PancakeSwap AMM Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use PancakeSwap AMM.

Buy & Sell PancakeSwap AMM Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell PancakeSwap AMM.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BingX CAKE/USDT $2.6400 %0.11 $255,789.90 $370,509.95 $1,358,710.00 25 minutes
CEX Tokpie CAKE/BNB $2.6500 %0.44 $0.17 $1,319.69 $60,818.00 25 minutes
CEX Binance CAKE/BTC $2.6400 %0.04 $28,026.07 $85,008.84 $1,613,576.00 25 minutes
CEX CoinEx CAKE/USDC $2.6500 %0.84 $100.36 $20.10 $89,842.00 25 minutes
DEX PancakeSwap (v2) CAKE/INSURANCE $2.6500 %0.76 $50.20 $50.05 $195.75 25 minutes
CEX WhiteBIT CAKE/USDT $2.6300 %0.43 $81,624.59 $146,752.54 $1,061,257.00 25 minutes
CEX DigiFinex CAKE/USDT $2.6400 %0.11 $304,273.71 $444,287.08 $1,531,616.00 25 minutes
CEX Binance CAKE/BNB $2.6400 %0.23 $20,369.30 $37,367.25 $155,554.00 25 minutes
CEX Dex-Trade CAKE/USDT $2.6400 %0.23 $13,787.82 $13,354.35 $2,339,825.00 25 minutes
CEX Dex-Trade CAKE/BTC $2.6400 %0.25 $8,778.21 $8,460.50 $49,588.00 25 minutes

Market volume

DEX $23,505,144 - 8.6%

CEX $249,935,483 - 91.4%

DEX $23,505,144
CEX $249,935,483

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Where can I pool CAKE?