The Graph Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use The Graph.

Buy & Sell The Graph Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell The Graph.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Coinmetro GRT/NONE $0.1646 %0.26 $433,421.96 $424,897.44 30 minutes
CEX Exchange GRT/USDT $0.1647 %0.06 $265,112.43 $259,884.96 $84,386.00 30 minutes
CEX CEX.IO GRT/USDT $0.1648 %0.12 $546,538.83 $29,527.04 $2,022.92 31 minutes
CEX CEX.IO GRT/NONE $0.1655 %0.88 $581,418.79 $56,749.41 $2,096.32 31 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange GRT/NONE $0.1641 %0.08 $6,338.09 $10,731.22 $41,710.00 31 minutes
CEX Luno GRT/NONE $0.1647 %2.05 $9.92 $48.42 $796.01 31 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange GRT/BTC $0.1644 %0.38 $14,074.27 $21,309.14 $118,449.00 31 minutes
CEX BloFin GRT/USDT $0.1642 %0.18 $1,096,389.48 $927,280.27 $761,731.00 31 minutes
CEX Bit2Me GRT/NONE $0.1646 %0.07 $70,657.01 $95,308.14 $29,618.00 31 minutes
CEX Toobit GRT/USDT $0.1640 %0.06 $200,123.80 $220,397.24 $104,038.00 31 minutes

Market volume

DEX $364,897 - 0.8%

CEX $43,283,490 - 99.2%

DEX $364,897
CEX $43,283,490

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1
Infrastructure Moonlet, Infinite Lux 2