SpookySwap TVL

Common information

Project SpookySwap deployed on next chains: BitTorrent , Fantom , Horizen EON , Sonic . Latest TVL across all chains $10,319,514.93

Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Fantom: 76.1 %Fantom: 76.1 %Horizen EON: 13.8 %Horizen EON: 13.8 %Sonic: 7.8 %Sonic: 7.8 %BitTorrent: 2.3 %BitTorrent: 2.3 %Highcharts.com
Chain Value
Fantom $7,852,143
Horizen EON $1,426,793
Sonic $802,011
BitTorrent $238,568

SpookySwap TVL on chains

Created with Highcharts 10.1.014. Feb16. Feb18. Feb20. Feb22. Feb24. Feb26. Feb28. Feb2. Mar4. Mar6. Mar8. Mar10. Mar12. Mar14. Mar23. Dec6. Jan20. Jan3. Feb17. Feb3. Mar05M10M15MZoomView 1 month1mView 3 months3mView 6 months6mView year to dateYTDView 1 year1yView allAllFeb 14, 2025Mar 14, 2025Highcharts.com