The Graph Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use The Graph.

Buy & Sell The Graph Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell The Graph.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX GRT/NONE $0.1645 %0.22 $844,936.66 $843,036.50 $118,331.00 45 minutes
CEX Tokenize GRT/NONE $0.1629 %2.04 $144,366.22 $175,889.60 $86,270.00 45 minutes
CEX LocalTrade GRT/USDT $0.1645 %0.18 $29,795.95 $22,674.00 $35,351.00 45 minutes
CEX Exchange GRT/NONE $0.1645 %0.25 $265,135.28 $263,274.54 $36,727.00 45 minutes
CEX Exchange GRT/USDT $0.1644 %0.13 $265,347.37 $263,384.25 $98,976.00 45 minutes
CEX OKX GRT/USDT $0.1648 %0.06 $38,841.26 $59,660.39 $896,457.00 46 minutes
CEX HitBTC GRT/USDT $0.1643 %0.05 $209,465.08 $44,519.26 $82,279.00 46 minutes
CEX XT.COM GRT/USDT $0.1644 %0.12 $56,567.48 $59,663.41 $680,819.00 46 minutes
CEX MEXC GRT/USDT $0.1647 %0.06 $369,119.19 $343,993.15 $174,430.00 46 minutes
CEX Bitrue GRT/XRP $0.1649 %1.41 $20,999.77 $14,096.92 $307,619.00 46 minutes

Market volume

DEX $441,411 - 0.8%

CEX $52,454,628 - 99.2%

DEX $441,411
CEX $52,454,628

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1
Infrastructure Moonlet, Infinite Lux 2