KRYLL Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use KRYLL.

Buy & Sell KRYLL Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell KRYLL.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX CoinEx KRL/USDT $0.3602 %1.16 $146.68 $111.57 $3,163.12 29 minutes
CEX Exchange KRL/NONE $0.3594 %3.23 $541.47 $651.54 $5,466.58 30 minutes
CEX LATOKEN KRL/USDT $0.3602 %0.51 $2,344.56 $1,170.16 $45,031.00 30 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange KRL/NONE $0.3594 %0.50 $10,159.72 $6,602.28 $15,041.00 38 minutes
CEX XT.COM KRL/USDT $0.3595 %0.61 $516.09 $446.66 $1,319.99 47 minutes
CEX KRL/USDT $0.3595 %0.58 $2,042.09 $1,244.10 $13,271.21 47 minutes
CEX KuCoin KRL/BTC $0.3572 %1.05 $4,806.08 $5,305.53 $12,335.41 56 minutes
CEX KuCoin KRL/USDT $0.3591 %0.65 $10,580.27 $11,711.83 $51,651.00 1 hour, 26 minutes
CEX MEXC KRL/USDT $0.3586 %1.99 $1,499.60 $2,883.44 $3,756.03 3 hours, 37 minutes
DEX Uniswap V3 (Ethereum) KRL/WETH $0.3656 %0.61 $674.40 $672.37 $113.57 13 hours

Market volume

DEX $114 - 0.1%

CEX $151,035 - 99.9%

DEX $114
CEX $151,035

Total volume in the last 24 hours
