ZONE x Cosmic Champs x Pera Live AMA | Gaming on Algorand 🎙️🎮

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2023 Duration: 0:59:28



Hello, hello, can everyone hear me?
Yes we can.
Thanks, Dylan. Hey, everyone, Maddie here.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, we can hear you loud in here. It's all good. Okay, and there's not too much noise from the background. Not so far so good. Okay, great.
Just give it a couple of minutes let all the speakers join and
people join a film and then we'll kick off.
Hi, so I'm just going to mark check. Can you hear us and? We're gone. Yeah, I can hear you all clearly. Hey, how are you?
great times on yourself.
I'm doing great as well, excited.
Likewise, likewise. We're just giving it a couple of minutes, not too long before we kick off.
- Ciao, me.
All right.
Hello everyone, this is Wolf. I'm just wanting to make sure that I joined correctly and that everything is working properly.
sure both how are you
I'm doing great. Thank you. What about you?
Thank you very much.
I think we can slowly kick things off for now.
All right. And both just confirming Serkan is joining shortly right? Yeah, I think you might join a bit late, but that's fine. All there is.
All right.
Alright, guess I'll just kick off then.
Let's go for it. All right.
Hi everyone, thanks for joining us again in yet another exciting Discover Organization organized by ParaWallet. Very pleased to see all the people tuning in and thanks to our speakers as well for making the time obviously.
Just a little bit of housekeeping. We will have the asking questions right towards the end of the session. So please feel free to type your questions in the chat and we'll get to them whenever we can.
So yeah, thanks, thanks again for everyone to join. We convene here today to discuss gaming on all grand. Very exciting topic because all of us love games or most of us do it late.
And just a bit of twin introduction about obviously the topics will be touched and known as well will be impacting a bit on unleashing the potential of gaming in the algorithm. And then we will also be looking at the project overviews and roadmap for each of the projects.
I've already done a reminder but reminding again if anyone didn't hear that please feel free to type your questions in the chat and we'll get to them whenever we can. I'd like to get into the introductions now. I'll be introducing all the speakers and I'll be passing over the mic to the speakers
give a bit of introduction, a brief introduction about themselves, their roles and what they do. So I think I'll introduce the first one. The first speaker we have is Matty Blentjard, who is the CEO at CopmicJemps. Matty, welcome.
over to you. Hey thanks for having me and hello to everyone that's joined in. So I'm Maddie and I'm one of the co-founders and the CEO of Cosmic Chaps which is a play and earn game that we're doing on Algorand. So I'm a long-term game of myself, a PhD student, and a data analyst.
expert and Cosmic Chances is my first crypto project but I've been around in the space since about 2015 2016 and I think you just want to breathe intro like that right or do you want some more details? Oh if you want if you want to get more than we can but definitely we'll come back for more details
later on with. Yeah. I think the plenty be plenty of opportunities for more details later. So I'll pass it over to the next. Definitely. Definitely. Maddie. Thanks again. And over to you. So then our next speaker is, Sian Mukherjee, who's the CEO at Zone. So Sian, thanks for joining us over to you.
Hello everyone, so I'm trying to have the cheap business officer zone and XTCs and I've been leading the efforts at so-and-so product growth, marketing and analytics. I've been in the space for the past 5 to 7 years, like working in different
and Treasury Management Department at one of India's in short, a community conference, then moving out to the web three space. And since then, have been working with RB and the team. Like we are a very coherent team, been working
together since the past four or five years, different projects. And so on was when we thought, let's mix esports like we had doubled in esports and crypto both. So zone was when we thought let's bring esports and we're three together and that's how we are where we are right now.
That's great to hear, Shion. Thanks again for the introduction. Our next speaker is Sir Khan Tariq and he's a product lead at Fairwallet. So over to you, Sir Khan. Hi everyone. Thank you. Thank you, Sir Khan. So I'm
I lead product at the product that pair of wallets and pair of wallets is our first like foray into crypto back this is like four years ago but I've been in this space ever since I am I have a
product background, product strategy background, so I've been building digital products for the past 12 years. And I love gaming, I'm a very avid gamer and I'm really excited to see all the projects that are going on in Algrant and web 3 space in general, so there's
going to be so much future in a lot of the future of NFTs as well as what we believe lies in gaming. So yeah, and here we are. And I'll talk in a lot more detail later. But yeah.
from Para Gamer Digital Products. >> Love it. Thanks, sir. Come. So the first segment of this session today is we'll just go into brief project overviews and we're going around alking our guest
to talk about the projects that they represent. So firstly I think we'll do it over to you, Shion, to talk about zone and really obviously, if I were to hear from you about the GME 5 platform on our grant that you're building with you farming NST, so over to you.
