PancakeSwap AMM Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use PancakeSwap AMM.

Buy & Sell PancakeSwap AMM Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell PancakeSwap AMM.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX ZebPay CAKE/NONE $1.9900 $505.88 47 minutes
CEX BloFin CAKE/USDT $1.9300 %0.46 $845,461.93 $603,211.47 $69,372.00 48 minutes
CEX Binance CAKE/BNB $1.9400 %0.32 $8,828.35 $24,987.53 $64,379.00 48 minutes
CEX BingX CAKE/USDT $1.9400 %0.10 $109,683.43 $110,047.73 $278,519.00 48 minutes
CEX Bitvavo CAKE/NONE $1.9200 %0.14 $51,656.13 $51,444.34 $57,438.00 48 minutes
DEX PancakeSwap (Aptos) CAKE/ZUSDC $1.9100 %0.61 $1,906.26 $1,900.53 $9,822.52 48 minutes
DEX ApeSwap CAKE/WBNB $1.9300 %0.62 $623.42 $621.54 $821.65 48 minutes
CEX DigiFinex CAKE/USDT $1.9300 %0.21 $157,144.31 $145,758.11 $285,369.00 48 minutes
DEX Biswap CAKE/WBNB $1.9300 %0.61 $1,852.86 $1,847.30 $2,372.21 48 minutes
CEX Coinstore CAKE/USDT $1.9300 %0.67 $2,124.38 $2,841.71 $725,320.00 48 minutes

Market volume

DEX $3,599,960 - 5.6%

CEX $61,176,399 - 94.4%

DEX $3,599,960
CEX $61,176,399

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Where can I pool CAKE?