Elk Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Elk.

Buy & Sell Elk Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Elk.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BitMart ELK/USDT $0.0802 %0.87 $30.00 $66.20 $9,241.77 30 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/WMATIC $0.0800 %0.61 $1,187.08 $1,183.52 $253.23 51 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/USDC.E $0.0981 %0.76 $51.71 $51.55 $10.66 51 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/USDT $0.0800 %0.68 $98.73 $98.43 $41.43 51 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/WETH $0.1782 %0.70 $80.66 $80.42 $2.00 51 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (BSC) ELK/BUSD $0.0797 %0.63 $289.78 $288.91 $63.06 51 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Avalanche) ELK/WAVAX $0.0816 %0.61 $2,723.52 $2,715.34 $347.19 59 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (BSC) ELK/ELK $0.0798 %0.99 $20.84 $20.78 $6.06 1 hour, 7 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (BSC) ELK/WBNB $0.0797 %0.61 $2,087.00 $2,080.73 $66.39 1 hour, 31 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/DAI $0.0980 %0.86 $31.92 $31.82 $8.90 2 hours, 47 minutes

Market volume

DEX $881 - 8.7%

CEX $9,242 - 91.3%

DEX $881
CEX $9,242

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Tether 1