Cate on ETH Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Cate on ETH.

Buy & Sell Cate on ETH Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Cate on ETH.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BitMart CATE/USDT $0.0233 %1.30 $275.45 $723.90 $685,116.00 41 minutes
CEX CATE/USDT $0.0232 %1.04 $1,910.57 $895.10 $763,339.00 41 minutes
CEX Bitget CATE/USDT $0.0231 %0.13 $3.04 $616.49 $421,016.00 41 minutes
DEX Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) CATE/WETH $0.0237 %0.60 $12,851.04 $12,812.42 $5,289,697.00 41 minutes
CEX AscendEX (BitMax) CATE/USDT $0.0234 %5.49 $194,780.00 42 minutes
CEX CoinEx CATE/USDT $0.0233 %0.24 $376.21 $94.06 $134,316.00 43 minutes
CEX MEXC CATE/USDT $0.0234 %0.21 $4,015.65 $4,049.33 $3,514,854.00 44 minutes
CEX Poloniex CATE/USDT $0.0229 %6.86 $382,181.00 44 minutes

Market volume

DEX $5,289,697 - 46.5%

CEX $6,095,602 - 53.5%

DEX $5,289,697
CEX $6,095,602

Total volume in the last 24 hours
