think there would be much more value for the omni-chain and where users don't depend
on one chain to access the application it's much more agnostic and in the approach
oh okay and and just to add on top of that uh we would also be having guest grants uh starting
from the mainnet so we'll be outlining this pro program properly uh to the community but
i think uh there are different ways we are trying to support the ecosystem and make sure that there
is enough incentive and uh score for them to grow great okay get to hear that and again that's
another topic we could talk about for you know hours really there's a whole lot going on and
obviously supporting the projects that are building is is a really critical piece of what we do
okay so um that's we've spoken to a bunch of the core contributors on zeta chain and now we're
going to move uh to q&a um we've had a bunch of questions so thanks so much we sent a
question you posted a question we're going to pick through some of them um if you didn't
yet post the question and second that you want to ask um please do post that in the uh in the
comment and the chat feature of this space is our team is combing through um the posts so they
will see everything that's being um that's being sent there and we'll pick out questions
where we can so okay um we've got uh i think half a dozen questions so far that we're going
to go through but as i say if you haven't if yours isn't up there um please do post um starting off
with the first one if ledger will be supported will zeta chain have its own wallet or just work
via the ethereum wallet um who wants to answer this one
i guess i can answer
sure um so um yes zeta chain is gonna be accessible both from the standard cosmos app because it's a
cosmos based chain uh it's it's also usable um using the the regular ethereum app um
initially it might display your tokens as eth and uh instead of a chain name it's gonna be just
a chain id but we'll make a pr so that when the next ledger updates uh is released um you'll
properly see zeta chain and zeta so yeah both both apps should work uh right okay uh next question
what is the possibility of integrating other change like other chains like say sui injective etc
yeah sorry can you repeat the question again uh what is the possibility of integrating other
chains such as say sui injective and others oh right right right so um possibly okay so
so so from technical point of view um there's no real uh barrier um as you know we can connect to
smart counter chain non-smart counter chain and uh we we have very weak assumptions on the
blockchains that we connect to other than that it needs to be uh strong and uh you know significant
now connecting to some new chain takes a little development efforts because you need to develop
um uh clients to them and um connect to our chains and one of the issues that can come up with the
cryptography so uh we use threshold signature scheme and it supports the most popular elliptic curve
um easy dsa but some of the chains use uh eddsa and then um um that will take a a little bit work
to um support and also a new chain might have a different way of interacting with it might have
different uh virtual machines different smart contracts and different um clients and rpc's
to connect to it so uh there needs to be um customized to each chain
cool thanks very much um just to recap we're going through questions submitted by the audience so if
you are in the audience and you're listening and you have a question please do post it because
our team is looking through and picking things out that we can ask okay uh how does zeta chain
compare to other cross-chain solutions such as thor chain and axilla especially in terms of its
unique features and advantages okay so i can i can answer that yep um i already uh
talked about this in my last uh answer but you know um oh we we kind of like uh sometimes this is
confusing but we some um we actually support two um um different um sometimes complementary uh
cross-chain primitives one is the message processing that is more popular
in the so there's zero axilar wormhole and they're all doing um message processing style
so essentially allowing a smart contract should call another smart contract on different chain
um our approach is uh in some sense closer to what thor chain does so um but but more
generalized so um if you will you can you can if you want you can develop a thor chain like um
a solution on top of uh a zeta chain using just uh omnichain smart contract so you have to deal
with firetaters and uh assets and all those kind of things uh you uh those things are abstracted
away um and you can make use of the smart contract a familiar one to achieve that um
so the um i guess the the difference is really uh from the um the the biggest difference is
from the developers perspective from developers perspective um omnichain smart contract um
applications they live on zeta chain and you only deploy contracts on zeta chain you don't deploy
contracts on other external chains and um so that simplifies development work uh quite a bit um and
also um there's other uh advantages when this applies for example is uh often cheaper and um in
terms of gas cost because most of the computation and state updates happen on zeta chain which is
relatively cheap um and you also don't incur uh uh quite expensive both in terms of time latency
and uh gas fee cost as in message passing because each message is like a a a transaction um
in in omnichain smart contract often you don't have uh messages except the remote function call
and perhaps some outputs uh which is the settlement so most of the uh the logic um and
state updates happen in one place and it's relatively relatively fast and cheap chain is
zeta chain so i would say that's the uh biggest difference okay cool thanks so much um question
for charlie here there've been many layoffs across the tech industry um are you currently
hiring for engineers and if so what type charlie are you are you still there
can you hear me yeah charlie is is uh tuning in okay yeah so a question about uh hiring for engineers
correct yes sir yep so yeah we're hiring for basically we're looking for a few senior engineers
in a few positions we're looking for security engineers to come work with me uh we're looking
for some great protocol engineers to come work with panru um uh well work with all of us really
those are the two primary positions we're trying to fill um as well as just someone for
protocol security awesome so if you're an engineer and you want to get hired what should they do
yeah they should go to our careers page so zeta chain.com slash careers and they can um
check out the job postings and uh follow the email address on that to send in your resume
awesome awesome great hopefully we can have some folks uh get hired from this that'll be um
that'd be really cool uh okay great next question uh will cosmos environment be an expansion of the
compatibility in the future to expand into chain slash IBC uh denis i think this might be one
yeah so as i mentioned before zeta chain is a cosmos base chain which means that it is out of the box
uh compatible with with all the other cosmos blockchains using IBC um this functionality
may not be enabled at mainnet but we're definitely looking into it um so
so what i what i really like about zeta chain is how it uh kind of extends the the interoperability
that cosmos pioneered um uh years ago uh so IBC the protocol that cosmos uses is a great
um is a great protocol right it's a great piece of software when you think about all the
relayers like clients and all the all the all the thought that is put into it uh but there
are certain limitations to it uh for example it will not um connect bitcoin right uh it
will not extend to to some other chains that that nobody built like clients for and i think like
that's where zeta chain also shines is it is it it extends this network of interoperable blockchains
and adds more chains to it so essentially uh it could act as um as a hub where developers deploy
contracts and these contracts can be called from bitcoin and then you can produce output
as an outbound IBC packet going to another chain and possibly doing something there returning back
and then producing an output on some other blockchain through zeta chain so it sounds a
bit complex but it's it's definitely a very interesting architecture that will unlock
um many dapps uh that that aren't really possible right now and kind of interact
cross-chain interactions that we can't really do right now
thanks Dennis um the question for panro I think uh can you explain how the fees will look like
in mainnet yes so assuming you're asking for cross-chain transaction fees
uh i presume that's what yeah this is a question from the audience so i presume that yeah that's
what that meaning here yes okay so there are a few components of fees so actually there are
several situations we make a cross-chain transaction now you make a cross-chain transaction typically
from one of the connected external chains such as ethereum bitcoin as part of that transaction
obviously you have to pay uh uh the the native gas fee from that transaction right
so that part is not controlled by us um then the rest is on the zeta-chain system so for example you
you're calling a contract on zeta-chain from ethereum and then the output of that transaction
is something that is on bitcoin let's say so there are several fees associated with this
cross-chain transaction one is a processing fee on zeta-chain you call the contract there
you're gonna pay for the contract call and also there is a fee to make a transaction on bitcoin
to get your output to your desired address so there's bitcoin fees however uh typically you
don't you do not have to worry about those fees because those fees are um are swapped for and
converted into a from and deducted from initial uh in sf for example if you uh use ether to swap
for bitcoin then you're gonna pay fee uh or in either convert it to the bitcoin and zeta
and for those two uh components and it all happens uh in in in in the zeta-chain um uh system pools
um so from the percent of the users they only have to deal with um uh a single uh
guess assets even if they they make a cross-chain transactions
thanks so much panro uh question for you i think again dennis um the industry is shifting in
the direction of multi-chains where chains are connected with each other how does zeta-chain fit
into this yeah so um as i said i think i think there's a um good chance that zeta-chain will
become um sort of a hub for cross-chain transactions um because um when when again i'm gonna talk about
causes because okay that's that's um a popular uh multi-chain network um when consoles first launched
uh old chains kind of started connecting with each other uh and that was quite unexpected because the
original idea was a hub and spoke model where um chains would connect to hubs instead of directly
to each other uh to to make sure that this is scalable but you can't really force that
it's not a good idea to force this system so changes connected to each other um
a couple of years ago right when ibc was just launched but over time what we saw um was
was this kind of emerging behavior of users and and relayer operators and
um and blockchain communities to start routing transactions through popular blockchains
just because that is the the scalable architecture right you you can't connect
tens of thousands of chains directly to each other just too many too many connections too
many relayers to operate uh so that's where i see zeta-chain fitting in is being this um
very well connected hub um both in the cosmos ecosystem as well as general in our chain
connecting um existing blockchains together and providing this platform where developers can just
deploy a contract and it's by default uh compatible with all the chains so
but yeah as an extension of an already existing growing network of blockchains
cool thanks dennis um just to give a quick recap to anybody who's just joined um this
is our mainnet countdown twitter spaces we're about uh almost an hour and a half in
so far we've spoken to a bunch of key folks behind the scenes who are building out the protocol
and the products and we're doing a quick q&a now so if you have questions you want to ask
please do submit them in the comment section of this twitter spaces our team is looking through
so they will pick out um questions that we haven't already answered and topics that the
community is quite keen to um to hear from um after this segment in about 15 minutes or so
we will move on to talking to um a load of partners that we have um so that's that's
going to be super interesting we're expecting this space to last for in total around about
three or four hours so we're almost one and a half hours in so there's still plenty more
