Count of Map projects on Alphagrowth platform
Category | Projects | Count |
DeFi | HiveSwap V3, HiveSwap V2, Butter Swap, Satsat, LessGas and 4 more | 9 |
DEX | HiveSwap V3, HiveSwap V2 | 2 |
Cross Chain | Butter Swap, Meson | 2 |
Liquidity manager | HiveSwap V3, HiveSwap Pro | 2 |
Infrastructure | Butter Swap | 1 |
Bridge | Butter Swap | 1 |
Liquid Staking | Bitstaq | 1 |
Lending | Pu239 | 1 |
Services | LessGas | 1 |
Farm | Satsat | 1 |
See the Map Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Map is looking For
9 total projects. $31,790,914 total chain TVL.
Name | Categories | TVL | Launch date |
HiveSwap V3 | DEX | $18,362,535 | n/a |
Bitstaq | Liquid Staking | $9,387,455 | n/a |
Butter Swap | Cross Chain | $3,263,166 | March 15, 2023 |
HiveSwap Pro | Liquidity manager | $758,492 | n/a |
HiveSwap V2 | DEX | $9,321 | n/a |
Meson | Cross Chain | $5,491 | n/a |
Satsat | Farm | $4,452 | n/a |
Pu239 | Lending | $2 | n/a |
LessGas | Services | n/a | n/a |
Category | Projects | Count |
DeFi | HiveSwap V3, HiveSwap V2, Butter Swap, Satsat, LessGas and 4 more | 9 |
DEX | HiveSwap V3, HiveSwap V2 | 2 |
Cross Chain | Butter Swap, Meson | 2 |
Liquidity manager | HiveSwap V3, HiveSwap Pro | 2 |
Infrastructure | Butter Swap | 1 |
Services | LessGas | 1 |
Farm | Satsat | 1 |