Algorand ecosystem

Projects count on Algorand

Count of Algorand projects on Alphagrowth platform

Daily transactions in Algorand

Count of daily transactions on Algorand chain for the last 90 days

Should I Build on Algorand?

See the Algorand Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Algorand is looking For

DeFi projects on Algorand

39 total projects. $427,624,358 total chain TVL.

Algorand TVL

Dexs volume in Algorand

TVL of projects on Algorand

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Binance CEX CEX $121,571,572 n/a
Folks Finance $101,493,521 n/a
gALGO Liquid Governance Liquid Staking $63,684,103 n/a
Folks Finance Lending Lending $35,826,435 April 4, 2021
Lofty RWA $30,443,945 n/a
Tinyman DEX $19,812,269 n/a
Pact DEX $17,176,607 n/a
Meld Gold RWA $5,021,430 n/a $4,980,929 n/a
AlgoRai Finance Options Vault $4,773,227 n/a