um insight and an alpha to get through so um if you just joined um make sure that you
stay here and ask questions if you've if you've got them um okay so the next question um from the
audience is how does zeta chain handle the risk associated with wrapped tokens
who wants to answer that one um panero or dennis perhaps
yeah um okay well
so um so as i as i talked about it earlier so uh there is no um
uh you know officially wrapped tokens um in the in the sense of um in the in the uh
sense of what we typically understand wrapped tokens uh like you know you wrap something
and put it out on some other networks we do not do that so we do not wrap things around and send it
to some other places um but we do have something that is kind of similar to uh wrap but it is
one direction which is things that um come to zeta chains kind of in a wrapped form to
standardize interaction um and uh we need to secure those things um obviously and uh we rely on um
the uh some of the economic incentives that is built in the um uh provostake um and and the um
uh so so there are several aspects of it so one of the things that is that we need to be sure that
um uh when things happen on external chains and when you do something about it then we should
make sure that things indeed happen on on the chains as it is claimed so there are several
mechanisms that we do that so the primary one will be through a set of what we call observers
those are bonded uh validators in the network um they're subject to economic incentives such as
positive ones as rewards and negative ones as selection and they do a majority voting on the
external events and you we have a majority of them actually a two-thirds of them that is considered
trustworthy and there is a growing system uh that is more um based on proof uh miracle proof
verification instead of um uh you know majority voting from observers so gradually that part
might pay a more and more uh important role because it's more um reliable in the sense that
you do not have to trust a uh you do not have to rely on economic incentives alone to make sure
that uh the players uh do their parts uh correctly and according to protocol so that's one part which
is the the inbound parts observe observing external events correctly and accurately and another aspect
is that we also want to do something on the chains that means that we need to have an account on um
the the blockchain needs to have an account on other chains and again um so in this case
we rely on threshold signature scheme um so the uh keys the key shares are scattered around
the validators uh in the network and as long as the majority of them are acting according to
protocol then things are uh which is the um the security assumption of most of the proof of stake
blockchains cool thank you very much um next question is omnichain smart contracts seem to be
a game changer what advantages do these smart contracts have over traditional single chain
smart contracts um brandon do you want to answer this one
actually anybody can answer it but um if you guys want to answer it
is brandon still here
if not i can go okay for it then i see yeah cool thanks so the quick answer is if you have a
contract deployed on ethereum your contract can only be used by users of ethereum
which is good but there are other blockchains or the popular blockchains
so when you deploy a contract on zeta chain it can be used by any user of any connected blockchains
so from from ethereum to bitcoin and everything in between so that's the the short answer right
the difference the the most noticeable difference from a product point of view or from end user
point of view is is the reach right you don't have to limit yourself to single blockchain
but you can get all the users so it's it's it's like in a way it's like
you're expanding your network dramatically and it gets even wider as more chains get connected
to zeta chain so it's not like deploying on zeta chain is not about
getting zeta chain users it's about increasing the reach of your dapp to as many other blockchains as
possible okay thanks uh question uh from the audience um will eth cross chain transfers
be cheaper using zeta chain than they currently are
i can start maybe panru can expand on this question uh but um you you still need to initiate
a transactional ethereum um so there are some uh costs involved in that but the advantage of
all machine contracts is and that's just the way i see it right is is that we're um we're dealing
with we're kind of implementing specific functionality for specific data types so right now the the first
data type or asset type that is supported by omnichain contracts are fungible tokens
and this is different from general message passing where you don't really know what the data is you're
just that's um that's reflected in the name right it's just arbitrary general message passing
you just transfer bytes with omnichain contracts there are a lot of opportunities for optimizing
this because uh the system knows exactly what you're transferring so i think over time
uh the costs will the the costs associated transaction fees basically cost chain fees
will will be um reduced through optimizations because um we wouldn't necessarily have to
process each transaction separately right find clever ways of optimizing that so yeah um i think i
think this is this is really cool like these this potential this potential for for improvements
um is definitely there
okay cool um thanks dennis um okay we still have uh around five minutes before we uh switch to
discussing the ecosystem with uh the partners that we have um actually i've uh i have a question for
you dennis actually um what what areas do you um think are the most uh promising in terms of
developers that we see uh currently currently building using omnichain smart contracts
so it's um it's not really um uh adapt category but it's generally something that developers
can can can build is um applications that accept bitcoin as input and i think this is huge right it
it can be any application type but the fact that you can build on
edm and in a decentralized fashion except uh native bdc as input produce output potentially
also to bitcoin or to some other chain um that's game changing uh so there are literally anything
that has been implemented already you can implement but but it will be compatible with bitcoin by
default other than that um i think um any applications that that deal with fungible tokens
uh would be a great application for uh for for building on zeta chain um that involves
anything on the in the DeFi space from from lending borrowing to uh swapping tokens to um
also um it doesn't have to be even though omnichain contracts are
primarily right now uh focused on fungible tokens it doesn't mean that you can't build
nft applications for example because um with with zeta chain which you can do and uh
we're gonna have a release uh a tutorial on this very soon is you can
uh mint nfts on zeta chain in response to transactions on other blockchains
so it's not necessarily omnichain nfts yet but it's definitely one step towards that where you can
um where you can deposit uh btc on zeta chain and that triggers a mint of an nft that you can
then use as as collateral or in in some sort of gaming application or anything really
right so i think that's super exciting um but yeah the the the cool thing is that it's
it's evm you already know it you already know how to build on it the the amount of work that you
have to do as a developer is very minimal you can literally spend like an hour going through
a tutorial or two and you will get a pretty good grasp on what it takes to make a cross chain
contract an omnichain contract from your existing contract sometimes you don't even need to
modify anything you just you just create a contract that handles cross chain interactions
that will work alongside the the contract you already have um i'm sorry i'm going into a
dev x site of things but but yeah that's okay to the question like you can build it literally any
application will benefit from being omnichanges because it opens uh more uh it widens your network
it allows more users to interact with your dapp and i think everyone just wants that by default
yeah absolutely and if it makes the user experience as you mentioned earlier much easier if you can
access you know do your digital assets for multiple chains in one place that's great for
user experience and i think as you say adding native bitcoin to any any dapp is obviously huge
in terms of the user base liquidity you know all these really key ingredients that you know
basically can can make or break a project and i think having the tools to augment that is
obviously very very key so cool thanks so much for the very thorough answer and i think
that brings us perfectly to time for this this q&a section we may have another q&a at the end so
if we didn't get to the question that you asked um do feel free to post it again and
depending on how much time that we have we may we may ask more and but now we're going to get
into the ecosystem part which is very exciting because we have dozens of our great partners
who are going to speak about how they're using zeta chain and their and their projects there's
going to be a lot of interesting insight and alpha being dropped just bear with us one second while we
because we do have maybe four more than 40 partners to get onto this call so we're just
on the back end we're just figuring out who's joining so just bear with us a second are we
guys are we good have we added the first bunch of folks it looks like we have
yeah um we can go ahead and kick off with mr block at her great
john maybe you want to pose the question to uh mr block yes mr block hey guys from
from curve how you doing good to speak to you again um yeah do you want to give the
audience a overview of what you guys do and how you're working with zeta chain
awesome thank you john thank you zeta chain uh team you know uh we've been talking with
zeta chain team since early last year uh met their team multiple time in asia and then also met uh
the founder in taiwan so uh i'll give a quick intro about myself and curve so my name is chris
in asia people know me as shukwai shinson i run a youtube channel uh for the past seven years
talking about everything about crypto blockchain you know running your own dune analytic which
i do that for curve as well and multiple other d5 project and then also um i talk about like
new projects so zeta chain is a project that i've been talking a lot about in in asia for
the chinese speaking community uh and i'm also a core member at curve been at curve for the past
three years uh curve started uh as uh d5 stablecoin uh dex and then quickly expand into uh multiple
out coins and also pioneer uh a very unique governance model called the voting escrow or
v model and on top of that there has been multiple protocol built specifically for curve
such as convex lama air force votm which uh enhanced the curve token design and added the
bribery market uh for those that don't know the bribery market it essentially act as a way for
uh the different uh projects to give incentive uh to the vcrv holder to vote so it's one of the most
active governance protocol uh where you're constantly using your uh lock token uh for incentive
and to vote for the pool that you believe is the right vote or someone who pays the most
uh and what we've been uh building for the last year is the crv usd protocol which is a stablecoin
protocol with an interesting uh liquidation model called the soft liquidating uh it's less extreme
than the commercial design and enables uh multiple new use cases and on top of that curve we've been
expanding into multiple uh evm chain and announced other partnerships as well such as mental uh
binance smart chain and zeta chain and zeta chain has been very unique uh for curve as well
where it not only support uh most of the evm chain uh but it also support uh non-tuning complete
chain such as uh bitcoin so we think it will be a very interesting collaboration where um we could
use uh native bitcoin as either a collateral or a way to add liquidity into curve and
the zeta chain team has been very helpful uh and both uh working with me to create these proposals
to integrate curve and at the same time to create uh starting as a mock-up of how the zeta chain could
how curve can integrate with zeta chain all the way till uh coding and deployment so i will say
you know the experience has been very smooth working with the zeta chain team and i myself
on mr block side of stuff has also been um you know excited to introduce multiple protocol
they're also exciting uh to build on top of zeta chain uh that'll be it thank you guys
awesome thank you so much and we are really excited to work with you guys so um great great
