Pax Dollar Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Pax Dollar.

Buy & Sell Pax Dollar Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Pax Dollar.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Coinbase Exchange USDP/NONE $0.9999 %0.23 $1,686.09 $8,220.82 $8,132.53 40 minutes
CEX Bitrue USDP/USDT $1.0010 %0.83 $54,710.33 $61,771.35 $110,654.00 41 minutes
CEX MEXC USDP/USDT $1.0020 %0.02 $578,864.17 $488,365.23 $622,271.00 41 minutes
CEX BitMart USDP/USDT $1.0010 %0.44 $9,056.10 $9,454.53 $578,017.00 41 minutes
CEX Phemex USDP/USDT $1.0020 %0.02 $81,165.53 $60,701.99 $168,018.00 41 minutes
CEX LATOKEN USDP/USDT $1.0020 %0.02 $718.84 $780.65 $35,711.00 42 minutes
CEX Azbit USDP/USDT $0.9997 %0.01 $82,112.24 $76,463.44 $1,309,844.00 42 minutes
CEX Trubit USDP/USDT $1.0020 %0.09 $39,446.55 $40,306.85 $958,226.00 43 minutes
CEX Vindax USDP/USDT $1.0010 %0.21 $6,859.27 $22,949.25 $6,137.89 44 minutes
CEX Tokpie USDP/USDT $1.0000 %0.07 $12,652.07 $17,608.04 $9,766.71 59 minutes

Market volume

DEX $26,192 - 0.4%

CEX $6,367,981 - 99.6%

DEX $26,192
CEX $6,367,981

Total volume in the last 24 hours
