Sylo Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Sylo.

Buy & Sell Sylo Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Sylo.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Bitget SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %1.92 $674.24 $1,938.18 $196,835.00 21 minutes
CEX HTX SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %2.03 $1,216.56 $935.68 $325,212.00 22 minutes
CEX KuCoin SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %1.17 $859.05 $1,495.50 $115,839.00 23 minutes
CEX MEXC SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %1.91 $856.42 $879.25 $406,416.00 23 minutes
CEX SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %1.07 $1,535.96 $964.50 $126,273.00 23 minutes
CEX LATOKEN SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %0.15 $451.80 $1,505.93 $19,857.91 24 minutes
CEX CoinEx SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %0.60 $1.06 $134.59 $7,925.05 24 minutes
CEX BitMart SYLO/USDT $0.0009 %1.25 $3,439.01 $42.54 $121,125.00 29 minutes
DEX Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) SYLO/WETH $0.0009 %0.60 $4,994.55 $4,979.54 $4,865.52 1 hour, 55 minutes
DEX Sushiswap SYLO/WETH $0.0009 %0.61 $932.61 $929.80 $366.60 8 hours, 40 minutes

Market volume

DEX $5,976 - 0.5%

CEX $1,319,484 - 99.5%

DEX $5,976
CEX $1,319,484

Total volume in the last 24 hours