Hey, thanks. So I'd like to give a brief overview regarding what we have achieved in the past three to four months at zone. In the past three months, we have scaled up. We launched our main net. We too scaled up to around 350,000 unique users, unique wallet.
it's due to 15 million percent split, 15 million percent transactions on chain. And all of this happened between in the last quarter of 2022 and up until now itself. We just put out a tweet today as well that shows that on an average around 40% of
all daily active addresses on the algorithm blockchain are coming from zone from the time of zone launch. And yeah, we've been doing pretty great in terms of growing the product in terms of user adoption and getting Web2 audiences involved through the creative
program that we launched we got around 1500 plus creators, come in and post on an average 2 to 3 videos each. That's got us a good amount of good growth spot in the plus period during the play-by-leak and we partnered up with Perra as well.
We have had a very strong partnership and a camaraderie with Perra since we have been working from the start itself. Like from the launch of our main net. And right now in the past three months we launched the hyper casual gaming segment into AAA, eSports segment, a fantasy sport segment, a gift card, and
in-game currency based marketplace which also supports NFTs and NFTs parts are still being launched right now it's not rolled out but the other marketplaces are still there so a lot of high fast-paced high-intensity development work has gone in and our team has done some relentless building a lot of products
Product rollout, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of merge requests going out plus the growth team and the marketing team has done also some incredible work in terms of using growth tags the right way, not burning money too much in the sense of forebrowing the user numbers, keeping the CAC very, very balanced
while growing and also partnering that the partnerships that we've posed with Aldo Ran for the PlayFile League, we pulled off quite good numbers like around 120,000 plus wallets have been generated just through the PlayFile League itself and we run it, we are still running it and we run it for two and a half months nearly.
Over, again, if for that as well, over four to five million games have been played in the league itself. Plus, our game farm's idea has also proven quite successful and that the evidence for that is in our partnership or game farm partnership with Perra as well. So Perra is our
consistent part in the game farm segment. They have recently also started their game farms again on zone and the statistics and numbers look good. And we are right now growing on an average at around 4 to 6,000 unique wallets per day. There was a certain degree of seasonality during the, you know,
with the winter, the holiday season, but yeah like we are seeing again growing numbers and overall this has been the entire focus for the past three, four months. Now in the future we are launching the player versus player format where people will be auto-matched on the basis of their skill level and
They'll play directly. After that, we are also like this is this is some alpha that I'm throwing out this hasn't been public yet, but we're also launching our world bowling league related stuff. So we had purchased the global rights for bowling in the year 2022 from our whole book and all the East
and web 3 based engagement stuff is going to directly be executed by zone itself. So that is also coming out and this year itself hopefully Q2Q3 but in the very recent future within the next 14 to 20 days we are launching our PVP format
And yeah, like we have a new reward and centralization program for new users coming in that are only accessible to new users. And like every new user gets three.
free tournament pools that they get to play. So overall, this has been our entire journey and we're planning to grow to at least a million users by the end of Q3.
Thanks, Saisan. That's brilliant to hear about obviously the growth of zone as well as great to have you on all ground. So that's very exciting. So next, next,
I'll come over to you and just ask you about cosmic champs and building the first 3D, P2E and FD Mobile game on the O-Gram blockchain. Tell us about that and obviously what cosmic champs is up to in 2023.
Yeah sure, super impressive. What's on is a tube so far, but that's really impressive. I think it highlights the power of gaming, right? It has such a broad appeal and the ability to reach much wider, a very wide audience and bring new people into crypto, which is super exciting for all of us here.
But for Cosmic Chaps, we're a mobile first player in a real-time strategy game. And it's said in space where the retro future theme has a tower, a rush with tower defense type formats. I think it games like Clash Royale. This is probably the most similar game that's out there. It's not a blockchain game, but it's something
something that we've been inspired by in the creation of our game because it works and people love that game. So in our game players we'll compose a battle deck of eight different characters and spells and they'll battle against each other in arena. So this PvP and we have our close beta out right now so people have been playing our game for
last two or three months against each other. It is a closed beta, so it has limited functionality for the time being. We just wanted to focus on the core functionality and make sure we got those things right before we started building on top of that. And the feedback so far has been amazing. People are saying that Cosmic Chaps is one of
the most fun blockchain games that have ever played, which is at this early stage, really encouraging it and great to see that we've at least got the core mechanics and gameplay style right from the beginning, so that a really good foundation to build from. But we were inspired and we started building Cosmetic
champs maybe mid-last year, no no the year before. So we've been working on the game for over 18 months now and at the time the blockchain games that were available all had these barriers to entry. You know they made it difficult to onboard new users because you had to buy an app and you had to connect the wallet and maybe
you had to buy some of their tokens and it basically required gamers to invest in a game that they never played before in order to access it. And we thought this was a huge barrier to entry and the wrong order of things. And a game is to be able to access a game easily, especially mobile games, and they want to be able to play a game
and fall in love with it before they stand any money on the assets of that game or advancing in that game. So this was the gap that we saw at the time. And there was 2.5 billion mobile gamers in the world at the moment. And there's only a few million who are playing blockchain games right now. It's probably less than one person.
