Bifrost Mainnet ecosystem

Projects count on Bifrost Mainnet

Count of Bifrost Mainnet projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Bifrost Mainnet

Category Projects Count
DeFi BiFi, Everdex, BTCFi, BTCFi CDP, Biquid 5
DEX Everdex 1
Liquid Staking Biquid 1
Lending BiFi 1
Farm BTCFi 1

Should I Build on Bifrost Mainnet?

See the Bifrost Mainnet Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Bifrost Mainnet is looking For

DeFi projects on Bifrost Mainnet

6 total projects. $46,248,367 total chain TVL.

Bifrost Mainnet TVL

TVL of projects on Bifrost Mainnet

Name Categories TVL Launch date
BTCFi $13,051,463 n/a
BTCFi CDP CDP $12,983,587 n/a
Everdex DEX $11,053,594 n/a
BiFi Lending $7,459,348 Jan. 1, 2021
Biquid Liquid Staking $1,700,335 n/a
BTCFi Farm $40 n/a
Where can I stake Bifrost Mainnet?
Bifrost Mainnet can be staked at:
Where can I lend and borrow Bifrost Mainnet?
Bifrost Mainnet can be lended and borrowed on:

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi BiFi, Everdex, BTCFi, BTCFi CDP, Biquid 5
DEX Everdex 1
Farm BTCFi 1