stuff okay next up we have rhinophy guys do you want to introduce your project and explain
how we're working with you going forward of course hey everyone uh i'm uglid here um bd
rhinophy um the best way i would describe rhinophy um we are a ultimate layer two bridge for a
multi-chain token movement um so what do i mean by that we're connected to 17 uh soon to be 18 with
zeta chains and we can effortlessly allow you to move your tokens um across any one of these
chains uh within just a few seconds um we originally called diversify um a couple of
years ago and we were the first ever decks on building on stark x and we soon um realized
that multi-chain is going to be the future and that's when we doubled down um and essentially
started connecting users to all of these um layer two chains we recently just had a partnership
with uh tether um to expand uh tether's offering among this uh ecosystem so we're looking forward
to bringing um or enhancing stable coins and uh eth over to the disaster train
awesome great to have you guys and also another english person which is which is great so i'm not
the only one on this on this uh cool so cool awesome uh okay thank you very much rhinophy
uh next we have tonka finance hey welcome back uh we were obviously on a btc
um spaces the other week which was which was really cool um how are you guys doing and
maybe you'll explain to the audience again what what the project does and how we're working
yeah absolutely uh thanks for having me uh up here again guys it's great i'm just really
happy to be on this space my name is alex um with tonka here and i'll do a little explanation
about what we do um and then how we work with you guys so tonka finance is a lending platform
that focuses on enhancing the functionality and liquidity of bitcoin descriptions um and
other digital assets right so by utilizing unique lending mechanisms diversified collateral options
and seamless cross chain interactions tonka finance aims to really improve the functionality
feasibility liquidity and accessibility of bitcoin inscriptions and other digital assets
right so tonka finance can deploy on bitcoin layer ones and layer two networks like zeta chain
uh so allowing users to enable cross chain collateralization um this feature enables
users to lend on one network and borrow on another uh so providing more flexibility and
opportunities for financial management and asset diversification so some of the key benefits of
tonka finance's uh cross chain collateralization include increased liquidity by allowing users
to lend and borrow across different networks tonka finance can enhance the overall liquidity of
digital assets while maintaining full ownership so that's super sweet um we also have a diversified
collateral options so the platform offers you know a wide range of collateral options include
introducing new strategies for financial management and asset diversification
and we also offer seamless cross chain interactions so tonka finance uh sorry tonka finance advanced
lending mechanisms and seamless cross chain interactions enable users to access manage their
assets more efficiently so in summary tonka finance's ability to deploy on both bitcoin l1
and l2 networks facilitate cross chain collateralization which allows users to lend on one
network and borrow on another providing more opportunities for financial management and asset
diversification and some of the ways we've really been working with zeta chain recently
is we've been doing some really great co-marketing together which is exciting and really looking
forward to be integrating with you guys and just providing more liquidity and diversification
options for users of zeta chain so yeah you guys thanks yeah that's pretty much it thanks
for having me up and if you guys have any questions feel free to DM us i'm happy to answer them
awesome thanks so much for joining and uh and and explaining what you guys do love it um
next up eddie finance
hey hi guys um super excited to be here uh so i'll just give a brief introduction about eddie finance
so on eddie finance what we've been building is essentially native asset transfer protocol
between blockchains our core focus has been to enable smooth native asset transfers between
edm chains and bitcoin and that's where we've been utilizing and harnessing the power of
omni chain smart contracts our core aim is to double down on like gold user experience
and reduce the cost of transfers since when we use zeta chain to do this and sort of enable
this all of this via omni chain smart contracts what ends up happening is that
a we just deal with native assets which increases the security and inherent speed of the transactions
second is that when we move across chains using zeta chain we are able to cut down the cost since
the cost incurred is just the normal same transaction so building on these pillars what
we are focusing now on is to build have native asset pools that can stay together for example you
can have a pool with native bnb native btc native eth all living in a single pool similarly for
stable coins you can have like a pool of usbc on bnb usbd on ethereum and uh similarly having the
usd on bsc all living in the same pool and this is how we are able to provide deeper liquidity
and still keeps the cost lower um moving ahead we will be launching on mini net and we have like
an interesting rewards program that you go like to so excited to be here and have been building
with zeta chain for almost seven eight months now and it has been really helpful the way the team
has supported with resources with all the technical doubts and we've been able to sort of come to
this point where now we're super excited to be on the moon net awesome thank you so much great
to hear from you okay next up is native hi um hello hi this is maina i'm the co-founder and
ceo of native first of all thank you guys for hosting this uh minute like countdown twitter
space is it has really been great and and second i also want to congratulate you guys on the
upcoming maina launch hope everything gonna go like super smoothly and now um briefly introduced
native we are building web 3's liquidity layer to unify crypto's fragmented liquidity
and enhance capital efficiency for pmms short term for private market makers via our rfq system
our platform already aggregates and connects order flows to pmms for efficient off-chain pricing
and on-chain execution since our launch back in april 2022 we have already onboarded over 100 million
in pmm liquidity and executed over 2.2 billion in trading volume our upcoming product agua allows
retail investors to enhance liquidity and enable credit-based trading for professional
market makers boosting capital efficiency and returns now the big news is that our partnership
with zeta chain by combining zeta chains universal access with natives liquidity layer we are creating
a truly unified omnichain liquidity hub so that means no more crushing or multi-chain challenges
this is really a leap towards a more seamless web 3 landscape and i think our collaboration
really really means a more comprehensive and frictionless experience breaking down the
barriers between fragmented liquidity and ecosystem and we are really really happy to support all the
dfi application that the dapps within the zeta chain so our first effort in supporting the
zeta chain is to provide smooth trading and access with for zeta swap to the most competitive pricing
so we are very thrilled to also announce our collaboration with zeta swap the first
sext aggregator on zeta chain and we will power the liquidity and trading infrastructure into zeta
swap will integrate our pmm rp capabilities into their platform for more efficient on off-chain
pricing so in a nutshell i think native and zeta chain are really really going to push
forward this omnichain liquidity hub i'm really excited to be here and for any other partners if
you you guys are interested in partner with us feel free to dms dms thanks thank you so much
great great to hear from you thanks so much okay uh moving on the next uh the next product to speak
is range are you guys there yeah perfect thank you very much yeah and so that uh the CEO of
range protocol and super excited to be on this countdown space uh at range protocol uh we are
trying to build a universal gateway to defy opportunities uh like our vision is that uh
as defy gets more and more efficient there would be a trade-off that like these things
would get a bit more complicated for a normal user to interact so this whole complexity requires
an abstraction layer so that users can engage with these sophisticated protocols without
leading to sort of master the underlying mechanisms and at range protocol we're just
trying to bridge that gap by sort of empowering expert strategists trading this to sort of manage
these complexities and do the heavy lifting and sort of do all of that through our infrastructure
in a completely non-custodial and trustless space and abstract all all that for the normal users
we are we are already live uh on like different chains we have launched a bunch of strategies
on top of like liquidity provisioning on concentrated liquidity amms we have a specific
set of strategies for liquids taking tokens real world assets and also live on certain lending
markets with some sophisticated strategies and we are super excited to sort of expand our offerings
to the zeta chain ecosystems uh how we sort of see this partnership going forward is that how zeta
chain is sort of trying to enable interoperability across different blockchains ecosystems at an
infrastructure level we sort of want to achieve that uh on the liquidity layer by having active
management by working through our propriety uh network of liquidity uh and then yeah a lot of
exciting things that we are planning uh to sort of go live with on zeta chain mainnet a lot of new
offerings that we have on our side and yeah like really looking forward for the launch awesome
thank you so much look forward to seeing um what you guys come up with very exciting uh next we
have zeta swap hey hi i'm mrikant i'm the co-founder of zeta swap i'm excited to be here
so what we have been building is an only chain dex powered by native and zeta chain
our core aim is to bring more like a centralized experience and the price of the synergy of
sex into the sort of decentralization of a dex so that's what we are aiming for we utilize
uh native to sort of our unified liquidity layer how we today work and sort of what differentiates
us from other players in the market is that we try and aggregate the best prices across
all the amm pools and the pmms that are existing out there and then we use zrc20s to interact
with them so that you get the best price for your trade there are a lot of amms in the market
there are pmms in the market we try and bring you the best of both worlds um i just take a few
examples of how that helps so amms are super decentralized um enable participation from
everybody into the ecosystem but uh amms are not very efficient because uh you cannot have
a deeper liquidity you are bound to have slippage um you can have employment and loss when you're
putting LP etc whereas private market makers have a deeper liquidity but they do not cover a huge
variety of assets though the price efficiency you get is unbeatable uh we combine the best of both
worlds where we are able to combine both with natives unified liquidity layer and bring you
the best price across all the assets so in case an asset is available across amms we try and find
the best tool and deliver that to you in case we are able to find a better prices in the pmm
with native we do that so in the end if you're trying to trade and you care about the throughput
and get the maximum value out of it you know super friendly user experience and with a great
capital efficiency then zeta swap is your place to be and we would be uh going live first in
data chain dealing with erc20 and later expand to all chains and enable cross-chain transactions
awesome thank you so much and so to cap off the d5 projects that we've been talking to
we have zeta and are you guys you guys there hey guys uh this is from zeta and
thanks for having us um very pumped to be uh part of this uh launch party uh for zeta chain mainnet
uh quick word about ourselves um we are the first and leading uh zeta liquid staking restaking
protocol and we'll be working with the team since middle last year and witnessing the
exponential growth that has happened leading up to this mini launch event today so we have actually
so far before the launch of minute already acquired more than 24 000 users with more than 115 000 zeta
already staked and we're very excited to have partner with more than 10 key partners across
