The Graph Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use The Graph.

Buy & Sell The Graph Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell The Graph.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Coinbase Exchange GRT/NONE $0.1621 %0.08 $5,813.05 $26,904.97 $48,436.00 43 minutes
CEX Dex-Trade GRT/BTC $0.1612 %1.92 $321.74 $348.64 $6,144.14 43 minutes
CEX Dex-Trade GRT/ETH $0.1626 %0.86 $17,830.33 $17,348.70 $563.48 43 minutes
CEX BTSE GRT/USDT $0.1627 %0.25 $56,210.24 $66,229.58 $235,636.00 43 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange GRT/BTC $0.1625 %0.39 $13,319.57 $26,430.15 $129,886.00 43 minutes
CEX HitBTC GRT/USDT $0.1651 %0.12 $193,121.13 $44,026.38 $26,147.00 43 minutes
CEX Bilaxy GRT/USDT $0.1630 %0.92 $56,149.06 $75,315.05 $120,017.00 43 minutes
CEX GRT/USDT $0.1651 %0.12 $206,397.33 $44,026.38 $27,121.00 43 minutes
CEX Coinone GRT/NONE $0.1650 %7.96 $5,859.40 43 minutes
CEX Coinmetro GRT/NONE $0.1622 %0.26 $427,473.80 $419,068.33 43 minutes

Market volume

DEX $440,683 - 0.9%

CEX $50,427,602 - 99.1%

DEX $440,683
CEX $50,427,602

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1
Infrastructure Moonlet, Infinite Lux 2