NEAR ecosystem

Projects count on NEAR

Count of NEAR projects on Alphagrowth platform

Daily transactions in NEAR

Count of daily transactions on NEAR chain for the last 90 days

Projects by category on NEAR

Category Projects Count
Infrastructure Allbridge Classic, BoringDAO, Defi Swap, Composable Finance, Robo-Advisor for Yield and 217 more 223
DeFi Allbridge Classic, Stader, Pangolin, Ref Finance, BoringDAO and 164 more 169
Gaming Mycelium Perpetual Pools, BORA, Duel Network, Marmaj, OwlDAO and 115 more 121
Wallets Defi Swap, Atomic Wallet Coin, ChangeNOW, Coin98, Mixin and 53 more 59
DEX Pangolin, Ref Finance, Defi Swap, MooniSwap, EmiSwap and 26 more 31
Payments Alchemy Pay, USD Coin, Weld, Banxa, Mercuryo and 25 more 31
CeFi USD Coin, WOOFi Swap, Fireblocks, Mintbase, Banxa and 13 more 18
Bridge Allbridge Classic, BoringDAO, Ardana, Multichain, Rubic and 10 more 15
Dexs Pangolin, Ref Finance, Defi Swap, MooniSwap, EmiSwap and 9 more 14
Privacy Suterusu, 0xMonero, Automata, Incognito, OMNIA Protocol and 6 more 11
Liquid Staking Stader, Pangolin, Meta Pool ETH, sICX, Eversol and 6 more 11
Oracle Band Protocol, Chainlink Staking, HAPI, ORAO Network, Pulse Token and 5 more 10
Lending Acumen, CrossFi, Nereus Finance, Burrow, MyConstant and 5 more 10
Cross Chain BoringDAO, Composable Finance, Coreto, MAP Protocol, Rubic and 5 more 10
Derivatives Mycelium Perpetual Pools, Spin Spot, Satori, Spin Perps, Flux Exchange and 3 more 8
Staking Stader, Aurora Plus, HashQuark, Staking Rewards, Kiln and 3 more 8
NFT Marketplace Paras, aerx, Gryph, Hypermove, Open Games Builders and 3 more 8
Services Suterusu, Aurora Plus, Chainlink Staking, Rainbow, Bitget Swap and 2 more 7
Yield Robo-Advisor for Yield, BtnGroup, OMNIA Protocol, PembRock Finance, Staking Rewards and 1 more 6
CEX Defi Swap, Binance CEX, Bitfinex, SwissBorg, Bitstamp and 1 more 6
Chain Defi Swap, Aurora Plus, NEAR, Rainbow Bridge, Xircus Web3 Protocol 5
Yield Aggregator PembRock Finance, Phoenix Bonds, Fluxus Finance 3
Cross Chain Bridge BoringDAO, Composable Finance, Butter Swap 3
Algo-Stables Oin Finance, TiTi Protocol 2
Indexes DeHive, Staking Rewards 2
RWA Hashnote USYC, Libre Capital 2
Farm Pangolin, NEKO 2
DEX Aggregator Rubic, Bitget Swap 2
Restaking Octopus Network, Allstake 2
NftFi Envelop (Niftsy), MITTE 2
MEV OMNIA Protocol 1
Prediction Market Xircus Web3 Protocol 1
Options Vault Spin DOV 1
Staking Pool Chainlink Staking 1

Should I Build on NEAR?

See the NEAR Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects NEAR is looking For

DeFi projects on NEAR

46 total projects. $1,026,096,630 total chain TVL.


Dexs volume in NEAR

TVL of projects on NEAR

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Binance CEX CEX $419,425,670 n/a
Rhea Finance $136,248,644 n/a
Burrow Lending $102,261,413 Jan. 7, 2022
LiNEAR Protocol Liquid Staking $70,426,417 Jan. 18, 2023
Meta Pool Near Liquid Staking $66,306,115 n/a
Meta Pool $64,693,091 n/a
Meta Pool ETH Liquid Staking $42,034,804 May 11, 2022
Ref Finance Dexs $37,543,807 Jan. 7, 2022
TruStake MATIC Liquid Staking $20,262,067 n/a
TruFin Protocol $19,747,162 n/a
Where can I pool NEAR?

Other categories

Category Projects Count
Infrastructure Allbridge Classic, BoringDAO, Defi Swap, Composable Finance, Robo-Advisor for Yield and 217 more 223
DeFi Allbridge Classic, Stader, Pangolin, Ref Finance, BoringDAO and 164 more 169
Gaming Mycelium Perpetual Pools, BORA, Duel Network, Marmaj, OwlDAO and 115 more 121
Wallets Defi Swap, Atomic Wallet Coin, ChangeNOW, Coin98, Mixin and 53 more 59
DEX Pangolin, Ref Finance, Defi Swap, MooniSwap, EmiSwap and 26 more 31
Payments Alchemy Pay, USD Coin, Weld, Banxa, Mercuryo and 25 more 31
Dexs Pangolin, Ref Finance, Defi Swap, MooniSwap, EmiSwap and 9 more 14
Privacy Suterusu, 0xMonero, Automata, Incognito, OMNIA Protocol and 6 more 11
Oracle Band Protocol, Chainlink Staking, HAPI, ORAO Network, Pulse Token and 5 more 10
Cross Chain BoringDAO, Composable Finance, Coreto, MAP Protocol, Rubic and 5 more 10
Derivatives Mycelium Perpetual Pools, Spin Spot, Satori, Orderly Network, Veax and 3 more 8
Services Suterusu, Aurora Plus, Chainlink Staking, Rainbow, Bitget Swap and 2 more 7
Yield Robo-Advisor for Yield, BtnGroup, OMNIA Protocol, PembRock Finance, Staking Rewards and 1 more 6
CEX Defi Swap, Binance CEX, Bitfinex, SwissBorg, Bitstamp and 1 more 6
Chain Defi Swap, Aurora Plus, NEAR, Rainbow Bridge, Xircus Web3 Protocol 5
Yield Aggregator PembRock Finance, Phoenix Bonds, Fluxus Finance 3
Cross Chain Bridge BoringDAO, Composable Finance, Butter Swap 3
Algo-Stables Oin Finance, TiTi Protocol 2
Indexes DeHive, Staking Rewards 2
RWA Hashnote USYC, Libre Capital 2
Farm Pangolin, NEKO 2
DEX Aggregator Rubic, Bitget Swap 2
Restaking Octopus Network, Allstake 2
NftFi Envelop (Niftsy), MITTE 2
MEV OMNIA Protocol 1
Prediction Market Xircus Web3 Protocol 1
Options Vault Spin DOV 1