Pepe Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Pepe.

Buy & Sell Pepe Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Pepe.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX TokoCrypto PEPE/TUSD $0.0000 %0.25 $6,159.68 $22,353.24 $362.28 1 hour, 2 minutes
CEX Indodax PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.75 $37,062.77 $10,979.68 $91,484.00 1 hour, 3 minutes
DEX Uniswap V3 (Arbitrum One) PEPE/USDC $0.0000 %0.79 $44.14 $44.01 $220.04 1 hour, 4 minutes
CEX Poloniex PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.17 $224,768.42 $193,336.13 $30,942.00 1 hour, 6 minutes
CEX Nominex PEPE/NONE $0.0000 %0.18 $3,462.43 $2,744.10 $1,505.13 1 hour, 6 minutes
CEX Binance PEPE/FDUSD $0.0000 %0.13 $116,535.35 $162,040.52 $5,751,441.00 1 hour, 6 minutes
CEX Binance PEPE/USDC $0.0000 %0.12 $85,532.27 $170,895.08 $8,488,251.00 1 hour, 6 minutes
CEX Bitfinex PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.37 $4,050.75 $9,062.99 $10,817.70 1 hour, 7 minutes
CEX CEX.IO PEPE/NONE $0.0000 %0.37 $1,825,419.81 $217,609.35 $34,603.00 1 hour, 7 minutes
CEX TokoCrypto PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.13 $2,594,515.91 $1,606,017.78 $532,617.00 1 hour, 7 minutes

Market volume

DEX $7,232,045 - 0.6%

CEX $1,161,453,408 - 99.4%

DEX $7,232,045
CEX $1,161,453,408

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1