The Graph Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use The Graph.

Buy & Sell The Graph Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell The Graph.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Kraken GRT/BTC $0.1635 %0.38 $6,654.85 $7,822.54 $3,518.65 43 minutes
CEX zondacrypto GRT/USDT $0.1638 %0.64 $508.24 $14.97 $386.31 44 minutes
CEX BloFin GRT/USDT $0.1633 %0.12 $1,084,484.87 $997,072.35 $750,763.00 45 minutes
CEX BtcTurk | Kripto GRT/USDT $0.1626 %0.26 $20,627.15 $10,909.67 $111,504.00 46 minutes
CEX Paribu GRT/NONE $0.1633 %0.84 $9,743.79 $3,478.98 $153,870.00 46 minutes
CEX Bitbank GRT/NONE $0.1638 %0.13 $40,856.25 $25,121.05 $185,524.00 46 minutes
CEX Binance GRT/ETH $0.1633 %0.20 $13,860.51 $25,378.26 $11,487.85 47 minutes
CEX Bilaxy GRT/USDT $0.1626 %0.91 $50,730.93 $84,444.12 $118,772.00 47 minutes
CEX KuCoin GRT/KCS $0.1629 %0.52 $678.31 $2,139.34 $5,749.46 48 minutes
CEX Nominex GRT/ETH $0.1632 %0.22 $13,879.44 $22,524.94 $134.50 48 minutes

Market volume

DEX $320,131 - 0.8%

CEX $41,907,532 - 99.2%

DEX $320,131
CEX $41,907,532

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1
Infrastructure Moonlet, Infinite Lux 2