Saga Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Saga.

Buy & Sell Saga Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Saga.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Bitget SAGA/USDT $2.3600 %0.04 $53,491.44 $66,940.52 $454,070.00 52 minutes
DEX Osmosis SAGA/OSMO $2.3600 %0.61 $1,999.50 $1,993.50 $130,308.00 52 minutes
CEX HTX SAGA/USDT $2.3600 %0.11 $45,416.04 $110,618.46 $5,055,359.00 52 minutes
CEX XT.COM SAGA/USDT $2.3700 %0.04 $243,399.22 $250,601.73 $8,177,671.00 52 minutes
CEX Binance SAGA/USDT $2.3600 %0.02 $461,666.08 $476,369.13 $81,789,733.00 52 minutes
CEX Binance SAGA/FDUSD $2.3600 %0.27 $3,913.51 $16,251.91 $579,019.00 52 minutes
CEX NovaDAX SAGA/NONE $2.3700 %1.30 $603.07 $1,088.22 $179.33 52 minutes
CEX DigiFinex SAGA/USDT $2.3600 %0.03 $284,343.88 $729,138.15 $2,204,222.00 52 minutes
CEX BitMart SAGA/USDT $2.3600 %0.25 $28,526.35 $21,674.72 $1,410,758.00 53 minutes
CEX Bitrue SAGA/USDT $2.3600 %0.43 $9,319.85 $9,531.31 $154,350.00 53 minutes

Market volume

DEX $422,092 - 0.2%

CEX $174,886,039 - 99.8%

DEX $422,092
CEX $174,886,039

Total volume in the last 24 hours
