Adventure Gold Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Adventure Gold.

Buy & Sell Adventure Gold Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Adventure Gold.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Phemex AGLD/USDT $0.8972 %0.11 $1,704.55 $1,931.64 $302,636.00 40 minutes
CEX Kanga AGLD/USDT $0.8968 %2.67 $2,797.19 $240.52 $796.09 40 minutes
CEX LBank AGLD/USDT $0.8952 %0.67 $73,300.43 $32,921.78 $50,148.00 41 minutes
CEX BitMart AGLD/USDT $0.8972 %0.84 $1,617.36 $245.50 $529,481.00 41 minutes
CEX Bybit AGLD/USDT $0.8964 %0.16 $2,261.40 $7,124.16 $34,040.00 43 minutes
CEX OKX AGLD/USDC $0.9011 %0.27 $4,965.04 $8,505.26 $4,736.67 45 minutes
CEX Bitvavo AGLD/NONE $0.8992 %0.38 $25,664.54 $25,885.15 $15,518.61 46 minutes
CEX Nominex AGLD/USDT $0.8962 %0.11 $91,906.80 $59,390.27 $13,261.24 48 minutes
CEX KuCoin AGLD/USDT $0.8971 %0.20 $10,478.52 $9,898.15 $11,960.81 49 minutes
CEX Binance AGLD/BTC $0.8990 %0.21 $5,162.76 $9,674.87 $28,688.00 49 minutes

Market volume

DEX $2,647 - 0.0%

CEX $10,776,897 - 100.0%

DEX $2,647
CEX $10,776,897

Total volume in the last 24 hours