of all mobile gamers. There's a great opportunity there for a fun, exciting blockchain game. It's easy to access, to remove those barriers to entry, to bring a whole lot of new users into the blockchain gaming space. And that was one inspired us, and that's the goal of Cosmic Chants. As I said, we have our
close data that's out. If anyone here in the Twitter space today would like to access it, just send me a message to our Twitter page. There are some groups to accessing it at the moment because of these closed. Once we move to that open data phase, it'll be accessible to anyone. And at the moment it's only available
Android devices. So if you would like access and you do have an Android device, then hit me up via our Twitter page. But we will be releasing an iOS version over the coming weeks. And we're also working on a web-based or browser-based version of the game as well that will be releasing. Hopefully, within a couple
months. We really want to make it as easy as possible for anybody that wants to play to access our game and to not have any of that friction that the first wave of blockchain games put up and many of the existing blockchain games that are out there now. So I think one of the most appealing things about cosmic champs is that you don't have to connect a wall or to play our game.
and you don't have to have a walk connected to start earning our assets. So it'll be playing Cosmic Chaps will be as simple as going to your mobile preferred mobile app store downloading the game, setting up an account and you don't need a wallet for that and then playing and you'll be able to accumulate our assets immediately even without a wallet and you'll be able to use
them within the game. If you do want to withdraw them from the game, then you will need to connect to it and claim those assets first. But for everything else, you can play, you can earn, you can spend, all with Atawala. And we think that's the future of blockchain gaming, removing those barriers to entry, making the blockchain invisible, giving
the players or the benefits of having the blockchain underlying the game but making it invisible to them so it barely interrupts or disturbs their experience as a player and that's what we're aiming to achieve in public champs. That's wonderful to hear. I'm a rigid looking forward to the iOS version.
So when you said Android only, it hurt, but when it was great to hear that iOS is coming soon as well. And yeah, thanks, thanks again, Maddie, for the details. Really exciting what calls me, chances up to. So next we'll just go over to
So, Sir Khan, we obviously know about Para wallet as the popular wallet on the OGRAM blockchain. Tell us about Para wallet's approach and obviously to gaming and how it simplifies the process of buying, holding and selling crypto assets and NFTs.
Yes, so this is something we're actually really excited about for 2023. As you know, Paraguay has undergone a pretty huge change in the past like 12 months from being like the default algorithm wallet to being something a lot more. And the world of the wide
vision is the fact that Terra Wallet wants to be the most integrated wallet for everything that people do on the algorithm blockchain. And I mean, lo and behold, what's going to determine what everybody does on the algorithm blockchain will be gaming. I think gaming is going to be a huge part of both
NFTs as well as Web3 in the coming year. And to my least point, all we want to do is like them to remove the friction points that people can feel while playing Web3 games. I mean, having a wallet
definitely one of them, but also while when they have the wallets and not be able to see what they have in the game, when in their wallet, etc. is another one. So one of the things that we've been working so hard towards is first of all a discover section which is out now which we have like
different collections you can view the NFTs in different collections and then hopefully in the future you are going to be able to buy them. But like with the way that we envision Alder and the Paramolid E-Augrand is a lot more than that. So what we want to do is to be integrated wallet into a web
3 game because yes, basically cosmic champs is making it such that you don't need a wallet to first play the game, but eventually you're going to want to own your assets and when you do you're going to have to connect to the wallet and then you're going to have to use the wallet for playing. When that happens, we want
to be D wallet where everything is integrated, where you don't have to think about, oh, how am I going to connect to Cosmic Shamps? Wish you why am I going to see? And do everything basically, not everything, but do a lot of things that you can integrate with from the pair of wallet UI.
This is really important for us, so much that we hopefully will, our vision is to build a SDK where games can interface with the wallet to actually do game actions within the wallet. We see the wallet as a part of the game if you're building a web
game. That's basically it. It's how you see your inventory, it's how you see your deck of cards, it's how you see XYZ, but in the end, Paraguaylet is supposed to be a part of the game and that's the vision that we're going forward with and in the within the next few months we hope to be a lot more integrated
not just like marketing, not just like joint marketing efforts with like and draw announcements and like we've been doing with so on, but using Paraguaylet as a more integrated tool as part of your Web 3 game is where we want Paraguaylet to go. That's just like we
little glimpse we can go into specifics later and this is much more vision talk but I really think that gaming is such a big part of Web 3 and it's going to be such a big part of NFDs that if you're doing anything related to them
you need to be integrated with games. So we want to keep the conversation going. Hence why we're here, hence why we're happy to be here and speak to other gamers to move the conversation forward. Thanks, Serkan. It's great to see that there is obviously thinking ahead and also
including the gamers or the gaming developers within the ecosystem. That's brilliant. Just for our proceed to the next segment, I'd actually like to introduce myself as well. You can already tell that I was so excited that I didn't even introduce myself. So I'm
the marketing community lead at ProBLE and pleased to be moderating this session. I also like to mention both the product manager at ParaWallet. He's also with us as a speaker today as well. Both if you'd like to give a brief introduction about yourself as well before we proceed, that'd be great.
