Adventure Gold Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Adventure Gold.

Buy & Sell Adventure Gold Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Adventure Gold.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Exchange AGLD/USDT $0.8976 %1.05 $7,244.58 $7,350.51 $4,196.10 43 minutes
CEX Bibox AGLD/USDT $0.8960 %0.12 $31,307.54 $31,565.72 $8,029.48 43 minutes
CEX Pionex AGLD/USDT $0.8984 %0.11 $112,326.55 $63,969.94 $12,668.36 43 minutes
CEX Coinstore AGLD/USDT $0.8972 %0.60 $783.01 $1,794.28 $9,448.66 43 minutes
CEX CoinEx AGLD/USDT $0.8956 %0.26 $910.37 $708.14 $8,516.96 44 minutes
CEX BTSE AGLD/USDT $0.8951 %0.18 $23,075.37 $21,341.55 $25,659.00 44 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange AGLD/NONE $0.8949 %0.13 $18,798.89 $18,500.29 $62,894.00 44 minutes
CEX MEXC AGLD/USDT $0.8978 %0.22 $88,067.87 $93,981.44 $10,141.90 44 minutes
CEX Hotcoin AGLD/USDT $0.8981 %0.22 $15,480.74 $15,648.82 $184,777.00 44 minutes
CEX WEEX AGLD/USDT $0.8971 %0.11 $183,661.74 $169,501.22 $501,803.00 44 minutes

Market volume

DEX $2,647 - 0.0%

CEX $10,776,897 - 100.0%

DEX $2,647
CEX $10,776,897

Total volume in the last 24 hours