no operators wallets d5 protocols and more and um really want to see how um the growth would actually
be turbocharged with a floodgates opening soon on the mainnet um well uh the reason why we have
actually chosen to work with zeta chain is because the vision of a omnichain future is
really congruent with uh what we feel uh because ending fermentation of liquidity and enabling a
diverse yet undivided native yield for various crypto assets is our call duty but we don't
actually stop at just providing liquid staking services we're actually looking at some
integration with other d5 primitives to actually form a universal unified liquidity pool and we
are looking to also launch our launch pool on zeta for more collab partners and projects in the
ecosystem bit of the further plans on ourselves we are going to quickly launch the auto-validator
selection algorithm so that the users who stake on zeta earn will be able to max out staking yield
and importantly i think what differentiates zeta from other chains or ecosystem is of the omnichain
promise that means on both ways users can actually stake zeta on multiple different chains to get a
native yield or stake their native tokens to actually earn the yields from zeta chain and
i think big topics in the market recently has been circling around bbc staking that's
definitely in our roadmap and re-staking that's going to come as soon as well we're going to
pace ourselves closely with the zeta chain team to make sure that you guys actually get
the best access whenever it becomes ready so make sure you connect with us by our app
and social media channels to stay on top of the latest development thanks cheers
awesome thank you so much and yes if you're listening in the audience yep there's a great
opportunity to follow these these projects their twitter handles are here so do
add them and follow them and if you have business or or other inquiries you know they've all said
they're open to you sending them dms so please go ahead and do that and just to catch our breath
for a second because we've got through quite a lot this is the mainnet countdown twitter spaces
that we're hosting today earlier on we spoke to a lot of the team that's building out zeta chain
and we got an update on where they're at we had q and a's um from the audience we'll have
potentially have a q and a at the end if we have if we have time but we're already running
almost two hours so far and we estimate that we could be here for another one or two hours
because we are currently going through uh brief introductions and conversations with more than
40 projects that are building on zeta chain we you just heard from more than half a dozen
in the defy space very insightful and we're now moving on to the infrastructure space so we've got
a whole bunch of new speakers that we'll be going through starting with all that node are you guys
here can you introduce the project and explain a bit about how we're working with you
do we have all that node
okay maybe we don't have them yet um okay cyberconnect are you guys here
okay we might need a minute to just figure out everyone's here
dsrv labs
okay let's start with someone who i can see is here which is piff do you guys want to want to go
fast um talk a bit about the project and um how you're working with us yes yes hey guys can you
hear me hello yep yep loud and clear amazing perfect so hey guys it's uh it's an honor to be here and
it's great that we have a uh short presentation here this is nd from piss data association
so we are contributed to the pith network and as you may know pith network is the largest first
financial oracle so we provide low latency subsecond price updates to more than 50 blockchains with more
than 400 price feeds including crypto forex commodities ux securities etc so our goal is to bring the next
generation defy to the real life by empowering the protocols on every blockchains with high
quality and loaded it later you you guys may know pith will be launching uh with other price
fees available immediately after the launch to permissionless
cluster to the data chain layer and then we are happy to provide every support
you encounter any regarding infrastructure and
hey sorry i think your audio is a bit a bit in and out can you hear me
i think the networks a bit in and out do you want to go on the wi-fi network or off if you're
already on because your your answer is uh cutting in and cutting out
maybe go ahead to the next one john i think everyone is familiar with pith
and and they'll be on mainnet day one okay cool uh who is next we don't have everybody in uh
yet i don't think uh zk bridge are you guys there how's the connection oh hi guys can you hear me
loud and clear perfect yes yeah welcome please do explain a bit more about um your project and
how you're working with us yeah sure sure so uh this is shuki with uh polyhedral network
and we uh we invented and deployed as zk bridge in the market and so far we have delivered over
12 millions of messages on chain and we're connected to 20 plus networks uh so in the future so after
the mainnet launch um we are potentially student degree our zk bridge to support zk here too
yeah so that's about me and my project here and congratulations on the mainnet launch here
and we're very excited about the mainnet countdown here
cool thank you so much um can you hear me okay now
yes much better yes nice amazing great thought i was uh the network is not the best but yeah
here's uh pith network and uh just to go quick intro about uh itself as you may know pith is
the largest first party financial oracle that bring uh subsecond low-density data to
more than 50 blockchains with more than 400 price feeds including crypto
forex stocks commodities etc as you may name it so we hope that we are able to empower the
protocols on zeta chain with the subsecond price updated uh data so that you guys can integrate it
and integrate it into your protocol design permissionlessly so we will be live on mainnet
on zeta chain mainnet when the the mainnet launch it happens and we hope we can provide
the best infrastructure to the network and we hope we can bring more support to the
to the ecosystem and yeah congratulations to the main launch and we are excited about that
yeah great thanks so much and thanks for coming on and coming back also so i appreciate that
okay who's next uh kive kive network am i saying that correctly feel free yeah exactly that
it's perfect welcome it's from thank you so much for having us uh i am paul from tech network
um so at kive for those who are not familiar with us we are building a decentralized data lake
but to be more precise we are decentralized validation layer that uh occur between data
sources and decentralized storage solution like our weave and what we're going to do for the
zeta chain a community and the local community mainly uh it will be build uh decentralized full
archiver node making all historical data of zeta chain permanently stored on our weave and
accessible for free and for everyone so basically for those data you can use them uh after to build an
indexer dashboard data analytics platform um whatever you want you call it um by leveraging
your elt pipeline so with the elt pipeline you can import all data that have been archived through
into more than 60 destinations so like big queries my euro rescue query snowflakes
mongolili and so on and we have also a tool that is called k-sync that basically allow you
to block state or i think your node in less than two minutes at any historic block or state of
zeta chain in the future uh completely for free so it will be like a big game changer for
validators where we'll be able to join a network way faster but also for data scientists so let's say
we are here to empower builders across the ecosystem so feel free to use sky if you have any question
feel free to reach out to us but i'm sure we're going to work together in the future
awesome thank you so much um okay let's hear from multibit bridge moose how are you doing
hey guys i'm moose i'm a core contributor at multibit um so we are the first uh omni compatible
uh brc 20 bridge uh we launched back in may um and basically the goal was to bring uh enhanced
liquidity to the brc ecosystem um as everybody knows bitcoin up until now you haven't been able to
use any smart contracts on the network so everything uh hasn't been backed by like smart contracts
hasn't been trustless up until now um and basically we're uh integrating with zeta
and they're integrating with us um to basically allow evm rust compatible basically omni compatible
chains to bridge to zeta um and allowing the liquidity to flow into zeta chain
and uh so far basically we've been also liaisoning a lot of top projects uh that want to basically
launch like a brc pair um that started out uh evm or rust compatible basically so we're
basically bringing over a lot of top projects into the ecosystem as well and a pleasure to be
awesome thank you so much for joining okay and uh i think this will be the last project to discuss
on the infra side is social scan are you guys there can you hear me there's your connection
a social scan can you hear me can you i can't i'm not hearing anything from you yet are you guys there
i see gold sky is on let's jump to them and then come back to social scan gold sky are you guys
hey we're here this is andrew from gold sky i am uh the marketing lead on the team um first off uh
super excited about the zeta chain launch um i think it's really great to be in here with everybody
just support getting this off the ground um i think as a project it has a ton of potential and is really
carving out a niche um in the space which uh has kind of historically been underserved so
it's really amazing to see all these projects coming together um to uh you know help out and
build this ecosystem so just for a little bit of context on gold sky uh we are a real-time
on-chain data platform and we build tools for developers to power up their applications with
better on-chain indexing sub graphs and data pipelines so building a chain indexer from scratch
uh can usually be a big pain in the butt there are all these infrastructure challenges you face
along the way and it eats into a lot of developer time um so we we thought that should be easier
and we ended up building more of a plug-and-play solution with some of the top data engineers in
the space to give more web 3 builders access to top tier data streaming solutions for their projects
we offer two main core services the first being high performance sub graphs
the second being a flexible data pipeline tool that we call mirror sub graphs are more or less
industry standard at this point for pulling on-chain data but a lot of existing providers out there
for indexing services have a lot of issues with downtime and lag so we do a ton of optimizations
on our end to make sure that our sub graphs are super fast and super reliable and we also try to
offer some of the more competitive pricing plans out there uh gold sky mirror is more of our
flagship product it basically gives devs full control of working with on-chain data so you can
choose any data source like chain data from a zeta chain sub graph apply transformations to that
data shape it how you want and then sync it directly in your backend database where the rest
of your application lives so if you have a postgres or clickhouse instance already set up you can use
mirror to get a live view of the entire chain in your database at any given time at the end of the
day we want to make it easier to work with data that's why we're here we already have a number
of projects building with the zeta chain sub graphs on gold sky and definitely want to support
the ecosystem overall so yeah best of luck to everybody i think everybody here is is super
excited about where things are going and um yeah if you want to follow along with gold sky
give us a follow on twitter it's goldsky.io uh if you want to hear more and uh yeah stay in touch
great thank you so much okay let's try again hi hi can you hear me guys there
okay finally yeah uh thank you so much for the invitation and uh huge congrats on uh
finally launching the mainnet and uh you know one thing i have to say over the past few months of
collaboration i think that chain is one of the most builder centric team i've ever worked with
and really glad to see you guys finally making it there for the mainnet launch um as for service
again um you know we are a large language model powered social discovery portal where um you know
users not only can experience web3 with everything from on-chain assets social network data protocol
etc all the way to interacting and trading um on-chain assets in the future and our vision is really to
leverage the current state-of-the-art AI architecture and combine that with um everything um you know