Yeah, sure. So I've been in the para for like since the beginning actually when we transition from the previous algorithm wallet. As you mentioned, I'm a product manager here and I take care of different features for the wallet.
Before that, I have an engineering background and for quality assurance. So this is kind of what I bring into the pair when I come with ideas for new feature and stuff. And I too am a gamer, just a second. So I
I'm really excited to be here. It's fantastic to hear by the way all the updates and upcoming feature that they presented already. It got me really excited. So thank you again. >> Thanks again, both. So our next segment is basically we're going to unpack
I'll probably go to Mary for the first question. Mary Ogren uses have been calling for more entertainment driven projects, especially games. As you mentioned, as well as the way for mass adoption, because everyone
love game obviously or at least most of us so what's happening as Corp McChancellor broadly that would help unleash gaming on up beloved our Ogrant for that mass adoption I think the biggest the biggest thing is
what I talked about before with our goal of Cosmic Chaps and that's removing those friction points, removing those barriers and tree. So making it as easy as possible for people who aren't already in the crypto space to come into these blockchain games because there's a lot of benefits to a game being on the blockchain, right? It means true ownership of the assets that they
they have been in the game. And so I think removing the need for a wallet at least at the entry point and not requiring people to buy any of your assets before they start playing the game is a big step. Also making sure the game's fun and making it mobile first because most most gamers these days are
playing games on their mobile. As I said earlier, there's about 2.5 or 2.6 billion mobile gamers that are out there in the world. We're really focused on reaching these people. We also obviously are focused on reaching crypto-natives because they're the blockchain gamers at the moment, but there's such a big market out there.
of people who aren't already in the game, so if they can reach those, that is the future of watching games, bringing those people over. And we just really think that to unlock that, you need to make your fun game fun, of course, that's why everybody's there to have a fun experience, right? So if you nail the gaming
experience and then also remove those friction points and make it as easy as possible for people to access it. And Algarons great for that. We can make the blockchain not entirely invisible within our game but mostly as I said people will be able to go to the App Store, download the game and start playing
straight away. They won't need to do anything blockchain related to play out game and they will be able to earn the assets immediately. But to unlock the true power of the blockchain in our game, they will need to connect to wallet because that will mean playing with your NFTs which will give you power boost in the game. That will mean being able to withdraw your tokens from out ecosystem
and swap them for other tokens or do other things with them. So, and as well, the play to earn rates in our game will be determined by NFT ownership as well. So, if you're playing with R&FTs, you don't have a water connected, you're still earning, but you'll be earning it a lower rate than those who have NFTs and have a water connected.
will really be incentivizing people to connect wallet and go through that extra step, but it isn't necessary. And we think that's how you reach that much broader group of players in the world who aren't currently in the crypto space. And that's an exciting challenge because Algorand allows for us to do that. And especially
with in a partner's like, Perra who talked about focusing on the gaming space and trying to also remove those friction points and making it as easy as possible to do most things from within the Perra wallet without having to leave it. That's really exciting for us and that's going to be that major part of us achieving our goals.
That's great, Mary. Thanks, thanks for that. It's obviously great to see cosmic champs and what is doing for the ecosystem, especially looking forward to play the game as well. So, Shaya, next question for you. Zone obviously had a strong e-sport background in XZN.
and gladly, you chose the algorithm to build your first gamified ecosystem. So it'd be interesting to hear your thoughts as to what possibilities the algorithm offers zone and other web tree gaming projects in the ecosystem. And what do you think is the secrets of the maturing the gaming landscape on the algorithm?
Hello, Sean. Can you hear us?
just checking can everyone else hear me? I can hear you. It looks like Zones lost their speaker rights. So they're just a listener at the moment. But Cheyenne is. So there's Cheyenne under
I'll speak. All right, Sean's gone now. So I think we'll just let Sean come back. Sean, can you hear us now?
I guess we'll just move on to the to a circle for the question and then we'll come back to show you on so I guess Sir Khan just wanted to ask you gaming in general has obviously been big in many ways we have triple a games renowned game studios there's obviously a lot of
concerned from traditional gamers around the user experience and for developers something which Mary touched on as well and building on blockchain. So how do you see over and as a tech that we know can solve these roadblocks for players and for developers alike and what excites you as a product lead.
