Dog Wif Hat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Dog Wif Hat.

Buy & Sell Dog Wif Hat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Dog Wif Hat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Nominex WIF/NONE $1.7600 %0.32 $14,066.16 $3,001.75 $19.54 25 minutes
CEX Foxbit WIF/NONE $1.7500 %0.47 $5,349.14 $3,906.48 $2,116.11 26 minutes
CEX TokoCrypto WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.06 $1,161,667.80 $827,236.35 $404,513.00 27 minutes
CEX Binance WIF/BTC $1.7500 %0.07 $40,246.33 $69,666.84 $1,689,004.00 27 minutes
CEX NovaDAX WIF/NONE $1.7600 %0.94 $22,909.00 $23,299.78 $8,842.70 29 minutes
CEX WEEX WIF/USDT $1.7600 %0.02 $26,929.80 $26,298.37 $36,962.00 42 minutes
DEX Orca WIF/USDC $1.7100 %0.65 $158.39 $157.91 $1,359.38 54 minutes
DEX Jupiter WIF/GINNAN $1.8000 $18.71 54 minutes
DEX Jupiter WIF/MEW $1.7300 $71.77 54 minutes
CEX WIF/NONE $1.6600 %0.12 $95,172.44 $107,007.67 $8,741.39 58 minutes

Market volume

DEX $14,997,782 - 2.6%

CEX $563,706,705 - 97.4%

DEX $14,997,782
CEX $563,706,705

Total volume in the last 24 hours