on-chain uh together we can actually build something uh you know web3 unique um web3 um data
powered large language model and we our vision is really to open that capability to more developers
uh not just you know web3 developers but also web2 developers who can actually build on top of
what search scan is doing i think of us more like a gpt store but in web3 and this is all
made possible by underlying data infrastructure and we start to call it mario protocol um in terms of
the team uh the team has you know is uh stanford uh since 15 uh we uh have uh years you know decades
of experiences working with big data and the ai um and uh you know the product is about to
better testing uh actually next month and if we are interested about you know what we are doing
and if you if you'd like to reach out feel free to reach out reach out to us through twitter or
discord um thank you so much for the for the invite again and again huge congrats on the main knowledge
thank you so much and thanks for joining and okay so that wraps up the infra projects that we spoke
to thank you so much to pith network polyhedra kive multibet social scan goldsky uh please
follow those guys uh give their account a follow and uh as they've all said dmm if you have
any business um incoming that you want
okay um we're moving on now to the wallet section so the speakers
have changed and we've got a bunch of our wallet partners on here just to recap for those who
recently joined um this is our mainnet countdown twitter spaces um this section we're talking to
partners who are working with us um in the ecosystem you heard from uh over half a dozen
d5 projects at the start we've also just spoken to info projects and now we're moving into the
wallet section so okay let's see who's here from the list uh burrito wallet i think we're just
waiting on those guys to join so let's start with big get are you guys there can you hear me hey
elvin here from big get wallet you hear me all right hey elvin yes perfectly cool cool cool um please
yep yep i'll go so elvin here thank you based in singapore uh i'm the chief operating officer at
big get wallet um basically um big title but basically you know in charge of everything that's
growth related um just want to say huge congrats to zeta chain on the mainnet launch um you know
i've been with several blockchains and it's definitely a lot of work to get there so very
quick primer on uh big get wallet we do have 15 million users in our user community so it is one
of the is easily one of the top four to five largest wallets in terms of non-customity wallets
today uh we do have a very strong base in asia but we are also growing very fast in europe
so kind of uh you know reaching a diversified user base today um i think two main things that
differentiate us from the other wallets one is we do provide the most comprehensive network today
we are integrated with hundred plus mainnets and zeta you know zeta chain of course um so even
if you're thinking about you know you want to swap tokens in cosmos a multi-system evn in salana
you can actually do all of those in one wallet um the other one is we try to bring a lot of
value to users um via the latest opportunities and assets and things are moving so fast right in web
three so today we're the only wallet with a launchpad we do have a launchpad project we call it the
initial wallet offering that's coming this friday uh we actually created a new tool to allow users to
meet the inscriptions on 16 different chains hopefully zeta chain one day soon as well
and all in all like we try to bring just more value to our users and why we decided to kind
of work with zeta chain um you know i've been following zeta chain for i think over over half
a year now and i must say the concept is really good i'm a big big fan of interoperability
i think such a solution is gold today because we listen to our users all the time right and
it is increasingly complex um in this web tree world and i think that the best thing about this
is that you know zeta chain even have bitcoin smart contracts and you know it's not just
allowing kind of depths to build on evms or different evms but also across like btc and evms
i think that's gold so happy to be here to support will love for users to be exposed to all the top
depths in zeta chain um if any of you are looking to connect please uh connect me directly uh and
yeah follow follow the get wallet as well thank you awesome alvin thank you so much great to have
you here um okay i'm just gonna go till i can see here we'll change the list uh token pocket hey guys
can you hear me okay hello okay okay yeah the floor is yours okay cool and let's introduce
myself first and i'm the i'm the operation operation managers of token pockets and i work
for token pocket for over maybe three years already and token pocket is uh formed on uh six years ago
and we normally uh with seven years this year actually oh so here is the brief introduction
of the token pocket token pocket is the world leading multi-chain shop custodial wallets and
support event compatible network such as ethereum pmp chain protocols and zeta chain later as as well
as the non-evm compatible network like bitcoin, chom, sonarana, and the dogpond uh as we all know
token pocket is a decentralized wallet the secret purpose and priorities are only stored in users own
device and actually the users have very good sources of crypto assets and now token pocket
product like up in in complex is mobile wallet and chom expansion wallet and checkout hardware wallet
and uh after they come in mid-night lunch we will also support data change uh to all
all the all these three products and so uh the mobile wallet, chom expansion
wallet, and keypad hardware wallet forming a compact comprehensive ecosystem for token pockets
and uh with the token pocket wallet actually users can easily connect with over 1000 networks
and thousands of apps and the full web free ecosystem. Additionally, users can indulge one
stop distance like trading service and off-brand grant service provided by token pocket and
now token pocket has provided reliable service for over 20 million users around the world
and the number of money active users is this 1.5 million and it is located in more than 200
countries and ranges around the world so we are looking forward to uh attack more data chain
ecosystem users by optimizing the interaction experience by the staking that interactions and
so uh just all the operators and get up with the latest news from token pocket yeah thank you
okay thanks very much um this is a quick request if you're speaking can you try there's a lot of
background noise for you guys token pocket so if you are speaking if you could get to somewhere
um a bit quieter going forward okay uh who's next burrito wallet can can you hear me hello
check one two loud and clear okay the floor's yours thank you very much excellent so this is
adam i'm the global bd at burrito wallet um i just want to say thank you to the zeta chain team
and all the partners here today and for all the hard work and helping to build this amazing
ecosystem so burrito wallet is a south korean non-custodial wallet and subsidiary of bit thumb
exchange and we're really excited um to be one of the first non-custodial wallets to bring zeta
chain to the south korean market and take part in this vibrant community and ecosystem
um so zeta chain will be the 20th network we integrate and a big part of working with zeta chain
um will be to help grow the ecosystem by connecting dapps and protocols with our user base
and giving them access to deep liquidity on the network you'll be able to access these
projects in our dapp section and others will be integrated directly into our wallet
so currently we're about to launch version 2 which we're super excited about um which will
have improved ui ux a project community forum and questing platform to access rewards
so with this version 2 launch um will be um integrating our point system so keep your eyes
out on x for events and to get a head start in that ecosystem so yeah we're super excited and
i just want to say thanks again to everyone being here so and if there's any projects that
won't help to enter the queen market feel free to contact us thank you very much
welcome thank you for joining us okay um that was burrito wallets and now we have d-sig d-sig
hello guys hey so um firstly i just want to say congratulations on the zeta chain mainnet launch
d-sig is very excited to continue our journey with zeta chain and all the eco system partners
here and we would like to contribute to advancing interoperability and also expanding user access
in the d-file landscape um to quickly introduce d-sig is the first omnichain smart multi-sig
offering streamlined treasury operations unlimited blockchain scalability and
interoperable access management that provides a low risk view we're actually live on 18 blockchains
within just eight months and we secured four major hackathon wins from across the space
including zeta chain and we also celebrated having 10 000 app downloads a weekly active
user base of over 2 000 users and a tv hour of one million dollars we have redefined multi-sig
by introducing an innovative alternative to the traditional safe as we know our wallet has
utilized npc tss technology for eoA level compatibility we enable seamless access to
the d-file world for billions of locked assets we do not have private keys they are already split
into recoverable secret shares and with gasless vault setup and management you can say goodbye to
seed frames and costly gas expenses we also offer one unified vault for all evm compatible chains
we ensure maximum convenience and security for your assets some cool features that we have
are built-in staking aggregator which is a streamlined dashboard with comprehensive insights
on validators and liquidity staking platform with tailored recommendations and one-click staking
with real-time data the second is cash flow report with categorized transaction with a summary
comparison of inflow and outflow with month on month and year on year data and final is an
intel driven swap which is an aggregator of dex aggregators designed to offer the best route for
maximum return we are ideal for project founders fund managers dows and group users looking for
collaborative financial management and also for individuals with enhancing security with multi
devices approval to briefly share what we've been working on with zeta chain is working on with
zeta chain has laid the foundation for us to follow the omnichain roadmap so zeta chain actually
help us to offer user a unified experience with their assets by allowing seamless interoperability
across multiple blockchains and the team at zeta chains has also been very supportive of all of
the partners including us and we're very proud to be one of the first projects to develop alongside
zeta chain through all of their testing space up until now and we work on the shared belief
that crypto should be accessible and user-friendly for everybody this is a very strategic move for us
to work with zeta chain and it align perfectly with our vision of simplifying treasury operations
thank you awesome thank you so much thank you so much for that and next up we have okx web 3
hello everyone thanks for having me here today i'm Monica from the okx web 3 team i'm so excited to
hear you're counting down to the launch the minute and glad to meet with so many friends in the
ecosystem here as we all know okx is the leading global cryptocurrencies but and the relative
exchange ranked second in terms of trading volume the okx web 3 is an essential product of okx group
we are offering a comprehensive web 3 solution enabling users to store trade earn and manage
both cryptocurrencies and and nfts across over 81 chains okx wallet is a self-custodial wallet
including mpc and abstract account technology this aligns with web 3's core principles of trust
lessness transparency and permissionless we design our wallet product for users imposed in the same
experience yes we all know we have been working with zeta trans for a while like cripopedia etc
and zeta trans has is working on something super cool making it very easy for developers to create
apps that work across all kinds of blockchains even the ones without smart contracts like bitcoin
and dotcoin for our users it means a simpler experience with wallets and keeping our digital
assets more safe zeta trans unique approach licensing your army chain smart contracts and
the chain agnostic message passing we believe it will create a more seamless web 3 ecosystem
experience also i want to give a heads up to the audience here today the okx wallet and zeta
trans are joining forces to help the web 3 ecosystem flourish we aim to simplify the user
