Thetan Arena Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Thetan Arena.

Buy & Sell Thetan Arena Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Thetan Arena.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX BingX THG/USDT $0.0160 %0.13 $158.20 $248.79 $58,508.00 9 minutes
CEX THG/USDT $0.0160 %0.99 $268.63 $39.95 $65,940.00 9 minutes
CEX MEXC THG/USDT $0.0160 %0.44 $590.55 $121.88 $228,884.00 10 minutes
DEX PancakeSwap (v2) THG/WBNB $0.0160 %0.60 $5,620.10 $5,603.22 $15,782.11 11 minutes
DEX Biswap THG/WBNB $0.0159 %0.67 $128.21 $127.83 $448.99 12 minutes
CEX CoinEx THG/USDT $0.0158 %1.98 $27.52 $18.80 $3,237.98 14 minutes
DEX ApeSwap THG/WBNB $0.0159 %0.65 $178.92 $178.38 $891.20 27 minutes

Market volume

DEX $17,122 - 4.6%

CEX $356,570 - 95.4%

DEX $17,122
CEX $356,570

Total volume in the last 24 hours
