Stacks Staking ecosystem

Projects count on Stacks Staking

Count of Stacks Staking projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Stacks Staking

Category Projects Count
DeFi Stacks Staking, Arkadiko, StackSwap, ALEX, CityCoins and 6 more 11
DEX StackSwap, ALEX, Bitflow, Velar 4
Yield ALEX, CityCoins 2
CDP Arkadiko, UWU Protocol 2
Liquid Staking StackingDAO, LISA 2
Chain Stacks Staking 1
Lending Zest 1

Should I Build on Stacks Staking?

See the Stacks Staking Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Stacks Staking is looking For

DeFi projects on Stacks Staking

12 total projects. $224,173,992 total chain TVL.

Stacks Staking TVL

TVL of projects on Stacks Staking

Name Categories TVL Launch date
UWU Protocol CDP $16,131 n/a
Stacks Staking Chain n/a n/a
Where can I stake STX?
Where can I lend and borrow STX?
STX can be lended and borrowed on:

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Stacks Staking, Arkadiko, StackSwap, ALEX, CityCoins and 6 more 11
DEX StackSwap, ALEX, Bitflow, Velar 4
Yield ALEX, CityCoins 2
CDP Arkadiko, UWU Protocol 2
Chain Stacks Staking 1