experience by integrating the zeta trans army chain approach and also we have a jump star
so keep counting and check it have a try and enjoy yourself here thank you
thank you so much okx web 3 okay next up we have sleek wallet
okay hi everyone this is lady from sleigh wallet i'm also a co-founder of sleigh wallet
and congratulations to the upcoming min and lunch of the other chain and thank you so much for the
constant support along by the journey and sleigh wallet is actually the first native
and non-custodial omnichain erc 4337 smart contract wallet built on zeta chain and by simplifying
like wallet management and eliminating the need of public chains we aim to damage the complexity
of web 3 and creating distinct lists and most user-friendly entry layer of web 3 actually our
mission is to leverage the power of zeta chain omnichain and the abstraction features of the
erc 4337 standard to provide the simplest web 3 seamless access entry like for broader audience
so we aim to enable this web 3 world and the product philosophy of sleigh wallet
actually align closely with zeta chain's principles the current lack of interoperability
between trends between this chance is actually a significant and undeniable challenge in the
development path of the multiple chain wallets so data chains omnichain smart contracts are
inherently like focus on addressing cross-chain communication so we believe that leveraging
zeta chain can help overcome this issue and achieve the desired interoperability between
different chains so after the main launch actually we aim to build the compatibility
of the bitcoin public chain and enabling like one click creation of bitcoin wallets and providing
a dedicated bitcoin access and trading market for seamless exchange of brc20 tokens and ordinal
nfts etc and we will have a lot of upcoming features so stay tuned and follow us and
download our wallet to use okay thank you very cool thank you so much and x defy you guys are
up next can you hear me hey yeah hey you guys um hey everyone i'm jordan head of marketing at x defy
i want to say thank you for having us on the space we're super excited to see the launch of
the zeta chain mainnet uh for those that may not be familiar x defy wallet was one of the first
and is a leading multi-system browser extension wallet we currently have over 200,000 weekly active
users and we're currently working on a mobile app which should come out sometime in around q2 q3
we're designed to make defy easy for users we provide a seamless secure and user-friendly
experience across multiple blockchains so we support 34 blockchains natively such as bitcoin
solana ethereum cosmos but we also we are i believe we're the only wallet that supports
both evm and cosmos custom networks so that gives users access to over 200 networks and over 10
million assets with this we support the most amount of blockchains and assets than any other
self custody wallet one point that sets us apart from the other wallets out there is that we'll
soon be launching a new feature called the gas tank and basically this abstracts gas fees for users
because now a user will only need to have one account balance to pay for all their on-chain
fees across any supported network so if you're doing an action on like zeta chain or if you're
doing an action on like ethereum or bitcoin they would all be taking gas fees from one balance
rather than having separate gas tokens on each network which will make it a lot easier for users to
jump between different blockchains so our mission is simple is to empower users by providing them
access to every opportunity and defy and be the one wallet for all your crypto and so we're really
excited to support the zeta chain ecosystem we believe that zeta chain aligns very closely
with us with the omnichain mission and what this means for users is that it's just really
simple we make it easy to manage your assets on zeta chain connect to any kind of zeta chain dapp
while also managing your assets across other chains in the meantime
cool thank you so much jordan from xdfi so that caps the wallet projects that we spoke to
um thank you so much to bit get wallet token pocket burrito wallet desig labs okx web3 sleep wallet
and xdfi wallet give these guys a follow they're out there building on zeta chain just to recap
this is our mainnet countdown twitter spaces we began by talking um to the core contributors
building out zeta chain and this section is where we speak to a number of projects who are out there
building uh we had more than a half dozen dfi projects on at first we spoke to some
infrastructure projects you just heard the wallets and next up we're talking to dapps
so let's see if the dapps is quite difficult managing while there's we've got more than 50
partners who are adding um twitter spaces has a limit of i think 13 concurrent speakers so it's
been quite challenging getting people in and out but we should have um the next set of speakers
who are going to talk about dapps decentralized apps okay uh chat gm can you guys hear me
yeah i can hear you awesome the floor is yours thank you so much for joining
thank you so much i'm creating everyone from vietnam i'm even the head of marketing of chat gm
so what do we do chat gm use interactive AI to make web3 simple and accessible to everyone
and our mobile app makes any pdc or evm wallet become a chat app that we you can test and
video code between wallets as well as communicate with telegram whatsapp and discord all-in-one
but the real game changer is our in-app interactive AI assistant or what we call gmai this will
simplify complex crypto tasks like cross-chain preaching and smart trading and storing safety
from scammer and hacker it's like having a crypto expert in your pocket our founders are all
accomplished entrepreneurs in web3 e-commerce machine learning AI chat pod with successful
assets from europe to south asia with comedy acquired by a big name live in group and other
european column merits we already have over 50 000 user after one month of test launch and over 31
k follower from twitter and chat gm we powered by zeta chain is currently backed by the founder
of axi infinity the sandbox game corsic network crypto valley venture and other web3 titans our goal
is very simple to make web3 more connected through secure communication and help everyone
to use web3 easily with gmai and as we gear up for gm on public launch zeta chain has been one of our
most important partner zeta chain's vision of an interconnected omnichain future especially the
ability of evm smart contract to interact with midpoint blockchain align exactly with what we
are building at chat at chat gm and vice versa and thanks once again everyone so happy everyone is
here to witness history this is the store of an omnichain future and it's led by zeta chains thank
you so much great thank you so much from chat chat gm uh let's go to uh hooked protocol
okay hi guys okay great yeah can you hear me yes yes loud and clear thank you thank you hi everyone
it's iris from hooked protocol so thanks for having us and congratulations for the new launch um actually
as for everyone who haven't known about hooked protocol so we are like the world first for the
web3 social learning platform transforming over 10 million users and our vision is to create an
immersive open educational network for billions of people and one more like we we hope and we expect
and still pursue the goal to educate and engage the global community in embracing web3 and master
the web3 for prepared to grow and so currently we are in the face of hope 2.0 and hope 2.0
is the visionary expansion of hope social learning ecosystem with the
oh do we lose you they're hooked
yeah we lost her maybe we'll come back
oh you're there thank you okay cool can you hear me yes yeah okay thank you so much okay so
currently we are in the face of the hook 2.0 so actually is there like the expansion phase of
social learning ecosystem with the focus on the web3 education so it aims to establish a comprehensive
web3 social learning environment so the key features like include about social learning
metaphors an app team infrastructure powder by hook as a native tokens and multiple opportunities to
generate like a yield through the hook reward so actually there are like three initiatives the
first one we are doing right now is about alumni's collab with the ecosystem giant like to bridge
about web3 education across various ecosystem via the ecosystem giant collaboration and the second
one is about hook education launch part as a new branded by hook a file launch platform to
accelerate like qualify projects for educating comedies for prepared to grow and last but not
least is the real world like educational alliance like amplify the impact of web3 education
through the world class educational universities and institutions like we call hook unit tour so
actually we did already very successfully in the impact regions like vietnam career and hong kong as
well so zeta team is collab with her like maybe educational campaigns and more activities ahead
and we are so proud of being the companions with zeta team as ecosystem partners
so key guys so key follow both data team and hook for the further maybe value generated
activities so thank you guys awesome thank you so much your input um let's move on to
weave six you guys there and ready to have the floor perfect yeah okay um hello everyone uh this
is it um from the web6 um thanks for having us and really excited to celebrate the zeta
trends main launch and uh we have been preparing for this day so months ago like working closely
with data chain team like on omni chains on left is the mint uh trade and also launch standard
so really excited like for these days and uh actually for nft specifically uh web6 start
like with uh multi-chain marketplace but before like there was always kind of like a trade-off
questions for all the nft projects that's betraying like launching their nfts for either
value storage or more for like utilities since most of the liquidities are locked in l1 like the
but the interaction cost kind of like the gas are much cheaper on l2 so before like uh almost
every nft projects have to face those questions whether they want the liquidities or whether
they want for gaming projects specifically whether they want their assets you have more utilities
more like usage friendly to users so until then you know like we we get the chance to meet
zeta chains we get familiar with omni chain standards and that gives actually the 15
projects to you it's not just a trade-off but it becomes more strategies or options to actually
include like both of the demands like into their assets design so by that means like with uh
leverage the cross-chain and omni chain standard infrastructure by zeta chains uh we're trying to
upgrade the web6 into like a more like a omni chain asset trading platforms so this way it's
like users on web6 will not only be able to manage their multi-chain assets like we said more like
a chain agnostics seamless experience but also more important for nft d apps or like
who would want to launch their assets when web6 will have the capabilities to launch their nft
omni chain nfts and or like inscription assets but like with embedded like cross-chain
interoperabilities and uh really looking forward to these uh collaborations and uh in the future
we are currently more focused on like bridging uh bitcoin ecosystem assets kind of like
ordinary nfts to make like those assets not only have the value storage but it may have more like
interoperabilities with it a smart contracts always some like other um more omni chain applications
like to cross to the evc six ecosystems but yeah so really looking forward to these collaborations
and uh glad to be able to be part of the ecosystem and um yeah congrats guys and
really looking forward to it thank you
awesome thank you so much we've six um we're just taking a minute while the other uh speakers join
we've got some some more technical issues again um which is a little bit frustrating but
so thanks for holding on um if you just joined to recap this is the zeta chain mainnet countdown
twitter spaces we are running this twitter space ahead of our mainnet launch which is coming
very very soon as part of this we wanted to give some insight into the folks who are building
the protocol and developer programs grant programs marketing programs and and all of the uh and all
that beyond and in this section of the spaces we're speaking to projects who are building
on zeta chain we discussed we we talked to more than half a dozen d5 projects at the start of this
section then we had a number of prominent infrastructure projects we just spoke to
more than half a dozen uh wallet projects and now we're speaking to dapps who are building
