Tensor Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Tensor.

Buy & Sell Tensor Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Tensor.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Crypto.com Exchange TENSOR/NONE $0.3734 %0.24 $10,500.39 $10,756.20 $7,090.90 43 minutes
CEX FameEX TENSOR/USDT $0.3735 %0.11 $1,902.85 $1,198.94 $84,810.00 43 minutes
CEX Bitrue TENSOR/USDT $0.3735 %0.29 $4,054.92 $4,108.65 $112,361.00 44 minutes
DEX Orca TENSOR/SOL $0.3742 %0.61 $999.20 $996.19 $9,884.28 44 minutes
DEX Orca TENSOR/JITOSOL $0.3731 %0.60 $6,931.90 $6,911.07 $24,138.00 44 minutes
CEX CoinEx TENSOR/USDT $0.3772 %0.03 $891.41 $14,617.50 $23,309.00 44 minutes
CEX Bitvavo TENSOR/NONE $0.3750 %0.10 $74,279.05 $70,261.50 $183,914.00 44 minutes
CEX Coins.ph TENSOR/NONE $0.3729 %0.72 $883.10 $858.43 $26,088.00 44 minutes
CEX BitMart TENSOR/USDT $0.3754 %0.40 $9,955.64 $10,163.45 $336,875.00 44 minutes
CEX MEXC TENSOR/USDT $0.3774 %0.05 $53,873.29 $42,076.85 $104,189.00 45 minutes

Market volume

DEX $35,066 - 0.1%

CEX $28,444,103 - 99.9%

DEX $35,066
CEX $28,444,103

Total volume in the last 24 hours