That's a good point. I think there is on Algorand, there is definitely... I mean, there is Web3DROD blocks and there is Algorand ROD blocks, right? And we've basically seen most of them. And I think most of them are now
being worked on. So like the whole for example something like the opt-in flow where you have to opt-in to every asset with the Algorand wallet looks is was an Algorand like a little bit of a roadblock in terms of UI to build a perfect smooth UI it became it became much harder to do this within your wallet.
it and within a game. But now there's not multiple solutions that are being worked on. So I call all of these a bit of growing pains. And in terms of Web 3, you're absolutely right. When a game, when a Web 2 game could basically contain everything within
itself, everything with its own servers. When you have a character and you put a cosmetic addition to your character, then you were able to see it extremely smoothly. Your character always had it. Now that thing is now where we're trying to
innovation that the whole wallet thing where you can sell your cosmetics and whoever you sell it to the connected wallet, we assign it to that character. And all of those are definitely their huge pluses, but they come with their own little UI problems.
Well, I think this, but we have some really great examples right here in this panel that are basically navigating around that as we speak. So I think what cosmic champs is done for basically trying to get rid of the new user friction
like a non-cryptonite friction is amazing. And I mean, zone is, zone is crushing and the things that they're doing are hard farming and the new value creation for Web 3 gamers is also incredible. What we want to do as Perra on top of this
is to make sure that the friction of connecting a wallet and then doing things from your wallet is nullified. So there is going to be so many ways of interacting with your game. If you have a wallet that is just integrative into
into the actions that you can take within your game. And that is basically, as I mentioned a little bit, what we want to focus on. But if you look at games in general, that web3 games that involve wallets, right, the actions that you can take with a certain wallet can, in our belief, be standardized.
And if it's standardized, it can be turned into a standard development kit where people can use it in a basic manner to use Battlewallet as part of their game instead of a barrier towards their game being complete or their game being smooth.
That means that that means quite a few things that means that you can maybe do your inventory management directly within Parallel if you're if you're building a deck of cards you can definitely build your deck or search for new cards in their in Parallel discover or like whatever that means having an integration
wallets, you can see how much potential that it can bring. And I think that's the main roadblock in Web3, isn't it? This is how we're... The wallets we know, it has so much potential, but right now you can't do anything smoothly, and that's what we're trying to fix, basically.
Thanks, sir. Come really really enjoyed hearing obviously the comparison with with web 2 gaming It does it as to the fact that you love your games And Wolf do you want to add something to to that as well? Yeah, I just wanted to connect to the point that Maddie did before
and that's certainly briefly mentioned to it. I think it's really, really important that we give the users a way to not have to deal with the issues or the complexity, let's say better, that the blockchain has and that come with the blockchain. So I really
connect to the point of making it as easy as and like fluent and flawless flow as possible. And I think that this is really important for us to be integrated with other existing partners like for example zone and costly champ because like it's it's it's
It would be kind of a shame if somebody spends so much time making everything perfect from that point of view in their application or the mobile game and then they have to connect to a wallet that does not provide the same kind of quality. So you know it all comes down to offering the same experience and the same fluidity
in the overall flow. And I think this is really, really important and we'll help us get there to have massive option of the agonial blockchain. And the other point that I wanted to mention and I actually wanted to expand a bit on what Serkan also said, I think it's
It's a really cool idea, if you think about it, you can see different collection that you have with different decks or different assets that you will use in different games in the ecosystem directly in your wallet. So you can just see kind of your game or profile, let's say.
And I think this is really exciting to have something like this is not common as far as I know. And to me, it sounds really cool idea to be able to check in one place, all of them, and kind of sort of manage that from one place. I think it's really good.
Thanks, sir Khan. It's great to hear how our wallet can obviously add to the gaming. Sir Khan, were you about to say something else?
no saying it excites me too
Great. All right. Is she here? Can you hear us now? Yeah, yeah. I can hear you.
