Algorand Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Algorand.

Buy & Sell Algorand Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Algorand.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX WhiteBIT ALGO/BTC $0.1840 %0.72 $37,351.03 $54,843.02 $45,489.00 1 hour, 5 minutes
DEX Energiswap ALGO/WNRG $0.1841 %0.74 $57.69 $57.52 $44.90 1 hour, 31 minutes
CEX Bitlo ALGO/JST $0.1842 %1.16 $5,436.54 $1,744.96 $12,988.31 54 minutes
CEX zondacrypto ALGO/USDT $0.1843 %1.03 $706.23 $1,352.14 $53.47 10 hours, 25 minutes
CEX Dex-Trade ALGO/ETH $0.1844 %0.62 $2,172.04 $2,359.86 $1,015.68 1 hour, 11 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange ALGO/JST $0.1845 %0.14 $13,770.06 $22,021.90 $49,057.00 58 minutes
CEX Phemex ALGO/USDT $0.1845 %0.38 $7,860.75 $7,188.60 $335,319.00 57 minutes
CEX Bitkub ALGO/JST $0.1846 %1.04 $1,169.02 $3,101.32 $18,753.36 1 hour, 4 minutes
CEX CoinEx ALGO/USDC $0.1846 %1.12 $669.39 $99.76 $3,507.03 54 minutes
CEX Binance ALGO/FDUSD $0.1846 %0.05 $9,210.70 $19,814.70 $129,341.00 59 minutes

Market volume

DEX $49 - 0.0%

CEX $53,376,722 - 100.0%

DEX $49
CEX $53,376,722

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Where can I buy algo?
algo can be bought and traded on the following exchanges and websites:
Where to bridge to algo?
algo can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:
What are the algo NFT marketplaces?
algo can be used to purchase NFTs on the following NFT marketplaces:

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Portal, Happy Hoomens, Shosha 3
Gaming Happy Hoomens, Shosha 2
Infrastructure Mercuryo, Triangle 2