Pepe Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Pepe.

Buy & Sell Pepe Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Pepe.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Bitrue PEPE/XRP $0.0000 %0.44 $8,780.14 $8,298.91 $617,998.00 43 minutes
CEX Phemex PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.13 $31,226.25 $46,661.77 $4,941,947.00 43 minutes
CEX Bybit PEPE/NONE $0.0000 %0.14 $451.29 $504.90 $6,406.23 43 minutes
CEX CoinEx PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.23 $137,468.89 $118,036.76 $4,936,442.00 43 minutes
CEX Kanga PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %1.14 $24,562.32 $19,465.34 $45,288.00 43 minutes
CEX Upbit PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.89 $2,119.42 $1,285.24 $89,234.00 43 minutes
CEX Paribu PEPE/NONE $0.0000 $8,235,587.00 44 minutes
CEX BitMart PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.09 $24,049.64 $46,349.43 $919,377.00 44 minutes
CEX Indodax PEPE/USDT $0.0000 %0.76 $39,485.51 $11,681.49 $80,233.00 45 minutes
CEX PEPE/NONE $0.0000 %0.01 $5,149.04 $6,927.30 $9,731.45 45 minutes

Market volume

DEX $6,979,578 - 0.7%

CEX $1,039,071,396 - 99.3%

DEX $6,979,578
CEX $1,039,071,396

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1