Great. Did you hear the question before you got up or? Yeah, I did. I did. So apart like a Serkan and Mati like quite eloquently put out their own thoughts regarding how to reduce the friction and how to increase, you know, like the
with which a webto user or internet native user, digital native user can come on to web 3 and also feel like home very easily and quickly. One solution, this was also one of the major problems we faced on our like like you guys fairly mentioned that opting in was a big
problem. So we find like found out these particular issues like with related to opting in with related to managing private keys and the we one-on-one we went ahead and solved for these issues so that at the initial stage at least we can build up the momentum and at least get the engine's rolling before we move
want to the more higher degrees of complexity for people to understand, okay, there's this requirement of opting in if we want this xyz different token, if we want zone token we need to opt in. So therefore, like for the opting in issue, we to get the engine throwing at the start itself, we
initiated with Algo only games. So that what happens is that when the new users come in, they don't have to worry about the opting in part at all and it's pretty seamless. Then we saw that for most of our lexins we had a large enough esports-based community out there on Discord that we were already engaging with on a regular basis in the past two years with multiple
with PUBG or Free Fire or Valorant related eSports tournaments. We saw like when we went to them and asked that okay guys come on and like this is our new product and trying to do great stuff come on and let's start engaging and play. So the consistent feedback we got from them was how difficult it
it was for them with Android devices to not be able to just take a screenshot of what the past phrases or what the private keys are and therefore the words are and therefore build out their private
like they're wallet address later on and then starting gauging with the platform. So like we brainstormed a lot and then we introduced magic wallet to our platform and magic wallet was pretty neat in terms of both how easily it was integrated and also how easy the users found it to get
on board it. So it's pretty much like a Web 2 login. But everything like instantly as you come in with your email address, you are instantly given a wallet that is totally secure, zero-dollage proof, the keys are stored on the blockchain itself and it's totally
non-custodial. So we saw like a very sharp, a very steep growth rate in terms of Web 2 existing Web 2 users being able to come onto the platform and be actually able to like engage with the games and engage with the platform without even having to think about if they are actually interacting with the
or any blockchain whatsoever. So these two were major unlocks. Then things on the outward marketing side that have proved to be very helpful in terms of growing users on the blockchain as well have been targeting micro influencers who are really interested and passionate and about the product actually.
So basically building the product in a way that interests people naturally and having them talk about it. So these three or four things have done miraculous things for us. Like we saw very sharp growth spurt in the past three or four months. And let's see if we can keep up with past performance and keep growing.
Thanks, Shem, that's a good and brilliant to hear. Thanks to all the speakers and also we're just heading into the questions if you have any questions. If the listeners have any questions, please be ready to type them.
will get to them when we can. So heading into the Q&A, I'll take the first question. So there's a
There's a question, sorry, just checking if all the speakers are on. So kind of the speaker now. Yeah, all right. All good. So the first question is for you, Shryan. It's actually by
a striker, striker at striker crypto 2 on Twitter. And they're asking does zone gaming have any grant programs planned for developers to enlarge the O-Gram gaming ecosystem?
not as of now like we do run a creator program, we do run multiple incentive and grant programs for our growth and marketing purposes, but for at the present on the development developer on boarding side, we do have
have a grant going on, but like the integrations and actual execution will actually begin in Q2 of 2023. So we are taking in applications and the platform is live, the application forms and everything is live. The idea with that is that we are getting
new developers new game developers to come in and integrate their games on zone and utilize the traffic we have the kind of user base we have and test out their games and Actually have paid games are played and tournaments hosted directly via a
simple API connection of their games. And we have quite a quite attractive deal structure for them to come in and start just plugging in their games and getting
that tournaments and PVP features on. So there are two aspects to it. There's a grand program for marketing and growth aspects and there's the developer side but that's only for game development on the casual and hyper casual segment for now. And that's going live in Q3, Q2.
That's great, that's very close then, very exciting. Yeah, thanks, thanks, Sharon. The next question is for Mary. So, Mary, I know you've already mentioned
the iOS feature is coming in a few weeks time. But although the X1 Twitter is asking when actually is the iOS release coming? Can you give an exact date or exact timeline around that?
Unfortunately, I can't give an exact date at the moment. All I can say is it'll be coming in weeks, not months, and keep an eye on our announcements channel because we will make an announcement about it, but it's not too far away. And I know a lot of our community are on Apple devices at the moment, so they've been holding
waiting for the IWF version to drop. The patient is not far away. It will be super soon. Thanks, Maddie. And Serkan or Wolf, whoever wants to answer the question, the next question is for pair eyes. Is pair actually thinking of integrating
NFT marketplace within the parable at itself? I can definitely get that. So, Perra will not, at least for the near future, if Perra will not be building its own marketplace. What Perra will do is working on is
building a NFT marketplace integrator, which aggregates collection info as well as the sales info from listing info from various NFT marketplaces and give that information as well as a buy/sell option within the Para Wallet app. Now that comes
with an Asterisk. Of course, right now the current terms of use on Apple makes it impossible for us to sell in it desnatively on iOS. So this will be Android only for now at the start and this is also weeks away. So we are
we're already at work on this. I mean, of course, there's going to be lots of next steps for that. And also, Tara Web Wallet has just released and within the Web Wallet, there is going to be the Discover section of that you see on mobile. We're working on Web.
on the website as well and obviously you're going to have all the functionality that I just talked about on the website and whatever iOS is fake is we're going to be keeping close eye on that and we're going to make it as seen as possible on iOS as well.
