LayerZero Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use LayerZero.

Buy & Sell LayerZero Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell LayerZero.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX HTX ZRO/USDT $2.9300 %0.14 $729.22 $16,300.31 $497,101.00 20 minutes
CEX OKX ZRO/USDC $2.9300 %0.07 $8,828.67 $8,019.15 $22,367.00 20 minutes
CEX OKX ZRO/USDT $2.9300 %0.07 $975,705.66 $1,111,448.43 $1,314,664.00 20 minutes
CEX Bit2Me ZRO/USDT $2.9300 %0.03 $98,969.06 $137,478.54 $695,443.00 20 minutes
CEX Bit2Me ZRO/USDC $2.9300 %0.10 $8,033.96 $8,016.30 $21,920.00 20 minutes
CEX ZRO/USDT $2.9300 %0.03 $387,402.56 $512,538.57 $695,432.00 20 minutes
CEX ZRO/USDT $2.9300 %0.03 $69,899.33 $69,883.29 $593,388.00 21 minutes
CEX Bitget ZRO/USDT $2.9300 %0.03 $1,011,354.58 $1,419,506.09 $398,403.00 21 minutes
CEX AscendEX (BitMax) ZRO/USDT $2.9200 %1.05 $7,928.19 $16,902.92 $135,872.00 21 minutes
DEX THENA FUSION ZRO/WBNB $2.9300 %0.61 $816.08 $813.62 $140,956.00 21 minutes

Market volume

DEX $828,357 - 3.7%

CEX $21,458,345 - 96.3%

DEX $828,357
CEX $21,458,345

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
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