on us and we have some more who've just joined so airdal can you hear me yes
hey there so do you want to introduce the project and explain how you're working with zeta chain all
right thank you very much for the opportunity um airdal is very glad to be part of this
in fact we are new partners in this and i must say we are very happy and congratulations
to the zeta chain team you've done so wonderful um over the week my team as a counselor and
operational team i've been following you trying to get things um in line and i think you are doing
great very great and also all the partners that you have here they are so wonderful so add
out is a community government layer one blockchain i think we are just one of the few um layer ones
that are governed by community fully community garden of governed and what we do is community
elects a number of nine people to govern the blockchain called the council members
aside these council members we have the operational team members and we have the community so by
whatever decision that is supposed to be taken um the council has to propose it to the community
and take it to vote before that decision the product or whatever um opportunity that needs
to be built on add out will be built on it so add out is a community government layer one blockchain
as i said we have our own bridge into evm networks like um ethereum we have a bridge to ethereum
itself we have our own native token i think will be one of the few people who have their tokens
listed on binars and we we have our native taking we are building a bond market place we are building
a decks so we are doing a lot of things internally and i think this is the very right opportunity for
us to link up with zeta chain to go on nature so we are great being part of this um every day
when zeta chain needs add out we are there for them and we hope everyone is here for add out
and we're happy we we're hoping to meet you all at token 2049 come
April to build more on what we've started so far thank you
John i think you're on mute oh yep you're right i am sorry i was saying we were having some technical
issues uh adding more of the dap projects that we wanted to add um so we we will probably move
on to the communities and then if the daps at that projects join then we can move back to the daps
um okay so thank you very much air dal um build box you guys have the floor yep
hi everyone and uh thanks for having us as zeta chain team very excited for uh mainnet launch
but um my name is Annalisa i am a product marketing manager here at Biddlebox and um
to give a little bit of context on what we do uh we are originally um we originally formed as
the gitcoin hackathons team and we uh ended up uh i believe about a year and a half ago we
disaffiliated from the gitcoin dal um or all of gitcoin holdings disaffiliated from the dal and
from there we launched Biddlebox which is a end-to-end hackathons and bounties platform
and we offer deborel as a service where primarily focused on hackathons we work with many
big players in the ecosystem like zeta chain to launch hackathons uh grow their communities
engage developers and that also includes um marketing content um all things community and um
we also have a hackathons platform which allows um anyone essentially to launch their own hackathon
uh just directly from their from our platform so um we've shoot i i want to say we've done about
combined with our hackathons with gitcoin we've run over 160 hackathons uh currently
with Biddlebox we have over a community of 35 000 onboarded users and our goal when we are working
with or when we have worked with zeta chain and um other uh ecosystem players is to um
sorry oh my oh my gosh on my telegram uh notifications are going off the chat but um
it's okay it's okay i know i'm like i'm like oh dude i need to i need to put my thing on do not
disturb um so um ultimately what what our goal is is to uh bring um new talented uh developers
builders and and that could be content creators designers um like business developers into uh
in this case the zeta chain ecosystem so um what we did with zeta chain i believe it was and i just
had this up on my computer yes uh it was around like q3 q4 of last year from august 23rd to september
the 29th uh we collaborated with zeta chain in hosting the it was a bitcoin challenge hackathon
and the goal of that hackathon uh was to initiate discussions among developers for
fostering novel dapps within the bitcoin ecosystem so um i can i think the results of that hackathon uh
were later posted on our site but um that came with a total prize pool of twenty thousand
uh dollars in bitcoin and um essentially the it was one challenge and uh the challenge was to
create a project incorporating uh zr20 bitcoin so um really really excited that now uh we were able
to onboard i think it looks like there were about 402 participants or 402 builders that participated
in the hackathon that we were able to funnel into the zeta chain ecosystem and um further
support this now mainnet launch that's all i got awesome thank you thank you thanks everyone
uh you can turn on your your telegram now oh no i'm i'm quitting the app
yeah it's it's uh good luck surviving yeah it's 10 p.m i'm in los angeles it's 10 p.m so i'm like uh
fairies fairies okay okay cool uh thank you very much okay next uh we have moldau uh which is
critterhead can you hear me yeah yes perfect yes the floor is yours thank you
thank you everyone for uh for having us what a great day it's early morning for us here so
my name is chris i'm the ambassador of moldau community here in dubai and to summarize quickly
moldau is a builder community we help and we aim to build to connect builders and developers
with chain and project and provide them with all the necessary tools and all the their needs
to start and thrive in their three journey so mainly we work with multiple project with
multiple communities and all the chains to support and provide the connection the funding the
community support from all what they need so we have four core initiative we have moldau gather
which is aiming to bring together all the talents all the dev to connect them with vcs
and with chain with builder in fact just after this this space finishes we have a demo day
today and you can also join us there will be many projects presenting their projects
we have another section called more learner we provide the educational platform with all
for the builders to start their weekly journey to learn about the blockchain how they can get
started all the new chains we should add definitely also zeta chain and many other
uh ideas and the new concept in the in the space and we have two initiatives that are currently
under development which is more starter and more career which will provide more tools for
for for developers to showcase their project and get fundraising and get also their career
and start their career into the space so we did also an event in real life with data chain
previously and we're definitely looking to provide more project support and to explore this new
ecosystem that zeta chain is providing we're really excited about the omni chain smart contract and
we really want to support all these new projects and new dev to start building on this chain
so congratulations on the launch and we're excited for the for what's coming next
awesome thank you so much okay let's hear from hack quest can you guys hear me yeah yeah
awesome lovely yeah thanks for having us uh first of all huge congratulations on the main launch
and uh yeah and my name is cameron i'm co-founder of hack files and workshop commons just a bit of
this uh introduction of our uh project so hack quest is an all-in-one web3 developer education
platform onboarding everyone developers and non-developers to the web3 development world
believe that improving web3 developer education is the key to driving mass adoption so our platform
offers a complete dev education experience from educational resources dev environment ai power
assessment and feedback system to the downstream ecosystem and we are currently collaborating with
ecosystem like lentil uh solana scroll near and also with projects like that is data chain to
presents clear learning paths for users to become certified web3 developers and contribute to the
broad ecosystem and uh yeah so uh we have it was very great to work with better chain we have
known and worked with jesse for a long time and dashing has always been very supportive for its
partners so we are currently noticing like a growing and growing um like uh attention to omnichain and
also btc smart contract ecosystem so we are very very looking forward to it and there's a huge
potential so um hopefully we can start more dev education initiatives in the future with
data chain yeah that's all for me cool thank you so much okay let's hear from metascool
hi hello so congratulations on the mainnet launch and um so a bit of introduction about
my company so i am sniha i work as the developer relations engineer and community specialist at
metascool and we are a web3 attack platform um where we are you know onboarding developers
we web3 web2 and like filling all the gaps that we have in terms of the education
uh we basically work with a lot of protocols and produce like around basic to intermediate
learning materials for them and um so we have recently like worked with fuel and
sui and we are in talks with zita chain and we are more than you know it has been a pleasure
interacting with the team because they've been so supportive throughout and uh yeah we are
hopefully looking forward to create more you know learning materials around zita chain and
work on the omnichain and bitcoin smart contract segments yeah that's it great to hear
look forward to working with you guys going forward yeah okay uh let's hear brian from
door hacks brian are you here hey yeah yeah i'm here thanks so much for having me and congrats guys
welcome um you know super glad to be here and don't want to take too much of anyone's time but
you know just you know very excited for uh zeta chain's upcoming launch and of course
and all of the hard work that the core contributors and the community has put into it thus far um
so you know having been you know probably calling ourselves a community member as well
for almost a year now maybe a little over a year it certainly is you know really glad to see
everything come to fruition here um so you know just happy to reiterate how glad we are to also
be a part of this community providing developers with different sustainable resources um and also
providing obviously hackathon and grant support to zeta chain developers as well um you know i know
we hosted i think maybe the very first global hackathon for zeta chain ever um probably coming
up on a year ago now um which had was was also one of the very first omnichain hackathons
hosted on dora hacks and that was a 30 000 prize pool um and we had a lot of different
submissions a lot of different registrations including over 100 final submissions um so
you know was blown away by how large the community for zeta chain was already even
a year ago um but you know obviously really glad to be a part of it and super happy to
be able to support the community um and look forward to doing more with the community in
in the future and continuing to support you guys in hackathons um it's been i think you guys are
doing a great job uh community seems to be growing really fast so you know our goal at
dora hacks is just to be a major resource for every single developer here and every single
developer in your community so you know just if you need need any help or have any questions
or are interested in hosting hackathons or you're looking for grant funding for your zeta chain
native projects feel free to reach out i'm here to be a resource for you and look forward to doing
more in the future perfect thank you very much um dora hacks uh okay next uh project rise in can
you guys can you guys hear me hey guys uh ankit here from rise in uh i am the head of growth
awesome uh thanks a lot super excited uh to join this uh mainnet countdown and i'm super excited
about the uh mainnet launch uh what we essentially do is uh we help on-board developers uh from web
two into web three through our boot camps and courses which are free for all the developers
and we are one of the biggest uh communities in india and turkey and uh we are super excited to
collaborate with you guys to take zeta chain to our audience uh to our developer community
in both the countries and uh you know in in last couple of years we've seen a lot of excitement
and we have too many learnings uh from uh the developer side of things about what developers need
uh you know how should we uh make them a stick to our uh you know web ecosystem because
there's like too many good talent uh you know across the globe but i think one of the problems
