Algorand Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Algorand.

Buy & Sell Algorand Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Algorand.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BTSE ALGO/USDT $0.2831 %0.11 $229,814.92 $226,334.60 $1,096,582.00 35 minutes
CEX Binance US ALGO/USDT $0.2843 %0.28 $5,396.47 $4,110.95 $8,769.99 35 minutes
CEX Bithumb ALGO/NONE $0.2955 %0.23 $65,721.95 $101,557.77 $895,312.00 35 minutes
CEX Ecxx ALGO/USDT $0.2846 %-0.96 $4.65 $49,540.55 $3,889.09 35 minutes
CEX Exchange ALGO/NONE $0.2830 %0.06 $147,112.72 $145,857.69 $401,022.00 35 minutes
CEX KuCoin ALGO/USDT $0.2831 %0.04 $149,365.96 $167,285.09 $877,275.00 35 minutes
CEX P2B ALGO/USDT $0.2831 %0.04 $55,703.91 $58,884.65 $915,855.00 35 minutes
CEX EXMO ALGO/NONE $0.2943 %10.50 $39,704.00 35 minutes
CEX Hotcoin ALGO/USDT $0.2831 %1.09 $79,950.83 $29,960.73 $394,899.00 35 minutes
CEX OKX ALGO/USDT $0.2831 %0.07 $138,731.33 $174,231.46 $1,279,471.00 35 minutes

Market volume

DEX $34 - 0.0%

CEX $53,804,918 - 100.0%

DEX $34
CEX $53,804,918

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Where can I buy algo?
algo can be bought and traded on the following exchanges and websites:
Where to bridge to algo?
algo can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:
What are the algo NFT marketplaces?
algo can be used to purchase NFTs on the following NFT marketplaces:

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Portal, Happy Hoomens, Shosha 3
Gaming Happy Hoomens, Shosha 2
Infrastructure Mercuryo, Triangle 2