Dog Wif Hat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Dog Wif Hat.

Buy & Sell Dog Wif Hat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Dog Wif Hat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Dex-Trade WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.17 $9,019.33 $8,560.10 $212,501.00 32 minutes
CEX WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.06 $5,781,132.15 $5,558,408.53 $7,485,428.00 32 minutes
CEX DigiFinex WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.09 $883,551.45 $917,296.77 $2,735,768.00 32 minutes
CEX BitMart WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.42 $744,797.23 $591,306.95 $1,089,621.00 33 minutes
CEX BingX WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.18 $832,886.00 $599,541.99 $2,400,993.00 33 minutes
CEX Exchange WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.10 $90,902.61 $75,823.71 $272,790.00 33 minutes
CEX Exchange WIF/NONE $1.7500 %0.05 $82,902.74 $82,667.44 $1,038,078.00 33 minutes
CEX PointPay WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.40 $23,455.23 $26,817.91 $398,212.00 33 minutes
CEX PointPay WIF/USDC $1.7500 %0.80 $2,143.91 $2,577.76 $331,859.00 33 minutes
CEX Bybit WIF/USDT $1.7500 %0.06 $244,316.56 $154,929.71 $18,282,258.00 33 minutes

Market volume

DEX $14,829,553 - 2.3%

CEX $623,833,020 - 97.7%

DEX $14,829,553
CEX $623,833,020

Total volume in the last 24 hours