that uh generally everyone is having is how to retain these developers into their ecosystem
and that is what we are trying to solve uh by the way we are also going to host a session soon on
the latest uh you know electric capital report where uh you know we have seen a growth uh in
number of developers who are actively building on different blockchains and how do new developers
who come to who learn about web three and how are they contributing towards the entire
growth of the developer ecosystem so yeah that's about us uh and uh we're super excited
as i said again to you know work with you guys to you know take zeta chain uh you know to our community
awesome thank you very much um let's hear from stack up can you guys hear me
hi hi hi thanks for having us um i think firstly really congratulations on the launch
uh really excited for what's to come with the mainnet
of the zeta chain ecosystem i just wanted to give a quick introduction of myself and stack up so i'm
jolene and i lead the marketing at stack up um so what stack up is it's a developer platform
that that aims to ultimately help developers level up in their technical skills and equip them
with the latest tools and technologies be it web two web three and the background or wherever
they are in the world so this is really done through learn and earn tailored quests and learning
pathways that our team curates and then developers get to learn hands-on by building on different
technologies uh for instance some of them get to write a smart contract and deploy it or even
build a marketplace that so we gamify the entire learning experience so that developers who complete
these quests successfully will also earn rewards and we really work with different ecosystem
partners such as zeta chain to develop these quests to expose developers to different ecosystems
and technologies uh just overall ultimately at stack up we really aim to bridge the tech skills
in the space and help developers along in their developer journey and i think so far we've grown
to have about over 150 000 developers in our community and that's so that's just a quick
introduction of what we do at stack up and with zeta chain um we've had zeta chain for a while
now and really enjoyed working with the team in the past few months i think just to share a bit
more about the partnership um so we've teamed up with zeta chain to tailor and design a really
unique learning journey across four different campaigns so these developers can really explore
the zeta chain ecosystem and equip them with the tools and skills to ultimately start building with
zeta chain technology so i think our first campaign launched in december and it was focused on
future proofing dApps with zeta chains omnichain smart contracts and in this whole campaign
developers got to explore evm bitcoin interaction in dApps and how to integrate them and then the
second campaign that just ended uh some earlier in earlier this January it focused on omnichain staking
where developers got to create and deploy an omnichain staking contract so both campaigns
have funneled over like 2000 developers into the zeta chain ecosystem and then we're really excited
for the next two upcoming campaigns that we have lined up in the subsequent months so i think with
this mainnet launch something that our team is really excited to see is if our community of
developers will take all these skills and tools that they've learned from these campaigns to really
start building exciting projects on the mainnet yep so that's um that's about our partnership with
zeta chain and congrats again team for the mainnet launch really looking forward to great things ahead
awesome thank you so much
okay uh those were the community projects i think it is there's nobody else um
you know who hasn't spoken on the community side so thank you thank you so much um please do
do follow those projects airdal biddelbox mold out hack quest meta school dora hacks rising web 3
and slack up and we did uh talk to a few dapp projects earlier we had some issues getting
other ones um on the stage to speak happily we've added um a couple of others so uh let's hear
from all of us are you guys here tell me you're here we had some trouble getting you on but i think
you're here hey i think we just made it thanks for having me can you hear my voice yes nice one
yes loud and clear thank you great is it my turn now
yes first of all thank you for having us and huge congrats to this mainnet launch i'm super
exciting you know fan things are day one and the authors may introduce quickly who we are
so we are a power one-stop gaming platform for the web free games creation we aim to deliver a smooth
fusionist experiments and immersive AI integration for games and developers alike and uh in a
strategy we have been as far as established a partnership with data chain so that there will
be a exclusive event happening on approximately the middle of february to bring our first
fully AI integrated chip away gaming manifest experiments to the zedach and users and to bring
this immersive gaming where it's via compatible experiment to users it comes with a lot of
rewards and unit experiments building to bring something different to the space
and we've been in the space for two years and we are providing a one-stop solution
from gaming side and the vision is pretty clear we want to catalyze the max adoption of web free
gaming and super exciting to be part of this countdown event and hoping to see
more of the cooperation coming in the future awesome thank you so much um sugar sugar team
are you guys there i know you've been you've been waiting a long time
and had lots of issues getting in can you
show the team can you hear me
okay i met them earlier today and saw a demo of sugar web 3 dating app on zeta chain
that will launch next week okay all right more news to come already married it was that good
oh hey we can hear you there's a lot quite a lot of background noise though
are you still there
hi guys is it my turn yes yes
i think i lost you some with joy
it's okay uh if you if you can connect now then you can um you can talk about the project and
how you're working with zeta chain if you can if you can we can hear you that is if the
connection is decent are you still there
okay i don't know if we're gonna have another speaker
yeah okay right i think maybe we can uh we can have i'm sure there'll be another
spaces session that we have on daps we do them on a very regular basis every month so i'm sure
we can get sugar back to talk about what they're up to on a separate dap uh spaces but thank you
so much um people for tuning in um we just spoke to a load of partners across um d-fi
hi guys can you tell me now
yeah yeah okay this is if you can speak now then that's that's cool by the way
hi guys i'm from sugar team you can actually help me to all hands super happy to be part of this
great event i'm sure many of data community have heard of sugar we are super fun social
find project where you meet up new friends find cool craft or communities and even make
investment in people's social value maybe you will even meet your love here sugar seems like a data
or meetup aid but it's way more than that first of all the meetup experience is so much more
efficient you have to pay zeta or bitcoin to hold a team to start trying with a person
unlike traditional meetup aids where you swipe pumps of uses or receive pumps of unwanted
message here everything is more efficient secondly you make perfect out of social values by holding
a team you also use your financial assets to support your friends when they become popular your
teams also get more valuable moreover if your friends came early from gufting you get a share
of that revenue as well so this week we'll officially launch on the touch and nine nights
the sugar d id will be on the chain and often for users to join interact to record their social
data and connect points for future rewards please wait for more surprises thank you guys
cool okay thank you thanks so much um sugar team
and i think that we're done so thanks for joining us uh we heard from um more than 40 different
projects building on zeta chain which is very exciting there's also many more out there not
everybody could unfortunately make it here but thank you so much to all the projects who joined
across defi infrastructure wallets dapps and communities i'm now going to hand over
to jonathan who's the head of the community at zeta chain and the man behind the account as well
um did galler get a chance to speak um we can close out with them for 30 seconds i didn't want
to miss them yeah oh i missed you guys oh apologies mine is done yeah no worries gallery
the floor is to you to to close us out here yeah can you hear me yes sorry actually there
was some technical problem to apply the speaker so just let me quickly actually introduce us
so i'd like to achieve firstly congratulate zeta chain main main launch and my name is june i'm
co-founder of gary three so gary three offers the bspok b2b solution for every web3 community
relations by providing tailoring tools to leverage blockchain technology for brand marketing and
community engagements for doing this actually real first business dapps tools called on-chain
content solution that materializing holders experience with their on-chain assets onto
mintable and valuable contents it enhances the holders interaction with blockchain combining
on-chain and off-chain storytelling in a single dynamic nft so we provide various
on-chain content tokenizers uh we previously approved its effectiveness with our great
partners like x infinity and also other major enterprise like aog and lotte so we provide
like templates like the managing whitelist invitation for new members and ambassador relations
and the partnership enhancements and pricing your community so our solution have been
collaborated with a lot of projects and right now actually we are supporting zeta chain actually
systems on our on our surface so gary three is also actually um our occ tokenizer templates
we are actually ready to go with zeta chain and then we are actually really welcome to
help you all guys from actually marketplace games deep buy and wallets any projects can join
our registry that can use our templates so it'd be really welcome to actually contact us and also
our team will reach you out actually the best community solution for the projects as soon as
the space is ended so please don't be surprised and thank you so much
thank you and uh albert coming in at the last hour here um hi there you want to go ahead thanks
thanks for everyone hello zeta chain community it's an honor to be up here we're really happy
to support zeta chain um this omni chain is going to become a game changer is connected to bitcoin
um i'm super thrilled to see what people are going to be building on zeta chain and we're here to
help support that we become the longest running and fastest growing prig seller and all bitcoin
all the accelerators work with us we have uh a mentor investor network of over 200 people now
most of the movers and shakers on bitcoin a lot of people coming over from ethereum
and um we help you close the gap between idea and building a pre-seed investment ready startup
and about three months so some of the teams that do the best through our program could get funding
even right after three months the ones that slightly move a little slower they could get
into accelerator we we work with one accelerator two years ago now bitcoin has 10 accelerators
so um if you guys are building a zeta chain uh come check us out and we'll help you accelerate your
project thanks amazing i think that's a good place to wrap up um yeah so uh first of all john very
respectable job moderating tonight i think we got like 90 percent of the projects on on the stage
um so good job balancing all the speakers uh thank you to all the speakers for for joining
um i i don't think there's much more to be said um you just heard from like 50 project founders
building in the zeta ecosystem defi apps infra wallets metaverse projects everyone recognizes
a need to build for multi-chain and they see zeta chain as a partner to um help them do that
there are another 150 companies working in the ecosystem to build cross-chain tools and then
also unknown developers permissionlessly building on on the public chain so uh excited for mainnet
uh look out for updates on zeta official and all of the ecosystem partner twitters
um and the media coverage that will be rolling out imminently um it's it's time to bring
zeta chain the omnichain blockchain to the market so we'll we'll see you on the other side
and uh yeah that's it for me
cool thank you so much everyone for joining and we'll see you on the next twitter spaces
cheers thanks everyone