Elk Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Elk.

Buy & Sell Elk Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Elk.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BitMart ELK/USDT $0.0888 %0.45 $35.02 $62.05 $11,932.37 5 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (BSC) ELK/WBNB $0.0888 %0.61 $2,299.40 $2,292.49 $3,082.92 5 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/USDT $0.0891 %0.68 $103.10 $102.79 $204.60 6 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/WMATIC $0.1018 %0.66 $144.82 $144.38 $38.52 16 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/DAI $0.1019 %0.85 $32.31 $32.21 $13.70 18 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Avalanche) ELK/WAVAX $0.0904 %0.61 $3,139.55 $3,130.12 $3,675.96 21 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/ELK $0.1901 %0.79 $42.15 $42.03 $13.14 31 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/USDC.E $0.1018 %0.76 $52.20 $52.04 $47.18 31 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Polygon) ELK/WETH $0.1901 %0.70 $85.05 $84.80 $4.81 31 minutes
DEX Elk Finance (Avalanche) ELK/DAI $0.0905 %0.80 $40.82 $40.70 $21.53 41 minutes

Market volume

DEX $8,820 - 42.5%

CEX $11,932 - 57.5%

DEX $8,820
CEX $11,932

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Tether 1