MON Protocol Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use MON Protocol.

Buy & Sell MON Protocol Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell MON Protocol.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BingX MON/USDT $0.1348 %0.37 $14,280.97 $23,198.55 $29,467.00 2 hours, 34 minutes
CEX XT.COM MON/USDT $0.1348 %0.21 $2,489.80 $2,739.02 $77,661.00 2 hours, 34 minutes
CEX HTX MON/USDT $0.1350 %0.30 $7,479.46 $3,696.87 $2,638,173.00 2 hours, 34 minutes
CEX CoinEx MON/USDT $0.1337 %1.18 $126.42 $301.95 $2,558.41 2 hours, 34 minutes
CEX KuCoin MON/USDT $0.1347 %0.30 $9,655.36 $23,545.47 $218,124.00 2 hours, 34 minutes
CEX Bybit MON/USDT $0.1347 %0.20 $10,726.55 $11,490.38 $204,314.00 2 hours, 35 minutes
CEX BTSE MON/USDT $0.1346 %0.72 $11,373.43 $258.88 $62,621.00 2 hours, 35 minutes
CEX Cryptology MON/USDT $0.1349 %0.48 $414.86 $409.40 $3,931.20 2 hours, 36 minutes
CEX BitMart MON/USDT $0.1342 %0.59 $27,170.76 $25,110.13 $619,971.00 2 hours, 36 minutes
CEX Phemex MON/USDT $0.1350 %0.49 $6,112.02 $5,376.55 $4,147.66 2 hours, 37 minutes

Market volume

DEX $35,948 - 0.9%

CEX $3,926,152 - 99.1%

DEX $35,948
CEX $3,926,152

Total volume in the last 24 hours
