Dog Wif Hat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Dog Wif Hat.

Buy & Sell Dog Wif Hat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Dog Wif Hat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX OKX WIF/USDC $1.7700 %0.56 $2,757.98 $23,660.47 $37,319.00 35 minutes
CEX WIF/USDT $1.7700 %0.06 $81,249.34 $83,208.12 $1,567,247.00 35 minutes
CEX Gemini WIF/NONE $1.7700 %0.09 $15,031.02 $25,928.75 $550,337.00 35 minutes
CEX Bitci TR WIF/NONE $1.7800 %1.43 $18.65 $932.68 $24,518.00 35 minutes
CEX FameEX WIF/USDT $1.7700 %0.06 $4,840.77 $4,077.03 $2,558,538.00 35 minutes
CEX Bit2Me WIF/USDT $1.7700 %0.06 $6,429,661.52 $3,852,243.06 $7,489,693.00 35 minutes
CEX Mercado Bitcoin WIF/NONE $1.7800 %0.56 $12,936.88 $1,182.77 $44,659.00 35 minutes
CEX Kanga WIF/USDT $1.7600 %1.99 $24,219.61 $19,383.08 $15,604.82 35 minutes
CEX Coinstore WIF/USDT $1.7700 %0.31 $9,351.24 $15,846.40 $8,047,630.00 35 minutes
CEX Exchange WIF/USDT $1.7700 %0.03 $88,966.59 $92,863.69 $286,612.00 35 minutes

Market volume

DEX $14,947,568 - 2.5%

CEX $580,071,721 - 97.5%

DEX $14,947,568
CEX $580,071,721

Total volume in the last 24 hours
