SKALE Europa ecosystem

Projects count on SKALE Europa

Count of SKALE Europa projects on Alphagrowth platform

Should I Build on SKALE Europa?

See the SKALE Europa Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects SKALE Europa is looking For

DeFi projects on SKALE Europa

6 total projects. $673,942 total chain TVL.


Dexs volume in SKALE Europa

TVL of projects on SKALE Europa

Name Categories TVL Launch date
RUBY $331,923 Sept. 2, 2022
Ruby.Exchange Yield Yield $262,635 n/a
Ruby.Exchange Stable DEX $69,540 n/a
Sushi $3,728 n/a
SushiSwap DEX $3,681 n/a
Aquas Trade DEX $2,435 n/a