Great, thanks, thanks, sir Khan. And the next question is basically a generic question, but I guess it would apply to both zone and as well as cognitive terms. So, Kastan is asking, is there any specification for the device
to play the game zone like or low-end devices can also enjoy the games. So I guess Matthew or Shann who ever wants to go first, feel free to do so. You want to go first? You get first? Okay thanks man. So like I
We have been very, very, very user focused and custom centric from the beginning of our development stage itself. So we have built out a platform to be totally closed cross platform. We can play on like the lowest end device, which is a smart like the lowest end smartphones to
Android and iOS to your PCs and there are all kinds of games available for different kind of users. So you can play AAA esports like Dota challenges directly on zone with IMPs or you can play classic casual games, hyper casual games on the platform using
your iOS or Android device. Also, there are different formats as well. There are things like the PvP format that directly matches people against each other. In the end, we also have fantasy sports, which are also
So pretty, like, like, doesn't depend on what kind of device you're playing at all. So we have been cross platform from the beginning itself, being very user focused because of the kind of targeting we are doing across emerging markets. So yeah, this wraps it up. You can go ahead, Marty.
Yeah, so it's definitely something that we have considered in the design of our game as well. I don't know that the current version of the game, which is the closed beta, would I think it would work on low end devices, but we haven't probably tested it. And we are recommending
people have a mid-level device or higher, a smart device, to play the current version of the beta. But it is something that we're planning for in the future to allow the very low end devices to be able to play the game as well. There's a few options you can do, use cloud computing to take care of some of that processing outside of the device.
device and then send the information to the phone or we're also considering having two versions of the game and when you load up the app it would detect the device that you're on and then give you access to that version that matches the processing power of your device. We've got a couple of options that we're playing with.
But yeah, we are very much considering the device that people are using and allowing as many people as possible with smart devices to access again. But we're not quite at that stage yet because we are at that close data. So it is still just testing out the core functionality, making sure everything works and building upon them. So we're still at a very early stage.
Thanks, Mary. That's very interesting. And, Sir Khan, I guess the question was more for, obviously, for zone and cosmic champs, but just going to spend the question and ask the same question for para as well, like, what sort of, are there any device specifications to be able to use paraflow Leslie or paraworks on all devices?
Well, I mean, due to there's definitely some technical requirement for some devices, but no, I mean, the way that we built Merra was also to make sure that
it as universal as possible that we'll come with this whole NAS disk. I'm sure there's going to be some devices in which it doesn't work, but Para is shouldn't basically among all the games, Para shouldn't be the bottleneck, and that's what we're working towards.
Thanks, thanks, Erkan. And a question from Astro for Shiaan. So how does zone prevent sheets and bots into their platform?
So this was like one of our toughest challenges that we faced in our launch and growth phase because like when we started growing very quickly the like the eyeballs of hackers and bad actors also like
We're quick to catch on to our growth and quick to catch on to the fact that there's real real value being generated and we saw massive amounts of attack attempts on the platform. So we have an entire favorite policy that we had
like very quickly developed, which is pretty comprehensive and also a lot of measures that were taken starting from the vice-fengal printing to the email authentication part that we had to add after noticing this
kind of activity. If you guys remember at the start of the launch we did not have a email verification, email authentication but we needed to add that because that is what basically prevents identity multiplication. So that is one of them. Then after
that we added device finger printing so that we can we can see basically if there are too many accounts coming in from similar IPs or a very single connected IP source and on top of that we have a five people manual
anti-cheat team that is checking on all these games, all the tournaments 24/7 through an admin panel that was developed in-house and like on top of that we are also using like from our game partners, gaming partners their own
Mee versus DE algorithms that are actually blocking and preventing scores that look a bit fishy. So overall combined like we are taking a Mosaic approach here, there's manual checking being done, there's tech-based ML based checking being done through the Mee versus
is DE elbows, there is on through device fingerprinting we are blocking IPs that are sources of malicious activity and then on the email front we are reducing identity duplication. So, combining all of this we have been pretty successful
at reducing bad activity on the platform, but it has been a struggle for sure. And like the pace at which the team worked to execute and to form proper process season systems to maintain an ensure fair play has been amazing.
Great, thanks, thanks, Sam. And a similar question for you to do as well, Mary. Across the Twitter, it's asking about the security of obviously the public terms game.
Yeah, so at the moment, we... At the moment, there's no play to earn rewards in the game. So you can connect your wallet, you can play with your NFTs. The NFTs don't add anything to the gameplay experience just yet, so there's no stats boosts or anything like that. They're just purely cosmetic for the time being.
