Portugal National Team Fan Token Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Portugal National Team Fan Token.

Buy & Sell Portugal National Team Fan Token Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Portugal National Team Fan Token.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BitMart POR/USDT $0.7594 %1.81 $76.08 $273.46 $88,547.00 1 hour, 4 minutes
CEX CoinEx POR/USDT $0.7572 %0.87 $136.58 $71.43 $6,690.51 1 hour, 5 minutes
CEX OKX POR/USDT $0.7599 %0.11 $338.22 $2,345.81 $6,345.48 1 hour, 6 minutes
CEX Gate.io POR/USDT $0.7592 %1.44 $714.98 $4,635.01 $321.64 1 hour, 6 minutes
CEX MEXC POR/USDT $0.7580 %1.32 $96.98 $603.41 $4,098.22 1 hour, 8 minutes
CEX Paribu POR/NONE $0.7629 %0.64 $10,344.46 $27,255.98 $12,066.62 1 hour, 19 minutes
CEX ChilizX POR/CHZ $0.7849 %0.28 $85.55 $915.48 $58.08 4 hours, 41 minutes
CEX Mercado Bitcoin POR/NONE $0.7638 %6.13 $0.42 14 hours, 23 minutes

Market volume

CEX $118,128 - 0.0%

CEX $118,128

Total volume in the last 24 hours
