Algorand ecosystem

Projects count on Algorand

Count of Algorand projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Algorand

Category Projects Count
DeFi Yieldly, Algofi Lend, Tinyman, Opulous, Algodex and 53 more 58
CEX Bitfinex, Kucoin, Huobi, Latoken, Binance CEX and 5 more 10
DEX Tinyman, Algodex, Pact, Folks Finance Lending, Humble Defi and 4 more 9
Bridge Glitter Finance, Portal, Kucoin, pNetwork, Craterdao and 4 more 9
Cross Chain Folks Finance Lending, Glitter Finance, pNetwork, Messina Liquid Staking, Craterdao and 3 more 8
Gaming Zone, Cosmic Champs, Game Payy, Open Games Builders, Happy Hoomens and 1 more 7
Lending Algofi Lend, Opulous, Folks Finance Lending, Cometa, Ultraswap and 2 more 7
Infrastructure pNetwork, Craterdao, Agni, Bitquery, GateKeeper 6
Yield Yieldly, Algofi Lend, Cometa, Yeeldx, Compx and 1 more 6
NFT Marketplace Rewind, Grou Labs, Open Games Builders, Happy Hoomens, Shosha 6
Liquid Staking Folks Finance Lending, gALGO Liquid Governance, Messina Liquid Staking, Yeeldx, xALGO Liquid Governance 5
RWA Lofty, Meld Gold, Vesta Equity, ASA.Gold 5
Farm Opulous, Herbal Ker, Carbonara, Yeeldx, Grou Labs 5
Dexs Tinyman, Algodex, Pact, Humble Defi, Algofi Swap 5
Wallets Game Payy, Open Games Builders 3
Staking Folks Finance Lending, Herbal Ker, Yeeldx 3
CDP GARD, xBacked, Compx CDP 3
Services Herbal Ker, Notiboy, Craterdao 3
Yield Aggregator Yeeldx, Grou Labs 2
Chain Craterdao, Bitkub 2
Payments Game Payy, Compx Streaming 2
Options Vault AlgoRai Finance, Silo Protocol 2
Cross Chain Bridge Messina Bridge, C3 Exchange 2
Derivatives Deridex 1
Algo-Stables Algomint 1
Leveraged Farming Folks Finance Lending 1
RWA Lending Folks Finance Lending 1
Liquidity manager Crifs 1
Staking Pool Reti Pooling 1
DEX Aggregator Deflex 1

Should I Build on Algorand?

See the Algorand Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Algorand is looking For

DeFi projects on Algorand

53 total projects. $645,654,377 total chain TVL.

Algorand TVL

Dexs volume in Algorand

TVL of projects on Algorand

Name Categories TVL Launch date $5,538,820 n/a
Pact Dexs $4,651,461 n/a
Gate-io CEX $4,411,990 n/a
AlgoRai Finance Options Vault $3,491,250 n/a
xBacked CDP $3,452,705 n/a
Messina Bridge Cross Chain Bridge $3,188,139 n/a
Messina Liquid Staking Liquid Staking $2,465,908 n/a
Bitfinex CEX $2,381,692 n/a
Bitstamp CEX $2,312,843 n/a
Compx $2,227,848 n/a