Dog Wif Hat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Dog Wif Hat.

Buy & Sell Dog Wif Hat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Dog Wif Hat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Bitci TR WIF/NONE $1.7700 %0.84 $21.70 $1,065.33 $24,293.00 49 minutes
CEX OKX WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.06 $214,721.55 $286,498.46 $17,882,460.00 49 minutes
CEX CoinJar Exchange WIF/NONE $1.7800 %1.34 $52,503.12 $60,943.51 $17,549.02 49 minutes
CEX WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.06 $5,683,008.74 $4,135,510.91 $8,003,320.00 49 minutes
CEX BingX WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.17 $688,624.16 $434,112.22 $2,462,585.00 49 minutes
CEX Bybit WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.06 $128,976.81 $129,988.22 $19,187,544.00 49 minutes
CEX CoinW WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.26 $11,550.40 $9,522.22 $2,094,110.00 50 minutes
CEX Bitget WIF/NONE $1.7600 %0.38 $1,107.74 $2,062.12 $481,819.00 50 minutes
CEX Bitget WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.11 $1,244,602.04 $924,008.84 $15,115,238.00 50 minutes
CEX WEEX WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.02 $27,629.33 $27,505.35 $40,237.00 50 minutes

Market volume

DEX $14,894,863 - 2.3%

CEX $634,189,395 - 97.7%

DEX $14,894,863
CEX $634,189,395

Total volume in the last 24 hours