So at the moment we don't really have that incentive in the game, but people try to attack us. But really good defense that we have is the type of gameplay. You only earn if you win and it's a real time game that's fast paced. So it's difficult to win if you're not a general
and play out. Maybe somebody could build a very sophisticated bot that can play the game at a high level on win, but that would be extremely difficult to build and then to deploy in the game. So that would be hard. If it's not your classic blockchain game that's turn-based, where you can have an asset farm, like a farm, so
up with one person playing on a hundred devices at one time. This is not possible without game because the three minute games they're in real time. If you don't respond immediately to your opponent's attack then you will lose and you only own assets if you win that battle. So we think the nature of our game makes it quite difficult
to farm the assets and not be a genuine player or be malicious. But yeah, we will have all the usual effects as well. Once we have that smart contract finished, that will be audited and we'll make sure that everything is super secure and we protect the assets that we have and also our players assets from those malicious actors that we know
out there. Now as I described once more eyeballs are on your project, once your project is doing well, this is an invitation for people to come in and try to take advantage of what you've built for their own benefit. So we are very aware of that and will be very active in ensuring that our ecosystems is secure.
Yeah, and from a broad, from a broad way, was a sorry for interrupting like from a broad base perspective regarding cheating activity and malicious act actors coming in and trying to attack. So like if you look at it from a bird's eye view, there has been no competitive endeavor in
the entire world like starting from real world physical sports to esports where there hasn't been cheaters who try and come in and manipulate scores and try to you know like invariably beat people through unfair means. So this has been true in the case of
cycling with LAN, LANs, I'm strong to esports, the popular esports to games like Valorant as well, which have gone to extreme lengths to try and protect. So my entire point here is that this is a place where we need to work together in the
the sense that the users and the product developers and the team to work together to actually come in and eliminate these kind of bad actors instead of only relying on one of us. So both of us, like, therefore we have a report facility or
So directly enabled on our platform. So like a fair play report which on which only with a few clicks people can come in and report malicious actors and shift action is taken against them. So yeah, this is what I needed to cover. And that's a great.
suggestion that gaming projects like ours could share each other's lists, right? If you have a wallet that's acting maliciously on your platform, it could be grounds to block them from accessing our platform and vice versa. And this would be a way of collaboratively protecting each other.
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Definitely, there will always be bad actors. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Medi and thanks, Rand, for your insights on the question. Obviously, we've, obviously, unfortunately run out of time, so we won't be taking any more questions, but just wanted to recap and say, like, we've covered a lot today.
We've discussed a lot of things around accessibility, user experience, obviously how we can scale gaming on Algorand. It's comforting to see projects like zone and call for exams in the ecosystem and working towards that, towards helping Algorand
the organ gaming see new heights and power and obviously especially mentioned the para as well for obviously supporting the also also for projects including the gaming projects with with their development as well very kind of see where
All the projects are headed and a few days ago, again, Mary offered earlier to reach out to him in case he needed access. The iOS version is coming soon for cosmic champs, better games. And then obviously starting to see zones grow in the ecosystem.
and jump on their website and I guess start playing the games as well. And then obviously we're always here to talk to you. Thanks everyone for joining us again. Really excited to see great turnout as always and not to forget that next
week we will have another session, we will have Fox Finance and all the five and I'd like to send my special thanks to all the speakers for joining us today. Thanks Maddie, thanks Sharon, thanks Sarkand and thanks both for joining us. It was a pleasure talking to you, really appreciate you making the time.
Thanks for organizing and thanks to everyone for coming. It's been great. Thanks for great. Thanks for the great host for Conn and yeah, thank you. Thank you everyone for listening.
Thank you everyone, speak soon guys. Just really enjoy again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, Wade. Thank you guys. Bye.

FAQ on ZONE x Cosmic Champs x Pera Live AMA | Gaming on Algorand 🎙️🎮 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast?
The topic of the podcast is gaming on Algorand.
Who is the CEO of Cosmic Chaps?
Maddie Blentjard is the CEO of Cosmic Chaps.
What is the name of the platform that Zone is building on Algorand?
Zone is building the GME 5 platform on Algorand.
How many unique users did Zone scale up to in the past three months?
Zone scaled up to 350,000 unique users in the past three months.
What percentage of all daily active addresses on Algorand are coming from Zone?
On average, 40% of all daily active addresses on Algorand are coming from Zone.
How many creators did Zone get to post videos on their platform?
Zone got around 1500+ creators to post 2-3 videos each on their platform.
What type of marketplace did Zone launch that supports NFTs?
Zone launched a gift card and in-game currency-based marketplace that supports NFTs.
What is the name of the game farm partnership that Zone has with Para?
The game farm partnership that Zone has with Para is called the Para Game Farm.
What is the name of the product that Serkan Tariq leads at Para?
Serkan Tariq leads the product at Para Wallets.
When will the questions from the audience be addressed?
The questions from the audience will be addressed towards the end of the session.