Reya Network ecosystem

Projects count on Reya Network

Count of Reya Network projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Reya Network

Category Projects Count
DeFi Camelot V3, Camelot V2, Reya Perps DEX 3
DEX Camelot V3, Camelot V2 2
Derivatives Reya Perps DEX 1

Should I Build on Reya Network?

See the Reya Network Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Reya Network is looking For

DeFi projects on Reya Network

4 total projects. $38,785,571 total chain TVL.

Reya Network TVL

Dexs volume in Reya Network

TVL of projects on Reya Network

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Reya Perps DEX Derivatives $38,771,435 n/a
Camelot $7,055 n/a
Camelot V3 DEX $6,667 n/a
Camelot V2 DEX $413 n/a

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Camelot V3, Camelot V2, Reya Perps DEX 3
DEX Camelot V3, Camelot V2 2
Derivatives Reya Perps DEX 1